The Absolute Necessity of UX Testing: Best Practices, Tools & Methodology

We make inquiries. We take notes. We get the hang of all that we can about the targeted prospects, and afterward repeatedly test our work all through the design procedure.
So, User Experience, or UX, is the observation or response a client has when in connection with the design of a product or service. This insight would make him or her either needs to have a recurrent affair or wince at the possibility of having this experience once more.
The process is also called Usability Testing.
UX Testing process is basically a kind of product testing where, a little set of target end-users, of a product framework, “utilizes” it to uncover usability errors.

The testing chiefly centers around the ease of use of the user to utilize the application/product, adaptability in managing controls and capacity of the framework to meet its goals.
What Methodologies and Practices to Apply for an Effective UX Testing Process?

  • Planning

In this stage, the objectives of UX testing are resolved. Having a workforce sit before your system and recording their activities isn’t an objective.
You have to decide basic functionalities and goals of the framework. You have to appoint errands to your UX testers, which practice these basic functionalities.
Also, during this stage, the UX testing technique, demographics, and the number of UX testers, test report plans are additionally decided.

  • Focus Groups

Focus groups are an attempted and genuine strategy for correspondence between the users and tester. In a focus group, you unite 6 – 12 users to examine issues and worries about the traits of a User Interface.
The group ordinarily keeps going around 2 hours and is controlled by a moderator who manages up the focus of the group.
Focus groups can be a useful asset in framework development. This strategy can enable you to inspect both user’s needs and emotions before the design of a product and long after its launch.
In the mobile application or website development, the best possible job of focus groups isn’t to evaluate design usability. However, to find what clients need from the product – their own preferences and ideas.
Remember, it is suggested to run over one focus group, as the result of one session may not be symbolic.

  • Tree Testing

The tree testing is a powerful technique that gives a sharp perspective to both the user experience designer as well as your business.
It enables you to look at how well users collaborate and discover products or components in the website chain of command.
It encourages you to comprehend what points in the hierarchy require work depending on where the client staggered.
This testing methodology permits a halfway reality check. The methodology uncovers whether your data design structure is effectively understandable.
A fundamental paper-print strategy can serve for this; however, now there is software accessible for tree testing too.

  • Prototype testing

Design prototype testing can be utilized for testing an entire workflow of the user in a wireframe or an entirely designed segment of an item before it goes into the development phase.
It will regularly be alluded to as beginning period testing. A UX designer will make the prototype and structure work processes.
Design prototype testing will help with settling usability problems before the starting of development engineering. A few rules to follow when beginning a design prototype test are:

  • Characterize the objectives and budget for the testing process.
  • It is best to depend on beginning phase tests to uncover particular zones that may require upgrades.
  • Pick a right prototyping tool. There are many prototyping tools available that UX designer may utilize.
  • Pick a measuring device for the prototype to accumulate analytics from the users. The QA team handling the test should get comfortable with this device and figure out how to calculate the testing.

Moderated Usability Testing
Moderated usability testing is drilled by experts hoping to get reviews from live clients. Amid a moderated test, moderators are live with test members (either remotely or face to face), encouraging them through undertakings, noting their inquiries, and answering their reviews continuously.

Also Read: CRM Testing: Goals, What and How to Test?

Live correspondence with test members is a quality of this kind of testing, since nothing beats watching members progressively, and having the capacity to make examining inquiries about what they are doing.
Moderated usability tests are prescribed amid the design stage – when a group has a design that hasn’t yet been entirely created.
You can run a moderated usability test to locate the potential concerns of your working model. By watching members responses on your model, you can assemble baseline data that can spare you from investing a considerable amount of time on the design and development process of a product that is hard to utilize.

  • Unmoderated Usability Testing

This methodology is suggested when you require a substantial specimen of results.
This type of testing is usually led through a platform or a site that records the session tracks metrics and randomizes groups and tasks.
A portion of the accessible tools can get you results in as lesser as a couple of hours so you can keep the development procedure continuous.

