Why Testers Should Focus on Adaptability?

Apart from your technical knowledge, a lot of soft skills also play an important role in paving a way to your successful software testing career. Adaptability is one of those.
What is adaptability?
Adaptability refers to the skill to change your action plan according to changing conditions.
Adaptability is not only adjusting or changing as per some situation, it includes the ability to bring changes keeping the process running smoothly, and without any key obstacles and delays.

An adaptable person is also defined as:

  • Empathetic
  • Resilient
  • Team player
  • Creative problem solver
  • Open minded
  • Good listener

With the highly dynamic and ever-evolving business, it becomes very important for employees to adapt to the changing demands of this business.
You can have new requirements coming in, or there could be a requirement change or change in the deadlines or an unexpected bug that might require further investigation; all these situations demands you to be very flexible to adapt to new changes.
This adaptability becomes even more important for the testers.
Why is adaptability even more important for testers?
Business scenarios have become very dynamic in the past few decades. Technology, methodology and business environment keeps evolving every now and then. The software field is even more dynamic and evolving, hence it becomes very important for the software testers to be very adaptable to have a stable career.
Here are a few reasons that focus on the importance of adaptability for the testers.
Changing software business models: software business is very dynamic and keeps changing every now and then.
For the past few decades, we have gradually witnessed the software business model changing for products to services. Not only this, there are many other changes that software business has witnessed in the near past.
All these changes ultimately bring a vast change in the working mode of the testers. And hence makes it very important for the testers to be adaptable to these changing business models to let the work progress smoothly without any delays and obstacles.
Changing requirements: Software industry is very prone to changing requirements by the stakeholders.
With every change in their business model, a change in corresponding software is made and this sometimes it becomes an on-going process with multiple requirement changes showing up for the same piece of code.
A tester has to be ready to accept these changes and adapt them to this dynamic requirement changes for delivering his best potential.
Changing technology: Technology these days seems to be changing with a blink of an eye. What was dominant yesterday might not even be an option., the testers need to learn to adapt to new technologies.
There was a time when manual testing was the only option, then came in automatic testing, which became the need of the time and now the automatic testing is gradually being replaced by codeless automatic testing.
To stay in the testing field, the testers have to learn to adapt to these changing technologies.
Varied timelines: The timeliness could be very different for you for the same piece of work. In your last project, you might have completed the same task in 2 days, but for some other project, you might have to complete the same task within a day.
Not even that, in the same project you might have quite lavishly completed the first round of testing, but because of some defect, you might have to rush for the second round. You need to be very adaptable as per the timeliness are concerned.
Dealing with different peers and clients: When in a team, you might have to deal with various different types of peers and your clients might also vary.
Their way of thinking and acting might be very different from one and another. But for you as a good tester, you are required to deal with them equally keeping in mind their nature and knowledge.
You have to adapt to different kind of people you come across in your work.
What are the characteristics of adaptable Testers?
Your characteristics that define that you are adaptable:

  • Intellectual flexibility: you should be capable of assimilating new information to draw a conclusion from it.
  • Being Receptive: you should have a positive attitude towards learning new things to achieve your targets.
  • Creativity: you should always be in a state of experimenting with new things and finding out new ways to deal with challenges.
  • Adapting behavior: you should always be ready to adopt new methods and processes to get better results.

What are the qualities of an adaptable tester?

  • Have to be ready with an alternate solution in case the prior doesn’t seem profitable.
  • should not be scared to take up the responsibility of urgent projects
  • should be ready to explore new roles and responsibilities
  • Must remain poised and calm in difficult situations
  • Have to look out for better options to get maximum profits and best results
  • Should be able to easily to adapt to new ways of working
  • Ought to be flexible when it comes to reallocating their priorities
  • Must possess a positive attitude always.

How to evaluate adaptability of a tester in an interview?
you can test a tester’s adaptability by presenting a question like, how they handled some past situations like how they responded when a long-time process was changed or how they dealt with a difficult peer or a client.
An adaptable tester will not say withering things about others, and will constructively describe both perspectives.
Now, when you know how important it is for a tester to be adaptable, it is time to inculcate adaptability in yourself.
All you need is an open mind and a positive attitude and you will be soon able to adapt to different working scenarios with ease.  Good Luck!

