How to Test a Mobile Application ? [A Detailed Guide]

As smartphones become more and more important in the world of mobile app development, developers and testers play key roles in shaping the landscape. Even though there are millions of apps on the market, only a few are able to stand out. In this very competitive field, coming up with new ideas is only the beginning. Making sure applications work perfectly becomes the most important aspect of success.

What is mobile application testing?

Mobile application testing (MAT) explores the complex realm of making sure mobile-optimized software applications run smoothly on a variety of platforms and conditions. It’s a complex field with many different technical nuances.

Tests for functionality:

Non-Functional Testing:

  • Confirming that the application conforms with rules regarding accessibility for people with impairments.
  • Testing an app’s functionality and adapting its content for various linguistic and cultural contexts is known as localization.
  • Assessing how easy and comprehensive the processes are for installing and uninstalling apps.
  • Monitoring and enhancing an app’s effect on the battery life of a device.

Technical Details:

  • Automation: For effective and scalable testing, use automated testing frameworks and tools like Appium, XCTest, and Espresso.
  • Device Labs and Cloud-based Testing: Without being constrained by physical space, testing can be done on a variety of devices and configurations by leveraging cloud services and hardware emulation platforms.
  • Testing APIs: App programming interfaces (APIs) that drive the functionality of mobile apps are validated.
    Performance Optimization Techniques: Code profiling and memory leak detection are two techniques that can be used to improve the stability and responsiveness of apps.

Extra Things to Think About:

  • Security Testing Tools: To find security flaws and possible code injection threats, use specialized tools like Burp Suite and MobiSec.
  • Testing procedures should be integrated into CI/CD pipelines for quicker feedback and better quality throughout the development lifecycle. This is known as continuous integration and continuous delivery, or CI/CD.
  • Emerging Technologies: Modifying testing protocols to account for new technologies such as mobile app integration of artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR).

Testing mobile applications necessitates a thorough knowledge of a variety of technical topics, reliable testing procedures, and ongoing adjustment to the constantly changing mobile environment. Testers can guarantee great mobile app experiences for users across a wide range of devices and levels of complexity by learning these subtleties.

Step#1: Know the mobile application testing essentials

Device and Platform Landscape:

  • Fragmentation: Android’s diverse device and OS fragmentation remains a challenge. 2023 data shows Android 13 adoption is still slow, with older versions like Android 11 and 12 dominant. Testing across a representative range of devices and OS versions is crucial.
  • iOS Evolution: While iOS fragmentation is minimal, the rapid release cycle presents challenges. Ensure your testing strategy accounts for the swift adoption of new iOS versions among a large user base.
  • Emerging Platforms: Consider the growing importance of wearables, foldable phones, and gaming consoles for specific app categories.

Connectivity and Performance:

  • Network Fluctuations: Test app performance under various network conditions (Wi-Fi, cellular data, varying bandwidths) to mimic real-world user experiences.
  • Battery Drain: Battery optimization is a key user concern. Implement battery consumption testing tools and techniques to identify and address power-hungry elements.
  • Location-Based Services: Apps relying on GPS or other location services require thorough testing in different geographical areas and network conditions.

Security and Privacy:

  • Data Protection: With privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA in place, robust data security testing is paramount. Utilize security testing tools and strategies to identify vulnerabilities and ensure data-handling compliance.
  • API Security: APIs powering mobile apps require dedicated security testing to prevent unauthorized access and potential data breaches.
  • Biometric Authentication: Integrate testing for features like fingerprint and facial recognition, including potential spoofing attempts and accessibility considerations.

Usability and Accessibility:

  • Touch and Gesture Control: Thoroughly test intuitive touch and gesture interactions to ensure a smooth and responsive user experience.
  • Accessibility Compliance: Ensure apps are accessible to users with disabilities by adhering to WCAG guidelines and testing with assistive technologies.
  • Localization and Internationalization: For global audiences, test app functionality and content adaptation for different languages and cultural contexts.

Automation and Emerging Trends:

  • AI-powered Testing: Explore the potential of AI-powered testing tools for automated script generation, anomaly detection, and intelligent test selection.
  • Cloud-based Testing Platforms: Leverage cloud-based testing services to access a vast range of devices and configurations for efficient and scalable testing.
  • Performance Optimization Techniques: Utilize performance profiling tools and code analysis techniques to optimize app resource consumption and responsiveness.

Types of Mobile Application

The type of mobile app you are testing plays a very important role in defining your testing process. So, be very clear about which type of mobile app you are going to test. They are largely categorized into three different types:

  1. Mobile web applications: These are the web pages that you open through the mobile browser.
  2. Native Apps: These are the applications that are developed for one particular platform. (iOS, Android, Windows 10 Mobile, Tizen, BlackBerry).
  3. Hybrid: It is an amalgamation of mobile web apps and native apps.

Step #2: How to strategize your mobile application testing efforts?

Navigating the intricate terrain of mobile app testing requires a solid roadmap. A well-defined strategy is the compass that guides your efforts, ensures efficiency, and ultimately delivers exceptional app experiences. Here are some key steps to conquer the mobile app testing mountain:

1. Define Your Objectives:

  • What are you testing for? Identify core goals, whether it’s functionality, performance, security, or user experience.
  • Who are your users? Understanding their demographics, devices, and usage patterns helps prioritize testing scenarios.

2. Chart Your Course:

  • Choose your testing types: Functional, non-functional, compatibility, security—decide which types align with your objectives.
  • Select your tools and techniques: Utilize automation frameworks like Appium, XCTest, or cloud-based testing platforms for scalability.

3. Conquer Device Diversity:

  • Map your device landscape: Consider popular devices, OS versions, and screen sizes relevant to your target audience.
  • Embrace emulators and simulators: Leverage hardware emulation platforms for efficient testing across a wide range of configurations.

4. Focus on the User Journey:

  • Plan user flow testing: Define and test key user scenarios to ensure a smooth and intuitive experience.
  • Integrate usability testing: Gather user feedback at different stages to identify and address potential usability issues.

5. Prioritize and Optimize:

  • Apply risk-based testing: Focus on critical functionalities and high-risk areas based on potential impact and likelihood of failure.
  • Optimize your test suite: Continuously refine and maintain your test scripts for efficiency and effectiveness.