  • Take Notes

You should make notes while testing or analyze the recordings and take notes later. Select a way that is most convenient for you.
You must note everything that the member is doing: what they say and where they go. Also, note timestamps and quotes for significant things. Furthermore, search for verbal signs and facial prompts if in person.
Keep in mind: Abstain from making a decision about what is a problem and what isn’t. Doing this while taking notes adds to the note taker’s inclination.
Consider yourself to be a copyist, taking notes without handling the data. This practice supports to gather increasingly and close to genuine information.
Best Tools Available for UX Testing
In one day, you have covered the specific peak of the UX testing process, but a chunk of that peak becomes bigger and bigger consistently. So, one question always pops up on the UX tester’s mind is the place where can I discover more and better UX tools for testing process?
We’ve listed 5 of the best tools you can use for UX testing.
Microsoft Inclusive Design
This toolbox as the name suggests has attention on the Inclusive design, yet as they appropriately bring up, the designing for individuals with inabilities indeed results in structures that benefit individuals all around.
Incorporated into the toolbox are comprehensive design standards to follow such as learning from diversity, videos showing inclusive design in action, activity cards describing case studies and tools.
IDEO Design Kit
The IDEO Design Kit is an extraordinary tool from IDEO, a standout amongst other known and regarded design firms out there.
Inside the pack, you can discover ‘Mindsets,’ which enable sketch main design standards to follow, alongside models for design strategies and case studies indicating how ‘human-centered design’ has driven actual outcomes.
IDEO basically talks about human-centered design, instead of user-centered design.
Design Practice Methods
The Design Practice Methods site is by the RMIT University, an international University of design, technology, and enterprise.
UX strategies are incorporated which are also alluded to as Human-centered techniques, alongside more great design techniques, for example, material testing and mood boards.
Methods can be searched by category such as Creative and Analytical and with a little classification and models presented for every strategy.
Crazy Egg
It very well may be utilized for a free 30-day trial and after that will cost $9 per month. What will you get in this toolkit?
The Heatmap which will help you to see where every user has tapped on your site. The Scrollmap – this will demonstrate how far down on the page a guest has frequently looked over.
The Confetti will give insights with respect to search terms and visitor sources. And, the Overlay that will analyze the number of clicks per page component.
This tool has a wide range of features to be employed by UX testers, making it an ordeal bundle that is very exhaustive.

A couple of the elements that can be actuated are: mobile feedback, exit reviews, click heatmaps, directed feedback forms, and feedback widgets that assemble information through emails.
Any user can give it a shot on a 14-day free trial mode otherwise they have a month to month, a yearly pricing structure.
Also Read: Cloud Testing: A boon For Software Testing

Feature Testing: Why is it important before Release?

Feature testing is a necessary process since updates are essential for an app to keep up with time, for monetary benefits and to make the customers feel that the makers of the apps are putting in so much effort.
Apart from bug fixing, the addition of new features is also essential for the survival of any app.
The biggest question here is how to test these new features of an app that has already been tested or not been tested?
interested? go through this blog.
Developing New Feature?
While developing a new feature for your mobile app you need to determine what you are going to develop? The new feature that you will develop should be worth releasing, otherwise, it might mislead users.
You need to come up with a feature according to the app’s user base responds to various elements of the mobile application.
Run various experiments for in-app elements to better understand the missing feature.
How do you test new features?

  • Determine the type of audience the feature caters to. By knowing the right audience you can calibrate your test according to it
  • Release the software with the intended features to a small amount of audience before the actual test
  • Make sure that you are recording the results and categorizing it to the appropriate section. For instance, Order values by departments, average order values, conversion rates, o add to cart rates, hits on the checkout page per department,  etc. Categorization will help in analyzing interaction on various segments of the software
  • Once the software has been validated by a small number of users.  Prepare it for the larger  A/B test.
  • Create a product management system so that feedback can be run through a loop

Why you should do Feature testing?
Before releasing new features that you have developed, it needs testing to determine the impact among the users and application.
To better understand the impact of your feature you need to perform mobile application testing.
Mobile app testing will help you to understand the business impact of this new feature and what improvements should be made before release.
Testing of New Feature
Before releasing a new feature, it has to be tested with real-world test cases.
As the feature will be released among thousands of users, it becomes even more difficult to release an application that is error-free, as every individual is different from another.
Thus, below is some process for testing a new feature for mobile applications.

  • Field Testing

Field Testing becomes an important aspect of testing this new feature and its impact in real-world scenarios.
This test will be carried out by QA testers where they would be using this integrated feature as per the need in the real world.
However, field testing becomes a little difficult to carry out as it requires a large number of dedicated testers to execute field testing effectively and smoothly.
Also, field testing would require a number of devices and their maintenance which increases the cost of testing.
Although, this test may cost more it will provide an excellent overview of your new feature and its acceptance in the real world.

