5 Unavoidable Aspects For All Android App Testing Services

So, you have developed your brilliant idea into a fantastic app. Now, you are sending it to an android app testing services firm for ensuring your app quality. But for that to happen in the best way, there are a few aspects that are unavoidable. Let’s see what they are.

1: Know your customers

The foremost aspect in building a good brand in the mobile app world is user expectations.

The fact is that mobile users expect much more from mobile devices and mobile apps than from other devices such as the desktop.

Hence, knowing your clients become of paramount importance.

Just collect information of your clients regarding their:

  1. age

  2. gender

  3. monthly income

  4. mobile usage habits

  5. geographical location

These information will help you get usage patterns helping your efforts in mobile testing. Such data allows you to find out the specific devices your audience engage with, allowing you to downsize the number of devices for testing, on account of its usbility to the customers as well.

Special efforts should be taken by way of interviewing customers, conduct market research, etc to collect such data.

Read Also : 10 Best Android App Testing Frameworks

2: Create device groups

The mobile app testers can create mobile device groups aiding to downsize testing efforts.

3: Don’t skimp on standard test methods

As an experienced professional, you might be familiar with the technological meanings and implications of the words like boundary values, different coverage types,equivalence classes, and acceptance criteria. All these also applies to mobile testing as well.

4: Test on various data networks

Testing in various types of data networks also forms as one of the most important aspect while testing mobile apps.

Your app, when connected to the Internet, would encounter different data networks as well.

Performance of your app when connected to fast data network technologies such as 3G, LTE, and even your home or office Wi-Fi would differ from slower networks like EDGE and GPRS for that matter.

You should ensure that as a Mobile app tester, your app works with different network speeds, handling network transitions such as from LTE to EDGE.

app testing

5: Test in different languages

If your mobile app is used in different countries, the app will need to support different languages. In this situation, you should test the app against the various languages it supports.

You should remember that testing the language assumes importance as every language has different sizes and characters.

Read Also : 3 Reasons Android App Testing is Important

You should also test the product against all major hardware features as mobile devices have powerful hardware and sensors interacting with users and their environment such as:

  • Proximity sensors

  • Acceleration sensors

  • Gyroscope sensors

  • Magnetic sensors

  • Ambient light sensors

  • Location sensors

  • Touchless sensors

The mobile app should be tested against different hardware features such as display, camera, storage, microphone, etc of various devices.

You must note that these features will have a huge impact to the mobile app in the context of mobile app taking a picture, processing it, and upload it to a server.

It should also be borne in mind that before submitting a mobile app to an app store, you should test it’s installation and update processes.

Things to Look for While Hiring iPad App Testing Services

The launch of Tablets has declined the sales of PCs and Notebooks for the past couple of years. There is a tight competition between companies providing a variety of devices in the market. Among the competitors, Apple’s iPad remains head and shoulders above the rest.

Many businesses started to publish iPad apps owing to its growing demand. Unfortunately, much of the apps get rejected in the app store because of the stringent policies involved in the Apple App Store Review process.

app testing

Lack of proper testing has led to the failure of apps. Businesses begin to realize the importance of testing services. This has increased the number of ipad app testing services, of late.

Testing services can help you to make your app popular among the iPad users across the globe. It’s the easiest way to find your potential customers. But you should know more about iPad App Testing Services before hiring one.

Here are some things to look for while hiring iPad App Testing Services

  1. Look for their recent works

Portfolio reveals the quality of services offered by a testing company. Go through their portfolio and download some of their apps. Install it on various iPad devices and check its performance.

Recommended Read : Why you Should Hire Specialist iPad App Testing Services

If their apps can give you a quality user experience, then they are the best in streamlining iPad apps according to your business needs. If possible, contact some of their clients and ask them whether the testing company is capable of offering quality services.

  1. Effective communication matters

When you work with a testing company, make sure that they keep a flawless contact with you. Effective communication is crucial for the success of joint ventures. Ensure that your testing company replies to your emails and queries within 24 hours. If they fail to do so never hire that company. When it comes to business your commitment is important.

So, work with teams which manage to keep regular communication with you.

  1. Readiness to teach and offer support

As you might know, iPad App Testing is challenging and a bit complex process. It’s important to know about the factors that speed up the approval of your app in the Apple App Store.

