6 Factors You Should Consider When Choosing a Software Testing Services Company

There are a variety of quality assurance companies cropping up around the world. You have plenty of available options to test your mobile app or other software. So, you might be naturally confused to make a choice for your project. Here are a few tips to help you out.


First of all, see if the software testing services company you are looking at is a specialized team of testers with both experienced and skilled testers. There are lots of companies which do testing as a make-shift business. Their developers might double up as testers. Which is not an ideal scenario.

app testing

You can look at the client list and see if the agency has worked with businesses similar to yours. A specialized QA company will have a bankable clientele who can vouch for them. So, if possible, try to contact couple of their previous clients.

Such companies would also incorporate a variety of testing options with both manual and automation methods

Read Also : 4 Smart Ideas to Get the Best from Your Software Testing Service Team

Testing Platform

It is quite important that you understand which testing platform quality assurance recruitment agencies employ. Some agencies vary their testing platforms according to your application requirements. There are also a number of services that make use of cloud environment to ensure secure and easily accessible testing environment.

Early Release Testing Options

In certain cases, testers get used to the software they test so much that they do not see a number of defects any longer. In such cases, beta testing or other early release testing options on the web would ensure that your consumers get the best software. Employing beta users to report on bugs is also a low-cost method of testing for testing services companies


Whichever business you are working in, communication is significantly important. Clear, on-time communication means they get a clear idea of your test objectives. One easy way to identify such companies is by looking at their clientele. If they have numerous long-term clients, they are clearly good at communication. Also, they are definitely providing good testing service.

Recommended Read : 10 Must-have Tools for Software Testing Services

Business Aspects

What are the types of business models your vendor offers and does any of them suit your work requirements? Also, see if the company capable of managing sudden and dynamic technology changes. If they require team resizing, can your QA company handle it efficiently?

automation testing

And above all, check if their management style suits your working style. If they are a company with CMMI Level 5 certification, and your company is not, there is a high probability of frequent communication issues.

Information Security

Your business software or app might have unique features that make it special. So, you should be protected against the leakage of protected data with proper documents. There should be essential non-disclosure agreements signed-off between you and the software testing services company.

Having highly secure premises are an added advantage as it will provide additional security to your valuable data.

10 Best Android App Testing Framework

As you might know, there is a remarkable increase in the number of Android App Testing Services in recent years. The increase of Smartphone users is one of the reasons for this. As users need quality apps, publishers have to rely on testing services to meet their business goals.

app testing

Testing services use numerous frameworks to offer error free apps. We are going to introduce 10 Best Android App Testing frameworks for testing services.

Let’s have a look

  1. Mobile Testing Framework

Mobile Testing Framework is popularly known as MTF. It’s a brilliant framework for Android App Testing Services. You can use this tool to automate GUI tests for iPad/iPhone and android apps. Since this tool is much like the automation tool Sikuli you can interact with the user interface more easily. The python scripts and screenshots enable you to do so.  

  1. Appium

Android App Testing from any language and any test framework is possible with this open source framework. Complete access to back – end APIs from test code is a striking feature of this tool. As it‘s compatible with both Android and iOS apps, you can write tests with PHP, Objective- C, Java, Ruby, Python, etc.

  1. Calabash

Calabash is an amazing tool which helps you to write and execute reception tests of android apps. As it is a cross – platform you can use it for testing both iPhone and android apps. Popular testing company, Xamarin is developing it and provides technical assistance as well. Pre – defined libraries of this tool facilitates smooth response of test- code with local and hybrid apps. This interaction process may include numerous end- user actions.  

Read Also : 3 Reasons Android App Testing is Important

  1. Titanium Jasmine

Jasmine core framework is the striking feature of Titanium – Jasmine framework. As it provides Pivotal’s Jasmine as the core testing framework, you can easily test your apps using this tool. You can run Jasmine tests on your android phone owing to Jasmine – Titanium mobile collaboration. Precise testing of android apps is possible because of the simple testing framework of this tool.

