7 Must – Know Facts for iPhone App Testing Services

As you might know, iPhone App Testing Services are the hubs where you can mould your iOS apps into highly active stuff and streamline it for business goals. The foremost positive aspect of testing services is quality assurance. Businesses test their apps in order to build consumer loyalty by lessening the execution hazards. Therefore, the app testing team should be aware of the latest trends in iPhone app testing to deliver quality apps.

app testing

Here are 7 must know facts for iPhone App Testing Services

  1. Untestable behaviour doesn’t exist!

Many developers use the term untestable behaviour. Most probably, you might have heard about this term. What is this untestable behaviour! There is no such thing called untestable behaviour. In fact, it‘s a misquoted term. For your information, only the term untestable code exists.

How codes become untestable? It’s as simple as that. When you find it difficult to test something in your app, you have to recode it. Codes become untestable because it’s too complicated. iOS app testing services can use several methods to rectify this. Split the codes and write fresh codes by making it more modular.

Read Also : 8 Tips for Successful iPhone App Testing

  1. Know about testing frameworks

You should make sure that you know about different types of testing frameworks. Also, ensure you know precisely how your objects should behave.

As far as iOS applications are concerned, you have only two proficient testing frameworks: Specta and Quick. Both of these testing frameworks are designed in BDD style.

  1. Make your test writing simple

High cohesion always enhances the quality of an app. Try to make your test writing simple by reducing the tests. You do not need to perform more tests, if you have a clear idea about the requirements. Remember, simpler writing gives outstanding quality, quality makes high cohesion feasible.

  1. Stick to the rules

Always remember, things such as gadgets, OS’ and programming languages may change from time to time. When it comes to software development, the basic rules for developing good softwares remain the same. So, stick to the rules.

In the case of iOS testing, you can follow the S, L and D rules.

S = Single responsibility principle

L = Liskov substitution principle

D = Dependency inversion principle

  1. Know the bugs!

Identifying the bugs and errors will keep the rhythm of your mission. When it comes to class of codes, if it is more than 150 lines of code, definitely there is an error. If the length of the class code is longer than 300, it is completely broken and there are serious errors.

mobile app

So, avoid these sorts of difficulties by splitting your code into smaller parts. It really makes the whole testing legible.

Recommended Read : Why iPhone App Testing Services are Important

  1. Think about alternatives!

It is natural that you lose focus when you constantly work with a piece of code. Sometimes this hectic exercise may prevent you from thinking of other methods to solve issues. For instance, the code that you created has passed all the tests, but still you feel there is room for improvement. In that case you can take a break and seek suggestions from other developers. This will help you to explore new ideas.

  1. Even experienced professionals can learn something new

In every sector, there will be something new for you to learn. This is applicable to testers as well as programmers. Some experienced professionals might think testing is only for beginner coders. Truth to be told, codes may not work as you expected, even if you are a veteran in this industry.

Testing codes will always speed up the development. You will see the difference when start writing tests. Even experienced professionals break codes unknowingly. So, always approach a venture with a beginner’s mind. There‘s lots of scope of improvement for sure.

7 Reasons to Hire an iPhone App Testing Service

You might be familiar with iPhone app testing, a common term used to refer various types of testing on iOS devices to ensure the performance of iOS apps. Apps based on iOS has a huge demand in countries such as US, UK, Germany, France, Canada and several European countries.

Many researches reveal that iOS users are interested to use paid iOS apps, when compared to the users of its competitor platforms. People feel iOS as a more engaging and reliable platform.

app testing

Today, businesses are more interested in developing iOS apps owing to the unique features of iOS platform. They envisage a huge market for iPhone apps. The increase in number of iPhone app testing services also guarantees iOS app development as a lucrative market for businesses.

Recommended Read : Why iPhone App Testing Services are Important

You might be thinking why it is necessary to hire testing services. Companies are investing huge amount of money to get their iPhone apps tested. Hiring testing services can offer them a lot of benefits.

Here are some reasons why hiring an iPhone app testing service can turn out to be a beneficial deal for businesses.

  1. Viable Communication

A dedicated app testing team ensures that you are always associated with them. They adopt several methods to address your issues and inquiries related to app development. Testing services make sure you are always connected to them via emails and phone calls.

They will tell you frankly about the progress of your undertaking and make suggestions if any change is needed in your strategy.

  1. Expertise

Hiring an experienced iPhone app testing service will have advanced knowledge about planning and actualizing functionalities.

Most of the testing services keep a group of specialists with versatile skills. So, you can trust them to convey their brilliance.