Top 10 iOS App Testing Companies In India

The mobile application is the essence of digital advancement. Nowadays, users don’t want to use an app anymore which is not user-friendly, slow or takes too much time in loading.
Today, consumers have a number of options and they do not stick to a single app.
They can easily switch to another if they don’t like one.
An app should have proximity to perfect to increase the business of a company in the mobile world.
So, Application testing plays a significant role on launching an app successfully.
Mostly, testing is outsourced to another company due to lack of resource.
Application testing companies have the expertise to handle all the issues related to application testing. Here we have the list of top 10 iOS app testing companies in India.
1. Testbytes

Testbytes is an Indian company located at Pune, Maharashtra and has their overseas branch in New York.
They provide a range of unmatched IT, software testing, mobile testing services worldwide.
They help in building incredible software and have an in-depth understanding and knowledge of application testing.
Their resources are certified if CSTE, ISTQB, CSQA and Automation tools.
They are pioneered in building reusable automation framework, templates, and repositories. The company has a strong client’s base from India, UAE and USA and many more.
They offer mobile application testing services on various platforms such as iOS, Windows and Android. Additionally, they also specialize in load testing, game testing, security testing, automation testing etc.
2. Tech Mahindra
An Indian Multinational Company which has transformed from information technology to digital technologies, solutions, and process.
They offer a wide range of innovative and customer-centric technology solutions and services. The company has around 113,550+ professionals across 90 countries.
Tech Mahindra was ranked 5th for providing software services in India. The company was founded in the year 1986 and started as a joint venture with British Telecom as a technology outsourcing firm.
Its headquarters is located at Pune, India and Mr. Anand Mahindra is the chairman and the founder of the company.
Tech Mahindra possesses expertise in test automation, test designing, system testing, IT solutions, business outsourcing solutions and many more.
They are also providing mobile application testing consultancy services. They are working on a wide range of platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry etc.
3. ChromeInfo Technologies
It is a mobile app development company based in Noida, India. It has the overseas offices at USA and Sydney, Australia.
ChromeInfo Technologies provides a wide range of services Including Mobile Application Testing, Mobile App Development, Web Development, UI Designing, IOT services and many more.
It is a full stack app development company that create mobile and web applications for Startups.
Since the establishment of the company, it is delivering excellent application services for various sectors including Retail, Healthcare, Media, Entertainment, Ecommerce etc.
Company’s work has been appreciated and recognized by AppStore and Google Play and it has been successful to get funding from investors.
The company has served more than 150 clients and completed more than 600 projects successfully.
4. Zymr

This is one of the best companies, dealing in Mobile App Testing Services, IOT Services, Cloud Applications, Cloud Mobility, Cloud Security, and many more.
The company is located at Pune and Ahmadabad in India and has its overseas offices at Silicon Valley, USA, and Europe.
Zymr is serving its customers since 2012 and has around 50-249 employees.
It is pioneered in iOS and Android mobile app testing and develops mobile applications for agile companies, enterprises, consumers, social media companies, etc.
The company uses automation tools that are developed on its own. These tools are used across multiple platforms for UI and functional testing.
5. Appster
It is an India based company founded in the year 2011 by Josiah Humphrey and Mark McDonald.
It is basically a mobile application development company which provides innovative, modern and fresh mobile app solutions to their clients.

Also Read : Top 25 Software Testing Companies to Look Out For in 2018

The company has a team of passionate members including Sanjeev Handa (Chief Financial Officer), Robert Kazmi (VP of Sales & Operations), Ben Jarris (Global Creative Director), and Shankar Dastidar (VP of Delivery Operations). Other than mobile application testing it is also engaged in IP Protection, Rapid Concept Workshop, Rapid Agile Development, helps to ready startups etc.
6. Qualitest

It is the second largest software testing company in the world. It has its offices in India, UK, USA, and Israel.
It is independent software testing company which provides Quality Assurance solutions and testing services to other IT industries.
They are specialized in combining the best resources with their proven methodologies and come up with an increased quality, driven improvement, and cost reduction for their clients.
The company was founded in 1993 and since then it is providing testing services for mobile application such as iOS and Android. It also deals with other testing services such as website testing, cyber security testing, SAP testing and more.
7. Astegic  
 Astegic is another leading company that provides comprehensive quality assurance services to their clients.
This company is mainly known for its automation testing of mobile applications.
For 15 years, Astegic is providing improved QA and testing services by combining QA automation tools and accelerators with pro-agile engagement and delivery frameworks.
It also helps other organizations in switching from a manual testing process to QA automation processes.
The main focus of the company is to provide testing services to their clients which are rich in quality.
8. Cygnet InfoTech
 For 15 years, Cygnet Infotech is delivering value and providing QA and IT solutions to their clients.
The focus of the company is to deliver technology-enabled solutions through flexible engagement models and efficient delivery mechanism.
Other than providing web content management or application development, this company also offers a testing environment for various technology-driven models such as mobile application.
It offers QA and testing services to global industries no matter what application/platform their client might offer, they are capable of addressing the testing solution with their core methodology.
9. ValueCoders
 Valuecoders is another Indian software company that focuses on providing software development services and their testing.
For more than 13 years the company has developed and tested more than 450 applications and has worked with several other industries including development companies, digital agencies or enterprises to help them in simplifying their IT outsourcing experience.
It offers hassle free and precise testing services for any application including a mobile application such as iOS, Android or Windows with their domain knowledge, proven methodologies, technology expertise and professionals in software solutions.
With their experienced and skilled testers, they can easily meet any requirements on modern technology for their clients.
10. Sourcebits
Sourcebits is Indian software and IT services company pioneered in design and development of mobile applications. This company is based in Bangalore and was established in 2006.
The company is associated with creating mobile applications for significant platforms as well as their testing.
The QA engineers ensure thorough testing of mobile applications including iOS or Android platform.
It also helps other organization in measuring, testing and analyzing business solutions more efficiently and solves problems more easily.
With more than 200 employees, it is serving as the top iOS and Android Developing Company for more than 13 years.