6. Embrace Automation:

  • Automate repetitive tasks: Free up resources for manual testing by automating regression testing and basic functionality checks.
  • Explore AI-powered tools: Consider utilizing AI-powered testing solutions for intelligent test selection and anomaly detection.

7. Build Bridges and Collaborate:

  • Communicate effectively: Share testing plans, progress reports, and findings with developers and stakeholders.
  • Foster a culture of collaboration: Encourage feedback loops and joint problem-solving for continuous improvement.

8. Embrace the Climb:

  • Stay updated on trends: Keep your finger on the pulse of new technologies and emerging testing methodologies.
  • Adapt and refine: Be flexible and adjust your strategy based on project needs, user feedback, and industry advancements.

Step #3: How To Test?

Choosing between mobile manual and automated testing involves weighing the strengths of each approach. Manual testing proves invaluable for exploratory scenarios, usability, and tasks requiring human intuition, especially during initial testing phases and UI/UX evaluation.

Automated testing excels in repetitive, high-volume test scenarios, offering efficiency, consistency, and swift feedback. Striking a balance between these methods is key to meeting dynamic testing needs, leveraging manual testing for qualitative insights and automated testing for streamlined, repetitive tasks. The decision hinges on project specifics, emphasizing the harmonious integration of human expertise and automation efficiency.

Which is better – Emulators or simulators?

The choice between emulators and simulators in app testing depends on the specific testing needs, goals, and context of the project. Both emulators and simulators have their advantages and limitations, and the decision often comes down to the nature of the testing requirements. Let’s explore the key differences and considerations:


  1. Advantages:
    • More Realistic Environment: Emulators provide a more realistic representation of the actual device environment, including hardware and software.
    • Support for Native Apps: Emulators are better suited for testing native applications that interact closely with device hardware.
  2. Considerations:
    • Resource Intensive: Emulators can be resource-intensive, requiring significant system resources to run multiple instances for different devices.
    • Slower Execution: Emulators may run slower than simulators, especially when simulating complex device interactions.
  3. Use Cases:
    • Emulators are preferred for testing scenarios that require a closer approximation to real-world device behavior, especially for native applications or cases where hardware features need to be emulated.


  1. Advantages:
    • Faster Execution: Simulators generally run faster than emulators, making them more efficient for quick testing iterations.
    • Easier Setup: Simulators are often easier to set up and use, making them accessible for rapid testing in various scenarios.
  2. Considerations:
    • Less Realistic Environment: Simulators may not fully replicate the complexities of real device hardware, leading to potential differences in behavior.
    • Limited Hardware Interaction: Simulators may not accurately simulate certain hardware interactions, limiting their effectiveness in certain testing scenarios.
  3. Use Cases:
    • Simulators are suitable for scenarios where the focus is on quick testing iterations, broad compatibility testing, or when the specific hardware characteristics are less critical.

Considerations for Choosing:

  1. Testing Goals: Consider the specific goals of your testing. If you need a highly accurate representation of real device behavior, especially for native apps interacting with hardware, emulators may be more suitable.
  2. Resource Constraints: Assess your system resources. Emulators tend to be more resource-intensive, and if you need to run multiple instances simultaneously, simulators might be a more practical choice.
  3. Testing Speed: If rapid testing iterations are a priority and you can tolerate some level of abstraction from real device behavior, simulators may offer quicker testing cycles.
  4. Application Type: The nature of your application (web, hybrid, or native) and its dependencies on specific hardware features may influence the choice between emulators and simulators.

Cloud-based testing of the mobile application

Scalability: Cloud-based testing ensures thorough coverage across a variety of operating systems, device models, and configurations by giving access to a wide range of real devices and emulators/simulators.

Efficiency: By reducing testing cycles and speeding up time-to-market, testing teams can run tests concurrently. Teams that are geographically separated can collaborate thanks to the cloud’s remote accessibility, which guarantees consistent testing environments.

Flexibility: By automating the testing process and boosting overall efficiency, cloud-based testing enables smooth integration with CI/CD pipelines. This flexibility ensures this adaptability to the shifting demands of development projects.

Cost-effectiveness: Businesses can save money by avoiding the requirement for large physical device labs and related maintenance expenses. Because cloud platforms can scale on demand, teams can assign resources according to project requirements and minimize costs.

Real-world Network Conditions: Cloud-based testing makes sure that programs are assessed in real-world network scenarios, which helps to find problems with responsiveness and performance. This realism improves the applications’ dependability in a range of use cases.

Accessibility: Cloud-based testing enables testing teams to work together more easily by facilitating remote device access and guaranteeing consistent testing environments across geographic boundaries.

Integration: To facilitate automated testing procedures, the cloud offers smooth integration with CI/CD pipelines. This integration supports a continuous and more effective testing methodology while also streamlining workflows.

Thorough Coverage: Testing teams can attain thorough coverage by utilizing a varied array of cloud-based devices, guaranteeing that applications function flawlessly and are compatible with a broad spectrum of devices and configurations.

Which one is better—mobile manual or automated testing?

The choice between mobile manual and automated testing depends on project requirements. Manual testing is effective for exploratory testing, usability, and scenarios requiring human intuition. It’s beneficial for initial testing and UI/UX evaluation.

On the other hand, automated testing excels in repetitive, high-volume test scenarios, ensuring efficiency, consistency, and quicker feedback. Combining both approaches optimally addresses the dynamic testing needs, leveraging the strengths of manual testing for qualitative assessment and automated testing for repetitive, time-intensive tasks.

Ultimately, the decision hinges on the project’s nature, timeline, and the balance between human insight and the efficiency of automation.

Step #2: Stages of Mobile application testing

Let us now learn about the various stages of the mobile application. Here is the list:

1. Documentation Testing

The beginning of mobile testing takes place during documentation testing, the preparatory stage.
Even before the development of the app starts, the testers are handed over screen layouts, navigational charts, and other requirements that are obscure in the design.
In this phase, you need to analyze the requirements for wholeness and discrepancy. All the discrepancies found in this stage are required to be resolved before the development begins
The documentation phase marks the creation and analysis of requirements (specification, PRD), Test Cases, a test plan, and a traceability matrix.

