Top 7 Test Automation Companies In India

Test automation is one of the most recommended testing processes during which a special software (different from the software being tested) is used to control the execution of tests as well as the comparison of actual outcomes with expected outcomes. This process executes some of the repetitive but essential testing tasks that are already in place or performs additional testing that is difficult to be performed manually.

Test automation is an effective way to improve the development process of a software product. Capable of running fast and frequently, automated tests are cost-effective and have long maintenance life. When these tests are conducted in a lively environment, it is important that these react quickly to ever-changing software systems and requirements. There is also no restriction on adding the new test cases as these can be added in parallel to the software’s development.

app testing

A number of IT and non-IT companies are already engaged in the delivery of this process. But, with the growing demand, there are a number of other companies that are solely engaged in the delivery of test automation and so are referred to as test automation companies. This article shares with you a list of seven such companies from all these sectors:

Here is the best automation testing companies in India

1. Testbytes

Testbytes is a leading software test automation company in India which provides complete testing service, including a unique approach to testing within projects, app life-cycle management consultancy, test automation, testing mobile apps etc. The enviable track record of providing test solutions and services on time has helped them to be one of the leading testing companies in India.

Testbytes mainly focuses to improve productivity and help clients to accelerate software product development or service delivery. As part of this, the company offers top end business consulting, resourcing services and implementation. Comprised with a passionate team, Testbytes is supported by dedicated center of excellence which uses latest testing tools and cutting edge technologies. Coupled with management focus, this company is a formidable combination to guarantee value to you.

2. QA Wolf

QA Wolf simplifies automating web app testing enabling 80% test coverage within four months. They provide an automated end-to-end test suite and give round-the-clock maintenance of tests. The package also provides the advantage of free unlimited parallel test runs, without any additional costs.

Key Features:

1. Unlimited Parallel Test Runs: QA Wolf allows you to run your test suite as often as necessary with no extra cost for the number of runs.
2. 24-Hour Test Maintenance: They handle your entire test suite making sure that flaky tests are managed to prevent false positives and keep pressuring you of shipping.
3. Human-Verified Bug Reports: QA Wolf also looks at the test failure in great detail to make sure it’s a real bug. Your issue tracker receives detailed bug reports that include the steps necessary to re-produce them.
4. No Vendor Lock-In: The main advantage is that it provides no vendor lock-in. You can export your tests whenever necessary.


  • Rapid and Cost-Effective: Reach high test coverage for your web app within no time with QA Wolf’s best solution.
  • Expert QA Engineers: QA engineers from their team are responsible for the development and support of the automated test suite.
  • Unlimited Parallel Test Runs: You can run tests whenever you please without incurring extra charges.
    CI/CD Integration: Smoothly embed QA Wolf into your CI/CD workflows.
  • No Vendor Lock-In: You are not bound to a particular supplier; you can export your tests at any time.


  • No Native Mobile App Testing: Testing for native mobile apps is not supported by QA Wolf at the moment.

Also Read:- 12 Reasons To Invest in Software Testing!

3) Infosys

An Indian multinational company, Infosys Limited is a global leader in offering business consulting, information technology and outsourcing services in different parts of the world.

The test automation services offered by the company to its clients are not at all casual. These are executed to the client’s utmost satisfaction and help them ensure that the products and services delivered in the market surpass the expected quality standard.

Key Features:

1. Simultaneous Testing: It allows concurrent automated and manual testing, resulting in superior results.
2. Optimized for DevOps: Customized for DevOps, it combines progressive test cases with automated executions.
3. ROI Boost: It provides high efficiency and reduces initial costs with pre-made frameworks, optimized workflows, effective Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
4. Thorough Validation: Allows comprehensive analysis and testing of all applications resulting in increased reliability.
5. Efficient Workflow: It allows independent testing by testers, programmers and automation experts.

6. Responsive Customer Support: Offers timely and convenient customer support through emails as well as online contact forms.


  • User-Friendly Interface: The GUI interface allows non-technical users to configure and monitor test cases easily.
  • Versatile Compatibility: Compatible with any industry-standard automation services.
  • Speeds Up Work: Employs vigorous SOPs and prefab tools/templates hastens the processes in all stages.


  • Cost Factor for SMEs: For SMEs, it might be rather costly.

4. TCS

TCS stands out as a leading test automation company, offering an Automation-as-a-Service approach, which is a game-changer compared to traditional Software-as-a-Service models. This unique setup accelerates workflow, reducing bottlenecks at all levels. The result? Faster time to market and early detection of bugs and vulnerabilities.
TCS has been a key player in the test automation scene for over 50 years, providing robust services to clients in 50+ countries. They are pioneers in technological advancements, leading in Digital Sciences, Efficient Computing, Sustainable Futures, and more.

Key Features:

1. Technology Adoption: TCS consistently embraces new technologies to empower clients with robust automation testing capabilities.
2. AI and ML Integration: Leveraging advanced AI and ML-based automation processes, TCS enhances testing methods for superior results.
3. Robust AI Engine: Their powerful AI engine generates scripts in any language by interpreting actions and identifying objects.
4. Comprehensive Testing Services: TCS offers a range of services, including bottleneck analysis, code profiling and optimization, on-demand performance testing, and more.


  • AI, ML, and AL Algorithms: TCS employs AI, ML, and Augmented Learning algorithms to enhance product delivery quality.
  • Failure Identification and Self-Healing: Capable of identifying failures and performing self-healing where possible.
  • Diverse Service Portfolio: Offers services in cybersecurity, IoT, consulting, enterprise services, sustainability, and more.


  • Customer Support: Compared to competitors, customer support responsiveness may be less optimal.

4. Accenture

Accenture is a Fortune Global 500 company that deals majorly with global management consulting and professional services. Our unmatched range of services in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations make us capable of delivering transformational outcomes.

The testing team at Accenture assists the client companies to launch some new technology in this fast-paced world. This is owing to the testing team ability to help companies be sure of the product quality delivered by them as well as offer a seamless customer experience.


1. Specialized Testing: Easily performs special, human-driven testing in a variety of technologies.
2. Quality Control: Using a modern AI-driven and analytics approach, makes testing easier and better.
3. Modern Approach: DevOps and intelligent automation are adopted by Accenture in order to combine development testing with streamlined workflows. This forms a never ending activity where all the operations work in parallel.
4. Services Offered: Accenture offers a variety of services, such as data analytics applications service finance consulting AI marketing security automation etc.
5. End-To-End Transformation: Provides strong solutions to enable rapid alignment with contemporary Agile and DevOps practices in application development.


  • Real-Time Monitoring: Data monitoring and testing in real time, which make it easier to detect and correct results
  • Automated Approach: Takes a strong automatic approach, improving testing speeds.
  • Low-Code Automation: Facilitates the low-code automation for businesses with an approachable visual interface.


  • Not Ideal for DevOps Collaboration: It might not be the right pick for smooth collaboration with your DevOps processes.

5. Cigniti

Headquartered in Hyderabad, India, Cigniti Technologies is the world’s foremost company that has stepped into offering independent software testing services. With its test services offered in quality engineering, advisory & transformation, next generation testing, and core testing, the company also focuses on making use of SMART Tools that can speed up testing as well as help improve the quality of services delivered to clients.

Key Features:

1. No-Script Test Automation: It easily generates high-quality test automation that does not require expertise in scripting.
2. AI Advancements: It leverages AI to provide an adaptable framework, facilitating the ongoing change of automation artifacts in test applications.
3. Methodology: Cigniti regularly innovates and uses their own methods to automate manual tests, which can be compatible with your current agile and DevOps environment.
4. Testing Capabilities: Besides automation testing, the company offers other services such as Agile testings Test Data management ERP mappings Functional Performance and more.


  • AI Optimization: Uses a range of alternative AI algorithms, ensuring efficient test suite optimization.
  • Additional Services: Provides additional services such as DevOps Transformation, Security Assurance etc.
  • Custom Automation Strategy: It helps create an intricately planned automation plan matching your enterprise’s goals.


  • Limited Autonomous Management: Lacks autonomy management capacity.

Also Read:- 15 Points To Consider While Hiring a Software Testing Company

7. QualityLogic

QualityLogic is an exceptional automation testing service provider that ensures cost optimization, and tests customized to your specific needs. It is a perfect fit for cost-effective testing as it provides personalized guidance on automation strategies and ROI projections.
As a top-tier automation testing firm, QualityLogic can automatically adapt to your current software stack and align with your SDLC and processes. However, it is leading in digital accessibility and avant-garde energy testing services providing flexible arrangements for customization to your development environments.