  1. Switchboard

Error free A/B testing of your android app is possible with this tool. This A/B testing framework helps you to accommodate a lot of mobile users with minimal servers.  Switchboard divides your users without fail. As user division is based on UUID, you will experience uninterrupted testing across sessions.

  1. Frank

A dominant” app inspector”, commonly known as Symbiote is a smart feature of the Frank tool. You can utilize this tool to know about the current status of your running app. With Frank, you can do acceptance test / structured test as per your requirement and execute them against your android app. Cucumber tool enables you to do so.

  1. Flip Test

As Flip Test permits you to do A/B tests on android apps, you don’t have to re-submit your app in the App Stores. You just need to add a single line of code to your android app .So, Flip Test enables even inexperienced developers to develop and monitor A/B tests. With Flip tool, coding is not essential.

Recommended Read : Things to Know about Android App Testing Services with Google Cloud

  1. Catjs

Catjs is a brilliant framework for Android App Testing Services.  As this tool enables the applications test themselves, your testing will become easier. No other framework is offering such an innovative technology. The testing process includes several automated functional tests. Annotations will be added to your HTML5 code on each phase of functional testing.

  1. Imagrium

Cross – platform testing of android app can be done easily with Imagrium tool.  In fact, Imagrium is a Jython framework, which helps you to do testing of android apps based on image recognition method. You can use this tool only if you agree to MIT license terms.

  1.   YSO Mobile Security Framework

YSO Mobile Security Framework is an amazing full suite open source app testing tool. To be precise, this is an automated pen- testing framework. Testing companies can utilize this tool for static and dynamic analysis of android apps.

Usually testers have to use several tools for performing pen testing and it needs strenuous effort and time. But this intelligent tool makes pen testing easier and saves your time as well. You can make use of this framework for the quick and proficient analysis of android app source code.

 So, keep in mind all these 10 Android App Testing frameworks for publishing effective and bug free apps

7 Reasons to Hire an iPhone App Testing Service

You might be familiar with iPhone app testing, a common term used to refer various types of testing on iOS devices to ensure the performance of iOS apps. Apps based on iOS has a huge demand in countries such as US, UK, Germany, France, Canada and several European countries.

Many researches reveal that iOS users are interested to use paid iOS apps, when compared to the users of its competitor platforms. People feel iOS as a more engaging and reliable platform.

app testing

Today, businesses are more interested in developing iOS apps owing to the unique features of iOS platform. They envisage a huge market for iPhone apps. The increase in number of iPhone app testing services also guarantees iOS app development as a lucrative market for businesses.

Recommended Read : Why iPhone App Testing Services are Important

You might be thinking why it is necessary to hire testing services. Companies are investing huge amount of money to get their iPhone apps tested. Hiring testing services can offer them a lot of benefits.

Here are some reasons why hiring an iPhone app testing service can turn out to be a beneficial deal for businesses.

  1. Viable Communication

A dedicated app testing team ensures that you are always associated with them. They adopt several methods to address your issues and inquiries related to app development. Testing services make sure you are always connected to them via emails and phone calls.

They will tell you frankly about the progress of your undertaking and make suggestions if any change is needed in your strategy.

  1. Expertise

Hiring an experienced iPhone app testing service will have advanced knowledge about planning and actualizing functionalities.

Most of the testing services keep a group of specialists with versatile skills. So, you can trust them to convey their brilliance.

  1. Cost Effective and Time Saving

One of the principal reasons to seek the help of professional testing experts is cost viability. As they have working experience with different clients, their expertise helps you to complete portable application advancement administrations.

Delivering error free apps on time is one of the striking qualities of testing services. So, it is ideal to hire iOS testing services to get quality iPhone apps.

  1. Versatility

A proficient testing service gives you the benefit of versatility. You can make use of their versatile skills to deliver a quality product. Make sure you choose a team where you will have absolute control over the assets and undertaking. This will give you flexibility to scale everything to meet your business needs.