2. Functional testing

It helps you test whether your mobile application works as expected and in accordance to the requirement specifications. While you are performing functional testing for your app, keep the following factors in mind:

  • Business functionality of your app like banking, social networks, ordering and delivery of food, education, tickets, the game industry, etc.
  • Target audiences like companies, students, entrepreneurs, etc.
  • Distribution channels like Google Play, direct delivery, App Store, etc.

The basic validations that you need to test in functional testing are:

  • Installing and running the application
  • Fields testing
  • Business functionalities testing
  • Interruptions testing
  • Constant user feedback testing
  • Update testing
  • Device resources testing

3. Usability Testing

Usability testing ensures that your application offers convenient browsing to your customers and creates an intuitive interface that abides by industry standards. It promises fast and easy-to-use applications. The usability of your application is judged based on these three basic criteria:

  • Satisfaction
  • Efficiency
  • Effectiveness

4. UI (User Interface) testing

User Interface (UI) testing ensures that your application’s GUI meets all the required specifications.

5. Compatibility (Configuration) testing

Compatibility (Configuration) testing validates the optimal performance of your application on different devices based on their size, screen resolution, version, hardware, etc. Compatibility testing also takes care of

  • OS Configuration
  • Browser Configuration
  • Database Configuration
  • Device Configuration
  • Network Configuration

Compatibility testing can be further divided into
Cross-platform testing: Testing your mobile application compatibility with different operating systems: Windows, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, etc.
Cross-browser testing:    Testing your mobile application compatibility in different browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera Mini, etc.
Database testing:    Testing your mobile application compatibility in different database configurations: DB2, Oracle, MSSQL Server, MySql, Sybase.
Device Configuration testing:  Testing your mobile application compatibility on different devices based on

  • Device type: smartphone, tablet, etc.
  • Device configuration: processor type, RAM, battery capacity, screen resolution, etc.

Network configuration testing:   Testing your mobile application compatibility in different network configurations (TDMA, GSM) and standards (2G, 3G, 4G).

6. Performance testing

Performance testing helps you test your application’s reaction and constancy under a specific workload.
Performance testing attributes

  • Load Testing: Done to check the application’s behavior under normal and extreme loads.
  • Stress Testing: Done to test the application’s ability to sustain stress. It ensures that your application is capable of bearing undue stress.
  • Stability Testing: Tests if your application can work well for a longer period within normal loads.
  • Volume Testing: Conducted to test your application’s performance when subjected to a huge volume of data.
  • Concurrency testing: Tests the performance of your application when multiple users are logged in.

7. Security testing

Security testing validates the security features of your application. It also analyzes the risks of application hackers, protection, viruses, and unauthorized access to extremely sensitive data.

8. Recovery testing

Recovery testing tests the ability of your application to withstand and successfully recover from possible and potential failures caused by software issues, hardware failures, or communication problems.

9. Localization testing

Localization testing tests the adaptability of your application for a specific target audience based on cultural specifics.

10. Change-related testing

Finally, when complete testing is done, you might find some bugs, resulting in a certain piece of code to change to eliminate those bugs. After these code changes you again need to carry out a round of testing. This basically includes:

  • Re-testing or confirmation testing: to test that all the detected defects are successfully fixed.
  • Regression testing: sometimes, code changes can even disturb the functioning of existing and properly working functions. Regression testing is done to ensure that the new changes did not lead to the appearance of new bugs.

11. Beta testing

 Beta testing is done by real users on real devices to validate usability, functionality, compatibility, and reliability.
Before pushing your app forward for beta testing, take into account the following factors

  • A number of testing participants
  • Testing duration
  • Shipping
  • Demographic coverage
  • Testing costs

Beta testing is a good investment, ensuring a better quality of your mobile app.

12. Certification testing

Certification testing tests whether your application meets the standards, licensing agreements, terms of use and requirements of stores like the App Store, Google Play, and Windows Phone.
How to Test a Mobile Application

Challenges of mobile application testing

  • Device Fragmentation: Diverse devices and OS versions, with Android leading the chaos.
  • Network Fluctuations: Consider spotty coverage, varying bandwidths, and offline scenarios.
  • Security & Privacy: Data breaches, API vulnerabilities, and privacy regulations demand vigilance.
  • Performance woes: battery drain, resource hogging, and lag under diverse conditions.
  • Usability & accessibility: touch and gesture control, screen sizes, and catering to diverse abilities.
  • Automation Hurdles: Balancing automation benefits with manual testing finesse.
  • Keeping Up with Trends: New technologies like AR/VR and AI integration introduce new testing needs.
  • Resource Constraints: Balancing testing needs with budget and time limitations.
  • Communication & Collaboration: Bridging the Gap between Testers, Developers, and Stakeholders.
  • Constant Testing Cycle: Adapting to rapid release cycles and evolving user expectations.

Tips to test mobile application

Preparing for the Pre-Test:

  • Understand Your App Completely: Prior to testing, become an expert by studying the architecture, functionalities, and possible points of failure.
  • Think Mobile First: Give up thinking like a desktop! Think about context-specific features, smaller screens, and touch interactions.
  • Chart the Hardware Environment: To customize testing, determine your target devices, operating systems, and hardware constraints.

Testing Recommended Procedures:

  • Accept Real Devices: For more accurate testing and bug finding, give real devices precedence over emulators.
  • Tool Selection Intelligence: Select testing tools according to your requirements and level of experience, not just what’s popular.
  • Cloud Testing Advantage: For effective testing across a range of devices, take advantage of cloud-based testing platforms.
  • Open Developer Secrets: For in-depth investigation and analysis, make use of developer options and hidden debugging menus.
  • Emulation Allies: Use emulators and simulators efficiently to find bugs early and conduct rapid iterations of testing.

Efficiency and Optimisation:

Performance Under the Microscope: Carry out thorough performance tests with a range of load levels, device configurations, and network conditions.
Automation Balance: For thorough coverage, strike a balance between the effectiveness of automation and the dexterity of manual testing.
Boost Your Beta Testing: Before launching, use beta testing to find usability problems and obtain feedback from actual users.