Key Features:
1. On-Demand Assistance: QualityLogic has an experienced team of developers, testers and specialists using up-to-date technology to solve your problems.
2. Customized Approach: Assessing the scope of your technology, needs and challenges; their team creates an intelligent solution just for you.
3. Efficiency: Enables the development of extremely productive processes, ensuring that costly mistakes are identified at an early stage. It helps in lowering time to market and improving performance with bottleneck optimization.
4. Testing Services: Provides a wide range of testing services, including software testing, intelligent energy solutions, etc


  • Dedicated Support Team: It provides a separate team of support and maintenance for new feature releases.
  • Comprehensive Testing Services: Offers various test services covering web automation testing, mobile app testing and others.
  • Responsive Customer Support: It provides prompt customer care services via email and other modes of communication.


  • Not Ideal for Large Enterprise Projects: Not necessarily suitable for large scale enterprise level projects.

Test automation is not a task that would take a lot of time and energy. It just needs improved concentration and focus of the individual conducting it. If you are a certified professional in test automation, you can look for a career opportunity in any of the above-mentioned firms.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to select the best automation testing companies?

The choice of leading automation testing companies is usually dependent on factors that include industry reputation, client ratings, proficiency in automation technology and capabilities as well their ability to provide quality solutions.

2. Which various software development methodologies these companies work upon?

Many leading automation testing companies are also able to accommodate different approaches like Agile, DevOps, as well as traditional Waterfall methods. They tailor their testing approaches based on the unique requirements and operational dynamics of their customers.

3. Apart from automation testing, what kinds of test services do these companies provide?

Other than automation testing, leading companies offer broad range testing services including performance testing, security testing, mobile app testing, usability testing and specialized work in digital accessibility intelligent test.

4. Are these companies able to customize their automation solutions so that they would suit the needs of individual industries?

Yes, leading automation testing companies usually serve their clients based on individual needs of industry. They study the peculiarities and needs of various industries and customize their automation platforms aimed at quality testing in different business spheres like finances, medicine, online shops etc.

Why Testers Should Focus on Adaptability?

Apart from your technical knowledge, a lot of soft skills also play an important role in paving a way to your successful software testing career. Adaptability is one of those.
What is adaptability?
Adaptability refers to the skill to change your action plan according to changing conditions.
Adaptability is not only adjusting or changing as per some situation, it includes the ability to bring changes keeping the process running smoothly, and without any key obstacles and delays.

An adaptable person is also defined as:

  • Empathetic
  • Resilient
  • Team player
  • Creative problem solver
  • Open minded
  • Good listener

With the highly dynamic and ever-evolving business, it becomes very important for employees to adapt to the changing demands of this business.
You can have new requirements coming in, or there could be a requirement change or change in the deadlines or an unexpected bug that might require further investigation; all these situations demands you to be very flexible to adapt to new changes.
This adaptability becomes even more important for the testers.
Why is adaptability even more important for testers?
Business scenarios have become very dynamic in the past few decades. Technology, methodology and business environment keeps evolving every now and then. The software field is even more dynamic and evolving, hence it becomes very important for the software testers to be very adaptable to have a stable career.
Here are a few reasons that focus on the importance of adaptability for the testers.
Changing software business models: software business is very dynamic and keeps changing every now and then.
For the past few decades, we have gradually witnessed the software business model changing for products to services. Not only this, there are many other changes that software business has witnessed in the near past.
All these changes ultimately bring a vast change in the working mode of the testers. And hence makes it very important for the testers to be adaptable to these changing business models to let the work progress smoothly without any delays and obstacles.
Changing requirements: Software industry is very prone to changing requirements by the stakeholders.
With every change in their business model, a change in corresponding software is made and this sometimes it becomes an on-going process with multiple requirement changes showing up for the same piece of code.
A tester has to be ready to accept these changes and adapt them to this dynamic requirement changes for delivering his best potential.
Changing technology: Technology these days seems to be changing with a blink of an eye. What was dominant yesterday might not even be an option., the testers need to learn to adapt to new technologies.
There was a time when manual testing was the only option, then came in automatic testing, which became the need of the time and now the automatic testing is gradually being replaced by codeless automatic testing.
To stay in the testing field, the testers have to learn to adapt to these changing technologies.
Varied timelines: The timeliness could be very different for you for the same piece of work. In your last project, you might have completed the same task in 2 days, but for some other project, you might have to complete the same task within a day.
Not even that, in the same project you might have quite lavishly completed the first round of testing, but because of some defect, you might have to rush for the second round. You need to be very adaptable as per the timeliness are concerned.
Dealing with different peers and clients: When in a team, you might have to deal with various different types of peers and your clients might also vary.
Their way of thinking and acting might be very different from one and another. But for you as a good tester, you are required to deal with them equally keeping in mind their nature and knowledge.
You have to adapt to different kind of people you come across in your work.
What are the characteristics of adaptable Testers?
Your characteristics that define that you are adaptable:

  • Intellectual flexibility: you should be capable of assimilating new information to draw a conclusion from it.
  • Being Receptive: you should have a positive attitude towards learning new things to achieve your targets.
  • Creativity: you should always be in a state of experimenting with new things and finding out new ways to deal with challenges.
  • Adapting behavior: you should always be ready to adopt new methods and processes to get better results.

What are the qualities of an adaptable tester?

  • Have to be ready with an alternate solution in case the prior doesn’t seem profitable.
  • should not be scared to take up the responsibility of urgent projects
  • should be ready to explore new roles and responsibilities
  • Must remain poised and calm in difficult situations
  • Have to look out for better options to get maximum profits and best results
  • Should be able to easily to adapt to new ways of working
  • Ought to be flexible when it comes to reallocating their priorities
  • Must possess a positive attitude always.

How to evaluate adaptability of a tester in an interview?
you can test a tester’s adaptability by presenting a question like, how they handled some past situations like how they responded when a long-time process was changed or how they dealt with a difficult peer or a client.
An adaptable tester will not say withering things about others, and will constructively describe both perspectives.
Now, when you know how important it is for a tester to be adaptable, it is time to inculcate adaptability in yourself.
All you need is an open mind and a positive attitude and you will be soon able to adapt to different working scenarios with ease.  Good Luck!

AI and Bots: Are They The Future of Software Testing?

Software testing has taken an indispensable place with the increasing complexities of the software.
With the rising complexities, new software technologies, ever rising data, software testing is now taking an entirely new dimension. In such a scenario Bots and AI are gradually taking over the manual testing.

But does that means Bots and AI will wipe out testing jobs? Not at all, they will only change how the complete testing process completes.
The information and knowledge regarding AI and bots is quickly increasing with the growing usage of robotics and AI.
And gradually they are taking over the manual efforts in many fields including software testing.
And it is because robotics and artificial intelligence are cost-proficient, easy to use, and time-productive.
When it comes to machine learning in software testing and developments, bots can be much more easily and quickly trained compared to people.
Bots and AI involvement in Software Testing and Development
Bots and AI are predicted to rule the software testing world soon. They have affected the proficiency of software development and testing in many terms.

  1. Testing Scope and Workloads

It is a common practice to add new features to the software. As new features are introduced, the new code is added.
This code further requires software testing to ensure proper working.
This testing sometimes requires creating and running a new set of test cases and sometimes it even demands a rerun of the existing test cases to ensure the new functionality has not altered or affected the existing functionality.

This adds up to the workload of testers and also increases the testing scope.
AI robot can easily recreate the tests to integrate new parameters and can also run parallel tests without adding the workload to the tester.

  1. Debugging Capability

AI and bots can tirelessly work for 24 by 7. They are great when the test cases list is long, or when testing on disturbed systems, etc.
In short, they are very viable on running time-consuming test cases, which would otherwise be tiring for the testers.
They viably expand the time for which test cases can be run without requiring human intervention.
It reduces human efforts by running test cases without human efforts and letting the testers to only inspect the test results and resolve the issues if any.

  1. Advanced Continuous Testing

Continuous testing can enhance the quality of your software. Continuous testing helps report abnormalities clean-up infested information.
But carrying out repeated testing is not a viable option for human testers.
But this task can be very well carried out by bots and AI, resulting in enhanced software quality.

Now vs. Future of AI and bots in Software Testing.
Currently, AI and bots are confined to search for defects only in dedicated parts.
They are not yet tuned to go beyond it and test for bugs in any newly added component.
In the future with more advanced bots and AI, it might discover changes in even the minimal changes in the system.
It would interpret the client’s expectations and produce numerous test cases based on it in minimal time, much faster than human efforts. Currently, AI capability in this aspect is quite limited.
Though we can’t predict what actually AI holds, its capability will definitely see a rise.

