Top 15 Open Source Security Testing Tools For 2021

open-source security testing tools help to identify the security lapse in your web applications.  They unravel the loose ends of your web app that’s easily traceable and helps you sealing it off for a long time.

Its primary function is to perform the functional testing of an application and find the vulnerabilities that could lead the data leak or hacking, without accessing the source code.

There are a number of paid and free web application testing tools available in the market. Here, we will discuss the top 15 open-source security testing tools for web applications.

1. Wapiti


Wapiti is one of the efficient web application security testing tools that allow you to assess the security of your web applications. It performs ‘black box testing,’ to check the web applications for possible vulnerability.

During the testing process, it scans the web pages and injects the testing data to check for the security lapse. Supporting the GET and POST HTTP attacks, Wapiti identifies various types of vulnerabilities, such as:


  • File disclosure
  • Database Injection
  • XSS injection
  • Command Execution detection
  • CRLF Injection
  • XXE injection
  • Potentially dangerous files
  • Weak .htaccess configurations that are easy to bypass
  • Backup files giving disclose

Wapiti is a command-line application that is hard for beginners but easy for experts. The software requires complete knowledge of commands.

2. Zed Attack Proxy

open source security testing tools

Popularly known as ZAP, the Zed Attack Proxy is an open-source, developed by OWASP. Supported by Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS, ZAP enables you to find a variety of security vulnerabilities in web apps, even during the development and testing phase. This testing tool is easy to use, even if you are a beginner in penetration testing.


  • Automatic Scanner
  • Authentication support
  • AJAX spiders
  • Dynamic SSL certificates
  • Forced Browsing
  • Intercepting Proxy
  • Web Socket Support
  • Plug-n-hack support
  • REST-based API and much more.

3. Vega
open source security testing tools

Vega is a free open-source web application testing tool. Written in JAVA, Vega comes with a GUI interface. It is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. It helps you:


  • Find SQL injection
  • Validate SQL injection
  • File inclusions
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Improve the security of TLS servers

The tool also allows you to set preferences such as maximum and minimum requests per second, the number of path descendants and number of nodes, etc.

Once supplied with proper credentials, you can use Vega as an automated scanner, for intercepting proxy and run it as a proxy scanner.

4. W3af

open source security testing tools

W3af is a popular web application security testing framework. Developed using Python, it offers an efficient web application penetration testing platform.

This tool can be used to detect more than 200 types of security issues in web applications, including SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting. It checks for the following vulnerabilities in the web-apps:


  • Blind SQL injection vulnerability
  • Buffer overflow vulnerability
  • Multiple CORS misconfigurations
  • Insecure DAV configurations
  • CSRF vulnerability and much more

Available in both GUI and console interface, W3af is easy to understand. It also allows you to authenticate the website through the authentication modules.

5. Skipfish

Skipfish is a web application security testing tool that crawls the website recursively and checks each page for possible vulnerability and prepares the audit report in the end. Written in C language, Skipfish is optimized for HTTP handling and leaving minimum CPU footprints.

The software claims to handle 2K requests per second, without displaying CPU footprints. Also, the tool claims to provide high-quality positives as it uses a heuristics approach during crawling and testing web apps.

Also Read : What is Automation Testing? Techniques, Best Practices, Tools,advantages

The Skipfish security testing tool for web apps is available for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Windows.

6. Ratproxy

Ratproxy is another opensource web application security testing tool that can be used to find any lapse in web applications, thereby making the app secure from any possible hacking attack. This semi-automatic testing software is supported by Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X, and Windows (Cygwin) systems.

Ratproxy is optimized to overcome security audit issues that are repeatedly faced by users in other proxy systems. This testing tool easily distinguishes between CSS stylesheets and JavaScript codes.

7. SQLMap


SQLMap is a popular open source web application security testing tool that automates the process of detecting and utilizing SQL injection vulnerability in a database of the website. Packed with a variety of features, it has a powerful testing engine that enables the test to penetrate effortlessly and perform SQL injection check on a web application.

SQLMap supports a large number of database services, including MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server etc. Furthermore, the testing tool supports six types of SQL injection methods.

8. Wfuzz

open source security testing tools

Wfuzz is another open-source tool for a web application security testing tool that is freely available on the market. Developed in Python, this testing tool is used for brute-forcing web applications. Some of the features of Wfuzz are:


  • Multiple Injection points
  • Output to HTML
  • Cookies fuzzing
  • Multi-threading
  • Proxy support
  • SOCK support
  • Authentication support
  • All parameters brute-forcing (POST and GET)
  • Baseline request (to filter results against)
  • Brute force HTTP methods
  • Multiple proxy support
  • HEAD scan
  • Post, headers, and authentication data brute forcing

While using WFuzz, you will have to work on the command line interface as there is no GUI interface available.

9. Grendel-Scan

Grendel-Scan is a useful open source web application security tool, designed for finding security lapse in the web apps. Available for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh, the tool is developed in Java.