  1. Quality

The testing services might have past experiences of taking challenging ventures related to iPhone app development. Their testing experts outline plans to make use of latest gadgets and innovations.

mobile app

As they are experienced professionals in testing iOS products, they know how to deliver a winning app according to business necessities. This will be an advantage for your business.

Read Also : 8 Tips for Successful iPhone App Testing

  1. Ambience and Infrastructure

Good environment and infrastructure is crucial for any business to prosper. Such an ambience will bring a favourable outcome on the work delivered. Skilled testing experts might have a past history of working with a variety of professionals, which is the foundation of an IT base. Quality of the apps will improve depending on the proficiency of testing professionals. This will help businesses to deliver iPhone apps to the customers as expected in less time.

  1. Flexibility to Choose Business Models

Reputed iOS app testing services are capable of providing flexible and customized business in tune to your requirements. Usually testing services are a combo of business analysts, developers and testing experts. They work as a team and discuss the ways to implement the right business strategy for your app. This will help you to choose the right business model for your iPhone apps.

We hope you are convinced to choose an iPhone testing service for your business growth. So, start your venture with a professional testing service.

How will the Mobile Application Testing Service Market Fare in the Next 10 Years? [2016-2026]

Business analysts have no doubt that Mobile Application Testing Services is going to excel in future markets. It is anticipated that revenue via mobile app testing tools would show a remarkable increase within a stipulated period (2016-2026). The demand of global mobile application testing solutions market is increasing because of the popularity of app testing tools.

In fact, Corporates need to stay ahead in the market. So, they are trying to protect and maintain their mobile app portfolio. This has actually led to the market expansion of mobile app testing solutions.

mobile app

Many applications similar to desktop applications are now available as mobile apps. They are also more user friendly when compared to its counterpart. The introduction of a large variety of gadgets and networks is one of the reasons for the growing adoption of mobile applications. Wide demand for mobile apps gives room for marketers to successfully enter into a narrower section of the market.

Recommended Read : Types of Mobile App Testing & How It Differs from Desktop Testing

Huge competition in the market and the increase of app developers has forced marketers to ensure the quality of their apps by performing Mobile Application Testing. Software testing services have improved their testing methods owing to this huge competition.

One can never say that mobile application testing solutions market is a new form of the conventional software testing market. It’s completely different and came up as an independent entity. The entry of testing tycoons such as Soasta and Experitest into the mobile application testing solution market is a promising move. As they introduce advanced testing solutions and new models, it is anticipated that the testing solutions market attain incredible growth during the period, 2016-2026.

Today, IT is giving exceptional importance to mobile app testing and development. Numerous mobile gadgets and tablets are getting introduced into the market day by day. So, it is difficult for app developers to adapt to the quick changes in the market. IT companies offer them the right testing platform to cope with the latest changes in the market.

Drivers of App Testing Solutions Market

It is good to maintain a competitive edge in the market. High competition in the market has persuaded many Corporates to invest in mobile app testing related solutions. Growing customization in testing tools is also giving many benefits to mobile application testing solutions. In addition, the growing demand for automated testing has fuelled the app testing market.

Business experts are expecting that the market will see exceptional changes owing to partnership between leading industry members.

App Testing Market: Some Facts on Segmentation

App testing solution market is generally divided in two. Segmentation is based on product type and service type.

Product type segmentation is of two types:

  • Manual Testing Tools
  • Automated Testing Tools

Service type market segmentation is of the following types:

  • Development and implementation
  • Consulting
  • Support and Maintenance

Read Also : Mobile Software Testing Guide for First Time App Developers

Region – wise Outlook on Mobile App Testing Solution Market

Global app testing market is expecting a remarkable growth during the next ten years (2016-2026). It is predicted that North America remains unchanged as a successful market for mobile app testing solutions. It is believed that as North America has many skilled coders and app developing professionals, they can contribute to this productive industry during the period, 2016-2026.