Additional Tips:

Make the Most of Your Time: Set aside specific time for each testing stage, including performance, security, and functional testing.
Consider accessibility: By using accessibility testing techniques, you can make sure your app works for a range of skill levels.
Keeping up: Accept lifelong learning, investigate novel testing instruments and techniques, and adjust to changing fashions.
It’s All About Communication: To guarantee seamless testing and problem-solving, work well with developers, designers, and stakeholders.
Security Highlight: Never disregard security testing! To protect user data and the integrity of your app, make use of security tools and best practices.

Popular Mobile app testing tools

For functionality testingAppium, Selendroid, Robotium, Ranorex.
For usability testing: Reflector, User Zoom,  Loop.
For mobile application interface testing: iMacros, FitNesse, Jubula, Coded UI,  LoadUI.
For compatibility testing:  CrossBrowserTesting, BrowserStack,  Browsera, Litmus,  Rational ClearCase,  Ghostlab.

For performance testing: Apteligent, NeoLoad,  New Relic.
For Security Testing: OWASP Zed Attack Proxy, Retina CS Community, Google Nogotofail, Veracode,  and SQL Map.
Hope this article might have given an overview of mobile application testing. Stay tuned for more such informational articles.

Top 10 iOS App Testing Companies In India

The mobile application is the essence of digital advancement. Nowadays, users don’t want to use an app anymore which is not user-friendly, slow or takes too much time in loading.
Today, consumers have a number of options and they do not stick to a single app.
They can easily switch to another if they don’t like one.
An app should have proximity to perfect to increase the business of a company in the mobile world.
So, Application testing plays a significant role on launching an app successfully.
Mostly, testing is outsourced to another company due to lack of resource.
Application testing companies have the expertise to handle all the issues related to application testing. Here we have the list of top 10 iOS app testing companies in India.
1. Testbytes

Testbytes is an Indian company located at Pune, Maharashtra and has their overseas branch in New York.
They provide a range of unmatched IT, software testing, mobile testing services worldwide.
They help in building incredible software and have an in-depth understanding and knowledge of application testing.
Their resources are certified if CSTE, ISTQB, CSQA and Automation tools.
They are pioneered in building reusable automation framework, templates, and repositories. The company has a strong client’s base from India, UAE and USA and many more.
They offer mobile application testing services on various platforms such as iOS, Windows and Android. Additionally, they also specialize in load testing, game testing, security testing, automation testing etc.
2. Tech Mahindra
An Indian Multinational Company which has transformed from information technology to digital technologies, solutions, and process.
They offer a wide range of innovative and customer-centric technology solutions and services. The company has around 113,550+ professionals across 90 countries.
Tech Mahindra was ranked 5th for providing software services in India. The company was founded in the year 1986 and started as a joint venture with British Telecom as a technology outsourcing firm.
Its headquarters is located at Pune, India and Mr. Anand Mahindra is the chairman and the founder of the company.
Tech Mahindra possesses expertise in test automation, test designing, system testing, IT solutions, business outsourcing solutions and many more.
They are also providing mobile application testing consultancy services. They are working on a wide range of platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry etc.
3. ChromeInfo Technologies
It is a mobile app development company based in Noida, India. It has the overseas offices at USA and Sydney, Australia.
ChromeInfo Technologies provides a wide range of services Including Mobile Application Testing, Mobile App Development, Web Development, UI Designing, IOT services and many more.
It is a full stack app development company that create mobile and web applications for Startups.
Since the establishment of the company, it is delivering excellent application services for various sectors including Retail, Healthcare, Media, Entertainment, Ecommerce etc.
Company’s work has been appreciated and recognized by AppStore and Google Play and it has been successful to get funding from investors.
The company has served more than 150 clients and completed more than 600 projects successfully.
4. Zymr

This is one of the best companies, dealing in Mobile App Testing Services, IOT Services, Cloud Applications, Cloud Mobility, Cloud Security, and many more.
The company is located at Pune and Ahmadabad in India and has its overseas offices at Silicon Valley, USA, and Europe.
Zymr is serving its customers since 2012 and has around 50-249 employees.
It is pioneered in iOS and Android mobile app testing and develops mobile applications for agile companies, enterprises, consumers, social media companies, etc.
The company uses automation tools that are developed on its own. These tools are used across multiple platforms for UI and functional testing.
5. Appster
It is an India based company founded in the year 2011 by Josiah Humphrey and Mark McDonald.
It is basically a mobile application development company which provides innovative, modern and fresh mobile app solutions to their clients.

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The company has a team of passionate members including Sanjeev Handa (Chief Financial Officer), Robert Kazmi (VP of Sales & Operations), Ben Jarris (Global Creative Director), and Shankar Dastidar (VP of Delivery Operations). Other than mobile application testing it is also engaged in IP Protection, Rapid Concept Workshop, Rapid Agile Development, helps to ready startups etc.
6. Qualitest

It is the second largest software testing company in the world. It has its offices in India, UK, USA, and Israel.
It is independent software testing company which provides Quality Assurance solutions and testing services to other IT industries.
They are specialized in combining the best resources with their proven methodologies and come up with an increased quality, driven improvement, and cost reduction for their clients.
The company was founded in 1993 and since then it is providing testing services for mobile application such as iOS and Android. It also deals with other testing services such as website testing, cyber security testing, SAP testing and more.
7. Astegic  
 Astegic is another leading company that provides comprehensive quality assurance services to their clients.
This company is mainly known for its automation testing of mobile applications.
For 15 years, Astegic is providing improved QA and testing services by combining QA automation tools and accelerators with pro-agile engagement and delivery frameworks.
It also helps other organizations in switching from a manual testing process to QA automation processes.
The main focus of the company is to provide testing services to their clients which are rich in quality.
8. Cygnet InfoTech
 For 15 years, Cygnet Infotech is delivering value and providing QA and IT solutions to their clients.
The focus of the company is to deliver technology-enabled solutions through flexible engagement models and efficient delivery mechanism.
Other than providing web content management or application development, this company also offers a testing environment for various technology-driven models such as mobile application.
It offers QA and testing services to global industries no matter what application/platform their client might offer, they are capable of addressing the testing solution with their core methodology.
9. ValueCoders
 Valuecoders is another Indian software company that focuses on providing software development services and their testing.
For more than 13 years the company has developed and tested more than 450 applications and has worked with several other industries including development companies, digital agencies or enterprises to help them in simplifying their IT outsourcing experience.
It offers hassle free and precise testing services for any application including a mobile application such as iOS, Android or Windows with their domain knowledge, proven methodologies, technology expertise and professionals in software solutions.
With their experienced and skilled testers, they can easily meet any requirements on modern technology for their clients.
10. Sourcebits
Sourcebits is Indian software and IT services company pioneered in design and development of mobile applications. This company is based in Bangalore and was established in 2006.
The company is associated with creating mobile applications for significant platforms as well as their testing.
The QA engineers ensure thorough testing of mobile applications including iOS or Android platform.
It also helps other organization in measuring, testing and analyzing business solutions more efficiently and solves problems more easily.
With more than 200 employees, it is serving as the top iOS and Android Developing Company for more than 13 years.