Know More: Quality Assurance VS Quality control

The AI and bots can go far beyond our expectations and can take software testing to a completely new standard. What that cannot be expected today might be a reality of tomorrow.
AI and bots have a significant role in the current scenario of software testing.
They have definitely made testing much easier, and quicker. But with advancements made in the field of AI and bots, we will soon see AI and bots taking over the complete software testing, with human intervention required only in managing these bots.

AI and bots have amazed us enough with their amazing capabilities. But what they still have in store for us cannot be predicted at the moment.
The time is not far away when AI and bots will take over all the manual efforts in software testing. Software testing will soon be easier, cost-efficient and time-efficient using AI and bots.

6 Reasons For Automation Testing Failure

 Around 90% of the test automation community doesn’t know test coding, rather just a small percentage of the people know their tool, program and they understand coding as well.

Most of them go for the easy way!
Most hacks occur because individuals can’t afford real options, lack access to appropriate products which exist in a market that just doesn’t recognize their requirements. This similar strategy which is infused in our nature is applied by the test automation engineers.
There are primarily 4 types of automation tester who adapt to simple hacks for performing automation testing:
1. The Now Syndrome Tester: Whose aim is to fix the code now and rest will be tackled later on and that never again arises.
2. The Lazy Tester: These sorts testers have no time to write the codes or to learn new from the projects.
3. The Never-Failing Tester: Whatever arises these testers will make the test pass.
4. The Cod Puzzler: The testers who don’t know what they are writing in the codes.
So, what is the wrong way of coding? When you have utter disregard for anything you do that work monotonously.
You try to find the easiest solution to deliver the result as soon as possible, no matter how you are doing it.
Such kind of attitude is clumsily adopted by someone who is not proficient in the field. This is what people are doing in test automation projects, who know nothing about coding or don’t even want to the learn proper way.
There is a good chance that a failed automated tester will be having the following symptoms:

  • Automation testers do shortcut kind of work i.e. copy &paste.
  • Automation testers are horribly lazy to append more features.
  • Automation testers are not sure to make adjustments in the system.
  • Automation testers are scared to refactor the framework.

Rather than modeling tests every time, writing four lines of code and using test assertion from the test engine, and trying to catch bugs every time, testers believe to do 10 lines of coding.
They give weight to quantity instead of quality. And the good news is many of these code snippets technique is used all around the world, not just in India.
But it’s not something to take pride in because it basically is not the accurate method of testing.
Let’s have a look different types of coding shortcuts/hacks strategies applied by automation testers which categorize them as failed testers.
1. For Loop Method
Almost 38000of lines go through thought work, test runners don’t use test engine, especially in C#.
They start with the for loop for first 10 tests, then read the copied codes from excel and make this a regular procedure that sums up to 25000 tests.
This is the method of for loop with hardcore process calls. And these are really easy to accomplish automation test hacks which might seem unbelievable.
However, it’s a bitter reality of how unlearned testers are performing automation testing these days.
2. Duplicating of Tests
Another instance of such improper automation testing approach is taking one copy of tests as the point the variable changes in another scenario, even operating system changes but copied the content of code is taken in all the environments.
It’s never revealed by testers that the copy of the same test from a previous one is performed instead they tell that is was the same kind of test.
And this is done continuously on different scenarios. Moreover, after a certain time, the test code does not remain the same but it becomes similar since difference always occurs in automation testing–it’s impossible to refactor the code.
Since right testing is an outcome of hard work, not the hack of using “control + C” and “control + V” technique from the excel sheet –this is an extremely bad habit in coding and testing.
Spreadsheet IDE for Keyword-Driven Testing
There are many cases of test automation engineers who have complete codes saved in their excel sheets which they use in their keyword drove testing process.
Hence, in this way keyword driven testing has outlasted its purpose. Why? There are tests that need coding than some other tests require well representation by employing the keyword driven strategy.
But this addiction to copying code from spreadsheet practice has eventually ruined the whole process.
The automation testers are simply reading and copying from their spreadsheets, do string formatting, generate the C# file, organize it at the runtime and run the code!
Such failed testers don’t know how to model, even don’t want to study C# or.Net reflections just take the easy road to test, i.e. copying the codes. And this pathetic hack is run in almost all the keyword driven testing.
4. Researching Approach
Individuals nowadays state they are researching to learn better coding skills, but here too such testers use Google search engine to find the shortcut solutions.
The testers open the links from the first few results of the Google page than they directly apply the same strategy –copying&pasting the codes from these links.

They do not model it; even they don’t notice that these codes already exist in their previous spreadsheets, because such automation testers are not trying to understand the real and accurate intent of testing. Surprisingly, they proudly declare that they write so many codes in a day.
5. Delete Assertion Rule
Further, these types of unprofessional automated testers work on the goal of deleting the assertion.
It’s our duty that in case that the automation testing begins to fail, we need to work on them rather than thinking that company will consider us a bad tester if we show them the failed testing results.
So, to save them from a shame the automated tester deletes the assertion which is a total misunderstanding of performing the test automation properly.
There is nothing wrong if a test fails basically, the goal is not passing the test. But the rule in an unskilled tester’s diary is – comment – run the code – create the report – uncomment it, eventually to pass the test anyhow.
6. Repeat Testing Technique
Then there’s a repeater automation tester. What is this type of tester’s goal?
The person doesn’t want to learn multi-threading so he/she instead of solving any issue will read it only once per test considering there are merely 10 or 12 tests that need to be run, so it’s fine using such technique! Most of the testers are working on this strategy.
So, the same file is read hundreds or thousands of times rather than learning something new.
Consequences of using Coding Hacks in Test Automation.

  • Collections of the plagiarized part
  • Neither an original innovation nor a relevant solution
  • Inefficient, insecure, improperly designed, and also illegal
  • These solutions can never satisfy the customer
  • Violation of IP rights
  • Can fail shortly as should be

Wrapping up…
To be honest, never can an automation testing be performed and achieved in this way. Hence, the test automation is not at all meant for the failed developers, knowing nothing about testing and coding.
app testing
Testing is not for everyone, not just for anybody who doesn’t know to code appropriately. In fact; automation testing is also not for the one who knows a few codes.
This great process needs right aptitudes, understanding of coding languages and eagerness to further learn something to sharpen the testing skills.

Also Read: Mobile App Testing companies are in plenty. Know why testbytes is the best choice for you

Feature Testing: Why is it important before Release?

Feature testing is a necessary process since updates are essential for an app to keep up with time, for monetary benefits and to make the customers feel that the makers of the apps are putting in so much effort.
Apart from bug fixing, the addition of new features is also essential for the survival of any app.
The biggest question here is how to test these new features of an app that has already been tested or not been tested?
interested? go through this blog.
Developing New Feature?
While developing a new feature for your mobile app you need to determine what you are going to develop? The new feature that you will develop should be worth releasing, otherwise, it might mislead users.
You need to come up with a feature according to the app’s user base responds to various elements of the mobile application.
Run various experiments for in-app elements to better understand the missing feature.
How do you test new features?

  • Determine the type of audience the feature caters to. By knowing the right audience you can calibrate your test according to it
  • Release the software with the intended features to a small amount of audience before the actual test
  • Make sure that you are recording the results and categorizing it to the appropriate section. For instance, Order values by departments, average order values, conversion rates, o add to cart rates, hits on the checkout page per department,  etc. Categorization will help in analyzing interaction on various segments of the software
  • Once the software has been validated by a small number of users.  Prepare it for the larger  A/B test.
  • Create a product management system so that feedback can be run through a loop

Why you should do Feature testing?
Before releasing new features that you have developed, it needs testing to determine the impact among the users and application.
To better understand the impact of your feature you need to perform mobile application testing.
Mobile app testing will help you to understand the business impact of this new feature and what improvements should be made before release.
Testing of New Feature
Before releasing a new feature, it has to be tested with real-world test cases.
As the feature will be released among thousands of users, it becomes even more difficult to release an application that is error-free, as every individual is different from another.
Thus, below is some process for testing a new feature for mobile applications.

  • Field Testing

Field Testing becomes an important aspect of testing this new feature and its impact in real-world scenarios.
This test will be carried out by QA testers where they would be using this integrated feature as per the need in the real world.
However, field testing becomes a little difficult to carry out as it requires a large number of dedicated testers to execute field testing effectively and smoothly.
Also, field testing would require a number of devices and their maintenance which increases the cost of testing.
Although, this test may cost more it will provide an excellent overview of your new feature and its acceptance in the real world.