As per a recent report, there will be over 2 billion Smartphone users in Asia Pacific region by 2020. This will encourage the app testing tools manufacturers to invest more in Asia Pacific region. Though countries such as China, Korea and Taiwan have large user base, it is assumed that Asia Pacific region will become a leading hub for mobile app testing solutions in the next ten years.

3 Key Fears of Software Testing Professionals

Fears and phobia are very common among humans. It could be something very common as the fear of animals and creatures or things bizarre like the fear of socializing and death. The same is applicable for any profession. Each profession comes with its own set of fears and insecurities.

app testing

A common one across all professions is the fear of being fired from your job! It could happen with anybody at any point. Another one is that of someone overtaking you or outshining you in your job.

As for software testing services, there are similar situations every tester faces. There are even severe cases where software testers have been kept awake all night due to their inbuilt fears. Here are a few of the common fears every software testing professional faces:

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Outsourcing – In today’s world, it is possible to work from any place on Earth. In fact, working remotely is not just possible, but it is very common. That is why we have so many freelancers around. As such, outsourcing is a really feasible option for the companies.

The growing competition between companies to perform better and gain profit is so much that every firm now believes in cost effective methods to get the job done. They prefer minimum resources with minimum effort to get a large outcome. The return on investment or ROI is a major concern.

With off shore services turning out to be more cost effective, more companies are now considering this option for their testing services rather than maintaining an in house testing team. In such a scenario, job security becomes a major concern for software testers. By outsourcing the software testing services, the companies could easily cut down on their employee count. If the situation worsens, it would turn out to be a nightmare for the testers.

Failing Expectations – Failing to meet up to the expectations is something every professional dreads. This is much more in case you are a new tester. If you are fresh and new to your job and yet to get a hang of things in the corporate world, you may not be able to work as diligently and efficiently in looking out for bugs as your senior might be. One thing to remember here is that you need time to gain experience. In the same way, a fresher in testing needs time to improve the quality of testing.

Even experienced testers seem to face this problem. There are times when they are stuck in a situation unable to find a single bug. When someone else finds the bug, they start blaming themselves for failing. This is a common scenario and one should not let this affect them for a longer period.

Read Also: 10 Must-have Tools for Software Testing Services

Redundant Bugs – Repetitive situations are tricky. You might get so involved in it that you miss out the finer details and get sucked in to the same familiar things over and over again. Your mind could also straggle unnecessarily. You get bored and lose interest in what you are working on.

Performing redundant tasks makes it monotonous for a tester. As such, critical issues could get missed out. One tends to focus less and wander off from the task at hand. This affects the productivity and efficiency, and could be a problem if it continues. A tester knows this well and fears that this could happen to him.


So, here were the three main fears that are common for every professional in the software testing services. Surely most you could relate to these situations and do understand the feelings well. Find out your deep dark fears as a software tester and fight against them to conquer them.

3 Reasons Android App Testing is Important

App testing is an important step before releasing any product to the Play Store or the App Store. With so much competition between different apps, you need an efficient team for Android app testing services in order to ensure success. For every app, one can find a number of substitutes. So, it is necessary to develop and release good quality products that are unique in their own way.

Android is a very efficient mobile platform.

It is the most popular platform that has been accepted by several mobile device manufacturers as it is open source and easy to use. It has turned on to become the prime source to make sure all your personal and business needs and accomplished successfully. Once you get an Android device, you could make full use of it by installing from the large variety of apps in the Play Store. There are several high quality and user friendly apps to make sure your work is done in a jiffy.

app testing

In order to make an app successful, it is essential to deliver what the user requires. Every user expects a good quality app with no errors or bugs whatsoever. Since they are spoilt for choice, they will surely dump an app and move over to install another if they are not happy. Small bugs, slight errors, and a user experience below expectations could spoil your reputation and user base. This is where Android app testing services come in to the picture. The bugs and errors need to be traced and fixed before apps make their way to the App Store.