Never hesitate to clear your doubts. You should ask the testing company to explain more about Apple App store review guidelines and all. Remember, everyone was a newbie at some point, including popular iOS App Development companies. To know more about Apple store review guidelines, see our blog 5 Factors to Test before Uploading an iPhone App to the App Store

A skillful testing team will suggest their ideas for your app and recommends adjustments if needed. Their team members should find time to explain everything to you related to testing, including complex terminologies and technical details.


So, look for a team which can teach and offer assistance to you any time.

Read Also : 6 Reasons iPad App Testing Services Should be Done on a Real Device

  1. Ensure they have sufficient workforce

It’s usually seen that testing companies undertake many projects simultaneously without having enough workforce and fail to deliver services on time. Ask your team whether they are working for any other projects currently. Sufficient workforce is vital for committing multiple projects at a time. Ensure they have the time to focus on your project.

So, hire a team with sufficient workforce and commitment.

  1. Check whether they have an innovative approach

A proficient testing company maintains a business analyst in their team. He will analyze the current trends in the iPad App market and discuss the scope of your app with the team members. Check whether their team members are able to understand your business needs.

You can do this by conversing with the testers and programmers in their team. Ask them if they are able to improvise the design to offer a top class user experience.

So, hire the iPad App Testing services possessing an innovative approach.

Working with the right professionals in the industry will speed up your business growth. Consider these 5 things when you hire testing services and give a professional touch to everything you do!

Why You Should Hire Specialist iPad App Testing Services

As everyone knows, it’s much easier to find and collaborate with iPad App Testing Services. But question is why you should hire expert iPad App Testing Services? How it helps businesses to increase their ROI?

A testing company can help you to make your iPad app popular among iPad users across the world.  To be precise, it’s another way to find opportunities to attract potential customers.  Obviously, it’s not going to happen without understanding the product and platform type.

For example, an exciting iOS app packed with fun might get viral on Social Media.  Unfortunately, an iOS or iPad app of a business organization has no element to go viral on social media.  There are many aspects that determine the popularity of an app. Some of those aspects are online advertising, influence of social media, reviews and reach, etc.

Online advertising via platforms such as Facebook, AdWords, etc will help any app become popular. Huge followers in popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn make people closer to your product. Reviews also play a vital role to drive more downloads.

Recommended Read : 6 Reasons iPad App Testing Services Should be Done on a Real Device

Usually, businesses and startups hire iPad App Testing Services to get done their app development ventures professionally.

Here are 5 benefits of hiring specialist iPad App Testing Services

  1. Professional Approach

Professional approach to every aspect is the striking feature of a reputed App Testing Company. As iPad App Testing is a complex process professional testing companies use proven methodologies to tackle the challenges of iOS platforms.

You are allowed to talk with the development team during the testing phase. This will give you room to evaluate their efforts during different stages of their work. You could give suggestions in order to meet your business goals.

Popular testing companies know how to create a sound image towards your potential customers because of their innovative methodologies. The end product of these efforts will be a high – quality app for your customers.

  1. Multiple Variants of iPad Devices

Today, a wide range of iPad devices are available in the market. Specifications differ from gadgets to gadgets. Unless you test your app, it shows technical issues on multiple iPad devices.  Testing services know these issues very well as they have experience of dealing with different clients. As the testing team consists of business analysts and experienced professionals, they together devise strategies to convert your app into a winning app.

app testing

  1. Portfolio Reveals the Efficiency

It’s clear that portfolio reveals the quality of services provided by a company. You could go through the portfolio before hiring a testing service. In fact, portfolio says what they are! Reliable companies always maintain an all set portfolio to convince their clients. Always remember, “Where excellence leads, quality follows

  1. Explore More Ideas

 “The company you keep does have an impact and influence on your choices”

The above mentioned quote is true for people from all walks of life. When you are in company with people of high calibre, definitely it will bring a positive impact on your life as well.

Testing companies have experienced professionals and team members of high calibre. If you hire one of such companies you can expect brainstorming sessions with them. Obviously, such healthy discussions make room for exploring more ideas to get things right.

More ideas bring more quality and more quality is going to bring you a profitable business deal.

Read Also : Top Automation Tools for iOS App Testing Services

  1. Know about Useful Tools and Utilities

Hiring testing services will help you to know about more professional tools in the industry. You might be using some average tools, but testing professionals are the real players in the game, they know to give your app a universal appeal by using latest tools and utilities.
As the demand for iPad Apps are increasing, it’s time for a good business deal. So, create a winning app by hiring specialist iPad App Testing Services. Good luck guys!