  • Leverage Your Community

 Another option for you to test your new feature in real-world cases is to leverage your community.
You can easily source alpha and beta testers for testing your new integrated feature in the mobile application.
With the help of alpha and beta testers, you will be able to get appropriate feedback from actual users who will be using your new app feature in a real-world scenario.
While sourcing alpha and beta testers may come with risk, it provides an excellent method for exposing bugs to them.
It becomes a reliable method that can be gathered in a form of valuable feedback from actual users and let you do further improvement in your mobile app.

  • Incorporating Your Application

For a more efficient field testing of your new feature, you can also incorporate your integrated mobile application into the daily activities and workflow of your team members.
This will help you to encounter bugs and issues in your new feature naturally by your team.
Not only, it will save some cost for sourcing alpha and beta testers for your test but also it will increase the efficiency to detect any issue in a timely manner and improves it as soon as possible.
You can also use this approach to uncover details such as battery usage, device compatibility, and other environmental factors.

  • Crowd Sourced Testing

 This test will expose the benefits, effectiveness, and efficiency of your application.
To perform Scaling UX and exploratory tests, testers would require enough time to devote to these valuable testing approaches.
Your team would need to use automation tools and services to free up the team’s time which can be utilized for other testing approaches.
Automation tools will enable them to eliminate the effort of testing applications in a repetitive cycle.

  • A/B Testing

A/B testing for your new feature in the mobile application would enable you to observe which versions perform better.
This test will compare your version A app with version B app and checks which one is performing better.
While conducting A/B testing you need to focus on key aspects such as user onboarding, user engagement rate, or user retention.
Making an Announcement of Your New Feature In-App
After completing mobile app testing for your new feature with improvements,
you can now make an announcement to all the users about the addition of the new feature in the application.
Introducing your new feature to the application will be useless if the right users are not aware of it.
To ensure that the right people know about this addition, you need to decide on how you are going to tell users about the new feature.
You can either use real-time context to tell them about the new feature or just make a proper announcement of your new feature before global release.
After achieving all these steps you can successfully release your new feature to your mobile app without any hesitation.
Once, your new feature is live and released globally, you need to get feedback from different users who had just used your new feature.
This will help you to understand the true nature of your new feature. What if people did not use your new feature?
Or did they have any issues?
You can easily get feedback from your users regarding your new feature and make sure to improve them.
After releasing your new feature you can also record the impact and compare it with your testing results to ensure more improvement in testing areas.
Benefits of Feature Testing

  • The environment of the product can be figured out easily
  • Helps in gathering metrics of features and validate it
  • Basic elements of software can be tested
  • Helps in keeping a check on various integration
  • You can check the different configuration of the software product
  • bugs and issues can be found out
  • You can perfect the software and prepare it for success

How to use Selenium for the automation of feature testing?
How It Can Help in Feature Testing?
It depends on the kind of developer you are. If you are a developer who believes in testing all key features after deployment then Selenium Webdriver would be a panacea for you.
But there are many developers who just believe in developing new stuff and not first testing the existing features and then go ahead with building new ones. This would lead to a lot of bugs and the cost incurred with finding a defect would increase in the defect life cycle.

Also Read : 15 Top Selenium WebDriver Commands For Test Automation

So, the strategy should be testing the existing features and then building new stuff. If you are thinking that testing existing new features would consume a lot of time then in that case you can use Selenium Webdriver to cut the time taken to test these features.
In this way your code would be bug-free and costs associated with defects will decrease.
Let’s now prepare the first test with Selenium WebDriver. If you are thinking that you are not a Java Expert; then how would you start writing code and explore. Selenium Webdriver needs minimal use of Java if you want to start with it so don’t worry and go ahead!
Set-Up Needs To Be Done

  • The first thing is to download the Chrome Browser as you will test your code on chrome.
  • Next is to download ChromeDriver from Seleniumhq official site and hence; you can download the chromedriver.exe file in your system.
  • You should have Java installed in your machine and this you can check by opening cmd and fire command “java –version”.
  • You should have Eclipse installed in your machine as it is a perfect IDE to develop the test to check the features.
  • You can now open eclipse and then click on New -> Java Project -> Next -> Give Project Name and Finish
  • Now add Selenium library to your project by first downloading the Jars from Seleniumhq site. Then click on Properties of your project and click on Build Path and then click on “Add External Jars”.
  • After this, you are ready to start with your code. All initial setup is ready.

First Test With Selenium Webdriver To Test Login Feature
For writing code you need to make a class file in your project. For doing that; click on New -> Class -> Next -> Name your Class -> Finish. Now, you can start writing your code in this section. As of now just copy the code below and run it on your local machine.
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
public class Test1 {
static WebDriver webDriver;
public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
// Telling the system where to find the chrome driver
// Open the Chrome browser
webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
// Maximize the browser window
if (testlogin()) {
System.out.println(“Test WordPress Login: Passed”);
} else {
System.out.println(“Test WordPress Login: Failed”);
// Close the browser and WebDriver
private static boolean testlogin() {
try {
// Open
// Type in the username
// Type in the password
// Click the Submit button
// Wait a little bit (7000 milliseconds)
// Check whether the h1 equals “Dashboard”
if (webDriver.findElement(By.tagName(“h1”)).getText()
.equals(“Dashboard”)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// If anything goes wrong, return false.
} catch (final Exception e) {
return false;
Run this you will find Chrome Browser opening up and then testing the login functionality. Let me explain the steps one by one for better understanding.

  • setProperty(“”,”C:/PATH/TO/chromedriver.exe”);

This statement is to tell your program where it can find chromedriver.exe file in your local.

  • webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
  • manage().window().maximize();

These commands will open Chromedriver instance and then would maximize the size of the browser.

  • if (testlogin())

This would test if the login feature is properly working or not. If it is not working then “Test failed” would be printed else “Test passed”.

Also Read : 52 Software Tester Interview Questions That can Land You the Job

  • The test login module has tried and catches statements inside it. If everything goes as expected as per you then code in try block would be executed else code in catch would be executed. Suppose when you try to locate an element and it is not present in DOM then it would throw an exception “NOSUCHELEMENTEXCEPTION” and this code in catch block should be executed.
  • In this testlogin function steps are mentioned.

automation testing
These would be hit the URL in the browser and then find username and password fields. With the help of sendKeys you will be able to write to these text boxes.

  • findElement(“wp-submit”)).click();

With the help of this command you are clicking on submit form.

  • sleep(7000);

This sleep is included in order to follow the test visually. 7000 means 7000 ms that means 7s.

  • Now if the login is successful then the headline of the page should change to “Dashboard” and h1 headline is used only once in every page so you can get it by using tagname h1. You can get the text out of the webelement and then compare it with “Dashboard” to test whether you have successfully login or not. The below code is for that.

if (webDriver.findElement(By.tagName(“h1”)).getText().equals(“Dashboard”))
return true
} else {
return false;

  • You can find the elements using various locators like ID, Name, Xpath, CSS Selector, and Link Text. Mostly you should prefer ID and name when they are not dynamic. Otherwise it is good to go with Xpath and CSS.

Feature testing increases the chances of success and mitigates risk to a great extent.  Do think of it as a setback or baggage, development alone is not the key to software success. You gave to make sure it has what it takes to survive the market.

11 Reasons Why Transition from Manual Testing to Automation is Beneficial


Test Automation Frameworks: Future of Software Testing

With the advent of new technologies and strategies for web applications, the time taken to write and deploy programs reduced tremendously. In such scenarios, nowadays most of the testing is also done by the developers themselves. As a result there were many code based test automation platforms that were brought into the market.
automation testing
Test automation framework is a common platform for developers to provide an execution environment for test scripts. Every framework has its unique guidelines, procedures and rules for test creation and implementation. There is hundreds of automation frameworks developed over the years by various automation communities. But developers and organizations find it difficult to understand and decide which framework to choose and why.
Not to forget, automation framework is not a tool to perform your tests, but rather its an infrastructure that defines what different systems can do their tasks and how efficiently.
Test Framework Designing
Any proposed test automation platform should provide rules and guidelines that help you to create test cases. The framework should be user friendly and allow the team to get desired results for the tests. Such automated frameworks should improve the quality life of QA professionals by making their testing activities more fun and efficient.
For examples, the following guidelines can be followed in your framework.

  • Standards for coding
  • Repositories of objects
  • Test data methodologies
  • saving and storing results
  • Any other external assistance

Benefits of Employing Automated Frameworks
So how will you known that automated frameworks is working for you? Well, if your framework provides the following benefits, then b rest assured that you’ve got your framework right on the track.