  • Leverage Your Community

 Another option for you to test your new feature in real-world cases is to leverage your community.
You can easily source alpha and beta testers for testing your new integrated feature in the mobile application.
With the help of alpha and beta testers, you will be able to get appropriate feedback from actual users who will be using your new app feature in a real-world scenario.
While sourcing alpha and beta testers may come with risk, it provides an excellent method for exposing bugs to them.
It becomes a reliable method that can be gathered in a form of valuable feedback from actual users and let you do further improvement in your mobile app.

  • Incorporating Your Application

For a more efficient field testing of your new feature, you can also incorporate your integrated mobile application into the daily activities and workflow of your team members.
This will help you to encounter bugs and issues in your new feature naturally by your team.
Not only, it will save some cost for sourcing alpha and beta testers for your test but also it will increase the efficiency to detect any issue in a timely manner and improves it as soon as possible.
You can also use this approach to uncover details such as battery usage, device compatibility, and other environmental factors.

  • Crowd Sourced Testing

 This test will expose the benefits, effectiveness, and efficiency of your application.
To perform Scaling UX and exploratory tests, testers would require enough time to devote to these valuable testing approaches.
Your team would need to use automation tools and services to free up the team’s time which can be utilized for other testing approaches.
Automation tools will enable them to eliminate the effort of testing applications in a repetitive cycle.

  • A/B Testing

A/B testing for your new feature in the mobile application would enable you to observe which versions perform better.
This test will compare your version A app with version B app and checks which one is performing better.
While conducting A/B testing you need to focus on key aspects such as user onboarding, user engagement rate, or user retention.
Making an Announcement of Your New Feature In-App
After completing mobile app testing for your new feature with improvements,
you can now make an announcement to all the users about the addition of the new feature in the application.
Introducing your new feature to the application will be useless if the right users are not aware of it.
To ensure that the right people know about this addition, you need to decide on how you are going to tell users about the new feature.
You can either use real-time context to tell them about the new feature or just make a proper announcement of your new feature before global release.
After achieving all these steps you can successfully release your new feature to your mobile app without any hesitation.
Once, your new feature is live and released globally, you need to get feedback from different users who had just used your new feature.
This will help you to understand the true nature of your new feature. What if people did not use your new feature?
Or did they have any issues?
You can easily get feedback from your users regarding your new feature and make sure to improve them.
After releasing your new feature you can also record the impact and compare it with your testing results to ensure more improvement in testing areas.
Benefits of Feature Testing

  • The environment of the product can be figured out easily
  • Helps in gathering metrics of features and validate it
  • Basic elements of software can be tested
  • Helps in keeping a check on various integration
  • You can check the different configuration of the software product
  • bugs and issues can be found out
  • You can perfect the software and prepare it for success

How to use Selenium for the automation of feature testing?
How It Can Help in Feature Testing?
It depends on the kind of developer you are. If you are a developer who believes in testing all key features after deployment then Selenium Webdriver would be a panacea for you.
But there are many developers who just believe in developing new stuff and not first testing the existing features and then go ahead with building new ones. This would lead to a lot of bugs and the cost incurred with finding a defect would increase in the defect life cycle.

Also Read : 15 Top Selenium WebDriver Commands For Test Automation

So, the strategy should be testing the existing features and then building new stuff. If you are thinking that testing existing new features would consume a lot of time then in that case you can use Selenium Webdriver to cut the time taken to test these features.
In this way your code would be bug-free and costs associated with defects will decrease.
Let’s now prepare the first test with Selenium WebDriver. If you are thinking that you are not a Java Expert; then how would you start writing code and explore. Selenium Webdriver needs minimal use of Java if you want to start with it so don’t worry and go ahead!
Set-Up Needs To Be Done

  • The first thing is to download the Chrome Browser as you will test your code on chrome.
  • Next is to download ChromeDriver from Seleniumhq official site and hence; you can download the chromedriver.exe file in your system.
  • You should have Java installed in your machine and this you can check by opening cmd and fire command “java –version”.
  • You should have Eclipse installed in your machine as it is a perfect IDE to develop the test to check the features.
  • You can now open eclipse and then click on New -> Java Project -> Next -> Give Project Name and Finish
  • Now add Selenium library to your project by first downloading the Jars from Seleniumhq site. Then click on Properties of your project and click on Build Path and then click on “Add External Jars”.
  • After this, you are ready to start with your code. All initial setup is ready.