5 Conditions to be Added in Your Mobile App Testing Checklist

We can see developers setting new trends with exciting mobile applications every minute. But, this large number of apps leaves the consumers or the users in doubt, in terms of choice and their working.Therefore, app developers have mobile app testing or QA kept in top of their priority list so that their mobile applications are the best and defect free.
mobile app
We all know what mobile application bugs can do to mobile devices. An average mobile user will not prefer bugged applications in his/her device Therefore, in order to make it perfect, the mobile applications are tested.
Before you start testing, here are some key points to add to your checklist:

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1. Performance

The performance of app focuses on mainly two things:
working speed of the app and the responsiveness of the application, the CPU of the device, memory usage in SD card and in device and the battery drainage.
Even a minor or major weakness in the network connection can affect the performance strength of the application. This is a kind of device versus application. So testing focused on the Wi-Fi connection or network availability can help to improve these areas of crashes.
This also covers the amount of data used by the application. This is one of users favourite too. Performance is merited on the basis of how well applications behave on the device.

2. Interruption

Bugs are well known to interrupt working of devices. While the app is running, normal interaction is interrupted by different kind of external events.
This includes pop up alert like alarms, calendar, notifications, incoming /outgoing voice calls and text messages. Among these the incoming/outgoing calls are the most important kind of interruption caused.
Sometimes, this can affect the working of other apps in the device too. This is almost common for every application. Clearing this defect before launching the app in the market can add to its efficiency.

3. Device Integration

Integration of the mobile application with the device is significant.
Here the applications have to merge with all the settings, configuration, alignment and in built applications of the mobile device such as screen resolution, screen orientation, OS, camera, audio, GPS service etc., It is very important to know how an app works on specifications like your location, video and camera.
Expected results may vary according to the specifications of the mobile.
Response of device to the gestures can also be included and how the device responds should also be counted.

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4. Installation

Installation is the part where the tester should look for the process of installing and uninstalling and the properties of updating.
Sometimes, testing of installation in the application is not done completely.
There are a lot of things to consider while testing the installation of a mobile application. Initially, we have to categorize the end users. The target audience have a relationship with the process of installing and uninstalling the application.
app testing
Also, the experience can vary for the first time users of the application. The process of updating the installed application has to be taken care of. The main question that arises here is whether the updated version of a mobile application is supported by the device?

5. Network

Testing on network deals with the poor or weak signal, quality loss and data transition.
Applications that don’t need network traffic after the installation wouldn’t be much affected. The main course problem with the application that requires network data for further working is that, they have a tendency to consume a large amount of data. MB. Messenger applications are one among these.
Battery drain can also happen while in-app use. Gaming apps having multi-player specifications and applications like sound cloud where user can listen to music online can cause huge battery drainage.

Things to Look for While Hiring iPad App Testing Services

The launch of Tablets has declined the sales of PCs and Notebooks for the past couple of years. There is a tight competition between companies providing a variety of devices in the market. Among the competitors, Apple’s iPad remains head and shoulders above the rest.

Many businesses started to publish iPad apps owing to its growing demand. Unfortunately, much of the apps get rejected in the app store because of the stringent policies involved in the Apple App Store Review process.

app testing

Lack of proper testing has led to the failure of apps. Businesses begin to realize the importance of testing services. This has increased the number of ipad app testing services, of late.

Testing services can help you to make your app popular among the iPad users across the globe. It’s the easiest way to find your potential customers. But you should know more about iPad App Testing Services before hiring one.

Here are some things to look for while hiring iPad App Testing Services

  1. Look for their recent works

Portfolio reveals the quality of services offered by a testing company. Go through their portfolio and download some of their apps. Install it on various iPad devices and check its performance.

Recommended Read : Why you Should Hire Specialist iPad App Testing Services

If their apps can give you a quality user experience, then they are the best in streamlining iPad apps according to your business needs. If possible, contact some of their clients and ask them whether the testing company is capable of offering quality services.

  1. Effective communication matters

When you work with a testing company, make sure that they keep a flawless contact with you. Effective communication is crucial for the success of joint ventures. Ensure that your testing company replies to your emails and queries within 24 hours. If they fail to do so never hire that company. When it comes to business your commitment is important.

So, work with teams which manage to keep regular communication with you.

  1. Readiness to teach and offer support

As you might know, iPad App Testing is challenging and a bit complex process. It’s important to know about the factors that speed up the approval of your app in the Apple App Store.

Never hesitate to clear your doubts. You should ask the testing company to explain more about Apple App store review guidelines and all. Remember, everyone was a newbie at some point, including popular iOS App Development companies. To know more about Apple store review guidelines, see our blog 5 Factors to Test before Uploading an iPhone App to the App Store

A skillful testing team will suggest their ideas for your app and recommends adjustments if needed. Their team members should find time to explain everything to you related to testing, including complex terminologies and technical details.


So, look for a team which can teach and offer assistance to you any time.

Read Also : 6 Reasons iPad App Testing Services Should be Done on a Real Device

  1. Ensure they have sufficient workforce

It’s usually seen that testing companies undertake many projects simultaneously without having enough workforce and fail to deliver services on time. Ask your team whether they are working for any other projects currently. Sufficient workforce is vital for committing multiple projects at a time. Ensure they have the time to focus on your project.

So, hire a team with sufficient workforce and commitment.