  • Low cost of maintenance
  • Consistency in testing
  • Creating reusable code
  • minimizing manual intervention
  • Distinctive Programmability and Shelf Life

Automated frameworks can bring a lot of benefits to your testing life cycle. Many organizations still prefer and run manual tests because they are unaware about properly integrating automated tests in their development process.
Below are test automation frameworks approaches that are widely used in industries.
Data Driven Framework
Data Driven framework is the most used test automation software in the market today. The method follows a process where test cases are built in an excel sheet and then it is imported into the automation testing tool.  Data driven framework allows building positive, as well as negative test cases in one go.
Many a times there might seem a need to have a number of data sets for the same single functionality and running different data manually is very time consuming. In such cases, data driven framework comes as a saver. For e.g. when we want to test multiple fields of forms like login/register/signup etc. we don’t create separate data sets.
Linear Automation Framework
Also known as ‘Record and Playback’, this is one of the simplest frameworks of all. In this framework, the manual tester manually records all the steps including navigation and user inputs, and inserts checkpoints. He can then play back the recorded script in subsequent rounds.
Linear automation framework is the fastest way to generate scripts. You do not require automations experts to perform the tests. The testing tools are very easy to use and understand.
Table Driven Framework
Table driven testing, also known as keyword driven testing, is a framework famous for its use to both manual as well as automation testing. The framework is based on the idea of using data files that contain keywords related to the application that is being tested. These keywords define a set of actions required to carry out a particular function.
Keywords are of 2 types, high-level and low-level keywords.  Hence before you opt for this framework, you first define the set of keywords and then associate them to a set of actions or functions.
Modular Based Testing Framework
The most basic type of automation framework that is used today is the modular based testing framework. In this framework, each business module and functionality is separated out and taken care of separately. Hence it is also called the ‘Test Script Modularity Framework.

Also read : A Beginner’s Guide to iOS Automation Testing

The testing framework requires creating of small, independent scripts that depict the working of the modules, functions and sections under test. This small tests are then clubbed together to create a larger test to construct a bigger module.
Library Architecture Testing Framework
Library Architecture Testing Framework initially works by Linear automation framework, which follows the ‘Record and Playback’ system. At a later stage, the results and identified and grouped together into various functions. These functions are then called from the main script and used in different cases.
app testing
Similar to the modular framework, this framework will provide higher level of modularization, which makes maintenance and scalability easier and more cost effective. The only drawback includes that this framework requires a higher level of expertise to analyse the common functions of the test cases.
Hybrid Testing Framework
As the name suggests, hybrid framework inculcates 2 or more testing frameworks from the above list. The best thing about this framework is that it offers you all the benefits provided by different testing frameworks.
Hybrid framework is a component based architecture that will give you reusable components that are designed to be re-used in different aspects. However, some components are designed only for a specific task.
The best approach for implementing a framework is to find the right tool which quickly adapts to your processes. While selecting an automation framework, look for the one that is flexible and supports a wide range of languages and third party applications. This will allow your team to save a lot of time and contribute to their testing efforts.
When you think about implementing the hybrid framework, remember, there are times when there is a requirement of a standard framework for tests. During a situation when there are multiple modules of an application and there are more number of developers involved who encompass their own idea of implementing automation,a single framework is your life saver.

Mobile App Security Testing Checklist Every Developer Must Have

Mobile apps have become the ultimate solution for every organization to conduct their businesses. Thus, the usage of mobile apps has been soaring heights in these recent years. While many of the apps perform the function of storing and displaying data, other apps are involved in transmitting some of the sensitive data. However, with higher power come great responsibilities. Thus, it is essential that the organizations safeguard their apps alongside enjoying the tremendous benefits that these apps provide.

app testing

Mobile app security works in an entirely different way than any of the traditional applications. Time is of the essence when it comes to the latest mobile universe. Developers are always in a rush when putting together a mobile app that they sometimes forget to implement the most critical security measures that should be performed.

Thus we have come up with a quick checklist that you could refer to when building your mobile apps.

Penetration Tests

One of the best ways to avoid security risks is by running pen tests on your mobile applications against the various vulnerabilities. Penetration testing includes hacking into the mobile apps and imitating both general and mobile-specific attacks. It also provides replication of the attacker’s action to extract confidential information.

Every device tremendously varies with regards to the features and operating systems. Thus, there are unique challenges that appear when running penetration tests. However, this method shouldn’t be avoided because it is an absolute necessity when it comes to detecting loopholes in a system. If left unseen, these loopholes could grow to become potential threats that give access to the mobile’s data and features.

Source Code Encryption

Almost all the codes in a native mobile app are left on the client’s side. Mobile malware often targets vulnerabilities in the code and design to pose a threat to the mobile applications. Before the attack, the attackers can extract a public copy of the application. They reverse-engineer the application so that the codes could be plundered and malicious codes could be inserted. After which they are further posted on third-party app stores to trick the people who install them.

Furthermore, be extra careful when using codes from third-party libraries. Check the code thoroughly to make sure that it doesn’t have any security flaw. Third-party libraries can be a lifesaver when working on time-consuming projects; however, they can sometimes be extremely insecure for your apps.

Threats like these can take an organization’s reputation downhill. Developers should thus put extreme care when building an app and include tools to detect and close security vulnerabilities. Developers should even make their applications robust against any tampering and reverse-engineering too. Minimisation would make the code harder to interpret; however, they won’t necessarily ensure secrecy. Keeping the codes a secret is of utmost importance, and encryption provides the most efficient and highest security making the code unreadable.

Security of the Device

A mobile application can only remain secure if the phone is secure. Otherwise, when a mobile is ‘rooted’ or ‘jailbroken’, it points at the authentic software restrictions that have been compromised. By making an application ‘risk-aware’, enterprises are given the ability to put a limitation on particular functionalities, sensitive data, and enterprise resources. Moreover, enterprises are asked to not wholly depend on native app development platforms, as these platforms are not always resistant to mobile security threats.

Thus, it is wise to choose intelligent sources and quality application services to keep track of the apps and their associated risks.

Protecting Data in the Transit

Data is always transmitted from clients to servers, and it needs to be protected to keep away from privacy leaks. It might seem like an unimportant task to most of the developers, but it is never a better option to be ignorant when the security of an app is at stake. Using either an SSL or VPN tunnel is highly advisable when you are trying to safeguard the data that is being sent from a client to the server.

A risk-aware transaction should be embraced by the entire organization to restrict risk factors regarding the mobile applications.

File-Level and Database Encryption

The bandwidth and varying connection quality imply the importance of more client-side code and the vast amount of data stored on a device. Unlike desktop applications, mobile applications are required to stay on the device itself. Moreover, this very fact has a significant impact on the security. Most developers design the mobile app in a way that the data is stored in the local file system. However, by default, these can’t encrypt the data and thus leave a major loophole for potential vulnerabilities.

To overcome this, modules that can encrypt the data should be put to use. They can provide file-level encryption and can be very helpful when it comes to amplifying security.

High-Level Authentication

Security breaches usually happen due to the lack of high-level authentication. Authentication refers to passwords and other personal identifiers that are put to act as a hindrance to entry. Only the users with the right identifier can access the information, whereas the others are left out. However, when working as a developer, this mainly depends on the end users. Thus, encouraging the users to grow more sensitive towards authentication would be the best way to avoid security breaches.

Developers should design the apps in such a way that it only accepts strong alphanumerical passwords. Additionally, makes sure that the app makes the user change these passwords in every three or six months. In case of extremely sensitive apps, biometric authentication should be employed such as fingerprints and retina scan.

mobile app

Now that you have the complete checklist of security measures that you should take when developing an app, you would prove to be a sinecure. However, it is advisable that every developer become extra careful, and put all the safety measures to use to make the application as strong as an ox.

Automation Test For Your Software: Go Through This Ultimate Guide


                                         “Fast, good, cheap: pick any two.”

Yes, three of them do not tag along most of the time. But in the case of automation they do and that too in the finest form.

The prime reason why the world is behind the technology

The story is exactly the same when it comes to software testing. The astounding factor about automation testing is that it can be a continuous process making the process as efficient and fast as it can get.

But, automation doesn’t mean that it all we have to do is turn on the switch. There are certain factors that need to be met and considered before performing it.

Let’s see


The project is required to traverse over numerous months. For a two-month venture, the cost to put the time in automation testing isn’t supported. Putting resources into automation forthright can guarantee that as features are created, tested, and the team proceeds onward, new functionality can be completely relapsing tested.