Read Also: Things to Know about Android App Testing Services with Google Cloud

Why go for Android app testing services?

For the success of the App – A lot of effort needs to be put in to develop an app that is near to perfection. As such, it is not desirable that the end product is something buggy or full of errors and unwanted behaviour. As such, thorough testing is required to make sure that the app is working as desired with no issues. The code needs to be written carefully, and also testing needs to be done vigorously to achieve this.

Attract Users – It is a fact that error free apps with a good user experience can attract users easily. People prefer apps with good ratings and reviews on the Play Store. It is the initial nudge that is required. Once the ratings increase, it is automatically recognised in the store. Such apps receive a higher number of downloads and the chances of getting popular increase. This can be ensured with effective Android app testing. Such effective testing procedures help the teams come up with an error free app that could reach the top charts in the Play Store.

Advanced Testing – Manual testing comes with its own set of challenges. As such, testing teams now make use of advanced tools and methods that give you a bug free app. For this, developers need to first prepare a beta version of the app and release it to the testing team. The team performs all the testing procedures and runs the test cases to collect results and pass it on to the development team. Once the developers get the results they could make the necessary changes, if any.


There are a number of advanced tools available these days that make the whole process much simpler and faster. There are tools for releasing beta versions which could help the developers pass on the testing build really fast. The testing team could immediately get to work and get the results. Various testing tools could be used as per the requirements and scope of the app. Such advanced methods make sure that nothing is missed out, and one does not waste any time in the process. The end result is a bug-free app that makes the users happy and generates good revenue for the company.

Recommended Read: 6 Top Android App Testing Challenges


Android, being a secure and popular platform, needs to be handled very carefully. You need to create apps that are bug free if you want users to use your app. Otherwise, it may just fail. As such, Android app testing services are not only recommended, but also inevitable for the success of your app. These days, there are several tools available to make it more effective. Use them to your advantage and make your app hit it in the Store.

4 Smart Ideas to Get the Best from Your Software Testing Service Team

As you might know, a business analyst, a toolsmith, a few technical investigators and probably a manager usually constitute a software testing service team.
app testing
Let’s take the technical investigating team as an example. It’s quite natural that one of the guys in the team may be interested in mobile, another one in API’s.
A clever manager can easily understand the situation and is able to assign the right task to the right person. This will probably raise some questions.
Can he do this all the time? Suppose there is heavy workload and an experienced mobile professional goes on leave, or imagine a situation if the team members feel that they are “pigeonholed”.
What all things an efficient manager can do? Let’s have a look

  1. Discovering your “Testing Types”

When it comes to fix the testing team, we usually seek suggestions from our team members. Like a casual conversation, we ask “Should we keep a proportion for testers per programmer?”
Obviously, several opinions may arise. Some members suggest you’ve to provide only one tester to ten developers, as it‘s economic. Some say “No, if you want to ensure quality performance of apps, better keep a ratio of one tester per programmer”, and the conversation goes on like that.
Finally, the discussion settles with Agile testing ratio for the likes of many. We get maybe a couple of testers, perhaps zero, for every small group of programmers.
Having more than one slot allows you to deal an organizational problem much easier. For instance, for a couple of years back, when we had two open spaces, we choose a person who knows the basics of technical skills and another guy with a proficient knowledge of testing. More than that we attempt to get whatever number alternate viewpoints and perspectives as could reasonably be expected.
Many testers like to specialize; interestingly, some have genuine technical slashes and assume the role of a toolsmith making code that is beneficial for any production platform. Some others spend their time finding out about estimation, problem solving, and how individuals think and work, as they are interested in the origins of testing in philosophy and social science. In addition to this there are specialists in the business field and experts as well in making projects successful. So, everyone possesses special talents and it’s a challenge to fit them into teams.
One strategy you can do in this circumstance is to concentrate on your strengths.
Suppose you have to include a toolsmith in a small development team. The toolsmith can assist developers in programming automated checks in tune with the new features. The toolsmith is stubbing tests and creating the framework, while the new features are being developed.
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  1. Blending skills