It comes with an automated testing module that is used for detecting vulnerabilities in web applications. Besides, the software also includes many features, especially for manual penetration testing.

open source security testing tools

10. Arachni

Arachni is an open-source web application security testing tool designed to help penetration testers and administrators assess the security of web applications. This tool is developed to identify security lapse in web applications and make it hacker-proof. Arachni can detect:


  • SQL Injection
  • XSS
  • Local File Inclusion
  • Remote file inclusion
  • Invalidated redirect, and many others

Arachni supports all the main operating systems, such as MS Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

11. Grabber

open source security testing tools

Grabber is an open source web application scanner that detects security vulnerabilities in web apps. It is portable and designed to scan small web applications such as forums and personal websites. It can identify the following issues:


  • Cross-Site Scripting
  • SQL Injection
  • File Inclusion
  • Backup files verification
  • Simple AJAX verification
  • Hybrid analysis testing for PHP application using PHP-SAT
  • Generation of a file for stats analysis

Grabber is a small testing tool and takes more time to scan large apps. Moreover, since it was designed for personal usage, the scanner does not have any GUI interface and no feature for PDF report generation. Grabber was developed in Python. One can easily find the source code and modify it as per the requirement.

12. Acunetix
open source security testing tools
A complete automation penetration testing tools for your application that can scan your websites for 4500+ vulnerabilities. The most astounding feature of Acunetix is that it can crawl thousands of pages without any sort of interruptions.

  • Can easily generate any kind of technical and compliance reports
  • Scans both open-source as well as custom-built applications
  • Deep scan technology for effective scanning
  • Most advanced SQLi and cross-site scripting testing
  • Effective login sequence recorder
  • Acusensor technology that enhances regular dynamic scan
  • Built-in vulnerability management module

13. Netsparker
open source security testing tools
one of the most accurate scanner out there in the market. Owing to its ability to identify deadly vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, Cross-site scripting, etc.

  • Ability to scan any web-related app
  • Coverage for more than 1000 vulnerabilities
  • You can also check for coding related errors
  • Ability to generate regulatory compliance and web application

14. Metasploit
open source security testing tools
One of the most widely used penetration testing framework. Metasploit is an open-source testing platform that helps security testers to do much more than that of vulnerability assessment.

  • The framework is much more advanced than that of competitors
  • More than 1500 exploits
  • Meta modules for discrete tasks such as network segmentation testing
  • Can be used for the automation of many processes
  • Many infiltration scenarios mockup features

15. Burp Suite

Even though Burp Suite charges money for their services. They have been put to use owing to many advanced features such as,

  • Cutting edge web-app crawler
  • Coverage for more than 100 vulnerabilities
  • Can be used for interactive Application Security Testing (IAST)
  • JavaScript analysis using static and dynamic techniques detection of vulnerabilities within client-side javascript
  • Out-of-band techniques for augmenting conventional scanning methods

We believe that this open-source security testing tool is cardinal when it comes to assessment of software security.  We have also created a pictorial representation (infographic) so that you can get an idea easily


Also Read: Selenium 4: New Features and Updates

Difference Between Selenium RC and Webdriver

Testing is an integral part of any product’s development. Therefore, it is important for every organization to have a stringent quality testing strategy and framework that helps it ensure the best quality of its products. While a number of software are already present in different frameworks in the market, Selenium is one of the most preferred one.
Difference Between Selenium RC and Webdriver
Selenium is defined as a portable software-testing framework that can be used for web applications. It can be used for authoring tests without the need to learn scripting language Selenium IDE and test domain-Selenese to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala. These tests can used to execute against different-or latest web browsers.
A user can use selenium on Windows, Linux, and OS X platforms as well. It is an open-source software, released under the Apache 2.0 license and is available for free for downloading.

Selenium includes a number of components and each of these have a specific function to perform development of web application test automation. Some of the common components are Selenium IDE (integrated development environment), Selenium client API, Selenium RC (Remote Control), Selenium WebDriver and Selenium Grid.
Difference Between Selenium RC and Webdriver
 While it is true that Selenium WebDriver python test automation framework is a successor of Selenium RC, there are still a number of similarities as well as differences between the two. This article can help you develop a better understanding about the same and help you avoid any sort of confusion between the two.

  1. Browsers

Both these tools can be used on different browsers such as, Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera and others.

  1. Recording and playback

Whether a user is using RC or WebDriver, it is possible for him/her to record as well as playback the execution of a test.

  1. Executing test script

While RC requires one to start server again before executing the test script, the same is not a mandate in case of WebDriver.

  1. Type of program

RC is a separate java program that allow a user execute HTML test suites. Whereas WebDriver is a programming interface which is available in multiple languages.

  1. Platform for interaction

RC server executes the test as JavaScript commands whereas WebDriver performs on Selenium commands and a browser.

  1. API

The API (Application Programming Interface) of RC is easy and small. But these contain a lot of redundancies and a lot of confusing commands. Various browsers interpret commands differently.
On the other hand, the API of WebDriver is large and a bit complex. These are also simple to comprehend and do not contain any sort of redundancy or confusing commands.

  1. Object-oriented

Selenium RC’s are not much object-oriented whereas Selenium WebDriver’s are completely object-oriented

  1. App testing

One cannot test any sort of iPhone or Android application on Selenium RC whereas the same can be done using WebDriver.

  1. XPath attachment

Selenium RC requires one to attach complete XPath whereas the same is not mandatory in case of WebDriver.

  1. Implementation of listeners

It is not possible to implant listeners in Selenium RC whereas one can do the same with a WebDriver.

  1. Execution speed

As compared to Selenium RC, WebDriver is faster in its execution as it is directly connected with the browser. The use of JavaScript program called Selenium Core slows down the Selenium RC’s speed.

