“My mind-mapping technique helped in identifying the requirement and create a test scenario to automate the scripts, which was also helpful to coach my team about the whole setup”

Risk-based testing also means having an idea about what to test, How to test and in what order to test. Do you agree? Do you think that risk-based testing is the next big thing?

Ans: Yes test has to be executed based on the risk priority. It is important to have risk analysis in each phase of the project in order to identify the dependencies and assumptions, to me Risk Analysis is a big thing and it should start from the requirement phase itself to avoid the late changes in requirements of projects

Testing happens in a chaotic environment. Having a peaceful mind is absolutely necessary to work efficiently. What’s the best way to achieve it?

Ans: It is important to have peace of mind when it comes to working despite any field that you are in. The best way to achieve it is through acceptance. You need to understand that there are some things that are beyond your control. Understand and act accordingly.

As a QA lead what’s that one thing that you find challenging?

Testing software with limited knowledge available about a project or a product is something I find challenging. I will tell you an incident which I personally find challenging as well as proud of. I was once deployed on a project as a replacement. There was no documentation about the previous tests and I had to deal with someone who is reluctant to share information. What I did was, I plotted with whatever meager data that was offered to me in the form of mind mapping. Later I would work on it and would link everything with the screenshots I took from the project. As a result, I was able to create a new document for me and the team. The document explained the ultimate goal of the project easily.
Whenever I had doubts popped up in me, I cleared it right away. My mind-mapping technique also helped me to identify the requirement and create a test scenario to automate the scripts, which was also helpful to coach my team about the whole setup.
The project was a huge success.

Do you think that testers should prove their value to customers beyond test cases? At the end of the day, it’s all about finding issues that might disrupt the smooth running of the product in the market. Do you agree?

In my experience testers create test cases, test scripts and other test-related documentation with only the short-term view in mind, there is no detailed documentation about the test and testing
I always use mind mapping which helps me to identify my requirements and define my test cases and test approach. This helps me think beyond test cases and find issues that are not defined in test cases

Companies are nowadays hiring remote testers in huge numbers? Do you think that it’s healthy to practice?

Advantage :
Many people work best in their own space, with peace and quiet.
Working remotely allows employees to spend less time and money traveling to the office, which saves a lot of money
Also, for the present situation for which the country is facing,  this is the best way to work and collaborate with different teams. You can always find the best talent to get the job done, no matter where they’re located.
It is hard to build the company culture, communication and Collaboration will be harder but you can always invite them weekly one day to meet the team Or do video conferencing, etc
However, disadvantages cannot rule out the fact that a diverse talent pool can only be created using remote testers. Getting stuck with an inefficient team is the worst thing that can happen to any project.

How to use Cypress Testing Framework?

Cypress testing framework can be called a next-generation front end tool for testing built for the modern web.
Testing has become an important factor in software engineering. Writing software for complexities can be a messy task, which gets worse as more people begin working on the same codebase.
This issue is worsened in the frontend development, where several moving parts are present, which makes writing functional and unit tests insufficient to verify the correctness of an application.
End-to-end testing comes to the rescue, as it allows the programmer to replicate the behavior of the user on their app and verify that all the things work as they should. This article will talk about cypress testing framework in detail, including the advantages of Cypress testing, how it is different, and how to install it.

What is Cypress Testing?
Cypress can be understood as an end-to-end testing framework based on JavaScript, which comes with various inbuilt features. You will need these features in any automation tool. Cypress utilizes the Mocha testing framework as well as the chai assertion library in the framework.
Cypress, primarily, is not built over selenium and is a new driver which operates within your app and this lets you exercise very good control over the backend and frontend of your app. Cypress enables a programmer to write every type of tests like unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. It can also test anything which runs in a browser.
Advantages of Cypress
There are numerous advantages that Cypress offers, but below are the most fascinating ones.