7 Reasons to Hire an iPhone App Testing Service

You might be familiar with iPhone app testing, a common term used to refer various types of testing on iOS devices to ensure the performance of iOS apps. Apps based on iOS has a huge demand in countries such as US, UK, Germany, France, Canada and several European countries.

Many researches reveal that iOS users are interested to use paid iOS apps, when compared to the users of its competitor platforms. People feel iOS as a more engaging and reliable platform.

app testing

Today, businesses are more interested in developing iOS apps owing to the unique features of iOS platform. They envisage a huge market for iPhone apps. The increase in number of iPhone app testing services also guarantees iOS app development as a lucrative market for businesses.

Recommended Read : Why iPhone App Testing Services are Important

You might be thinking why it is necessary to hire testing services. Companies are investing huge amount of money to get their iPhone apps tested. Hiring testing services can offer them a lot of benefits.

Here are some reasons why hiring an iPhone app testing service can turn out to be a beneficial deal for businesses.

  1. Viable Communication

A dedicated app testing team ensures that you are always associated with them. They adopt several methods to address your issues and inquiries related to app development. Testing services make sure you are always connected to them via emails and phone calls.

They will tell you frankly about the progress of your undertaking and make suggestions if any change is needed in your strategy.

  1. Expertise

Hiring an experienced iPhone app testing service will have advanced knowledge about planning and actualizing functionalities.

Most of the testing services keep a group of specialists with versatile skills. So, you can trust them to convey their brilliance.

  1. Cost Effective and Time Saving

One of the principal reasons to seek the help of professional testing experts is cost viability. As they have working experience with different clients, their expertise helps you to complete portable application advancement administrations.

Delivering error free apps on time is one of the striking qualities of testing services. So, it is ideal to hire iOS testing services to get quality iPhone apps.

  1. Versatility

A proficient testing service gives you the benefit of versatility. You can make use of their versatile skills to deliver a quality product. Make sure you choose a team where you will have absolute control over the assets and undertaking. This will give you flexibility to scale everything to meet your business needs.

  1. Quality

The testing services might have past experiences of taking challenging ventures related to iPhone app development. Their testing experts outline plans to make use of latest gadgets and innovations.

mobile app

As they are experienced professionals in testing iOS products, they know how to deliver a winning app according to business necessities. This will be an advantage for your business.

Read Also : 8 Tips for Successful iPhone App Testing

  1. Ambience and Infrastructure

Good environment and infrastructure is crucial for any business to prosper. Such an ambience will bring a favourable outcome on the work delivered. Skilled testing experts might have a past history of working with a variety of professionals, which is the foundation of an IT base. Quality of the apps will improve depending on the proficiency of testing professionals. This will help businesses to deliver iPhone apps to the customers as expected in less time.

  1. Flexibility to Choose Business Models

Reputed iOS app testing services are capable of providing flexible and customized business in tune to your requirements. Usually testing services are a combo of business analysts, developers and testing experts. They work as a team and discuss the ways to implement the right business strategy for your app. This will help you to choose the right business model for your iPhone apps.

We hope you are convinced to choose an iPhone testing service for your business growth. So, start your venture with a professional testing service.

3 Reasons Android App Testing is Important

App testing is an important step before releasing any product to the Play Store or the App Store. With so much competition between different apps, you need an efficient team for Android app testing services in order to ensure success. For every app, one can find a number of substitutes. So, it is necessary to develop and release good quality products that are unique in their own way.

Android is a very efficient mobile platform.

It is the most popular platform that has been accepted by several mobile device manufacturers as it is open source and easy to use. It has turned on to become the prime source to make sure all your personal and business needs and accomplished successfully. Once you get an Android device, you could make full use of it by installing from the large variety of apps in the Play Store. There are several high quality and user friendly apps to make sure your work is done in a jiffy.

app testing

In order to make an app successful, it is essential to deliver what the user requires. Every user expects a good quality app with no errors or bugs whatsoever. Since they are spoilt for choice, they will surely dump an app and move over to install another if they are not happy. Small bugs, slight errors, and a user experience below expectations could spoil your reputation and user base. This is where Android app testing services come in to the picture. The bugs and errors need to be traced and fixed before apps make their way to the App Store.

Read Also: Things to Know about Android App Testing Services with Google Cloud

Why go for Android app testing services?