  1. Syntax

While the syntax of RC is quite complex, the same is simple and easy to understand in case of WebDriver.
The basic purpose behind introducing Selenium WebDriver test automation framework in the market was to deal with the problem areas of Selenium RC as well as increase the scope of testing.

It is recommended to make use of Selenium WebDriver test automation framework for testing purposes however, the same depends on one’s choice as well the requirements.

15 Most Powerful & Reliable Security Testing Tools

Security testing is a technique that aims to determine if a system or software performs well enough to protect data and deliver functionality as planned. This technique forms to be an integral part, when it is considered in terms of testing software for banking, website hosting or any other high-security application.

app testing
It works on six basic principles that include confidentiality, integrity, authorization, authentication, non-repudiation, and availability. Performing this technique is a challenging task as it requires a tester who has in-depth knowledge and understanding of the process so that he/she is able to check and verify any risk factors, loopholes or issues in the program.

As compared to the normal testing, this method aims to break the entire program into different parts and then, test its safety and security under normal and abnormal circumstances.
With a large number of software and apps available in the market, there is certainly an increasing demand for high performing and reliable security testing tools that can help ensure that these programs are up to the mark in terms of their security.

While there are several companies that offer a number of high performing security testing tools to the market, these 15 top the chart of the most powerful and reliable security testing tools.

  1. Metaspoilt

Popularly used for penetration testing, Metaspoilt is one of the most advanced frameworks that work on the concept of ‘exploit’. Exploit is a code that can test a system to extremes by surpassing the security measures and entering the system. When entered, exploit runs a ‘payload’, which is a code that performs operations on a target machine, to create the most appropriate framework for penetration testing.
This framework can be used for security testing on web applications, networks as well as servers.

  1. Wireshark

Available for free, Wireshark is one of the most popular open source packet analyzers. This protocol is capable of providing the users with the minutest details about the network protocols, packet information, decryption, and others. One can use this protocol on Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and many other systems.

  1. W3af

 W3af is a freely-available web application audit framework that works effectively against multiple odd vulnerabilities. With a GUI that is available with expert tools, this framework is capable of sending HTTP request and cluster HTTP responses. Some of its impressive features include quick HTTP requests, integration of web and proxy servers into the code, etc.

  1. CORE Impact

This tool can be used for multiple testing purposes such as, mobile device penetration, password identification and cracking, network device penetration, and several others. With a GUI click-able interface, this works best on Microsoft Windows and is one of the most expensive tool in this category.

  1. Netsparker

Available with a vigorous web application scanner, Netsparker is an excellent tool to recognize vulnerabilities and accordingly suggest remedial action. Available with a command-line and GUI interface, Netsparker can help on to exploit SQL injection and LFI (local file induction).

  1. Burpsuite

 This is one such tool on which security testing specialists highly rely. Although this tool majorly functions as a scanner, Burpsuite has a limited scope to deal with attacks. Interrupting proxy, creeping content and functionality and web application scanning are some of the common functions performed by this tool.

  1. Cain & Abel

Cain &Abel is an excellent tool to crack encrypted passwords and network keys. Available exclusively for Microsoft operating systems, the functions are performed on the basis of network sniffing, Dictionary, Cryptanalysis attacks and Brute-Force and routing protocol analysis methods to achieve this.

  1. Acunetix

Developed specifically for web applications, acunetix is a scanner that helps identify the probable dangers for these applications. This security testing tool performs various functions for its users such as SQL injection, cross site scripting testing, PCI compliance reports etc. Although a bit expensive, one can get its free trial version to understand how it actually works.

  1. Retina

Available as a complete package known as Retina Community, this is one such tool that targets the entire company at once. The Retina is a commercial product that should be used more as a vulnerability management tool instead of a pen-testing tool.

  1. Canvas

Canvas is a security testing tool that can be used for testing the security issues of web applications, wireless systems, and networks. With multiple payload options, this tool is available with GUI interface and can work on Linux, Apple Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows.

  1. Nmap

Also known as Network Mapper, this tool is a must have for ethical hackers as it makes it easy to understand the characteristics of any target network. These characteristics can include things like host, services, OS and packet filters. The tool is open sourced and can perform in any environment.

  1. Dradis

This tool is an open source framework, which is used majorly for keeping a record of information that can be shared among multiple participants of penetration testing. When this information is interpreted, it helps them understand the details of testing such as, the aspects that are already covered and others that are still to be covered. With a GUI interface, this tool is open source and can work on Linux, Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X.

  1. Security Onion

Security is an easy to manage security monitoring system that can be used in place of expensive commercial grey boxes. Simple to setup and configure, this tool is an effective way to identify any security related issues on the network.

  1. Nikto

 This is a web server testing tool that entered the market of security testing tools almost a decade ago. The tool is highly effective to identify vulnerable scripts, configuration mistakes and related security problems. However, this tool cannot identify XSS and SQL web application bugs.


  1. Vega

Vega is a vulnerability scanning and testing tool that works well on various platforms including OS X, Linux and Windows platforms. With a GUI, Vega is available with an automated scanner and an interrupting proxy that can help identify web application vulnerabilities, header injection, cross site scripting etc.
Apart from these, there are a number of other security testing tools already available in the market or ready to be launched with latest upgrades. The ultimate purpose of using any such tool is to deliver an exclusive product that ensures the maximum benefit to the company.