  1. Check whether they have an innovative approach

A proficient testing company maintains a business analyst in their team. He will analyze the current trends in the iPad App market and discuss the scope of your app with the team members. Check whether their team members are able to understand your business needs.

You can do this by conversing with the testers and programmers in their team. Ask them if they are able to improvise the design to offer a top class user experience.

So, hire the iPad App Testing services possessing an innovative approach.

Working with the right professionals in the industry will speed up your business growth. Consider these 5 things when you hire testing services and give a professional touch to everything you do!

5 Factors to Test before Uploading an iPhone App to the App Store

As everyone knows, Apple follows stringent rules and policies to approve an app in their app ecosystem. Apple has set such standards to provide high quality apps to their users.
app testing
iPhone App Testing Services and developers have to address many challenges because of the stringent policies of Apple‘s App Store review process. Sometimes your app may get rejected due to unexpected reasons. Testing services have to redesign the key features and this will force publishers to push back their launch dates.
Before developing an iPhone app you should know about the factors that may prevent your app from getting approved in iOS app stores.
Here are 5 factors to consider before uploading an iPhone app to the app store.

Must Read: 

7 Reasons to Hire an iPhone App Testing Service

1. Avoid Publishing “beta” Versions (Apple Discourages Unfinished Apps)
As you might know, Google allows you to upload unfinished apps as a part of test launching your services. Unfinished apps are generally prefixed as “beta”. You might have seen such beta versions in Google Play store. Unfortunately, Apple does not entertain unfinished apps. They had famously rejected apps for being labeled as beta or preview. So, avoid publishing beta versions.
2. Loading… Time Matters
No operating system, whether it is Android, iOS and even Windows, compromises in app start up time. When it comes to iOS, they have strict norms regarding app start up time. If your app fails to run within 15 seconds, then the OS will kill it.
Differences in the environment, poor network connections, and slower devices may also slow down your app’s performance during the review process. For instance, your app may load rapidly during your local testing, but fails to pass the review process owing to varying environments. Besides testing on iOS simulators, test your app on some old iPhones as well. This will help you to offer quality user experience in all kind of devices.
Remember, users uninstall apps that take too much time to load…
3. Never Link to Outside Payment Mechanisms (Use iTunes Account)
iTunes in-app payment system is a unique feature of Apple. If you are selling digital content, all your transactions must be done through the iTunes payment gateway. This is applicable to all the digital subscriptions.
If your app is open for any other payment systems other than iTunes account, your app will be blacklisted and attract elimination from the Apple store. That’s why you cannot buy Kindle books via the Amazon app.

There might be Web pages linked to from your app, you should be very careful while linking Web pages. Sometimes Web pages use other mode of payment mechanisms and this will adversely affect your app. You might have heard that the Dropbox app was rejected by Apple owing to a payment mechanism issue.
So, make sure all your business deals go via user’s iTunes account.

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7 Must – Know Facts for iPhone App Testing Services

4. Describing other Compatible Platforms (In App Store Descriptions)
Your app may be compatible with all the major platforms such as Android, Windows etc. You should never include the names of rival platforms of Apple in the app store descriptions. No company is going to appreciate their rivals in business. Always advertise the compatibility of your app on your website.
5. Icons and Buttons should be Used Properly
Apple never supports applications with bad user interface (UI). UI should go with the functionality or performance of your app. Before designing UI for your app you should go through with Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines. Make sure your app’s icons and buttons are standardized (consistent) in appearance and functionality.
Apple prefers apps which function in predictable ways. So, do not fix icons and buttons in the UI Button Bar System improperly.

We hope all these 5 factors will help you to develop a winning iPhone app. So, keep in mind all these factors before uploading your app to the Apple App store.

Good luck!

Why You Should Hire Specialist iPad App Testing Services

As everyone knows, it’s much easier to find and collaborate with iPad App Testing Services. But question is why you should hire expert iPad App Testing Services? How it helps businesses to increase their ROI?

A testing company can help you to make your iPad app popular among iPad users across the world.  To be precise, it’s another way to find opportunities to attract potential customers.  Obviously, it’s not going to happen without understanding the product and platform type.

For example, an exciting iOS app packed with fun might get viral on Social Media.  Unfortunately, an iOS or iPad app of a business organization has no element to go viral on social media.  There are many aspects that determine the popularity of an app. Some of those aspects are online advertising, influence of social media, reviews and reach, etc.

Online advertising via platforms such as Facebook, AdWords, etc will help any app become popular. Huge followers in popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn make people closer to your product. Reviews also play a vital role to drive more downloads.

Recommended Read : 6 Reasons iPad App Testing Services Should be Done on a Real Device

Usually, businesses and startups hire iPad App Testing Services to get done their app development ventures professionally.

Here are 5 benefits of hiring specialist iPad App Testing Services

  1. Professional Approach

Professional approach to every aspect is the striking feature of a reputed App Testing Company. As iPad App Testing is a complex process professional testing companies use proven methodologies to tackle the challenges of iOS platforms.

You are allowed to talk with the development team during the testing phase. This will give you room to evaluate their efforts during different stages of their work. You could give suggestions in order to meet your business goals.

Popular testing companies know how to create a sound image towards your potential customers because of their innovative methodologies. The end product of these efforts will be a high – quality app for your customers.

  1. Multiple Variants of iPad Devices

Today, a wide range of iPad devices are available in the market. Specifications differ from gadgets to gadgets. Unless you test your app, it shows technical issues on multiple iPad devices.  Testing services know these issues very well as they have experience of dealing with different clients. As the testing team consists of business analysts and experienced professionals, they together devise strategies to convert your app into a winning app.

app testing

  1. Portfolio Reveals the Efficiency

It’s clear that portfolio reveals the quality of services provided by a company. You could go through the portfolio before hiring a testing service. In fact, portfolio says what they are! Reliable companies always maintain an all set portfolio to convince their clients. Always remember, “Where excellence leads, quality follows

  1. Explore More Ideas

 “The company you keep does have an impact and influence on your choices”

The above mentioned quote is true for people from all walks of life. When you are in company with people of high calibre, definitely it will bring a positive impact on your life as well.

Testing companies have experienced professionals and team members of high calibre. If you hire one of such companies you can expect brainstorming sessions with them. Obviously, such healthy discussions make room for exploring more ideas to get things right.