Mobile App Security Testing Checklist Every Developer Must Have

Mobile apps have become the ultimate solution for every organization to conduct their businesses. Thus, the usage of mobile apps has been soaring heights in these recent years. While many of the apps perform the function of storing and displaying data, other apps are involved in transmitting some of the sensitive data. However, with higher power come great responsibilities. Thus, it is essential that the organizations safeguard their apps alongside enjoying the tremendous benefits that these apps provide.

app testing

Mobile app security works in an entirely different way than any of the traditional applications. Time is of the essence when it comes to the latest mobile universe. Developers are always in a rush when putting together a mobile app that they sometimes forget to implement the most critical security measures that should be performed.

Thus we have come up with a quick checklist that you could refer to when building your mobile apps.

Penetration Tests

One of the best ways to avoid security risks is by running pen tests on your mobile applications against the various vulnerabilities. Penetration testing includes hacking into the mobile apps and imitating both general and mobile-specific attacks. It also provides replication of the attacker’s action to extract confidential information.

Every device tremendously varies with regards to the features and operating systems. Thus, there are unique challenges that appear when running penetration tests. However, this method shouldn’t be avoided because it is an absolute necessity when it comes to detecting loopholes in a system. If left unseen, these loopholes could grow to become potential threats that give access to the mobile’s data and features.

Source Code Encryption

Almost all the codes in a native mobile app are left on the client’s side. Mobile malware often targets vulnerabilities in the code and design to pose a threat to the mobile applications. Before the attack, the attackers can extract a public copy of the application. They reverse-engineer the application so that the codes could be plundered and malicious codes could be inserted. After which they are further posted on third-party app stores to trick the people who install them.

Furthermore, be extra careful when using codes from third-party libraries. Check the code thoroughly to make sure that it doesn’t have any security flaw. Third-party libraries can be a lifesaver when working on time-consuming projects; however, they can sometimes be extremely insecure for your apps.

Threats like these can take an organization’s reputation downhill. Developers should thus put extreme care when building an app and include tools to detect and close security vulnerabilities. Developers should even make their applications robust against any tampering and reverse-engineering too. Minimisation would make the code harder to interpret; however, they won’t necessarily ensure secrecy. Keeping the codes a secret is of utmost importance, and encryption provides the most efficient and highest security making the code unreadable.

Security of the Device

A mobile application can only remain secure if the phone is secure. Otherwise, when a mobile is ‘rooted’ or ‘jailbroken’, it points at the authentic software restrictions that have been compromised. By making an application ‘risk-aware’, enterprises are given the ability to put a limitation on particular functionalities, sensitive data, and enterprise resources. Moreover, enterprises are asked to not wholly depend on native app development platforms, as these platforms are not always resistant to mobile security threats.

Thus, it is wise to choose intelligent sources and quality application services to keep track of the apps and their associated risks.

Protecting Data in the Transit

Data is always transmitted from clients to servers, and it needs to be protected to keep away from privacy leaks. It might seem like an unimportant task to most of the developers, but it is never a better option to be ignorant when the security of an app is at stake. Using either an SSL or VPN tunnel is highly advisable when you are trying to safeguard the data that is being sent from a client to the server.

A risk-aware transaction should be embraced by the entire organization to restrict risk factors regarding the mobile applications.

File-Level and Database Encryption

The bandwidth and varying connection quality imply the importance of more client-side code and the vast amount of data stored on a device. Unlike desktop applications, mobile applications are required to stay on the device itself. Moreover, this very fact has a significant impact on the security. Most developers design the mobile app in a way that the data is stored in the local file system. However, by default, these can’t encrypt the data and thus leave a major loophole for potential vulnerabilities.

To overcome this, modules that can encrypt the data should be put to use. They can provide file-level encryption and can be very helpful when it comes to amplifying security.

High-Level Authentication

Security breaches usually happen due to the lack of high-level authentication. Authentication refers to passwords and other personal identifiers that are put to act as a hindrance to entry. Only the users with the right identifier can access the information, whereas the others are left out. However, when working as a developer, this mainly depends on the end users. Thus, encouraging the users to grow more sensitive towards authentication would be the best way to avoid security breaches.