5 Tips to Setup a Better Performance Testing Environment

Performance testing is the process during which a product’s quality or its ability to function in the required environment is evaluated. As a non-functional testing technique, performance testing is conducted to evaluate a systems ability in terms of responsiveness and stability under workload. This process is conducted on three major attributes, which includes scalability, reliability and resource usage.
app testing
A number of techniques can be used to check performance of a software or hardware in a performance testing environment setup. This includes:

  • Load testing is the simplest form of testing and is basically conducted to understand the behaviour of the system under a specific load.
  • Stress testing is conducted to check a system ability to cope with the increased load, if any. It is performed to determine the maximum capacity of the existing system.
  • Soak testing, also known as endurance testing, is a type of testing done to verify a system’s ability to perform in situations of continuous load.
  • Spike testing is conducted by abruptly increasing the number of users of a system and determining how the system performs under such load.

There are a number of simple ways in which one can ensure accuracy and better results in the tests. This can be done using a better performance testing environment setup, which can be done in the following ways:
1. Detailed knowledge of AUT Production and Test Environment      
 It is the responsibility of a performance testing engineer to have complete knowledge and awareness about the AUT production environment such as server machines, load balancing as well as a number of other system components. These details, once known, should be properly documented and well-understood before initiating the initial stage of the performance testing
It is also important for an engineer to keep himself/herself aware about the complete details of the AUT architecture and to make sure that the same architecture is being executed in the test environment. This is because, having any sort of difference between the two can lead to the wastage of time, cost of production and effort.
2. Isolating the test environment
 It is important to ensure that there is no activity which is being carried out on the performance test environment when there is someone already using the system. This is because the results of every performance test are different and it might get difficult to implement a new bottleneck every time in a test environment when there are also other users currently active on the system.
Apart from this, heavy load on any application server affects its performance. This, in turn, might not allow the other real time application users to successfully complete their tasks when a performance task is already under execution.
3. Network Isolation
It is important to ensure that a sufficient network bandwidth is available for your test as network bandwidth is essential to achieve accurate performance test results. In case the network bandwidth is low, the user requests begin to produce timeout errors. Therefore, one should make sure to provide maximum network bandwidth to the test environment by isolating the test network from other users.
4. Test Data Generators
Database records have an important role to play in the validation of any tests. Therefore, database reading, writing, deletion and updating are the most performance intrusive actions in any application.
Since there is a high probability of an application’s test failure in the production environment if it is conducted on lesser database records as compared to the test records. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of the performance engineers to make sure that the number of test records are same in both the test environment system and database. In case, the database is small, it is recommended to pick some tool from the available ones and generate the required test data for better accuracy.
 5. Removing proxy servers from network path
Performance results can be highly affected if there is a proxy server between the client and the web server. If the mid of client and web server has a proxy server, it is certainly true that the client will be served with data in cache and will stop sending any requests to web server. This, in turn, can lead to a lower AUT response time.

A performance engineer can deal with such issue by transferring the web server in a secluded environment. Another way is to strike directly to the web server, which can be done by editing the HOSTS file by including server IP address.
Performance Testing Production Environment
There are a number of advantages and disadvantages of conducting a performance test in production environment. Some of these include the following:

  • There is no need to reproduce the production site data set
  • Validating the performance test results performed on test environment is possible.
  • There is a reduced cost and time involved in test infrastructure.
  • Application recovery process and its complexities are well known.


  • Real application users end up receiving slower application and errors.
  • It gets difficult to identify the bottleneck root cause in the presence of real application users.
  • It is very likely that the access to real users might have to be blocked so as to properly achieve the performance test results.
  • In case of generating lots of data on production database, database may become very slow even after the test.

Once the test performance testing environment setup is ready, one can always compare it with the production environment on the basis of several factors such as the number of servers, load balancing strategy, hardware and software resources, application components, to name a few.
Above all, it is important that the required tests are conducted properly so that there are no faults pending in an application when making its use in real-life situations.

What is Test Scenario? How to Write a Test Scenario?

What is Test Scenario?

A test scenario also called as Test Condition or Test Possibility is a document that specifies all the functionalities that need to be tested for a software application to deliver what it is meant to. Exactly defining what should be tested as part of a particular feature or application, a test scenario calls for the tester to identify himself as the end-user.
test scenario
It is only then he/she will be able to relate to the requirements of the user. This process of the tester putting himself in the shoes of the customer will help him unveil many real-life scenarios that need to be addressed for the application to perform its ordained task.
Scenario Testing
Getting its name from testing different functionalities, Scenario Testing is an arm of software testing. Tagged as a simple way of testing complicated systems, scenario testing is all about enlisting different scenarios to be tested for the entire application to perform without any bugs. Below is a simple example that will help you understand what a test scenario is all about.
The Purpose behind Test Scenarios
After understanding the definition of a test scenario, it is now important to know the benefits of test scenarios. Here is a rundown of the purpose behind the documentation of a test scenario.

  1. A test scenario is a comprehensive testing procedure.
  2. Test scenarios are quick tools that will help identify crucial end-to-end transactions supported by the real utility of various software applications.
  3. It is a document that can be vetted by stakeholders including developers, business analysts and end-users.
  4. Helping to measure testing efforts, test scenarios assist your clients in the formulation of a proposal to reorganize their manpower requirements.
  5. The prime objective of a test scenario is to ensure that the entire functionality coming under a test is checked completely for its performance.