More ideas bring more quality and more quality is going to bring you a profitable business deal.

Read Also : Top Automation Tools for iOS App Testing Services

  1. Know about Useful Tools and Utilities

Hiring testing services will help you to know about more professional tools in the industry. You might be using some average tools, but testing professionals are the real players in the game, they know to give your app a universal appeal by using latest tools and utilities.
As the demand for iPad Apps are increasing, it’s time for a good business deal. So, create a winning app by hiring specialist iPad App Testing Services. Good luck guys!

7 Must – Know Facts for iPhone App Testing Services

As you might know, iPhone App Testing Services are the hubs where you can mould your iOS apps into highly active stuff and streamline it for business goals. The foremost positive aspect of testing services is quality assurance. Businesses test their apps in order to build consumer loyalty by lessening the execution hazards. Therefore, the app testing team should be aware of the latest trends in iPhone app testing to deliver quality apps.

app testing

Here are 7 must know facts for iPhone App Testing Services

  1. Untestable behaviour doesn’t exist!

Many developers use the term untestable behaviour. Most probably, you might have heard about this term. What is this untestable behaviour! There is no such thing called untestable behaviour. In fact, it‘s a misquoted term. For your information, only the term untestable code exists.

How codes become untestable? It’s as simple as that. When you find it difficult to test something in your app, you have to recode it. Codes become untestable because it’s too complicated. iOS app testing services can use several methods to rectify this. Split the codes and write fresh codes by making it more modular.

Read Also : 8 Tips for Successful iPhone App Testing

  1. Know about testing frameworks

You should make sure that you know about different types of testing frameworks. Also, ensure you know precisely how your objects should behave.

As far as iOS applications are concerned, you have only two proficient testing frameworks: Specta and Quick. Both of these testing frameworks are designed in BDD style.

  1. Make your test writing simple

High cohesion always enhances the quality of an app. Try to make your test writing simple by reducing the tests. You do not need to perform more tests, if you have a clear idea about the requirements. Remember, simpler writing gives outstanding quality, quality makes high cohesion feasible.

  1. Stick to the rules

Always remember, things such as gadgets, OS’ and programming languages may change from time to time. When it comes to software development, the basic rules for developing good softwares remain the same. So, stick to the rules.

In the case of iOS testing, you can follow the S, L and D rules.

S = Single responsibility principle

L = Liskov substitution principle

D = Dependency inversion principle

  1. Know the bugs!

Identifying the bugs and errors will keep the rhythm of your mission. When it comes to class of codes, if it is more than 150 lines of code, definitely there is an error. If the length of the class code is longer than 300, it is completely broken and there are serious errors.

mobile app

So, avoid these sorts of difficulties by splitting your code into smaller parts. It really makes the whole testing legible.

Recommended Read : Why iPhone App Testing Services are Important

  1. Think about alternatives!

It is natural that you lose focus when you constantly work with a piece of code. Sometimes this hectic exercise may prevent you from thinking of other methods to solve issues. For instance, the code that you created has passed all the tests, but still you feel there is room for improvement. In that case you can take a break and seek suggestions from other developers. This will help you to explore new ideas.

  1. Even experienced professionals can learn something new

In every sector, there will be something new for you to learn. This is applicable to testers as well as programmers. Some experienced professionals might think testing is only for beginner coders. Truth to be told, codes may not work as you expected, even if you are a veteran in this industry.

Testing codes will always speed up the development. You will see the difference when start writing tests. Even experienced professionals break codes unknowingly. So, always approach a venture with a beginner’s mind. There‘s lots of scope of improvement for sure.

7 Reasons to Hire an iPhone App Testing Service

You might be familiar with iPhone app testing, a common term used to refer various types of testing on iOS devices to ensure the performance of iOS apps. Apps based on iOS has a huge demand in countries such as US, UK, Germany, France, Canada and several European countries.

Many researches reveal that iOS users are interested to use paid iOS apps, when compared to the users of its competitor platforms. People feel iOS as a more engaging and reliable platform.

app testing

Today, businesses are more interested in developing iOS apps owing to the unique features of iOS platform. They envisage a huge market for iPhone apps. The increase in number of iPhone app testing services also guarantees iOS app development as a lucrative market for businesses.

Recommended Read : Why iPhone App Testing Services are Important

You might be thinking why it is necessary to hire testing services. Companies are investing huge amount of money to get their iPhone apps tested. Hiring testing services can offer them a lot of benefits.

Here are some reasons why hiring an iPhone app testing service can turn out to be a beneficial deal for businesses.

  1. Viable Communication

A dedicated app testing team ensures that you are always associated with them. They adopt several methods to address your issues and inquiries related to app development. Testing services make sure you are always connected to them via emails and phone calls.

They will tell you frankly about the progress of your undertaking and make suggestions if any change is needed in your strategy.

  1. Expertise

Hiring an experienced iPhone app testing service will have advanced knowledge about planning and actualizing functionalities.

Most of the testing services keep a group of specialists with versatile skills. So, you can trust them to convey their brilliance.

  1. Cost Effective and Time Saving

One of the principal reasons to seek the help of professional testing experts is cost viability. As they have working experience with different clients, their expertise helps you to complete portable application advancement administrations.

Delivering error free apps on time is one of the striking qualities of testing services. So, it is ideal to hire iOS testing services to get quality iPhone apps.

  1. Versatility

A proficient testing service gives you the benefit of versatility. You can make use of their versatile skills to deliver a quality product. Make sure you choose a team where you will have absolute control over the assets and undertaking. This will give you flexibility to scale everything to meet your business needs.

  1. Quality

The testing services might have past experiences of taking challenging ventures related to iPhone app development. Their testing experts outline plans to make use of latest gadgets and innovations.

mobile app

As they are experienced professionals in testing iOS products, they know how to deliver a winning app according to business necessities. This will be an advantage for your business.

Read Also : 8 Tips for Successful iPhone App Testing

  1. Ambience and Infrastructure

Good environment and infrastructure is crucial for any business to prosper. Such an ambience will bring a favourable outcome on the work delivered. Skilled testing experts might have a past history of working with a variety of professionals, which is the foundation of an IT base. Quality of the apps will improve depending on the proficiency of testing professionals. This will help businesses to deliver iPhone apps to the customers as expected in less time.