Developers should design the apps in such a way that it only accepts strong alphanumerical passwords. Additionally, makes sure that the app makes the user change these passwords in every three or six months. In case of extremely sensitive apps, biometric authentication should be employed such as fingerprints and retina scan.

mobile app

Now that you have the complete checklist of security measures that you should take when developing an app, you would prove to be a sinecure. However, it is advisable that every developer become extra careful, and put all the safety measures to use to make the application as strong as an ox.

Methods For Testing Mobile App Performance Using LoadRunner

People using smart phones require the mobile apps to perform with the same effectiveness as the desktop software does. Due to inundation of numerous applications in the virtual store, the competition is extremely high. As a result, robust apps are in demand that pass rigorous testing parameters. If you are an app developer, use LoadRunner for mobile applications as it works extremely well with the native version. Although web apps are tested with the help of open source platforms, it is the LoadRunner that plays an important role to enhance the capability of the mobile based software.
app testing
Testing is a complex process where numerous devices right from Android to iOS are involved. There are different versions for native and web applications, however LoadRunner can resolve all the issues with the help of certain protocols.
It records the browser and native scripts that query the server with the help of http/html protocols. The whole process takes place at the transport layer of the TCP/IP model. Network traffic is recorded in a separate file called PCAP and then it is used to create a visual script. Even third party emulators can be used to generate the script logic.
True client essential for native mobile:
True client technology is used to record the scripts of the browser based or hybrid mobile applications. Apps are loaded onto the mobile devices and are tested end to end mode in order to find out errors. To make the process successful, one should install mobile test center app on the device. It consists of emulators that help to perform, extensive testing and build the most memorable apps in the market.
Mobile web protocol:
The protocol plays an important role in recording the user activity in the mobile applications based on the browser scripts. The whole process takes place in the TruClient browser that is modified to be an emulator.
SMP or SAP mobile platform:

  • The protocol helps the users to create .NET scripts according to their requirements an specification. Files are auto generated on SMP, however the script should not use threading as is the norm in .NET and Java environment because they might degrade the scalability of the testing process.
  • In addition, threads might hamper the measurement procedure at the client’s site. Users cannot invoke functions from the thread because their behavior remains undetermined.
  • In order to record the script using SMP, it is vital to generate the file such as Action.CS, Vuser_ init.cs, Vuser_end.cs.
  • The user should click on the new script and solution link and select SAP mobile platform.
  • Once the files are generated, they are copied into the script folder.
  • After the process is completed, you should invoke the save button, close the script file and reopen the content.
  • Thereafter, the location of the .DLL file needs to be added to the Shared DLL folders situated under the .NET settings located in the Run time settings menu.
  • You can replay the script to watch it in action with the SMP protocol.

Therefore, LoadRunner is useful for converting captured network traffic to HTTP user script, using either the provided tools or by using conventional capturing tools which can help you produce performance scripts for mobile app performance.

How to Automate Mobile Application Testing Using Selenium

Selenium is an open-source testing tool that is primarily used for regression testing and functional testing. Identified as a collection of software testing tools, the Selenium suite can be used to automate web browser testing. Speaking of mobile application testing, it is a well-known fact that you as a tester must have heard about Selenium. And if you are curious to know whether Selenium can be used to automate mobile application testing, the following detailed explanation will throw light on your queries.
app testing
To answer the question “Can Selenium be a mobile application testing tool?” the answer is negative. But the good news is that you can make the most of the Selenium to test mobile websites. This is definitely a reason that can cheer you up. And there are a couple of another reasons that will make you smile.
Selenium, as an open-source testing tool, does not involve any licensing cost and hence ranks above over other testing tools that are currently employed. While you cannot use Selenium to automate mobile application testing, you are at an advantage to employ the frameworks of Selenium that are exclusively designed for mobile automated testing.
Selenium Frameworks Designed for Automating Mobile Application Testing

  1. Selendroid
  2. Appium

In line with this very name, Selendroid is a Selenium framework that can be employed to test the user interface of native and hybrid applications that can be run on the Android platform. It is also important to note that while the Selendroid framework is suitable for emulators, it also can find its place in the Selenium Grid, when the framework can be integrated with real devices. Essentially meant to perform parallel testing and scaling, the Selendroid framework allows you to simultaneously communicate with multiple Android devices.
Selenium Appium: 
Selenium Appium is an automated, open source test framework that can be employed to test mobile user interfaces that come with native, hybrid and mobile web applications. It is also a cross-platform tool that can is compatible with many languages including Node.JS, PHP, Java, Objective-C, JavaScript, Clojure, C#, Python and Perl. You as a tester can make the most of its cross-platform characteristic when you can effortlessly employ Selenium Appium through a single test script to perform tests on Android, Windows, Mac, Linux or iOS platforms.
A Dozen Simple Steps Involved in Automating Mobile Application Testing Using Selenium Appium
1. Your first step is to visit http://appium.io. You then need to download the Appium framework along with sample files as demonstrated under:
2. The next step is to unzip the downloaded files.
3. Proceed further by downloading and setting up Android-SDK file on to your computer.
4. Check out the Android-SDK framework and identify the AVD Manager application. This is to create a “Default”            Android Virtual Device.
5. The next step is to run Eclipse.
6. You then need to access the unzipped folder to import the Java->JUnit sample code according to the following              illustration.
7. After the previous step, this is what you will get to see; the imported Java project structure.
8. You are now all set to execute the Appium.exe file which is saved in the unzipped folder, as demonstrated below.
9. You can now launch the Appium server window that will show up as under.
10. Without any hassles, you can change the AndroidContactsTest.java file according to your requirements.
11. You can now run the Java class as JUnitTest as depicted below.
12. Your outcome will be that the application has passed the test.
Voila! These simple steps when performed in series will grant you the power of Selenium Appium to automate mobile application testing.