Step-Wise Detailing to Formulate a Test Scenario
You as a tester can follow the below mentioned 5 steps to create different test scenarios:
1st Step: Primarily, you should be read and understand requirement documents. These include: SRS (Software Requirement Specifications), FRS (Functional Requirements Statement) and BRS (Business Requirement Specification) concerning the System Under Test (SUT).
2nd Step: Delving deep into each and every requirement, it is important that you identify various possible user actions that will come up while specifying all the user objectives. Attaching technical specifications to every requirement, this step is complete once you discover various scenarios when the system can be abused through the intervention of a hacker.

This is the most important part of the second step when you put yourself in the shoes of a hacker and try to come up with loopholes concerning the breach of application security and functioning.
3rd Step:  Gathering of information and inferences gained after the completion of the above 2 steps will be your next step. This is followed by the enlisting of various test scenarios that call for verifying each and every function of your software that is to be tested.
4th Step: After enlisting all the probable test scenarios, you should chalk out a Traceability Matrix. This is a document that is created to confirm that every requirement has a matching test scenario that should be tested.
5th Step:  The last step is all about reviewing the test scenarios. Involving your supervisor, all the test scenarios drafted by you will be studied. Upon the successful scrutiny by your superiors, your test scenarios will reach the tables of your stakeholders who will then sit for reviewing of the scrutinized document.
Tips to Create Effective Test Scenarios
Below is the list of simple tips that will help you chalk out comprehensive test scenarios:

  • As a tester, it is not only your ordained duty to ensure that every requirement should be tied to a test scenario but also to adhere to the specifications of the Project Methodology
  • It is only when you compartmentalize complex requirements that you can check whether every requirement comes attached with a test scenario. This tip thus helps you cover all the requirements in total.
  • It is best to stay away from creating complicated test scenarios concerning multiple functional requirements.
  • It also comes as an intelligent move to stick to your client’s priority list. Bearing in mind the cost involved in testing multiple scenarios, it is important that you conduct selected test scenarios that are vital to your client.

Read also : Difference Between Test Case vs Test Scenario [Infographic]

Tagged as a significant component of testing, a Test Scenario effectively saves a lot of money and time involved in testing procedures. Adhering to the quality specifications of the software at every step, this document goes a long way in delivering bug-free functionalities. Not to confuse a test scenario with a test case, it is an important fact to understand that a test case primarily relies on a Test Scenario and not the other way round.

Key Differences between Test Plan, Test Scenario, Test Case, Test Strategy, Test Condition, Test Script

Seeming and sounding so very similar to each other, below are the most commonly used terms in the software testing parlance along with their differences. All in an attempt to clarify doubts concerning these technical terms, the details of these testing techniques come under their respective headings; pairing one term with another.
app testing
Let us now look at the pairs along with the differences between them.
Test Plan and Test Strategy
First and foremost, let us focus on defining the two closely resembling terms; Test Plan and Test Strategy.
What is a Test Plan?
A test plan is a deliverable, enlisting all the activities that make up a complete Quality Assurance project. It is a plan that is chalked out by a testing lead or test manager. The plan is a record of the various testing activities supported by their schedules. Included in this exhaustive document are all the details which answer questions centering around “what”, “when”, “how” and “who”.
The Test Plan which emerges as part of the Software Requirement Specification (SRS), clearly indicates what should be tested, when should the test be run, how should the test be conducted and who will be the tester responsible to carry out the test.
Components of a Test Plan:

  • Every test comes with a unique ID. The test plan is a super document that defines the Test Plan ID
  • Indicating the type of test environment that is required to run certain tests, a test plan clearly spells out such details along with a list of all the features that will and won’t be tested
  • The test plan clearly indicates when to start a test and the point at which a test should be abandoned. Specifying the entry and exit criteria, these details help testers to deliver their testing duties as per plan
  • The test plan clearly point to the status of the test; whether a test case has passed or failed or not tested. Along with the results, a detailed reasoning for the same is documented
  • Allowing new testers to join the existing workforce, a test plan through its concise preface and introduction gives a clear “behind the scenes” picture.

What makes up a Test Strategy?
While the word plan and strategy are used interchangeably, there is a difference between them when it concerns the process of testing. While both are tagged as methods to achieve a pre-defined goal, a test plan is different from a test strategy.
A test strategy is a rough draft of the testing approach. Identified as a subset of the Test Plan, a test strategy is a high-level and static document that highlights the method of testing that will be implemented. This is derived from the Business Requirement Specification (BRS).
Components of a Test Strategy:

  • A test strategy enlists the scope and objectives of the test, before the actual testing procedure begins
  • Addressing business issues, the test strategy throws light on the budgeting requirements of the project. Clearly citing the time required for testing, the strategy highlights workforce requirements
  • Enlists all the various documents that should be delivered by the testing team and the manner in which the testing cycles should be conducted
  • The inclusion of a defect tracking tool along with the manner in which the testing team will interact with the development team is another segment of a test strategy
  • Training requirements concerning the use of a new or complex tool are indicated along with the details of the trainer who is ordained to conduct the training sessions
  • In the event the project demands automation testing, a test strategy throws light on the scripting language, the different tools that can be employed along with the reporting and coding practices that should follow

What about Test Scenario and Test Condition?
Simply put, a test scenario is a method in which an application can be tested. On the flip side, a test condition enlists all the specifications a tester should adhere to, as part of testing an application or functionality. That means, there can be multiple test conditions in a single test scenario.
automation testing
If you are keen to understand the difference between these two terms, the following explanation clarifies all your doubts.