  1. Flexibility to Choose Business Models

Reputed iOS app testing services are capable of providing flexible and customized business in tune to your requirements. Usually testing services are a combo of business analysts, developers and testing experts. They work as a team and discuss the ways to implement the right business strategy for your app. This will help you to choose the right business model for your iPhone apps.

We hope you are convinced to choose an iPhone testing service for your business growth. So, start your venture with a professional testing service.

How will the Mobile Application Testing Service Market Fare in the Next 10 Years? [2016-2026]

Business analysts have no doubt that Mobile Application Testing Services is going to excel in future markets. It is anticipated that revenue via mobile app testing tools would show a remarkable increase within a stipulated period (2016-2026). The demand of global mobile application testing solutions market is increasing because of the popularity of app testing tools.

In fact, Corporates need to stay ahead in the market. So, they are trying to protect and maintain their mobile app portfolio. This has actually led to the market expansion of mobile app testing solutions.

mobile app

Many applications similar to desktop applications are now available as mobile apps. They are also more user friendly when compared to its counterpart. The introduction of a large variety of gadgets and networks is one of the reasons for the growing adoption of mobile applications. Wide demand for mobile apps gives room for marketers to successfully enter into a narrower section of the market.

Recommended Read : Types of Mobile App Testing & How It Differs from Desktop Testing

Huge competition in the market and the increase of app developers has forced marketers to ensure the quality of their apps by performing Mobile Application Testing. Software testing services have improved their testing methods owing to this huge competition.

One can never say that mobile application testing solutions market is a new form of the conventional software testing market. It’s completely different and came up as an independent entity. The entry of testing tycoons such as Soasta and Experitest into the mobile application testing solution market is a promising move. As they introduce advanced testing solutions and new models, it is anticipated that the testing solutions market attain incredible growth during the period, 2016-2026.

Today, IT is giving exceptional importance to mobile app testing and development. Numerous mobile gadgets and tablets are getting introduced into the market day by day. So, it is difficult for app developers to adapt to the quick changes in the market. IT companies offer them the right testing platform to cope with the latest changes in the market.

Drivers of App Testing Solutions Market

It is good to maintain a competitive edge in the market. High competition in the market has persuaded many Corporates to invest in mobile app testing related solutions. Growing customization in testing tools is also giving many benefits to mobile application testing solutions. In addition, the growing demand for automated testing has fuelled the app testing market.

Business experts are expecting that the market will see exceptional changes owing to partnership between leading industry members.

App Testing Market: Some Facts on Segmentation

App testing solution market is generally divided in two. Segmentation is based on product type and service type.

Product type segmentation is of two types:

  • Manual Testing Tools
  • Automated Testing Tools

Service type market segmentation is of the following types:

  • Development and implementation
  • Consulting
  • Support and Maintenance

Read Also : Mobile Software Testing Guide for First Time App Developers

Region – wise Outlook on Mobile App Testing Solution Market

Global app testing market is expecting a remarkable growth during the next ten years (2016-2026). It is predicted that North America remains unchanged as a successful market for mobile app testing solutions. It is believed that as North America has many skilled coders and app developing professionals, they can contribute to this productive industry during the period, 2016-2026.


As per a recent report, there will be over 2 billion Smartphone users in Asia Pacific region by 2020. This will encourage the app testing tools manufacturers to invest more in Asia Pacific region. Though countries such as China, Korea and Taiwan have large user base, it is assumed that Asia Pacific region will become a leading hub for mobile app testing solutions in the next ten years.

6 Reasons iPad App Testing Services Should be Done on a Real Device

With the rise in use of iPads, iPad app testing services has also become crucial for companies and brands. When developing iPad applications, it’s important to perform extensive usability testing across as many different situations or conditions as possible.

Though mobile app development would include both emulators and real devices, there are certain reasons why testing on real devices usually result in better testing outcomes than using emulators.

Common Practices

Best practices would indicate that actual development should use emulators (and a few reference real handsets), while sanity and regression testing should be done on real handsets. While simulators are an inexpensive option for testing the app and it can be downloaded for free, they are suitable only at the starting stages of iPad application development. It is ideal to choose real devices for the later usability and performance testing phases.

It may be expensive to test apps on real devices as you have to buy them. However, using a mouse and keyboard on the simulator is totally different from using a finger on the mobile devices.

You May Also Like : Mobile Software Testing Guide for First Time App Developers

When Should You Introduce Real Devices

It has to be decided by individual organizations as to when real devices should be introduced, what the ideal number of devices are for covering market needs, and how those devices can be best managed.

  1. Reliable results – It is highly recommended to use real devices for testing apps because it gives the real environment in which the app is working and also makes sure that the app delivered would be of high quality. Real handsets can always give you error-free results (no false positives or false negatives).

  2. Better user experience – Investing in the latest versions of devices, though expensive, can deliver a better user experience. By taking into account the CPU, memory, screen size, etc, the tester can understand what actually the user will be going through.

  3. Performance testing – By using emulators, you will not be able to test situations such as receiving a text message or phone call while using the app. With real iOS devices, you can test sign-up, login, handle data, connection speed and error messages, thus realizing performance lags.

  4. Display/resolution variance – Display or appearance of the app may be different on an emulator as opposed to a real device. It is crucial to check app’s brightness, changes in resolution as well as dark and light situations. It’s also very hard to simulate light and dark situations on an emulator.

  5. Device configurations – By using emulators, the whole process is dependent on the hardware. With actual devices, things can be tested directly. For the same reason, at least one real device should be used during all phases of development to assess the processing speed of the app. The emulators are not updated to reflect new devices available in the market.

  6. Network – When it comes to network configuration, simulators usually run on the PC, connect to LAN and access the internet via corporate firewall. Here, simulators cannot be used to slow network where devices experience network issues.

    Read Also : Top Automation Tools for iOS App Testing Services

The major option for testing real occurring events like incoming calls, SMS and battery consumption and the charger’s overall performance can be only done on an actual device.


Reliable companies that offer iPad app testing services maintain quality assurance by following a healthy mixture of real device and simulator testing. Before releasing your application in App/Play Store, or to devices, it’s worth testing on the device at least once.