17 Different Approaches to Comprehensive Mobile Testing for iOS and Android Apps

People are not so positive on QA even if they know how important it is for a software nourishment. A step of testing is avoided more often than not to save on budget.
app testing
Remember, branded products always come with standard price; but, why….? Because of the quality they assure.
We all have heard the proverb “all that glitters is not gold.” Likewise, no matter how beautiful, trendy and charming your application design looks, it is not going to bring anything good
if it doesn’t provide the expected quality.
As a user, you would definitely go for a better option if the expected application goes on loading for more than 5 seconds. Believe me, some of the users won’t even wait for 2 seconds. A book series can be written about the customer dissatisfaction experiences on the applications. Remember, a user once lost is lost forever.
The purpose of testing is not always about finding the errors, but, it is also to make sure the application works properly.
Does it functions well?
Is the user satisfied?
Does the application work as developer expected?
The best stairway to perfection is always questioning the possibilities. Testing is a mixture of techniques and methods; there is no simpler way to make sure the working status of an application. For every execution process, we need a plan.
Here, we are going to discuss about 17 different approaches that can be applied for testing iOS and Android apps.
General strategies
1. Let the QA tester belong to the core developing team.
Generally, companies have a waterfall way of processing an application. In that case, testers will get busy with in a week of starting the project. But, in the agile method of working, QA is an important part, which the team considers as an essential ingredient for the success of the project. When a tester gets involved, he/she will be well aware of the development taking place and be sure about the part in which improvements are needed.
Also, approach it, considering the design and user expectation.
2. Ensure the test scripts
There are people who think, ‘QA is not that important, let’s just ensure performance’
Can you believe that people actually think like that even at this time of hectic competition? Also, it’s not as simple as testing everything casually. A pure, complete knowledge on function should be there and the required data should be provided to the tester for a complete logical testing.
The product team has to make sure that the scripts provided are understandable by the tester.
It should be made simple for any programmer to understand.
3. Functional testing
· Do the features work?
· Can user complete the task?
These are the two main questions we need to find the answer for explaining functional testing. The tester will work along with the procedures of the application so that he will understand the performance and the flow of to and fro pages.
4. Unit testing
Unit testing works in relation with codes. Usually, developers do this. Codes are mantled, separated into different parts called units and tested thoroughly. The unit referred here can be a code module or a function.
5. Performance testing
Testing is all about improvisation. So, performance testing is done to make sure that no delay in performance of application happens as the result of improvisation.
Here, the testers monitor the speed and how well the application responds to features. Time consideration is also a factor involved in performance testing along with
· Data consumption
· Battery duration
· Space consumption
· Navigation
· Network coverage etc.
6. User acceptance testing
The term ‘User acceptance testing’ is a wrong term because we don’t have an actual user. Instead, we select a group to conduct the test.
We can’t just go on and ask people to take part in this session since it takes time. So, we seek the help of our colleagues. A group from inside the company, who may or may not be a part of this application development, will take part in this testing.
Usability testing is usually considered as a final step in the case of websites or applications,
Steps followed in usability testing are:-
1. Planning
2. Selection of group
3. Explaining what is expected and what is not
4. Introducing main scenario
5. Testing specification, bugs
6. Sign off
7.Manual Testing  vs Automated Testing
Machines are faster; that’s why it is better to make QA tests automated. It is because computers can find anything that does not work, faster than the human brain can.
It simply saves money, time and provides more accuracy.
Yet, not every QA task cannot be completed by computer. Sometimes issues occur, that are too awful for software to complete.
8. Load Testing
Load testing is a lot of work. It is checking the user capacity that an application can hold to make sure that the application loading will not be exhausted in an expected number of user logins.
automation testing
Basics of load testing
1. Record the traffic
2. Replay the request
3. Analysis
9.Regression Testing
Regression testing is like marvel movies. Interesting, huh?
The hero gets unusual power, use it stupidly, but, at the end, he realizes that he can make big changes.
Even a small change in code can error the whole application. So, regression testing helps in ensuring that the changes made doesn’t affect the flow of the application.
10. Device Testing
Mac and Windows are usually considered for device testing,
That’s something cool about device testing. There are over 24,000 models that exist in Android itself.
bird eye view of android screens
This is a bird eye view of android screens that presently exist.  (source)
Deciding which screen size application is optimized is more important here. Having a clear company policy will help testers to ensure that the rules and test selected rather than all supported devices.
11. Testing Interruption
Interrupt conditions are mainly the interruptions that occur while the applications are running.
It includes incoming/outgoing calls, text messages, notifications etc. In the cycle of applications when disturbances happen, interruption testing tells applications how to behave properly.
In short, interruption testing is just like teaching good manners to a child, “behave boy” 🙂
12. Crowd source Testing
Crowd sourcing is simply recruiting a specific group through a third party. When a developer wants to test a product, he contacts any agency that provides a collective group which is suitable for testing product. This agency will collect the record and give the developer a result.
In mobile application, crowd sourcing is becoming a latest trend.
The agency and the group get paid according to the bugs they find.
13. Connectivity Testing (Network)
Since digitization is taking over the world, we are provided with plenty of connectivity carriers.
We may run out of daily supplies, but data connection! Never.
So, what the tester has to make sure here is, how applications respond to various data carriers, especially, 3G 4G, LTE.
Testing on popular data providers would help to ensure the performance of applications since they will be the widely used networks. Also, testing how applications work when data loss or weak connection happens may help.
14.Emulator Testing policy.
There are many emulators now that developers use effectively to test any application.
Browserstack.com is the most popular among them.
In a tester’s perspective, you would want experts to test in one or more devices, on most popular versions of Android and iOS but testing in different devices, screen sizes, and OS versions can be done through emulators in order to save money and time.
15. OS version: Testing and Support
iOS and Android have significant OS versions in existing markets. Also, we have to agree that iOS is better than Android. It is the main reason why many companies are advised to develop applications in iOS initially.
Android doesn’t have complete power on the available versions provided for the users. But, apple has complete power on the users and provided versions since they manufacture both software and i Phones.
16.UXA Testing
UXA stands for user experience assessment which takes an account of skills, methods and tools used to identify how much aware the user is about the application.
UXA is categorized into three:
1. Implict
2. Explict
3. Emotional/Creative assessment
Various reasons can be pointed out for why developers always fail to replace the functionality as designers outline it. The variations that occur between UXA and software may be too small but noticeable. But, the eye of a good tester should be like a hawk, catch prey at instant.
17.Security Testing
‘According to 2017 application security report published by cyber security ventures, 111 billion new software code lines are being developed every year
Hope you all understood what we are going to discuss now.
One of the main reasons that security testing should be done is to secure user data. Whatever data user provides should be encrypted and should never reach in bad hands.
That’s a duty, moreover a responsibility. Data leakage is an issue that happens commonly. Therefore, make sure that the data transfer is done through proper channel.
‘It’s a wild world out there’.