  • Debuggability– Cypress provides you the ability to debug your app directly under test from the chrome Dev-tools. This not only offers you straight forward messages of error but also suggest how you should approach those messages.
  • Real-time reloads– Cypress functions intelligently and it knows that once you save your test tile, you will run it again. This is why Cypress automatically hits the run next to the browser as soon as you save your file. So, you will not require to manually hit the run.
  • Automatic waiting– Automatically Cypress waits for DOM to load, for the element to become prominent, animation to get finished, AJAX and XHR calls to be completed and a lot more. Hence, you would not require defining explicit and implicit waits.
  • Cypress is not only a UI testing tool, but it also has a plugin ecosystem where you are able to integrate plugins of Cypress or make your plugin and extend Cypress’s behavior. Apart from functional testing, you can perform unit testing, visual testing, accessibility testing, API testing, etc. on Cypress.
  • Cypress also offers an amazing dashboard, which gives you insights and a summary of tests executed across the CI/CD tools. This dashboard is similar to other dashboards provided by CI/CD tools that give you execution details and logs of your tests.
  • Another advantage provided by Cypress if the GUI tool to execute/view your tests view the configuration, and view tests executed from dashboards. You can also watch your tests running as well as get more insights into the test run.
  • It is free and open-source.
  • It is fast with less than 20 ms response time.
  • It helps you find a locator.
  • It has an active community on Gitter, StackOverflow, and GitHub.
  • It has the ability to either stub responses or let them hit your server.

How Is Cypress Different?
Cypress personalization

  • Works on Network Layer -The tool operates at the network layer by altering and reading web traffic on the fly. This lets Cypress to modify everything coming out of and in the browser as well as to alter code that might interfere with its ability regarding automating the browser. Cypress ultimately exercises control over the complete automation procedure from top to bottom.
  • Architecture– Numerous testing tools function by running outside of the browser and executing the remote commands over the network. However, testing is completely opposite and is executed in the parallel run loop as your app.
  • Shortcuts– Cypress saves you from being forced to act like a user always to generate the status of a particular situation. This means you are not required to visit the login page, type in your password and username, and wait for the webpage to redirect or login for each test you run. Through Cypress, you have the ability to take shortcuts as well as programmatically log in.
  • New Kind of Testing– If you have total control over your app, native access to all the host objects, and network traffic, you can unlock new ways of testing, which was never possible. Rather than being locked out of your app and being unable to control it, by Cypress, you can change any aspect of the way your app works.

How to Install Cypress?
The process of installing Cypress is an easy task. The only thing you require is node.js installed in the machine and then two npm commands – npm init, npm install cypress –save-dev.
The first command will form a package.json and the second one will install Cypress as the devDependencies array in the package descriptor (package.json) file. It would take almost three minutes to install Cypress based on the speed of your network.
Now, Cypress has been installed to ./node_modules directory. After you have completed the installation part, you will have to open Cypress for the very first time by running this command at the same location where you have the package.json file – ./node_modules/.bin/cypress open
Cypress has its own folder structure, which gets generated automatically when you open it for the very first time at that specific location. It comes with ready-made recipes that depict how to test common scenes in Cypress.
Read also: Best test automation tools out there! Click here
How do you write a Cypress test?
Writing a Cypress test might require some brushing up for the beginners. So, if you have the app installed on your device, here are the three tests you can do to initiate your hand into Cypress testing.

  1. Writing a Passing Test

Add the following code to any IDE file you would like to run the test on.
describe(‘My First Test’, function() {
  it(‘Does not do much!’, function() {
Save the file and reload it upon the browser.
There will be no significant changes in the application but this is the first passing test that you have performed using Cypress.

  1. Writing a Failing Test

Here is the code for writing your first failing test.
describe(‘My First Test’, function() {
  it(‘Does not do much!’, function() {
Now, save the file and try reloading it. The result will be a failed test because True and False are two different values.
The Test Runner screen will show you the assertions and more activity. The comments, page events, requests, and other essentials will be displayed upon the same screen later.

  1. Writing a Real Test

The three phases you will have to go through to run a successful test in real-time are:

  1. Set up the application state in your device.
  2. Prompt an action.
  3. Assert the resulting application state after the action has been taken.