Cost and Budget

A committed financial plan must be designated, which incorporates costs identified with the testing tool, improvement, deployment, source, and preparing. Furthermore, the cost of maintenance for automated tests and devices must be incorporated.

Also read: 6 Software Testing Certifications That Can Guarantee You a Job

Ascertaining the ROI of your automation testing project can be tricky. Here is a common calculation some people utilize to get a rough assessment of their automation testing costs.

Automation Cost = tools cost + labor costs + costs of the automated tests maintenance

This can also assist you to determine if a test case is still worth automating as compared to testing it manually.


Project teams who select to robotize break up tests into more edible pieces maintaining the attention on small combinations or individual functions. That way, when the code is updated, just the automation test with a related application should be updated.

When you realize that it is the right time to put your money and time in a suitable automation tool you can begin searching for the best automation tool that matches your necessities.

Choose What Test Cases to Automate

It is difficult to automate all testing. So, it is essential to figure out what test cases ought to be automated first.

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The advantage of automated testing is connected to how often a particular test can be rehashed. Tests that are played out just a couple of times are better left for manual testing.

Successful test automation requires careful arranging and configuration work. Begin by making an automation design. This enables you to recognize the underlying arrangement of tests to automate and fill in as a guide for future tests.

In the first place, you ought to characterize your objective for automation testing and choose which kinds of tests to automize. There are various kinds of testing, and everyone has its position in the testing procedure.

You can get the most advantage out of your automated testing endeavors on automating following cases:

    • Repeated tests that keep running for multiple forms.
    • Often utilized application that presents high-risk conditions.
    • Tests that need various data collections.
    • Tests that tend to cause a human mistake.
    • Tests that are difficult to operate manually.
    • Tests that require a ton of exertion and time when manual testing.
    • Tests that run on a few diverse software or hardware platforms and setups.

How to Select Automation Tool for Software Test?

Automation testing achievement to a great extent relies upon the determination of right testing tool. It requires a great deal of time to assess pertinent tools for automation accessible in the market. Yet, this is an unquestionable requirement that will profit your undertaking in a long run.

The criteria you have to consider before choosing any testing tool:

    • What is your financial plan?
    • Do you have the essential skilled asset to enforce with automation assignments?
    • Does the automation tool fulfill your testing obligations?
    • Is it appropriate for the undertaking environment and technology you are utilizing?
    • Does it incorporate well with your other testing devices like test administration tools and project planning?

Automation Frameworks Are Important

The titans of IT industry like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon do programming at a quick pace to take care of the demand for their services and product. For these organizations—and the IT business everywhere—to receive the rewards of test automation, they depend on automation frameworks to manage their endeavors.

Test automation is a necessary component of Agile. Different center practices of Agile, for example, Test-Driven Development (TDD), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery, and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) depend on the effectiveness and dependability of test automation. The automation frameworks give the establishment that helps an assortment of the automated program tests.

Here is a speedy rundown of the standard kinds of test automation frameworks being used.

  • Linear Scripting Framework: Recording and repeating test scripts in successive (“linear”) design with practically least or no adjustment.
  • Keyword driven Framework: Tables on a spreadsheet decide the activity of a test script relied on a function library for a specified keyword.
  • Data-driven Framework: A steady source of test criteria (external or internal data) indicates the test scripts to command.
  • Modular Testing Framework: Modules of cases under test are broke down and tested with singular test scripts that can be consolidated to make bigger test scripts.
  • Hybrid Testing Framework: A blend of frameworks to use the features of each.

Thus, an automation framework is a typical arrangement of guidelines, tools, and standards for your tests. Having an automation framework limits test script management.

Elements of a good test automation framework

Remember that not all of the elements specified below might be present in all frameworks. The most basic elements of a test automation framework are:

Unit testing library

The unit testing libraries make up a basic element of any test automation system.

They can be utilized to:

  • Define test methods
  • Perform assertions
  • Run the tests

Libraries for conducting integration and end-to-end testing

When you’re hoping to make integration, end-to-end automated tests, or API-level it’s regularly a smart thought to make utilization of the features given by existing libraries.

These libraries make interfacing with your apps under test substantially simpler by abstracting endlessly all the coding required.

Libraries enabling the BDD- behavior-driven development

These don’t test tools themselves, nor do they cooperate with your application under test. Rather, they are particularly used to help the BDD procedure and are frequently mistreated to make living documentation in the range and expectation of automated tests.

Benefits of implementing test automation framework

Presently, one of the most well-known elements of an automation testing is automation framework.Having the rules set up to understand the advantages of automated tests is the fundamental target of a test automation system.

Reusable Tests:

Properly planned test automation frameworks convey routinely stable robotized tests that are simpler to reuse and keep up.

No Manual Invasion:

There are exemptions where the brief manual invasion is worthy. However, this ought not to be the standard when you have the suitable system set up. Continuously work towards unattended. Regardless of whether you’re just running your automated tests once per month, they ought to have the capacity to run unattended. Else, you’ll experience considerable difficulties later on when you endeavor to accelerate the improvement and delivery process and your automated tests don’t sustain Continuous Testing.

Direct Reporting:

Use the clearand focused reporting strategy towards the correct audience. This can be an automated build up device, chief, or an engineer, every one of which requires an alternate sort of reporting, with various data and level of detail.

Lower Cost of Support:

Reusable automated tests have a lower cost of support. More reusable and viable automated tests support to meet financial plan and accomplish the quick product launch time of modern programming advancement.

Break Your Automated Testing Efforts

Normally, the production of various tests depends on the QA designers’ ability levels. It is vital to distinguish the level of skills and involvement of your every member of the project team and break your automated testing endeavors in like manner. For example, writing automated test scripts requires master learning of scripting languages. Along these lines, to achieve these errands, you ought to have QA engineers that know the script language offered by the automated testing tool.

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Some members may not be versed in writing these scripts. It is better meanwhile an automated testing device has an approach to make automated tests that don’t need a profound learning of scripting languages.

Keyword tests are regularly observed as an option to automated test scripts. Not at all like scripts, they can be effortlessly utilized by both technical and non-technical users and enable all levels of users to make intense and robust automated tests.

You ought to likewise team up on your automated testing venture with other QA engineers in the department. Testing performed by an association is more powerful to find bugs and the proper automated testing tool enables you to impart your ventures to many testers.

When you make a few simplistic automated tests, you can arrange your tests into one, bigger automated test. You can sort out automated tests by the minor or major division in the application, application’s utilitarian region, regular functions or a base collection of test data. In the event that an automated test alludes to different tests, you may need to make a test tree, where you can run tests in a particular manner.

Test Automation Process Has the Following Phases:

  • Atomic Test

An atomic test is a methodology for guaranteeing that each test is completely independent. That is, it ought not to rely upon the result of other tests to set up its state, and another test ought not to influence its error or success in any capacity.

Likewise, when a robotized test comes up short, you have to know why. Having a very prepared atomic test that tests just a single thing will help you rapidly distinguish what broke if your test crashes.

Moreover, you should try to get reviews from your engineers as fast as could be feasible, and an ideal approach to do that is with a quick, properly named test.

  • Test Sizing

Test size is important since tests need to run rapidly.

Now, numerous individuals imagine a customary test pyramid, which has unit tests as its base, integration tests in the center, and graphical UI tests at the top.

By test size, allude to tests that are speedier than others.

  • Readability

A brisk point on test code readability—did you realize that engineers invest more time perusing code than really writing it?

It is uncommon that the individual who composed code will likewise be the one that requires to alter it. Much more dreadful, how often have you written code just to return to it months after and have no clue what it is doing?

Since, as we said, automation code is program development, you ought to make your test code on account of the reader of the code—not the PC.

This will encourage to make your test more viable, as well as will help guarantee that you don’t copy code since you didn’t comprehend what a current portion of code was doing.

This may appear like a minor issue, yet disregard readability of your automation test at your risk.

  • Testability

Testability should be prepared into our applications relevantly from the beginning. As a standard piece of planning, engineers ought to consider how they can influence their application to code more testable. They can achieve this by giving things like unique component IDs for their application fields and APIs to help make guides into their application(s) that can be utilized as a part of their automated tests.

They ought to likewise be pondering how any code transforms they advance to the application will affect existing automated tests and plan as per the needs.

When you don’t do this, you’re not going to be victorious with automation for a longer time.

Keep in mind, you can’t automate that isn’t testable.

  • Stable Environment

This one is an extremely basic obstacle for some project teams with their automation endeavors.