  1. Cost Effective and Time Saving

One of the principal reasons to seek the help of professional testing experts is cost viability. As they have working experience with different clients, their expertise helps you to complete portable application advancement administrations.

Delivering error free apps on time is one of the striking qualities of testing services. So, it is ideal to hire iOS testing services to get quality iPhone apps.

  1. Versatility

A proficient testing service gives you the benefit of versatility. You can make use of their versatile skills to deliver a quality product. Make sure you choose a team where you will have absolute control over the assets and undertaking. This will give you flexibility to scale everything to meet your business needs.

  1. Quality

The testing services might have past experiences of taking challenging ventures related to iPhone app development. Their testing experts outline plans to make use of latest gadgets and innovations.

mobile app

As they are experienced professionals in testing iOS products, they know how to deliver a winning app according to business necessities. This will be an advantage for your business.

Read Also : 8 Tips for Successful iPhone App Testing

  1. Ambience and Infrastructure

Good environment and infrastructure is crucial for any business to prosper. Such an ambience will bring a favourable outcome on the work delivered. Skilled testing experts might have a past history of working with a variety of professionals, which is the foundation of an IT base. Quality of the apps will improve depending on the proficiency of testing professionals. This will help businesses to deliver iPhone apps to the customers as expected in less time.

  1. Flexibility to Choose Business Models

Reputed iOS app testing services are capable of providing flexible and customized business in tune to your requirements. Usually testing services are a combo of business analysts, developers and testing experts. They work as a team and discuss the ways to implement the right business strategy for your app. This will help you to choose the right business model for your iPhone apps.

We hope you are convinced to choose an iPhone testing service for your business growth. So, start your venture with a professional testing service.

The 3 Types of Software Performance Testing, Their Benefits & Challenges

You might be familiar with performance testing; a general term used to refer to various types of performance based testing on different devices. Software penetration testing is of different types, each of which has specific purposes. Unlike other software related tests, it is a bit complex and has its own advantages and challenges.

app testing

If you are a developer or a person doing software business, you should know about the advantages and project risks connected to different types of performance based testing. We are going to give a clear idea about the different types of testing and terms associated with software performance testing via this article.

Let’s know about Performance Testing

Why you should do performance testing? You should do performance testing to ensure that the parameters such as speed, stability, data transfer rate, efficiency, etc. of your software meet the required standards.

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Three Types of Performance Testing

There are three types of software performance testing in general – Performance Test, Load Test, and Stress Test.

  1. Performance Test


  • To make sure the speed, accuracy, and stability of the software.
  • Performance test is vital to authenticate the responsiveness, scalability and reliability features of the software under test.


  • Validating the basic features of the application give you confidence to announce notable business decisions based on your software
  • Testing helps you know whether the features of your software are set in such a way to please the users
  • Able to detect the mismatches and rectify it before the software gets published
  • Performance testing enhances your optimization and capacity planning efforts


  • Some functional errors are only visible under load. There is a chance for not detecting such errors while doing performance testing.
  • Testing ends as a mere process if it is not programmed and executed carefully.
  • If testing is not performed on various devices, it might cause variation in results and hence users experience difficulties.
  1. Load Test


  • To validate the performance of the application on varying load conditions.
  • To ensure the endurance of an application.


  • Validates the throughput needed to tackle the estimated peak load
  • Verifies the efficiency of a hardware platform.
  • Assess the sufficiency of a load balancer.
  • Spot the concurrency related issues
  • Detect functionality errors under load. Identifies functionality errors when there are load variations
  • Collects data for scalability and capacity-planning purposes. Gather information for scalability purposes.
  • Able to estimate whether the application is suitable for multi-tasking.
  • Estimation of load capacity is possible


  • Not programmed to principally concentrate on speed of response
  • Comparison of load test results is limited to similar load-related tests

Read Also : 20 Amazing Application Penetration Testing Tools For Every Tester

  1. Stress Test


  • To find out the performance of an application on high load conditions.
  • The real objective of stress testing is to spot bugs and error on high load condition. This enhances the trust on your product in the market.


  • Verifies whether there is the possibility for corrupting data by overstressing the application
  • Able to predict how long an application can sustain without errors under peak load conditions.
  • You are able to assert the safe load capacity of your application to avoid imminent failures
  • Can avoid security vulnerabilities
  • Able to anticipate common application failures



  • Since stress tests are not all realistic by design, the possibility of approving test results is low.
  • Unable to guess how much stress is worth applying
  • Chances for application or network failures are high if testing conditions is not isolated.