The application is made to run through the above phases so that you can see where you are going with the project.
Now, let us take a closer look at how you can set up a Cypress testing code in the above three phases and deliver a perfect application.
Step 1. Visit the Web Page
Use any application you want to run the test upon. Here, we shall use the Kitchen Sink app. Use cy.visit() command to visit the URL of the website. Use the following code.
describe(‘My First Test’, function() {
  it(‘Visits the Kitchen Sink’, function() {
Once you save the file and reload, you will be able to see the VISIT action on the Command Log. The app preview pane will show the Kitchen Sink application with a green test.
Had the test failed, you would have received an error.
Step 2. Performing Action
Now that we have our URL loaded, we need to give it a task to perform so that we can see changes.
describe(‘My First Test’, function() {
  it(‘finds the content “type”‘, function() {
The above code uses cy.contains() function to find an element (type) in the web page.
Now, if your page has the element, it will show a green sign in the Command Log. Otherwise, your action will fail and go red in about 4 seconds.
Step 3. Click and Visit
Since you have highlighted an element on the web page, we should hyperlink it too. Therefore, you can use the .click() command to end the previous one.
describe(‘My First Test’, function() {
  it(‘clicks the link “type”‘, function() {
Now, when you save and reload the app, you will be able to click on “type” to visit a new page.

  1. Assertion

Did you know that by using the .should() function you can make your action work only on certain conditions which should be adhered to. If not, the result is a failed command.
describe(‘My First Test’, () => {
  it(‘clicking “type” navigates to a new url’, () => {
    // Should be on a new URL which includes ‘/commands/actions’
    cy.url().should(‘include’, ‘/commands/actions’)
Apart from the above functions and commands, there are various you can perform to make your web page more interesting and interactive. You can also become well-versed with the more complex commands by practicing testing with, Cypress.

Is Cypress better than selenium? Cypress VS Selenium
Selenium is a popular tool in the source automation tool market which has now transformed into Selenium 2.0. It is an open-source test automation toolkit to allow you to test your application’s functioning.
What makes Selenium different from the rest is that it makes direct calls to the browser using their fundamental automation support. Tests on Selenium work as if you are in complete control of the browser. However, there is a steep learning curve involved.
Coming back to the question, we have prepared a quick breakdown of Cypress and Selenium with what they have to offer.

  Cypress Selenium
Ease of Installation Easy to install as the divers and dependencies come with the .exe file. The configuration of the divers and language binding is done separately.
Browsers Supported Chrome and Electron Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, or any other.
Open Source Apart from access to the Dashboard, the tool is open to all. Open-source application with optional additions that need to be paid for.
Architecture The test runs within the browser since the test it executed alongside the loop of the application. Selenium is known to work outside the browser by calling the commands from a remote server.
Target Users A developer-centric tool to make TDD development work. QA developers or engineers working as testers.
Compilation Language JavaScript Java or Python

Read also: Looking for an alternative to Selenium? Click here
Both the test automation tools have strengths of their own and serve different purposes. Therefore, the decision rests with the developer.
Which browser does Cypress support?
Cypress is a multi-platform browser. So, you can use it on Chrome and Electron. Moreover, they have put up a beta version for Firefox on the markets too.
Which browser is best for Selenium?
Selenium is more diverse as compared to Cypress when it comes to browser support since it can adapt to the automation of several browsers such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge and IE.
Does Cypress use selenium?
No, Cypress does not use Selenium despite of the popular belief. While most end-to-end testing tools out there are using Selenium, Cypress has an independent architecture.
Is Selenium testing easy?
Yes, Selenium testing is easy for individuals who know either Java or Python.
Why is Selenium better than tools?
Selenium is considered better than other automated testing tools because it is open-source software with a comparatively easier learning curve. Yes, you can couple it with any programming language you know and integrate any kind of solution you are looking for into it.
Availability, affordability, and flexibility are a few advantages that its counterparts such as QTP cannot offer.
What is a Cypress framework?
Cypress is a tool that can automate the tests every time you run your application. However, it is not based on Selenium that calls for the test directly from outside the web browser. However, Cypress works within the DOM of a browser.
What language does Cypress use?
Cypress can be a cakewalk for you if you know JavaScript as it uses NPM for JavaScript.
Is Selenium a tool or framework?
Selenium is essentially a tool and not a test framework. Test frameworks are used to create libraries of data, run tests, and organize test results. However, Selenium automates testing through web browsers.
What is Cypress automation?
Cyprus automation refers to the ability of the user to run the test code along with the application run. Not only is the test executed in the same loop, but it also takes place within the browser too. For the tasks that take place outside of the browser, a Node.js server is leveraged by this tool.
Who uses Selenium?
Mostly, it is the QA developers and tester-type engineers who are known to use selenium for facilitating the functioning of organizations from varied sectors such as hospitality, computer software, financial services, information, and technology, etc.
The Takeaway
Cypress is a JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework, which does not use selenium at all. Cypress is built over Mocha that is a feature-rich test framework based on JavaScript. It also utilizes a chain – a BDD/TDD library for the node as well the browser that can be paired with JavaScript testing frameworks.
Selenium, on the other hand, is a more established automation testing tool that makes calls to the browsers to use their automation for conducting the test.
So, Cypress and Selenium are independent tools with different platforms, purposes, and automation. Other than the fact that Cypress is comparatively new and doesn’t support many browsers yet, it is a beneficial testing tool.