5 Conditions to be Added in Your Mobile App Testing Checklist

We can see developers setting new trends with exciting mobile applications every minute. But, this large number of apps leaves the consumers or the users in doubt, in terms of choice and their working.Therefore, app developers have mobile app testing or QA kept in top of their priority list so that their mobile applications are the best and defect free.
mobile app
We all know what mobile application bugs can do to mobile devices. An average mobile user will not prefer bugged applications in his/her device Therefore, in order to make it perfect, the mobile applications are tested.
Before you start testing, here are some key points to add to your checklist:

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1. Performance

The performance of app focuses on mainly two things:
working speed of the app and the responsiveness of the application, the CPU of the device, memory usage in SD card and in device and the battery drainage.
Even a minor or major weakness in the network connection can affect the performance strength of the application. This is a kind of device versus application. So testing focused on the Wi-Fi connection or network availability can help to improve these areas of crashes.
This also covers the amount of data used by the application. This is one of users favourite too. Performance is merited on the basis of how well applications behave on the device.

2. Interruption

Bugs are well known to interrupt working of devices. While the app is running, normal interaction is interrupted by different kind of external events.
This includes pop up alert like alarms, calendar, notifications, incoming /outgoing voice calls and text messages. Among these the incoming/outgoing calls are the most important kind of interruption caused.
Sometimes, this can affect the working of other apps in the device too. This is almost common for every application. Clearing this defect before launching the app in the market can add to its efficiency.

3. Device Integration

Integration of the mobile application with the device is significant.
Here the applications have to merge with all the settings, configuration, alignment and in built applications of the mobile device such as screen resolution, screen orientation, OS, camera, audio, GPS service etc., It is very important to know how an app works on specifications like your location, video and camera.
Expected results may vary according to the specifications of the mobile.
Response of device to the gestures can also be included and how the device responds should also be counted.