  • A test scenario enlists all the ways in which an application can be tested. A test condition, on the other hand is a description of the specifications that need to be followed by you as a tester of an application
  • A test scenario can be a collection of test cases or a single test case. Speaking of a test condition, it is the goal of a test case; a segment of a functionality that you wish to test
  • A test scenario comes into play when you are hard pressed for time and you are keen on testing a functionality of an application. A test condition is a part of the system that can be tested by a single test case or multiple test cases
  • Compartmentalizing the various aspects of a functionality can pave way for an effective test scenario. A favorable “bug-free” situation is the outcome of a good test condition
  • A test scenario delves on numerous possibilities. On the flip side, a test condition is all about enlisting specific details concerning testing

Test Script and Test Case
Test Script – The Detailed Story
The word “script” can be linked to a story which narrates a descriptive account of all the incidents that take place between different characters. So is the case with a test script. Tagged as a detailed description of a test, the test script includes a series of minute details of all the various actions along with data requirements that are essential to carry out the test. Typically presented in the form of a “line-by-line” description, the test script is a step-wise documentation of the manner in which the software program can be used. Details about which buttons to tap and their serial order to be able to perform a pre-defined function are enlisted.
Coming as a leading light, a test script to a new tester is a handy tool that will help him understand the product details better while also introducing him to business domain specifics. Allowing you to follow all the instructions, it is through a test script that you will be able to meet all the specifications of the test idea to complete the testing procedure.
Test Case
A test case describes a specific functionality that should be tested. It is also important to note that the test case does not include a detailed explanation of the various steps that need to be taken or the information that will come handy to complete the test. Without enlisting any mandatory pre-requisites, a test case certainly gives you a free hand. Allowing you to apply your instincts, it is through this discretion that you will be in total control of what exactly needs to be done to complete the test.
However, this freedom can be of utmost help to the testers who are conversant with the details of the software along with the risks that come with its functionalities. If a tester lacks this basic understanding, a test case may prove to be dysfunctional.

How to Automate Mobile Application Testing Using Selenium

Selenium is an open-source testing tool that is primarily used for regression testing and functional testing. Identified as a collection of software testing tools, the Selenium suite can be used to automate web browser testing. Speaking of mobile application testing, it is a well-known fact that you as a tester must have heard about Selenium. And if you are curious to know whether Selenium can be used to automate mobile application testing, the following detailed explanation will throw light on your queries.
app testing
To answer the question “Can Selenium be a mobile application testing tool?” the answer is negative. But the good news is that you can make the most of the Selenium to test mobile websites. This is definitely a reason that can cheer you up. And there are a couple of another reasons that will make you smile.
Selenium, as an open-source testing tool, does not involve any licensing cost and hence ranks above over other testing tools that are currently employed. While you cannot use Selenium to automate mobile application testing, you are at an advantage to employ the frameworks of Selenium that are exclusively designed for mobile automated testing.
Selenium Frameworks Designed for Automating Mobile Application Testing

  1. Selendroid
  2. Appium

In line with this very name, Selendroid is a Selenium framework that can be employed to test the user interface of native and hybrid applications that can be run on the Android platform. It is also important to note that while the Selendroid framework is suitable for emulators, it also can find its place in the Selenium Grid, when the framework can be integrated with real devices. Essentially meant to perform parallel testing and scaling, the Selendroid framework allows you to simultaneously communicate with multiple Android devices.
Selenium Appium: 
Selenium Appium is an automated, open source test framework that can be employed to test mobile user interfaces that come with native, hybrid and mobile web applications. It is also a cross-platform tool that can is compatible with many languages including Node.JS, PHP, Java, Objective-C, JavaScript, Clojure, C#, Python and Perl. You as a tester can make the most of its cross-platform characteristic when you can effortlessly employ Selenium Appium through a single test script to perform tests on Android, Windows, Mac, Linux or iOS platforms.
A Dozen Simple Steps Involved in Automating Mobile Application Testing Using Selenium Appium
1. Your first step is to visit You then need to download the Appium framework along with sample files as demonstrated under:
2. The next step is to unzip the downloaded files.
3. Proceed further by downloading and setting up Android-SDK file on to your computer.
4. Check out the Android-SDK framework and identify the AVD Manager application. This is to create a “Default”            Android Virtual Device.
5. The next step is to run Eclipse.
6. You then need to access the unzipped folder to import the Java->JUnit sample code according to the following              illustration.
7. After the previous step, this is what you will get to see; the imported Java project structure.
8. You are now all set to execute the Appium.exe file which is saved in the unzipped folder, as demonstrated below.
9. You can now launch the Appium server window that will show up as under.
10. Without any hassles, you can change the file according to your requirements.
11. You can now run the Java class as JUnitTest as depicted below.
12. Your outcome will be that the application has passed the test.
Voila! These simple steps when performed in series will grant you the power of Selenium Appium to automate mobile application testing.

What is Sanity Testing With Example?