A decent long haul tactic may look similar to that, with some ability change blended in for both the tester and developer.
When we work with fresh teams it is really difficult to devise strategies in creating beneficial codes.
Pairing quite often makes a difference. With front-end designers, we stroll through javascript and discuss how information is being purified by cutting off driving or trailing white space (or not) before being passed to the database.
Being engaged in Javascript for some time is a decent approach to stay aware of the new libraries that are turning out what appears like consistently. It likewise taught us how to depict issues in a way that would help them detect the code error quickly.
It’s obvious that most developers won’t transform into specialists and most testers likely won’t get to the point of writing production code. Unless you have a pleasant long professional career, there sufficiently isn’t time in the day. But, there is nothing wrong with making things a bit better.

  1. Learn, train and grow

A few teams have swung similarly as they can run and wound up with not very many, if any committed testers on their team.
It’s difficult to pick a spot to begin fixing testers on teams when you have much a greater number of teams than testers. You could attempt to have that exhausted tester jump between teams, dependably on the losing end of the stream of work, and attempt to work each aspect as it requires. On the other hand, you could begin from the flip side of the condition.
We are bringing you one of the experiences shared by a tester while he was an employee of a software testing company which had many development teams.
The company had a handful of developers and just two testers to go around. He was the one and the other guy was very junior. They worked in tandem and did the features as they came.
They got too many tasks daily, so sometimes they neglected one or two tasks. In fact, his plan was to slowly sow testing thoughts in the development team during lunch breaks and learns, showing issues and clarifying how he discovered them, and for the most part looking at testing.
Therefore, the quality of the code enhanced before they saw it and they could test less, and have less back and forth, while as yet keeping up trust in the work.
Everything went there like “tester as a trainer” model. Everyone is basically a developer at pivotal, however a few people are testing experts and share their expertise. Testers mingled with teams and train them via games and pairing on testing problems.
As a result, the developers have turned out to be all the more in fact, technically competent and they could also improve testing.
Read Also: 10 Must-have Tools for Software Testing Services

  1. Manage terrible fits

This way of sorting out teams is intense; it requires individuals that are devoted to change all around, and willing to manage change over long periods of time. That won’t work for everybody, and some may be a terrible fit in spite of being great individuals. Here are a couple of tactics to consider.

  • The Shuffle: Suppose a tester doesn’t fit into the requirements of one team, possibly they will work out with another. Assume, your team is looking for someone who can help you with test- driven development (TDD), unfortunately he is unable to pick it up even after a couple of weeks. He might fit for another team which is not that focused on automation tests. A person without much technical knowledge can contribute to that team. Perhaps they can even work on such rusty technical skills when required.

automation testing

  • Entire team testing: The well-known saying ‘anybody can test’ is valid, yet you better ensure you have the right team members. Getting sorted out is essential, even when there is no test team.Usuallly product managers are experts in finding the right clients, the right business area and are capable to identify work progress and business related issues. For instance, if you need to identify problems with core part of the products, sales people are your best choice, as they demo those products regularly.
  • Testability: This is the way we discuss how simple, or hard your product is to test. Do you have great logging? Do you have reliable methods for individuals to test their product without a client interface? Is it simple to make sense of how to get around and utilize the product? Making it simpler to get data about your product will help testers identify their quality.

The size of our software testing service team reduced, as we have a small team of developers and only so several slots for testing professionals. Fitting the professionals in the right group, or making sense of how to develop an expertise set will reward you in the long run.

6 Reasons iPad App Testing Services Should be Done on a Real Device

With the rise in use of iPads, iPad app testing services has also become crucial for companies and brands. When developing iPad applications, it’s important to perform extensive usability testing across as many different situations or conditions as possible.