Without a steady test condition that is dependable in a known state, it will be hard for your team members to advance their automation endeavors.

Tests failing because of environmental problems instead of real application problems will make your project team members lose trust in your test review rapidly.

When teams begin disregarding automation outcomes, your test efforts end up pointless.

Define test strategies, regularly through particular technique annotations, for example, [Test] (in .NET) and @Test (in Java).

Maximum unit testing libraries offer strategies that will play out the genuine assertions that decide the final product of your automated tests. So, you’d do properly to make utilization of these, rather than writing yourself.

By and large, unit testing libraries provide a test runner that makes running the tests you made extremely direct, regardless of whether you’re running them from inside your IDE, or through a build tool or continuous integration (CI) framework or from the command line.

  • Plan Data Input Store

Kinds of input data files approved by the tools should be distinguished. In view of the necessities, input files can be determined as:

Objects Identifier – Object identification syntax particular to the tool, mapped to the legitimate name of the object.

Workflows/Scenarios/Transactions based input -Complete arrangement of data for various workflows/scenarios/transactions. Every one of them means “n” number of experiments. This experiment-based user input serves the project team amid future upgrades, in a manner that different input information can be included utilizing the Test Case ID.

Custom Message – This can include custom messages to be shown for known and obscure mistakes.

Driver – File can consist a list of file/workflow/transaction ID’s to be alluded to, for a chosen batch performance.

  • Create framework

Framework constructions are encouraged utilizing a similar arrangement of recognized tools. Scripting language reinforced by the test automation tool is employed to make the elements. Tool extensibility or utility or element can be produced utilizing an alternate language.

Notwithstanding the re-usable segments, worker scripts and driver scripts should be made.

  • Populate Input Data Store

Information can be populated either in an automated design or manually from various data sources. Test data would be populated in view of parent-child hierarchy.

  • Design Schedulers

Scheduler prerequisite should be distinguished. Schedulers can be regulated to run a worker script on a particular schedule. This strategy profits in a form that even a business user can direct the scheduler and influence the test execution to proceed.

  • A reliable test data strategy

A standout amongst the most troublesome issues with regards to making automated tests is the manner by which to administer the issue of test data.

The higher you go in the test automation pyramid, the more troublesome it gets to guarantee that the test data needed to execute a given test is available or made when tests are running.

There is no single way to take care of all the test data issues. However, having a strong strategy concerning test data administration is basic to the accomplishment of your test automation attempts.

Test Automation Scripts

The real undertaking and the significant task begins from here.

A test is regarded as a solitary activity or a series of activities (written using a scripting/programming language), that characterizes whether a particular component meets functional necessities.It is implemented on a system under test to validate that the system works as expected.

The user needs the logical reasoning and writes a cryptic test or program scripts which will be executed.

We must be capable to instruct the tool to execute the test samples in a really simple way and the code should be clearly understandable to other users who see it.

Valid Data Test Sample –

public class ManageUsers{
public void Add_User_With_Valid_Data()
/* Pre conditions
*1 Check login
*2 Check logged in user has access to manage users
* */
/* Adding a user
*1. Navigate to Manage Users Grid
*2. Check for “Add Users” button. if exists,
*2.1 Click on Add user button in Manage users grid
*3. Check for Fields and Enter required fields if exists
*3. Click on Submit button
*4. Success message should be displayed
*5. Compare for the Success message
*5. 1 if message check is not enough to validate,
*6. Check for the record in Database and Validate

In the above test sample of Add Users With Valid Data: To execute the test, you have to login to the application. You additionally need to check whether the user is signed in or not. Also, the other thing you have to check is whether the signed in user has access to “Add Users” or Not. In the event that those Two Conditions have passed then you ought to execute the rest otherwise you should restore the test as failed.

Invalid Data Test Sample –


public void Add_User_With_Invalid_Data()


/* Pre conditions

*1 Check login

*2 Check logged in user has access to manage users

* */

/* Adding a user

*1. Navigate to Manage Users Grid

*2. Check for “Add Users” button. if exists,

*2.1 Click on Add user button in Manage users grid

*3. Check for Fields and Enter required fields if exists

*3. Click on Submit button

*4. Error message should be displayed

*5. Compare for the Error message based on the input provided

* */


Pitfalls In Automation Testing

Project teams frequently insist that automation testing “doesn’t work.” Though this demeanor is normally caused by inadequately composed test automation more than whatever else.

In the event that you put the issues recorded in your mind as you make your test automation framework, you can bypass from a lot of these automation traps early.

Numerous issues are caused by inserting farfetched objectives, as, for instance, having an objective of achieving 100% UI automated testing scope. Project teams regularly trust that automation tests will discover all the new bugs, so they have an incorrect feeling that all is well with the automated world. Your automation is just in the same class as your tests.

Project teams likewise think that it takes little time to look after automation test. They’ll frequently make vast, end-to-end tests.However, tests ought to be minute with the goal that when they crash, you know why.

A few other regular issues that project team encounters are:

    • Concentrating only on UI automation
    • Not having a controlled test environment
    • Not having a test data methodology set up
    • Overlooking failing tests
    • Not reusing automation code
    • Not utilizing appropriate synchronization in your tests
    • Not making readable automation tests
    • Hard coding test data

Some Technical Aspects to Recognize

Object Recognition strategies

There ought to be a wide range of choosing a similar object with various strategies. A few objects are hard to perceive. So, the assortment of determination strategies is constantly useful.

Object Mapping Support

Likely, there ought to be an alternative to appropriately Map these objects in the object storehouse. This store ought to effectively be updatable and overseen.

Diverse Assertion Support

The test case is passed or aborted in view of assertions or checkpoints. In the event that the tool has an assortment of strategies to check your anticipated outcomes, it is useful.

Recovery Scenarios Approach

When experiment crashes and you need to proceed with the execution, what to do? In the event that recovery situations are not difficult to operate in a tool, it will enable you to perform test cases with no glitch. You can run the experiments during the evening and early in the day, you get the outcomes expressing which test cases have passed and which test cases have failed. This will happen just if recovery from crashed test cases can be effectively overseen by the tool.

Automation Testing Tools

Tool distinguishing process is a pivotal one, as it includes basic variables to be considered. Make a standard tool assessment agenda which should be done by considering teams included, sorts of testing, licensing price of the tool, upkeep cost, support and training, device’s extensibility, device’s execution and resistance and so on. Recognized testing types and prerequisites, serve as a base rule for test automation tool assessment.

Here are a few best automation tools available. This isn’t a thorough list, but instead a snappy outline of a portion of the more popular test tools.

  • Web automation tools

Selenium IDE

This Firefox module gives the capacity to record test cases. Best utilized for testing web applications, functionality is restricted and unacceptable for complex web apps. The device does not enable team members to write tests for music, flash computer games, file uploads or UI/UX tests.


What’s great about SikuliX is that it enables you to automate anything you see on your monitor utilizing picture-based testing.

  • Mobile automation tools


This free tool enables users to record hybrid and local Android tests. It is backed by Google, can be written in Java and coordinated with Cucumber.


Appium is automation for applications. It is by all accounts the champ in the mobile testing space until now. The open source tool supportsAndroid and iOS applications, alongside hybrid and native apps. The experiments can be written in a wide assortment of software languages including (Java, C#, Python, Ruby and so forth.).

Appium is a cross-platform that implies tests can be written on different platforms utilizing similar API.

Desktop automation tools


An automation code tool created to help the behavior-driven development process. Cucumber is an open source tool which consolidates documentation and test specification within a sole source.



SpecFlow is a free tool that gives behavior-driven testing functionalities to languages in the .NET family.


TestStack.White is a free tool used to help Win32, WPF, WinForms, Silverlight, and SWT (Java) applications. Experiments are written in C# and can be incorporated with SpecFlow/Cucumber.

Service automation tools


This is the leading in a world as an open-source functional testing instrument for API testing. It supports different protocols, for example, SOAP, HTTP, REST, AMF, and JMS.



The HttpWebRequest can be integrated with Cucumber and SpecFlow. It is a .NET library which influences the REST API to request specifically.

Few tips for successful testing

Here are some essential tips which you must follow to make your tests maximally valuable and negligibly excruciating.

Don’t Race to automation

While beginning with product automation process or tool, companies should delay and do more planning in advance before hopping into the profound end. Companies select an automation tool according to an extremely constrained engineer group, yet at last, the appraisal wasn’t sufficiently wide to perceive how it affected their regular exercises or how it helped their agile activities.

Many project team members get into obstacles with their testing techniques since they hasten into utilizing an automation tool to rapidly take care of one issue, which implies they do not have the “master plan,” or what program automation can do meanwhile for their organization.