What is Data Lake? Architecture and Importance

A data lake is a collection of raw data in the form of blobs or files. It acts as a single store for all the data in an enterprise that can include raw source data, pictorial representations, charts, processed data, and much more.
An advantage with the data lake is that it can contain different forms of data including structure data like a database including rows and columns, semi-structured data in the form of CSV, XML, JSON, etc.
It can also store unstructured data like PDF, emails, and word documents along with images, and videos.
It is a store of all the data and information in an enterprise. The concept of the data lake is catching up fast due to the growing needs of data storage and analysis in all the domains.
Data lake structure
Let us learn more data lakes.
What is Data Lake?
We need to understand what a data mart First for the answer. Datamart can be considered as a repository of summarized data for easy understanding and analysis.
Pentaho CTO James Dixon was the person who first used the term  As per him, a data mart is like packaged and cleaned drinking water that is ready for consumption.
The source of this drinking water is the lake. Hence the term data lake. A storehouse of information from where the data mart can interpret and filter out the data as needed.

What is the importance of the data lake?
it’s a huge storage of raw data. This data can be used in infinite ways to help people in varied positions and roles.
Data is information and power, that can be used to arrive at inferences and help in decision making too.
What is data ingestion?
Data Ingestion
Data Ingestion; what does it does? So well, it permits the connectors to source the data from various data sources and piles them up into the Lake.
What all does Data Ingestion supports?
It supports Structured, Semi-Structured, and Unstructured data. Batch, Real-Time, One-time load, and similar multiple ingestions. Databases, Webservers, Emails, IoT, FTP, and many such data sources.
What is Data Governance
Data governance is an important activity in a data lake that supports the management of availability, usability, integrity, and security of the organizational data.
Factors that are important in Data Lake
Security of data is a must, be it in any kind of data storage, so is true for the data lake. Every layer of the Data Lake should have proper security implemented. Though the main purpose of security is to bar unauthorized users, at the same time it should support various tools that permit you to access data with ease.
Some key features of data lake security are:

  • Accounting,
  • Authentication
  • Data Protection
  • Authorization

Data Quality:
Data quality is another important activity that helps in ensuring that quality data is extracted for quality processes and insights.
Data Discovery
Data Discovery is an activity of identifying connected data assets to make it easy and guide date consumers to discover it
Data Auditing
Data Auditing includes two major tasks:

  1. Tracking changes
  2. Capturing who/when and how the data changes.

It helps in evaluating the risks and compliances.
Data Lineage
Data linkage works on easing error corrections in data analytics
Data Exploration
The beginning of data analysis is data exploration, where the main purpose is to recognize the correct dataset.
Data lake image png
What are the maturity stages of a data lake?
Data Lake maturity Stages
There are different maturity stages of a data lake and their understanding might differ from person to person, but the basic essence remains the same.
Stage 1: in the very first stage the focus is on enhancing the capability of transforming and analyzing data based on business requirements. The businesses find appropriate tools based on their skill set to obtain more data and build analytical applications.
Stage 2: in stage two businesses combine the power of their enterprise data warehouse and the data lake. These both are used together.
Stage 3: in the third stage the motive is to extract as much data as they can. Both enterprise data warehouses and data lake work in unison and play their respective roles in business analytics.
Stage 4: Enterprise capability like Adoption of information lifecycle management capabilities, information governance, and Metadata management is added to the data lake. Only a few businesses reach this stage.
Here are some major areas where data lakes are most helpful:

  • Marketing operations: the data related to consumer buying patterns, consumer purchasing power, product usage, frequency of buying, and more are critical inputs for the marketing operations team. Data lakes help in getting this data within no time.
  • Product Managers: Managers need data to ensure the product delivery is on track, check the resource allocation and their utilization, their billing, and more. Data lakes help them in getting this data instantaneously and at the same place.
  • Sales Operations: while marketing teams use the data to design their marketing plans, the sales team uses a similar set of data to understand more about the sales pattern and target the consumers accordingly.
  • Analysts and data architects: For analyst and architects’ data is there bread and butter, they need data in all forms. They analyze and interpret data from multiple sources in several ways to derive inferences for management and leadership teams.
  • Product Support: Every product once it is rolled out to the consumers will undergo several changes as per the usage patterns. These are taken care of by the product support teams. The long-term data of the enhancements requested and the features most used, the team may decide to roll out more similar or additional features.
  • Customer Support: The teams handling customer support divisions may come across several issues and resolutions day-in and day-out. These issues may get repeated over the months, years and even decades. A consolidated data of these issues and resolutions are very helpful to the executives when they reoccur.

Also Read: All you need to know about Big Data Testing is here!
Advantage of a data lake
In this section let us list out some of the obvious reasons and advantages of having a single repository of data that we call a data lake.

  • One of the biggest advantages of a data lake is that it can derive reports and data by processing innumerable raw data types.
  • It can be used to save both structured and unstructured data like excel sheets and emails. And both these data points can be used for deriving the analysis.
  • It is a store of raw data that can be manipulated multiple times in multiple ways as per the needs of the user.
  • There are several different ways in which one can derive the needed information. There can hundreds and thousands of different queries that can be used to retrieve the information needed by the user.
  • Low cost is another advantage of most of the new technologies that are coming up. They aim to maximize efficiency and reduce costs. This is true for data lakes as well. They provide a low cost, single point storage solution for a company’s data needs.

All data in a data lake is stored in its raw format and is never deleted. A data lake can typically scale several terabytes of data in the original form.

What’s the architecture of a Data lake?
The above image is a pictorial representation of the architecture of the data lake.
ingestion tier – Contains data source. Data is fed to the data lake in batches and that too in real-time
Insights tier – Located on the right side, is the insights of the system.
HDFS – Spcialy built a cost-effective system for structured and unstructured data.
Distillation – Data will be retrieved from storage and will be converted to structured data
Processing – User queries will be run through analytical algorithms to generate structured data
Unified operations – system management, data management, monitoring, workflow management, etc.
Data lake architecture
Differences between data lake, database, and data warehouse
In the simplest form data lake contains structured and unstructured data while both database and data warehouse except pre-processed data only. Here are some differences between all of them.

  • Type of Data: As mentioned above, both the database and the data warehouse need the data to be in some structured format to save. A data lake, on the other hand, can contain and interpret all types of data including structured, semi-structured and even unstructured.
  • Pre-processing: the data in a data warehouse needs to be pre-processed using schema-on-write for the data to be useful for storage and analysis. Similarly, in a database also indexing needs to be done. In the case of a data lake, however, no such pre-processing is needed. It takes data in the raw form and stores for use at a later stage. It is more like post-processing, where the processing happens when the data is requested by the user.
  • Storage Cost: The cost of storage for a database would vary based on the volume of data. A database can be used for small and large amounts of data inputs and accordingly the cost would change. But for when it comes to a data warehouse and data lakes, we are talking about bulk data. In this case, with new technologies like big data and Hadoop coming into picture data lakes do come forth as a cheaper storage option as compared to a data warehouse.
  • Data Security: Data warehouse has been there for quite some time now. Any security leaks are already plugged. But that is not the case with new technologies like data lakes and big data. They are still prone breaches, but they will eventually stabilize to a strong and secure data storage option soon.
  • Usage: A database can be used by everyone. A simple data stored in your excel sheet can also be considered as a database. It has universal acceptance. A data warehouse, on the other hand, is used mostly by big business establishments with a huge amount of data to be stored. While data lakes are most used for scientific data analysis and interpretation.
Data Lake Data Warehouse
Stores everything Stores only business-related data
Lesser control Better control
Can be structured, unstructured and semi-structured In tabular form and structure
Can be a data source to EDW Compliments EDW
Can be used in analytics for the betterment of business Mainly used for data retrieval
Used by scientists Used by business professionals
Low-cost storage expensive