Though mobile app development would include both emulators and real devices, there are certain reasons why testing on real devices usually result in better testing outcomes than using emulators.

Common Practices

Best practices would indicate that actual development should use emulators (and a few reference real handsets), while sanity and regression testing should be done on real handsets. While simulators are an inexpensive option for testing the app and it can be downloaded for free, they are suitable only at the starting stages of iPad application development. It is ideal to choose real devices for the later usability and performance testing phases.

It may be expensive to test apps on real devices as you have to buy them. However, using a mouse and keyboard on the simulator is totally different from using a finger on the mobile devices.

You May Also Like : Mobile Software Testing Guide for First Time App Developers

When Should You Introduce Real Devices

It has to be decided by individual organizations as to when real devices should be introduced, what the ideal number of devices are for covering market needs, and how those devices can be best managed.

  1. Reliable results – It is highly recommended to use real devices for testing apps because it gives the real environment in which the app is working and also makes sure that the app delivered would be of high quality. Real handsets can always give you error-free results (no false positives or false negatives).

  2. Better user experience – Investing in the latest versions of devices, though expensive, can deliver a better user experience. By taking into account the CPU, memory, screen size, etc, the tester can understand what actually the user will be going through.

  3. Performance testing – By using emulators, you will not be able to test situations such as receiving a text message or phone call while using the app. With real iOS devices, you can test sign-up, login, handle data, connection speed and error messages, thus realizing performance lags.

  4. Display/resolution variance – Display or appearance of the app may be different on an emulator as opposed to a real device. It is crucial to check app’s brightness, changes in resolution as well as dark and light situations. It’s also very hard to simulate light and dark situations on an emulator.

  5. Device configurations – By using emulators, the whole process is dependent on the hardware. With actual devices, things can be tested directly. For the same reason, at least one real device should be used during all phases of development to assess the processing speed of the app. The emulators are not updated to reflect new devices available in the market.

  6. Network – When it comes to network configuration, simulators usually run on the PC, connect to LAN and access the internet via corporate firewall. Here, simulators cannot be used to slow network where devices experience network issues.

    Read Also : Top Automation Tools for iOS App Testing Services

The major option for testing real occurring events like incoming calls, SMS and battery consumption and the charger’s overall performance can be only done on an actual device.


Reliable companies that offer iPad app testing services maintain quality assurance by following a healthy mixture of real device and simulator testing. Before releasing your application in App/Play Store, or to devices, it’s worth testing on the device at least once.






Game Testing Services Skills Every Game Tester Should Have

Game development has increased because of the rise of mobile phones. As a result, Game Testing Services have gained much importance.

If you want to be a game tester, you ought to know what employers need from you. As a game tester, your role is crucial for the success of a game.

Read Also: The What, Why and How of Mobile Game Testing

Game Testing Services will give you completed version of a game. You have to find out glitches within the game.

So, what are the required skills?

  • Keen observation skill is a must for a mobile game tester. If you can’t catch bugs, better forget the job of a tester, as companies test such skills in the job interview


  • You should possess investigation and troubleshooting skills. Those skills are essential to find out bugs easily and rectify it as early as possible
  • Patience to handle repetitive and monotonous tasks
  • Analytic thinking is a common skill needed in the world of software testing.

Some Additional Requirements

Let’s know about some more skills expected by Game Testing Services

  • Diplomacy: Of course, you have the experience of playing games alone on your gadgets. Keep in mind you are going to work with a team of professionals for a company with the goal of generating income.

If you have any previous experience of working with a team, you might know the difficulty to manage your colleagues. People with big egos won’t last long. For your information, testers provide their service to other departments in the same company as well. Actually they are also your clients. Try to be a team player by keeping good relations with them.