Despite there being hundreds of articles, sanity testing has always remained as a misunderstood topic in software testing. To be honest, the confusing terminologies have contributed largely to the misunderstanding. Here, let us make the concept of sanity testing clear for you.
sanity testing
What is Sanity Testing?
Sanity Testing refers to tests that determine whether it is feasible and sensible to proceed with the software testing process. It is mostly done to check the health of the application that has been built, which basically is your first step.
The tests are performed when some changes are made to the code to ensure proper working of every functionality of the program. Therefore, these types of software testing normally remain undocumented and unscripted since the objective of the system is to check the new functionality and to ensure that the bug has been fixed.
How to do sanity testing?
After a successful regression testing is carried out, which includes testing that verifies the program actually works & performs the same way as it is expected to with the software, sanity testing is performed. It is performed in order to check for defects, which may have cropped up previously and are fixed accordingly and to ensure that no further issues crop up.
Many a time, the “Hello World” program is used for testing. If the program fails to compile or run, the supporting system has a configuration problem. If it works, any problem thereafter lies in the actual application.
Another method is to denote checks which are performed within the program code. This usually includes functions and arguments to see if the outputs are correct.
Example of sanity testing

Disadvantages of Sanity Testing

  • Focus is only on the commands and functions
  • Does not go to the design level of the software
  • Testing is performed only for limited features
  • No scope for future references since scripts are not there

How is sanity testing related to smoke testing?

  • It is commonly validated by smoke tests
  • If smoke tests fail it’s impossible to carry over sanity tests
  • Both of them are an exemplary option for not wasting time when it comes to testing

Reasons to perform sanity testing (Features)
Firstly, It offers great speed. Since it has a very narrow focus for functionalities to be tested, you don’t need to script or document the findings.
Secondly, It allows you to plan the next step in testing, ahead of its time. For example, if your test fails, you can dedicate your development team to fix the bugs first and keep aside the rest of the tasks.
Third, It can capture any configuration and deployment issues from the initial stages. The test will help you find such errors that can be quickly resolved and allow others to continue testing.
features of sanity testing
Fourth, at times during the constraints of release time, regression testing cannot be performed to the program build; hence, sanity testing does the work in a much simpler and faster way.
Lastly, It can also be performed as Adhoc testing. Many a time during testing, a set of test cases is run, which can affect the specific area under testing (area in which defect is fixed or area in which new functionality is added),
Final Words
Sanity testing has always been proved as one of the best testing techniques to avoid wasting time and effort. It is used as a quick method to ensure that the previous bugs in the program have been fixed and that the application works fine.

It is always defined as a subset of regression testing due to its similarities with the latter. Therefore, make sure to run sanity testing along with other testing methods to ensure the success and overall smooth functioning of the software.

Security Testing – Threats, Tools & Techniques

Security testing is performed to determine the security flaws and vulnerabilities in software. The rise in online transactions and advancing technology makes security testing an inevitable part of the software development process. It is the best way to determine potential threats in the software when performed regularly.
Security testing looks into the following aspects of software:

  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Confidentiality
  • Availability
  • Integrity
  • Non-repudiation
  • Resilience

Why is security testing necessary?
Those who skip the process in order to save time are actually putting their business in trouble. You cannot afford to ignore security testing for the following reasons:

  • Security threats can cause your customers to abandon your services
  • Loss of customers means a decrease in revenue generation
  • Undoing the mistakes at a later stage can cost you more than detecting them and rectifying them at the earliest
  • Better security can save you from the extra expenses in the future
  • Customers can sue you for their personal information being leaked, which of course, is the result of security flaws existing in the software or application

Major types of Cyber-threats faced by businesses
There are various kinds of security threats that the software or application is prone to that may cost your business, if not identified. With the advancement in technology, attackers are inventing new ways to break into the security mechanisms of a system. Therefore, it’s necessary for the testers to be aware of the various kinds of security threats and find solutions to tackle them. Here are some of the common security threats that testers come across during the testing process:
SQL Injection
This type of security attack happens when the hacker inserts harmful SQL statements into the entry field for execution. The consequences of SQL injection are quite severe that it leads to leakage of classified information from the server database. This type of attack is possible only when there are loopholes in the execution of software or applications. It can be prevented by thoroughly checking the various input fields like text boxes, comments, etc. Also, it’s necessary to rightly handle or never use special characters are either in the input.
Privilege Elevation
In this type of attack, the hackers use his/her existing account to raise the privileges to higher levels than what he/she deserves. If the hacker becomes successful in doing so, he/she will use the privilege to run the code and the system will eventually give in.
URL Manipulation
It is the process where hackers make changes to the URL query string to access information. Applications that use the HTTP GET method to pass information between client and server are usually prone to this kind of attack.  In the HTTP GET method, information is passed in the parameter in the query string. Therefore, the tester must modify the parameters to see if the server accepts it.
Unauthorized Data Access
This is one of the popular security attacks where the hacker gains access to data by unauthorized means. This includes:

  • Use of data-fetching operations to gain access
  • Gaining access to reusable client authentication information by keeping track of the success of others
  • Gaining access to data by monitoring the access of others