Data Lake Implementation
Data Lake is a heterogeneous collection of data from various sources. There are two parts to any successful implementation of a data lake.
The first part is the source of data. Since the lakes take all forms of data, the source need not have any restriction. This can be the company’s production data to be monitored, emails, reports, and more.

  1. Landing Zone: This is the place where the data first enters the data lake. This is mainly the unstructured and unfiltered data. A certain amount of filtering and tagging happens here. For example, if there are some values that are abnormally high when compared to others, these may be tagged as error-prone and discarded.
  2. Staging Zone: There can be two inputs to the staging zone. One is the filtered data from the landing zone and the second is direct from a source that does not need any filtering. Reviews and comments from the end-users are one example of this type of data.
  3. Analytics Sandbox: this is the place where the analysis is done using algorithms, formulae, etc. to bring up charts, relative numbers, and probability analysis as and when needed by the organization.

Another zone that can be added to this implementation is the data warehouse or a curated data source. This will contain a set of structured data ready for analysis and derivations.

Best practices for Data Lake Implementation:

  • Availability should form the basis of the Designing of Data Lake instead of what is required.
  • The native data type should be supported by Architectural components, their interaction, and identified products.
  • It should support customized management
  • Do not define schema and data requirement until queried for disposable components integrated with service API forms the base for designing.
  • Attune Data Lake architecture to the specific industry. Ensure that the necessary capabilities are already a part of the design. New data should be quickly on-boarding
  • It should also support present enterprise data management techniques and methods
  • Independently manage Data ingestion, discovery, administration, transformation, storage, quality, and visualization

data structure
What are the Challenges of building a Data Lake:
Some of the common challenges of Data Lake are:

  •  Data volume is higher in the data lake, so the process has to be dependent on programmatic administration
  • Sparse, incomplete, volatile data is difficult to deal with.
  • Wider scope of the dataset
  •  Larger data governance & support for the source

Risk of Using Data Lake:
Some of the risks of Data Lake are:

  • A risk involving designing of Data Lake
  • Data Lake might lose its relevance and momentum after some time.
  • Higher storage & compute costs
  • Security and access control.
  • Unstructured Data may lead to unprecedented Chaos, data wastage, Disparate & Complex Tools, Enterprise-Wide Collaboration,
  • No insights from others who have worked with the data

Example for Data Lake
Think about this scenario where unstructured data that you have can be used for endless purposes and insights. However, possession of data late doesn’t implicate that you can load all the unwanted data. You don’t need data swamp right? The collected data must have a log called a catalog. Having data catalogs makes the data lake much more effective.
Examples of Data Lake based system include,

  1. Business intelligence software built by Sisense that can be used for data-driven decision making
  2. Depop , a peer to peer social shopping app used Data lake in Amazon s3 to ease up their processes
  3. A market intelligence agency Similarweb used data lake to understand how customers are interacting with the website