  • Communication Skills: Good communication skills are very important since much of the game testing involves filling out bug reports. You are supposed to explain what went wrong in an effective way as well. Sometimes you have to write test cases and to explain your test strategy.
  • Ethics:As far as a tester is concerned, work ethics is very crucial. You might think if you ignore a bug nobody is going to notice it. But companies want to make sure you can be trusted and will get the job done on time.
  • Ability to cope with deadlines: Game Testing Services want to hire people who can meet deadlines and able to work under pressure at the same time.

What about Technical Skills?

The employer may ask if you have a technical idea of how games are built, etc. For example, if you are a localization tester you ought to have knowledge about game content construction. An idea about various security protocols and security threats are necessary for testing security. Additionally, you should be aware of various IT certification processes.

Passion for Gaming

Companies really want people who can sit in front of a game and interact with it all day long. This will be easier for people who are passionate about mobile games. If you don’t have any interest towards gaming, it is not so easy to continue in this job for long.


Qualifications Required

In most of the countries, no university is providing a course in game testing. However, skills are very often tested at the interview by the Game Testing Services.

Recommended Read : Is Testing Important for the Mobile Gaming Industry?

Some testing companies look for experienced candidates. This is because experienced testers have a good idea of the game development cycle. At the same time, inexperienced candidates may also be recruited by some employers for their specific job requirement.

Every beginner tester should understand that good knowledge, technical skills and experience are essential for every job. So, improve your skills and good luck!

Why iPhone App Testing Services are Important

iPhone App developing is different from developing App for Android OS. As Google is considerably more open, you can submit Apps to the Google Play store freely, while Apple follows strict rules for approving an App. This could prevent you from iOS app developing.

app testing

In fact, Apple sticks to such guidelines in order to provide quality apps to the users.

There is no use if you are planning to utilize third – party API that worked well with Android versions. Apple might not approve it. Most of the mobile app developers find it enough reason to stop the tiring process of developing for iOS.

Read Also: 8 Tips for Successful iPhone App Testing

Why should you create Apps for iOS?

We can’t ignore the fact that it is a cumbersome process to gain the approval of iTunes store. But at the same time there are some advantages for developing for iOS platform when compared to Android. The most striking advantage is the absence of fragmentation of devices and OS versions. The App Testing and developing is easier owing to these reasons.

Some Aspects on Fragmentation

Fragmentation is not a big problem because of the closed nature of iOS. Anyway, when it comes to testing some work must be done in this sector. At present Apple has many supported devices. Therefore you have to test more devices other than iPhone. Though there are variations in screen resolution and aspect ratio the iTouch and iPad have access to iTunes store as their iPhone counterpart.

The generations of processors, memory and storage space is different across gadgets. It is important to test these aspects. Unlike iOS, other mobile platforms use emulators for testing. Like that, you may use the same. For your information, emulators can only show you how an app will respond on a gadget. In a real iOS device battery life, processing power, memory allocated will be different from that of an emulator.

Facts on App Store Approval

The submission and approval process is strenuous for Apple App Store. Their process and guidelines change from time to time. If you don’t meet their requirements, your approval will get delayed.

It is important to check the requirements, before developing and particularly before you start your application. This is because to ensure that your app is practicable on the iTunes marketplace. Keep in mind, if your app just target a particular market overlooking other markets, Apple will probably reject your app proposal.

There are some advantages owing to these stringent quality regulations for approval. In any market, users give primary importance to privacy and security. Suppose an app collects users information without their permission, Apple will definitely reject their app. Therefore developers must go through App Review Guidelines before developing an app.

There are separate guidelines for iOS and Mac.

Some Aspects on Beta Testing

An App Distribution Guide will be provided to you by Apple. During Beta Testing you have to use this guide. You ought to create an Ad Hoc profile in order to distribute the Beta version of your app. Xcode is an exclusive development IDE for iOS apps, the latter process will permit beta users to use your app without accessing Xcode.


Recommended Read : 6 Automation Tools for iOS App Testing

All these facts will make you aware of what reason iPhone App Testing Services are important. Though iPhone App Testing is a tiring process, keep in mind app success depends on user acceptance and app quality.