For the success of the App – A lot of effort needs to be put in to develop an app that is near to perfection. As such, it is not desirable that the end product is something buggy or full of errors and unwanted behaviour. As such, thorough testing is required to make sure that the app is working as desired with no issues. The code needs to be written carefully, and also testing needs to be done vigorously to achieve this.

Attract Users – It is a fact that error free apps with a good user experience can attract users easily. People prefer apps with good ratings and reviews on the Play Store. It is the initial nudge that is required. Once the ratings increase, it is automatically recognised in the store. Such apps receive a higher number of downloads and the chances of getting popular increase. This can be ensured with effective Android app testing. Such effective testing procedures help the teams come up with an error free app that could reach the top charts in the Play Store.

Advanced Testing – Manual testing comes with its own set of challenges. As such, testing teams now make use of advanced tools and methods that give you a bug free app. For this, developers need to first prepare a beta version of the app and release it to the testing team. The team performs all the testing procedures and runs the test cases to collect results and pass it on to the development team. Once the developers get the results they could make the necessary changes, if any.


There are a number of advanced tools available these days that make the whole process much simpler and faster. There are tools for releasing beta versions which could help the developers pass on the testing build really fast. The testing team could immediately get to work and get the results. Various testing tools could be used as per the requirements and scope of the app. Such advanced methods make sure that nothing is missed out, and one does not waste any time in the process. The end result is a bug-free app that makes the users happy and generates good revenue for the company.

Recommended Read: 6 Top Android App Testing Challenges


Android, being a secure and popular platform, needs to be handled very carefully. You need to create apps that are bug free if you want users to use your app. Otherwise, it may just fail. As such, Android app testing services are not only recommended, but also inevitable for the success of your app. These days, there are several tools available to make it more effective. Use them to your advantage and make your app hit it in the Store.

6 Reasons iPad App Testing Services Should be Done on a Real Device

With the rise in use of iPads, iPad app testing services has also become crucial for companies and brands. When developing iPad applications, it’s important to perform extensive usability testing across as many different situations or conditions as possible.

Though mobile app development would include both emulators and real devices, there are certain reasons why testing on real devices usually result in better testing outcomes than using emulators.

Common Practices

Best practices would indicate that actual development should use emulators (and a few reference real handsets), while sanity and regression testing should be done on real handsets. While simulators are an inexpensive option for testing the app and it can be downloaded for free, they are suitable only at the starting stages of iPad application development. It is ideal to choose real devices for the later usability and performance testing phases.

It may be expensive to test apps on real devices as you have to buy them. However, using a mouse and keyboard on the simulator is totally different from using a finger on the mobile devices.

You May Also Like : Mobile Software Testing Guide for First Time App Developers

When Should You Introduce Real Devices

It has to be decided by individual organizations as to when real devices should be introduced, what the ideal number of devices are for covering market needs, and how those devices can be best managed.

  1. Reliable results – It is highly recommended to use real devices for testing apps because it gives the real environment in which the app is working and also makes sure that the app delivered would be of high quality. Real handsets can always give you error-free results (no false positives or false negatives).

  2. Better user experience – Investing in the latest versions of devices, though expensive, can deliver a better user experience. By taking into account the CPU, memory, screen size, etc, the tester can understand what actually the user will be going through.

  3. Performance testing – By using emulators, you will not be able to test situations such as receiving a text message or phone call while using the app. With real iOS devices, you can test sign-up, login, handle data, connection speed and error messages, thus realizing performance lags.

  4. Display/resolution variance – Display or appearance of the app may be different on an emulator as opposed to a real device. It is crucial to check app’s brightness, changes in resolution as well as dark and light situations. It’s also very hard to simulate light and dark situations on an emulator.

  5. Device configurations – By using emulators, the whole process is dependent on the hardware. With actual devices, things can be tested directly. For the same reason, at least one real device should be used during all phases of development to assess the processing speed of the app. The emulators are not updated to reflect new devices available in the market.

  6. Network – When it comes to network configuration, simulators usually run on the PC, connect to LAN and access the internet via corporate firewall. Here, simulators cannot be used to slow network where devices experience network issues.

    Read Also : Top Automation Tools for iOS App Testing Services

The major option for testing real occurring events like incoming calls, SMS and battery consumption and the charger’s overall performance can be only done on an actual device.


Reliable companies that offer iPad app testing services maintain quality assurance by following a healthy mixture of real device and simulator testing. Before releasing your application in App/Play Store, or to devices, it’s worth testing on the device at least once.