and many more.
Also Read: Wish to know about data-driven testing?
What is Snowflake? 
Snowflake is a combination of a data warehouse and a data lake, taking in the benefits of both.
It is a cloud-based data warehouse that can be used as a service. It can be used as a data lake to give your organization unlimited storage of multiple relational data types in a single system at very reasonable rates.
This is like a modern data lake with advanced features. Being a cloud-based service, the use of snowflakes is catching up fast.
Data Lake solution from AWS
Amazon is one of the leading cloud service providers globally. With the advent and extensive use of the data lakes, they have also come up with their own data lake solution that will automatically configure the core AWS services that will help to simplify tagging, searching and implementing algorithms.
This solution includes a simple user console from where one can easily pull the data and analysis that one needs with ease.
Below is a pictorial representation of the data lake solution from Amazon.
Some of the main components of this solution include the data lake console and CLI, AWS Lambda, Amazon S3, AWS Glue, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Athena among others.
Amazon S3
Amazon’s simple storage service or Amazon S3 is a web-based object storage service launched by Amazon in March 2006.
It enables organizations of all sizes to store and protect their data at a low cost. As shown in the diagram above, it is a part of the data lake solution provided.
It is designed to provide 99.999999999% durability and is being used by companies across the globe to store their data.
With the growing needs to data and the requirement to make it centrally available for storage and analysis, data lakes fit the bill for most companies.
Newer technologies like Hadoop and big data facilitate the storage and assimilation of huge amounts of data centrally.
There are still some challenges with respect to data lakes and they are likely to be overcome soon, making data lakes the one-stop solution for the data needs of every organization.

Protractor vs Selenium: What are the major differences?

Protractor vs selenium who will win? Both the test automation tools are equally good. However, one has some features that make it supreme to the other.
Test Automation is the need of the hour and is widely adopted by the testing teams across the globe; to assist testers in automation testing several testing tools are now available in the markets.
To achieve the best testing results, it is very important to choose the most appropriate testing tool according to your requirements.
Sometimes, testers sometimes get stuck between two automation testing tools.
And if you are the one, who is having a difficult time picking the aptest testing tool out of Selenium vs Protractor, then go ahead and read this article to find out a solution.

Selenium is used for automation testing of web applications and is an open-source testing tool.
Selenium is meant only for web-based applications and can be used across various browsers and platforms.
Selenium is an all-inclusive suite that is licensed under Apache License 2.0. It constitutes of four different tools under it:

  • Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • WebDriver
  • Selenium Remote Control (RC)
  • Selenium Grid

Selenium IDE
Selenium IDE GIF
The simplest among all the four tools under Selenium is Selenium IDE. Selenium IDE is used to record the sequence of the workflow.
This Firefox plugin is easy to install and is also companionable with other plugins.
It has some of the most basic features and is largely used for prototyping purposes. It is very easy to learn and use.
Selenium RC
Selenium Remote Control (RC) allows the testers to choose their preferred programming language.
It’s API is quite matured and supports extra features to assists tasks beyond even browser-based tasks.
Selenium supports  Java, C#, PHP, Python, Ruby, and PERL and can perform even difficult level testing.
Selenium WebDriver

Selenium WebDriver is an advanced version of Selenium RC. It provides a modern and steady way to test web applications.
Selenium directly interacts with the browser and retrieves the results.
An added benefit of WebDriver is that it does not require JavaScript for Automation. It also supports Java, C#, PHP, Python, Ruby, and PERL.
Selenium Grid
Selenium grod
The main benefit of automation tools is faster execution and time-saving. In Selenium, Selenium Grid is responsible for the same.
It is specially curated for parallel execution of tests, on various browsers and environments; it is based on the concept of hub and nodes.
The main advantage of using this is time saving and faster execution.
What Protractor is all about?
Protractor is a powerful testing tool for testing AngularJS applications.
Though it is specially designed for AngularJS applications, it works equally well for other applications as well.
It works as a Solution integrator by assimilating the dominant technologies like Jasmine, Cucumber, Selenium, NodeJS, Web driver, etc.
Protractor also has a high capability to write automated regressions tests for web applications. Its development was started by Google but was later turned into an open-source framework.
Why do we need Protractor?
Here are a few reasons to convince you to use Protractor:

  • Generally, most of the angular JS applications have HTML elements like ng-model and ng-controller, Selenium could not trace these elements, whereas Protractor can easily trace and control such web application attributes.
  • Protractor can perform multiple browser testing on various browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE11, Edge. It assists in quick and easy testing on various browsers.
  • Protractor is suitable for both Angular and Non-Angular web applications.
  • Because of the parallel execution feature, it allows executing test cases in multiple instances of the browser simultaneously.
  • It permits the installation of various packages as and when needed. In simple words working with packages is easier in Protractor.
  • Working with multiple assertion libraries is possible with Protractor.
  • Protractor supports various cloud testing platforms like SauceLabs and CrossBrowserTesting, etc.
  • It assists in faster testing.
  • Runs on both real browsers and headless browsers.