Organizations are not testing sufficiently. They race to market their product with blinders trusting they won’t become involved with an awful deformity. The danger of not testing can be as hindering as harming the organization’s brand or market notoriety.

When the activities back off and they get direction from individuals who have mastery in agile advancement and Continuous Testing. And also, have studied the tool extensively to perceive how it supports the developers, the managers, the testers, and the officials, a majority of the people will know there is a benefit in preparing a solution that satisfies all of those multiple roles and purposes.

Make it simple to include new tests

It ought to be evident to someone altering your code how to test their changes. Make assistant functions in your test file to create set up and cut down basic. Most testing systems give “before each” and “after each” helpers. When including another test case is amazingly simple then you can be surer that your library will have high test scope after some time.

However, in case that the creator needs to invest a considerable amount of time examining precisely how to make the fitting data sources, etc., then in case they’re in a period crunch they may choose to ignore a test altogether. You ought to dependably make it simple for individuals to make the best decision.

Code or tests first?

The Test-Driven Development that manages writing tests before a feature code. This can be difficult to do as you truly don’t know precisely what your interface should seem like until the point that you begin writing it and understand some of your opinions should be changed.

On the contrary, in case you’re not centered around testing amid development, it’s obvious to wind up with code that is difficult to utilize and difficult to test.

The solution is to write code and test in parallel. It’s an imperative procedure. Hopping forward and backward between your point of view and an outsider’s in a test helps ensure your code’s interface is useful.

Test the interface

If you’re testing, it may appear to be simplest to dive into your interface and test that private variables have the correct value at the perfect time. While this appears to be advantageous, it has a few issues.

A tree ought to have a similar conduct whether it’s executed with pointers or as a flat array. Your tests should be revised if the inside execution is changed.

Likewise, altering with the internals of the interface removes the concentration from what truly matters.

It’s smarter to concentrate on your time on the rightness of genuine use-cases.

Know whether devices reinforce innovations and outsider controls

You must know first that what approaches are being utilized as a part of your application. Counsel your engineers and developers.

For instance, if they are utilizing SilverLight or HTML 5 in web applications, be careful, there are very few automation devices to help them. In case that the tool commands support for these advances, download the trial version of it and endeavor to distinguish diverse objects in yourproject. When the tool neglects to distinguish them, thus, their claim is false. This action will spare you from a later despair.

Next, you ought to assess the cost, comprising maintenance. In the event that you anticipate having your entire project team assist with the automation exertion, make a point to utilize a tool that uses similar languages and tools your developers utilize.

Stopping new bugs after some time

For vast codebases avoiding bugs after some time is extremely a crucial element of tests. In codebases with numerous developers, testers, engineers contributing, you don’t really have control over changes to your code and particularly changes to the code that your code relies upon.

Automation is only one of the several sorts of test practices that can be utilized by testers.

In case that you haven’t written tests, at that point there’s no steadfast path for different coders to realize that their dedication has affected yours. When your code is still in the codebase a year or so after you’ve submitted it and there are no tests for it, bugs will sneak in and no one will see them for quite a while.

Tests are your best weapon against the many-sided quality of vast codebases. In spite of the fact that you endeavor to keep your code perfect and clear, something will dependably break.

Learn the guideline: If it makes a difference that the code works, you ought to write a test for it.

Attempt it yourself

Regardless of all the tips and learning, you’ll have to manufacture your own instinct and discern from your own particular oversights. As you develop as an engineer, you understand increasingly that testing is an extraordinary instrument, not an irritating overhead. It’s a method for helping you write your code quicker, commit fewer errors, and keep away from bug crawl.

You’ll see that writing the tests as you go improves your interfaces and prompt your code to be more testable.


Manual testing demands vital resources, comprising time, and system support such as servers, network bandwidth, and database storage. In fast-paced evolving environments, there may really not enough time possible for full manual testing, giving teams with the choice of launching the product without enough testing. Automated testing gives inherent solutions to the disadvantages of manual testing.

An automation testing is perfect for the test cases which will be running multiple times, such as tests that require being repeated for multiple mobile devices or web browsers.

Quality isapplied into the product via automation from the earliest starting point, not sometime later. The best way to do this is to have everybody moving in the direction of making the application under evolution as testable. This takes the entire team cooperating to produce a quality product.

testbytes game testing banner

Also, numerous disappointments with automation are not due to the technical issues, but instead of an organization’s issues.

Keep in mind—automation is a tedious test venture. You need to utilize it just when it bodes well. When you have the entire project team energetic about automation, and your supervisor’s desires have been accurately set, it’s an ideal opportunity to write your automation tests.

Need for Quality Assurance Initiatives in Automation Testing

Automation testing is the process in which an automation tool is used to test a particular product for its functionality and other features. This process of testing is preferred over manual testing due to a number of reasons like it is cost-effective, less time consuming, easy to conduct testing on multi-lingual sites, does not require human intervention as well as increases test coverage.
However, automation testing aims to increase the test efficiency and software’s value, implementing this process also involves a number of risks. Some of these include high starting cost, limited features that can be set for automated testing, requires one to have good understanding of programming, etc. Therefore, it is important for the person conducting automation testing to be sure about the choice he/she makes of the software to conduct this test and also be vigilant of all the risks involved.

Since, testing is the process that is carried out before launching a product in the market and in fact, even after that. Therefore, it becomes important to maintain highest quality standards and take some quality assurance initiatives so as to ensure that the product delivered is flawless and best in terms of quality.
Need of Quality Assurance Initiatives
Quality assurance is a planned and organized set of activities that are carried out to ensure that the product delivered is highest in quality as well as conform to the set requirements, procedures and standards. This is not a one stage process but a regular initiative that needs to be taken during the entire software development life cycle (SDLC).
Almost every company follows this practice and ensures that the product delivered by it has been delivered in compliance with pre-determined requirements and standards. Ensuring the best quality in its product is one of the simplest yet most effective way to retain customers for long and make sure that the product manufactured is used by the intended audience.
Quality Assurance Initiatives in Automation Testing       
Like every testing process, it is also important in case of automation testing to ensure that the utmost level of quality is maintained. It is the responsibility of the testing team and other members of the project to ensure that the necessary quality assurance initiatives are taken. This is to ensure that testing a product using automation testing tools does not degrade its quality.
Apart from this, there are a number of other reasons that make it essential for the companies to take quality assurance initiatives in automation testing. Some of these include:

  1. Maximize performance:

Testing a product using automation testing does not imply that all the bugs would be easily identified and fixed. It is important to understand that automation testing does the majority of testing job but manual intervention is important to ensure that there are no errors or flaws that might act as a hurdle in the product’s performance.
Setting high quality standards ensures that the product delivered in the market after testing is free from flaws and hence, can be used to maximize performance and output.

  1. Value Customers’ time:

Companies should understand that it is extremely crucial and important to value the time of their customers. It is easy to simply develop and launch a product in the market. But, this might turn out to be a major loss causing decision ever taken by the company.
Launching the product without rigorous testing and ensuring quality even in the testing process might lead to a delivery of poor performing product. This, in turn, might end up wasting a lot of customers’ precious time as well as their trust in the company.

  1. Increased Business:

Delivering a high-performing and reliable product in the market help ensure higher retention rate of the company. Retention rate implies the rate at which a company is able to hold back its customers or increase their loyalty towards the company.
A product without a flaw is sure to gather higher attention and more users. This, in turn, helps the company to win more customers and hence, attain more positive publicity.

  1. Optimum Quality:

Taking quality assurance initiatives in automation testing is not just about bug fixing, it is also about fulfilling promises made to the customers. Whether the demand for the product was raised by the customer or it is a company owned product, taking some extra initiatives pays back in long run.
Higher product quality implies that the customer would be able to trust the company as well as its products easily.

  1. Ends Scope of Error:

While it is true that testing in itself is the process that helps ensure the delivery of best quality products in the market, taking extra caution can be an added advantage. A product might have been developed by the best team of developers but this does not end the scope of errors and flaws. This, in turn, proves that a product without proper testing is very likely to fail.
automation testing
If a product is under automation testing process and one still opts to take quality assurance initiatives, this is sure to ensure the product delivered will be without any sort of flaws and complications.
Quality assurance initiatives in automation testing is not about doubting the proficiency of the team or the process. It is just about being extra careful and making sure that the company is able to win a happy and satisfied clientele. Also, taking quality assurance initiatives in automation testing is not about lengthening the process, it is actually more about improving the results for the company in long run.