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 8 Key Challenges of Mobile App Testing Services

4. Installation

Installation is the part where the tester should look for the process of installing and uninstalling and the properties of updating.
Sometimes, testing of installation in the application is not done completely.
There are a lot of things to consider while testing the installation of a mobile application. Initially, we have to categorize the end users. The target audience have a relationship with the process of installing and uninstalling the application.
app testing
Also, the experience can vary for the first time users of the application. The process of updating the installed application has to be taken care of. The main question that arises here is whether the updated version of a mobile application is supported by the device?

5. Network

Testing on network deals with the poor or weak signal, quality loss and data transition.
Applications that don’t need network traffic after the installation wouldn’t be much affected. The main course problem with the application that requires network data for further working is that, they have a tendency to consume a large amount of data. MB. Messenger applications are one among these.
Battery drain can also happen while in-app use. Gaming apps having multi-player specifications and applications like sound cloud where user can listen to music online can cause huge battery drainage.

Limited Testing Begins for Android’s new ‘Instant Apps’

Last year at the I/O Conference conducted by Google in San Francisco, a new concept was introduced – ‘Instant Apps’. These applications can be used with a single click on the respective URL links. Users are not required to install the applications from the app store.

Temporary loading will be made rather than downloading the whole app from the store and installing. After one or two trials has been made, if the needs the app for further use, he can download it. This way, uses need not install apps to test if they actually finds it useful.

mobile app

About half an year after Google has announced Instant Apps, few selected apps are now ready to be tested. Fully functional Instant apps will not be available to the users yet. They will get a limited version to test out the functionality and provide feedback as mentioned in Android developer blog

Instant apps of BuzzFeed, Wish, Periscope and Viki would be the first ones to be tested. An Instant app gives the speed of a web page and works like a native app. According to the android team, other developers won’t be able to join in the initial stage. But can can be part of the wider SDK release if they apply here

Instant apps are expected to put an end to the massive consumption of data and storage in users’ smart devices as google themselves were claiming at the Instant App announcement event.


Mobile Software Testing Guide for First Time App Developers

As everyone knows, mobile technology and smartphones are becoming a trend now and for sure is going to transform the future of the world. If you are a beginner in mobile app development you may get puzzled at thinking the challenges of mobile software testing.

app testing

As an aid for first time app developers, we are introducing a guide on mobile software testing. Unlike other software guides we tried to explain testing aspects in a lucid style. We hope this guide will boost your confidence in app developing.

Let’s have a look on different types of mobile Testing

Kinds of mobile software testing

Mobile testing is mainly of two types:

  1. Hardware Testing

Hardware testing is otherwise known as simple mobile testing. You have to test the internal processors, screen sizes, internal hardware, memory, resolution, camera, radio, WIFI, Bluetooth during this process.

  1. Software Testing

The functionality of applications on various mobile devices is tested during this process. Hence it is known as Mobile app or Mobile Application Testing. When it comes to mobile applications, it is important to know a few basic differences:

  • Native apps: Native apps are developed to use in devices like mobile and tablets.
  • Mobile web apps: Mobile web apps are very much like native apps, but are not implemented as such. You can use these server side apps to access sites on mobile via different browsers.
  • Hybrid apps: As the name suggests, hybrid apps are developed by combining native app and mobile app. Web technologies like HTML and CSS are used to write these apps.

    Read Also : 8 Key Challenges of Mobile App Testing Services

Importance of Mobile Application Testing

Here are some reasons why mobile software testing is more challenging than testing apps on desktop

  • Types of mobile gadgets with varying screen sizes and hardware configurations.
  • Different kinds of mobile brands like Samsung, Nokia, Apple, HTC, etc.
  • Varying platforms like Android, IOS, Windows, Symbian, etc. Various versions of these mobile operating systems also create challenges.
  • Different technologies used by network operators like CDMA and GSM
  • Repeated updates from Operating systems (For e.g.- iOS-5.x, 6.x)

Mobile and Desktop Application Testing – Common Differences

Here are a few aspects that make you understand what makes mobile app testing and desktop testing different

  • The mobile apps are tested in mobile handsets like HTC, Samsung etc. while in the case of desktop it is tested on a central processing unit.
  • Screen size of a mobile device is smaller when compared to desktop
  • Memory of mobile gadget is less than desktop
  • Usually desktop use broadband or dial up connections where mobile gadgets use services like 2G, 3G, 4G, WIFI etc.
  • You can never use the automation tool for mobile app testing but it works on desktop applications.

Kinds of Mobile App Testing

If you want to resolve all the above technical aspects you have to perform the following kinds of mobile app testing.