What is Selenium Protractor?
If the app you are developing is on AngularJSit’s always a better option to use Protractor since

  • it’s meant for AngularJS apps
  • We can create customization from Selenium in creating Angular JS apps
  • Protractor can run on top of selenium giving all the advantages of Selenium
  • You can use API exposed by Webdriver and Angular
  • Uses the same web driver as that of Selenium

What is the best IDE for protractor?

  • Visual Studio
  • CodeSublime
  • TextAtom Editor
  • Brackets
  • Eclipse
  • EclipseVisual Studio
  • ProfessionalWebstorm

Difference between Protractor vs Selenium
Here are the basic points of differences between Selenium and Protractor:

Comparison Basis Selenium Protractor
Supported Front End Technology-Based Web Application Supports all front end technology Specially designed for Angular and AngularJS applications, but can be used for Non-angular applications also.
Supported Languages C#, Java, Haskell, Perl. PHP, JavaScript, Objective-C, Ruby, Python, R JavaScript and TypeScript.
Supported Browsers Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer ( IE), Microsoft Edge, Opera, Safari,  HtmlUnitDriver Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer ( IE), Microsoft Edge, Safari
Synchronization or Waiting Does not support automatic synchronization between tests and application. It needs to be explicitly synchronized using different waits. Supports Automatic wait for Angular applications, but they are not applicable for Non-angular applications. But you can explicitly synchronize waits in Protractor.
Supported Locators Strategies Supports common locator strategies like Id, className, name, linkText, tagName, partial link text, XPath and CSS  for all web applications Supports common locator strategies like Id, className, name, linkText, tagName, partial link text, XPath and CSS  for all web applications plus it also supports angular specific locator strategies such as model, repeater, binding, buttonText, option, etc. also permits the creation of custom locators.
Supported Test Frameworks
Based on language binding, it supports various Test Frameworks C#- NUnit,
Java- JUnit, TestNG
Python- PyUnit, PyTest
JavaScript- WebDriverJS, WebDriverIO
Protractor aids Jasmine and Mocha. The protractor is provided with Jasmine as a default framework.
Support for BDD Yes. (Serenity, Cucumber, JBehave, etc). Yes. Mocha,  Jasmine, Cucumber and Serenity/JS
Reporting Requires third-party tools:- TestNG, Extent Report, Allure Report, etc. Requires third-party tools:- protractor-beautiful-reporter, protractor-HTML-reporter etc
Managing browser drivers Requires third-party tools like  WebdriverManager to sync browser version and driver. Requires web driver-manager CLI to automatic sync between browser version and driver for Chrome and Firefox.
Parallel Testing Requires third-party tools like TestNG. Supports parallel testing.
Cost Open-source Open-source
Nature of Execution Synchronous Asynchronous
Needed Technical Skills Average Moderate
Support No official support operates on open community model No official support operates on open community model
Ease to automate Angular Applications Not easy, a lot of sync issues and difficult to find real wait conditions. It is made for angular applications hence it is easy to automate Angular Applications
Test Execution Speed Slower Faster
Ease of Scripting Requires more lines of code and hence scripting is difficult. Even more difficult than Selenium.
Support for Mobile Application No direct support Direct support
CI/CD integration Yes Yes
Docker Support Yes Yes
Debugging Easy Difficult
Test Script Stability Less stable scripts More stable scripts

Is protractor better than selenium?
Both Selenium and protractor are automated test tools for web applications.
Both are used to automate Angular Applications. As Protractor is specially designed for angular applications, so if you are testing angular applications, it is better to opt for a protractor.
By now you would have been pretty clear about the differences in both. and it would now be easier for you to choose the better tool for your requirements and the winner in Protractor vs selenium will change according to it.
Study your requirements clearly and pick the aptest tool for more efficient testing results.