First Test With Selenium Webdriver To Test Login Feature
For writing code you need to make a class file in your project. For doing that; click on New -> Class -> Next -> Name your Class -> Finish. Now, you can start writing your code in this section. As of now just copy the code below and run it on your local machine.
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
public class Test1 {
static WebDriver webDriver;
public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
// Telling the system where to find the chrome driver
// Open the Chrome browser
webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
// Maximize the browser window
if (testlogin()) {
System.out.println(“Test WordPress Login: Passed”);
} else {
System.out.println(“Test WordPress Login: Failed”);
// Close the browser and WebDriver
private static boolean testlogin() {
try {
// Open
// Type in the username
// Type in the password
// Click the Submit button
// Wait a little bit (7000 milliseconds)
// Check whether the h1 equals “Dashboard”
if (webDriver.findElement(By.tagName(“h1”)).getText()
.equals(“Dashboard”)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// If anything goes wrong, return false.
} catch (final Exception e) {
return false;
Run this you will find Chrome Browser opening up and then testing the login functionality. Let me explain the steps one by one for better understanding.

  • setProperty(“”,”C:/PATH/TO/chromedriver.exe”);

This statement is to tell your program where it can find chromedriver.exe file in your local.

  • webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
  • manage().window().maximize();

These commands will open Chromedriver instance and then would maximize the size of the browser.

  • if (testlogin())

This would test if the login feature is properly working or not. If it is not working then “Test failed” would be printed else “Test passed”.

Also Read : 52 Software Tester Interview Questions That can Land You the Job

  • The test login module has tried and catches statements inside it. If everything goes as expected as per you then code in try block would be executed else code in catch would be executed. Suppose when you try to locate an element and it is not present in DOM then it would throw an exception “NOSUCHELEMENTEXCEPTION” and this code in catch block should be executed.
  • In this testlogin function steps are mentioned.

automation testing
These would be hit the URL in the browser and then find username and password fields. With the help of sendKeys you will be able to write to these text boxes.

  • findElement(“wp-submit”)).click();

With the help of this command you are clicking on submit form.

  • sleep(7000);

This sleep is included in order to follow the test visually. 7000 means 7000 ms that means 7s.

  • Now if the login is successful then the headline of the page should change to “Dashboard” and h1 headline is used only once in every page so you can get it by using tagname h1. You can get the text out of the webelement and then compare it with “Dashboard” to test whether you have successfully login or not. The below code is for that.

if (webDriver.findElement(By.tagName(“h1”)).getText().equals(“Dashboard”))
return true
} else {
return false;

  • You can find the elements using various locators like ID, Name, Xpath, CSS Selector, and Link Text. Mostly you should prefer ID and name when they are not dynamic. Otherwise it is good to go with Xpath and CSS.

Feature testing increases the chances of success and mitigates risk to a great extent.  Do think of it as a setback or baggage, development alone is not the key to software success. You gave to make sure it has what it takes to survive the market.

Why Usability And Functionality Testing Is Crucial In Mobile Game Testing?

Have you ever considered how games are tested and released? The compelling mobile game testing system prompts a problem free and responsive gaming force to the end users.

The gaming business is evolving exponentially because of increment in applications utilization in mobiles. It is difficult to characterize a standard procedure for games testing techniques that should be custom-made as each game varies from each other. To begin with, aspects of Functionality and Usability must be analyzed.


Usability and Functionality testing are normal to a wide range of application testing. With the merging of the gaming and mobile technology, an exceptional and concentrated testing attempt is required.

Here we will specify how both the aspects work for mobile game testing.

Usability Tests

Humans are flawed. They may have bad eyesight or big fingers and tap the wrong key, misunderstand a command or pick the wrong interaction. All types of glitches will be found by your consistent application user thus you need to discover them before they do.

The usability test is performed for testing ease of use, navigation flow, and in the end, to check what sort of user experience your game has to offer. So, make sure that emulators and genuine mobiles are only used for testing. For instance, performance slowdowns are not at all difficult to uncover utilizing genuine devices. During the test, it checks interferences, how charger impacts to general performance and use, and battery consumption.


Also, to get the most ideal comprehension of how awesome usability and fun your game is offering ,it is vital to test the game for its execution as this will make either the positive or negative user encounter. These all significantly affect user experience – and greatly the user’s enjoyment level.