Data Manipulation
Data manipulation involves hackers gaining access to website or application data and makes changes to it for their own advantage or to humiliate the owner of the application/website. The hacker does this by accessing the HTML pages of the website.
Identity Spoofing
It is a type of security attack where the hackers use the credentials of a valid user or device for attacking the network hosts, for data theft and for gaining the advantage over access controls. IT- infrastructure and network-level mitigations are required to prevent such attacks.
Denial of Service
Through the denial-of-service attack, the attacker aims at making a system or network resource unavailable to the valid users.  When applications or software are prone to such attacks, the application or the entire system may end up being unusable.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
It is a major security risk found in web applications. XSS allows attackers to insert the client-side script in web pages that are viewed by other users and manipulate them into clicking the URL.  After the user clicks the URL, the code changes the way the website behaves and gives access to the attacker to steal personal data and other critical information.
How to Prevent 
Now that you have a list of possible security vulnerabilities, what techniques can be used to tackle them? Let’s see:
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
The testers must check the web applications for cross-site scripting.  They must ensure that the application doesn’t accept any HTML (e.g.: <HTML>) or any script (e.g.: <SCRIPT>). If it does, the application will be prone to XSS. This will allow the attackers to insert harmful scripts into the application or to manipulate the URL of the user’s browser to steal information. Cross-site scripting must be performed for apostrophe and greater-than and less-than signs.
Ethical Hacking
Ethical hacking is performed by individuals or companies to identify potential vulnerabilities in an application that provides a path for the attacker to gain access to its security mechanism. An ethical hacker or white hat, as they are called, tries to break into the application to look for vulnerabilities that the hackers, also known as black hats, can utilize to their advantage.
Password Cracking
Hackers use password cracking tools or guess the commonly used username/passwords In order to extort private information. The commonly used usernames/passwords are usually available online along with open source password cracking tools. Therefore, it is important to perform testing for password cracking.
Penetration Testing 
A penetration test is an authorized attack on a computer system, network or application to detect security loopholes that hackers can put to use.
 Security scanning
It is a program meant to detect web application vulnerabilities by communicating with the application through web front-end.
Security auditing
A security audit is a methodical evaluation of the security of a company’s information system to see how well it complies with a particular set of guidelines.
 Risk analysis
This process involves the evaluation of potential risks, where each risk is analyzed and measured. Detecting defects and rectifying them after the software hits the market is expensive.
Therefore, it is important to deeply analyze the various types of risks and identify the areas that are prone to security risks. By understanding the vulnerabilities and acting at the earliest can reduce the risk of security threats after the software or application reaches the users.
SQL injection
SQL injection attacks are very harmful as the attackers try to extort confidential information from the server database. When a tester enters a single quote (‘) in any textbox, it must be rejected by the application. On the contrary, if the application shows a database error, it means that any input entered in a query has been executed by the application.
This means that the application is prone to security vulnerabilities. But, how do you find the areas of the application that are liable to such threats? Just check for codes from the code database of your application where direct MySQL queries are executed by accepting any user inputs. SQL injection testing can be performed for apostrophes, brackets, commas and quotation marks.
Posture assessment
Posture assessment is a combination of ethical hacking, security scanning, and risk assessment and is used to determine the overall security posture of an organization.
Vulnerability scanning
Vulnerability scanning helps to identify the security threats and to determine the areas in an application or network that are prone to potential vulnerabilities.
Testing for URL manipulation
Attackers find it easy to perform URL manipulation in the application that uses the HTTP GET method for server-client communication. This method involves the passing of information through parameters in the query string. Therefore, the tester must check if any confidential information is being passed through the query strings. Also, ensure that the server doesn’t accept any invalid parameter values in the query strings.
There are different kinds of security testing tools that help to identify the security flaws in your application, on time.
Application testing tools
The application testing tools help to identify the potential vulnerabilities that exist in your application before it hits the market and gives you ample time to rectify the defects. When you use application testing tools, nothing can stop your business from staying ahead in the competition and earning profits. Selenium,
IBM Rational Robot, Rational Functional Tester (RFT), Apache Jmeter, etc. are all examples of application testing tools.
Code review tools
Code review involves assessment of the application source code.  The tools used for code review help to identify mistakes in the development phase itself, thus helping to polish up the developer’s skills while maintaining the overall quality and security of the software. A collaborator by SmartBear, Crucible, and Reviewable are some of the best code review tools available.
Penetration testing tools
Sometimes, manual testing won’t be enough to identify all risks existing in an application. Penetration testing tools play an important role in such occasions. They are used to perform penetration tests so as to automate some of the tasks, for efficient testing and to detect defects that are not usually visible during manual testing. Some of the most powerful penetration testing tools include Metasploit, Wireshark, w3af and CORE Impact.
Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP)
It is an inbuilt security technology in an application that helps to identify and tackle real-time application attacks.
Security review software
If not internally developing their own software, businesses tend to outsource their software development or may use third-party software at times. However it is, the applications come with their own set of risks. Security review software helps to identify the risks that come with such applications.
Software testing tools
Securing enterprise networks has made attackers shift their focus to application layers. As a result, they are prone to 90% of the vulnerabilities in an application. The only way to protect your application from such vulnerabilities is to perform software testing and code analysis in detail right from the initial stages of software development. Selenium, Coded UI Test, Sahi and Unified Functional Testing (UFT) are examples of some of the best software testing tools.
Vulnerability assessment tools
Vulnerability assessment tools help you to identify the potential risks and get rid of them before they cause any damage to your business and its reputation. Some of the best vulnerability assessment tools available include STAT, Nmap and DB-scan.
Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing tools (VAPT)
Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are two different kinds of testing, with different strengths. When combined together, they help to achieve an overall analysis of an application.
Vulnerability scanning
As mentioned above, sometimes, businesses purchase third party software or may outsource software development which can’t guarantee that they are risk-free. Vulnerability scanning helps to identify loopholes, harmful codes and similar other threats in such software.