  • Usability Testing: With this test you are able to know if your app is user friendly
  • Compatibility testing: You have to do this test to make sure your app’s performance on various mobile gadgets, OS versions, browsers, screen sizes etc.
  • Services testing: This test will help you to address issues related online and offline performance of your app
  • Performance testing: This type of testing is a must to ensure the performance of your app when switching connections from 2G, 3G to WIFI. Also, other issues like battery consumption can be checked

  • Interface testing: You should perform this test to make sure the modules of your application like menu options, settings, bookmarks, etc. are working properly
  • Operational testing: You can prevent data loss while upgrading your app from the store by doing operational testing. This test will help you to set backups and recovery plan for your app.
  • Security testing: Vulnerabilities of your app can be detected because of this testing

    Recommended Read : 5 Types of Testing to Make Your Mobile Apps User Friendly

Testing strategy for mobile apps

A sensible test strategy will enhance the quality and performance of your app. Here are a few tips for you.

  1. Selection of gadgets is crucial – You need to study the current market trends and choose the popular used gadgets for testing. (Since clients consider the popularity factor of gadgets, you can develop your app according to the marketing needs.)
  2. Emulators – As emulators permits speedy and efficient checking of the app, it will help you in the first stages of development.

Let’s know about kinds of mobile emulators

  • Device emulator – Usually offered by device manufacturers
  • OS emulators – Top mobile brands like Apple, Microsoft and Google are providing emulators for iPhones, Windows phones, Android phones respectively.

Some user friendly emulators for mobile gadgets

  1. Mobile Phone Emulator – You can use this tool for testing devices like Samsung, iPhone, HTC etc.

  2. MobiReady – This tool will be helpful for you in checking web apps and codes as well.

  3. TestiPhone – You can see the real preview of your app with this amazing tool.

  4. Screenfly – You can test sites under different categories with this tool.

3.Make use of Google Cloud Testing for testing your app’s performance on multiple devices

Mobile App Testing and Test Cases

It is important to develop functionality based test cases and special test cases as well for mobile app testing. Test cases should include the following criteria


  • Battery usage– It’s vital to monitor battery utilization while running application on the mobile phones.
  • Application speed – It is a known fact that the response time on various gadgets with diverse memory parameters will be different
  • Data requisites – You need to check if a user with limited data can download your app without technical issues
  • Memory/ Storage – Need to verify the memory requirement to install and run the app

Developing the right strategy for testing is vital for the success of a mobile app. So, we hope that our software testing guide will help the app developers, especially the beginners.

6 Top Android App Testing Challenges

Unlike traditional desktop and web applications, android app testing is different and more complex. It has its own set of challenges.
app testing
The movement towards mobile devices has brought a whole different set of challenges to the testing world. Not only consumer targeted apps, but enterprise apps as well are on the rise.
Read Also: Top 5 Automation Testing Tools for Android
Here are 6 key challenges that android app developers and testers are facing.

  1. Screen Sizes: The android world is not simple. There are devices with display sizes ranging from sub-3 inches to over 10 inches. The variety of different aspect ratios and pixel densities can be overwhelming as well.

With the launch of iPhone 6, Apple brings new screen sizes to iOS as well. Though iOS developers are used to pixel perfect screen design, they now need to change their mindset to adaptive screen design. But for android it’s at an amplified rate. For testing, it means that we need to check on various devices that all the necessary screen elements are accessible with different screen sizes and aspect ratios.

  1. Connection Types: There are several standards for mobile data connections (edge, umts, 3G, 4G) as well as for wifi (b, g, n). Sometimes there might be no connection available at all or the device is in flight mode. When users move around the connection type might change.

Unfortunately some carriers filter the web on their own will, which results in the devices being connected without actually having connection with a specific service (messaging or calling through apps). Even though connection APIs on mobile platforms have been developed keeping those challenges in mind, the real world environment is still very much varying and interesting set of issues may occur. It’s important to test the bandwidth usage as not all carriers are supporting unlimited data volumes.

mobile app

  1. Different OS versions: iOS users are known to upgrade quickly to newer versions. On the contrary, Android uptake has historically been very slow and the fragmentation is wide. This means that app developers need to support older OS versions and older APIs and testers need to test those.
  1. Power consumption and battery life: Innovation in the battery storage capacity field hasn’t been keeping up with the app consumption rate. We are running lots of apps during the day and several processes are running in the background without us even noticing. This all requires CPU cycles. Thus, batteries tend to dry. When testing mobile apps, we need to make sure that the power consumption is kept minimal and the app is developed keeping the best practices in mind.
  1. Usability: Mobile devices screen are comparatively small and there are always more data we would like to present than possible to fit to the screen. It’s challenging to keep the interaction clean and simple for the user, and at the same time display all the necessary information. Font size and readability are other challenging factors of usability. When testing mobile apps, it’s important to pay attention to the size of click areas and making sure that all texts are readable without lenses.

You May also Like: 5 Types of Testing to Make Your Mobile Apps User Friendly

  1. Internationalisation: Most of the apps are designed to be used on international markets. Testing for translation is only one piece of the whole internationalisation testing. Testers should also take into account regional traits like locale settings and time zones and target audience.

Changing time while app is running might cause some interesting artefacts. Also some designs that are working in the western world might not work in the east and vice-versa. Right-to-left languages have always kept developers puzzled.