Apart from these fundamental purpose of Usability test is to

  • The buttons are set in a similar area of the screen to evade confusion to the end users.
  • The logical menus are not over-loaded since it must be utilized rapidly.
  • The app prompts the users whenever they begin downloading a lot of data which might be not favorable for the application execution.
  • The approval for the tapping zoom-in and zoom-out features ought to be equipped.
  • The app gives a strategy for undoing an action or going back, on touching the wrong thing, in an adequate time.

The rationale behind playing a game is only for fun reasons. Consequently, your games are relied upon to give entertainment along extraordinary user experience.Evaluating fun-factor demands some aesthetic imagination and critical thinking. Fun is conveyed just if every other part of the game cooperates accurately and it requires a great effort to achieve.

Thus, usability testing validates the effort and time needed so as to accomplish a specified activity and recognizes easily neglected mistakes. It includes user viewpoint testing, end-user interface testing, and user documentation testing.

Functional Tests

Functionality Testing is the most well-known type of game testing. Functional testing implies playing games to discover bugs.If done manually, it requires playing the game while the testing procedure is going on.It decides if the application is working as per the determinations.

Additionally, in some cases, automation is a reasonable choice in a few domains of functional testing.In the event that you comprehend your mobile application’s code, you can set up test automation system. Automated functional testing for mobile games can reveal issues identified with UI and graphics, game mechanism, integration of graphics resources, and resistance.

It’s a mind-boggling testing strategy under the classification of black box testing procedure. Sets aside more time to execute as analyzers search for graphics issues, game play problems, audio-visual issues, and so on. You have to get validations whether installation goes easily, the application works in limited mode, the application permits social media choices, supports payment portals, and much more.

The most crucial test situations in the functional testing can be considered to approve that

  • All the required obligatory fields are functioning as required.
  • The app goes into the minimized form if a user gets an incoming call.
  • The mobile can perform required multitasking prerequisites whenever it is important to do as such.
  • The installed app empowers different apps to perform thoroughly, and it does not feed into the memory of alternate apps.
  • The navigation between significant modules in the app is according to the prerequisite.
  • Perform Regression Testing to reveal new programming bugs in existing zones of a framework after changes have been made to them. Additionally, rerun earlier performed tests to confirm that the program manner hasn’t changed because of the changes.

While functional testing is dependably a fundamental action in mobile game testing strategy, the actual contrast between a successful mobile game and an average mobile game is realized by the significance given to the one of a kind characteristics and requirements of a mobile environment. Basically, end to end functional testing comprising of linear and non-linear action for your game is done to guarantee the executed functionality is free of bugs and uniform with your planned design.


Remembering the above goals, the game ought to have the accompanying attributes:

  • A complex or intriguing plot
  • Realistic graphics (including backgrounds, characters, and hardware) and sounds
  • Random plays to keep the player intrigued
  • Lesser known actualities to instruct the player
  • Facilitate players to manage as a team if it’s a multi-player game


Right from the starting phase, your prototype mobile game is out after generation, the testing steps start. The game designer’s part becomes dependent upon the prerequisites and proposals provided by the game tester. The project duties of a game tester are mostly divided into two parts: Firstly, identification and reporting of the game deformities.Secondly, assisting with its analyzing and verifying.

automation testing

Once the game is made after passing these types of tests, it is sent to entertainment organizations like Electronic Arts, Sony, and Microsoft for their review and production. Lastly, on the permission of respective Censor sheets of the game, it is prepared to be commercially launched.

5 Basic Questions You Can Ask to Usability Testing Specialists

Usability testing is a  testing technique used to evaluate the software by involving real users. The purpose of this test is to review the application/software under real world conditions.
app testing
Let’s sum up the total benefits of usability testing into five basic questions

  • Does the tested product meet customer’s needs?
  • Is navigation of the tested product convenient for the user?
  • Is functionality of the tested product clear for the user?
  • What are the possible errors that can occur?
  • How to fix them?

Now, let us evaluate each question individually.
1. Does the tested product meet customer’s needs?
Customers’ needs are not complex; all they want is an efficient, simple, easy and interesting application.
But following those needs are not simple for the testers.
So, the main objective a tester and the developer have to focus on is to meet the needs of the customers.
Usability testing is not about finding the defect but about,
Whether the user likes the application?
The features they haven’t liked
How they felt about the application?
As we said earlier, we just need a raw data about how the application worked for a user.
These concepts and suggestion collected from the user can be applied in the application to make it better and user-friendly.
2. Is navigation of the tested product convenient for user?
Navigation has to be at the top of the priority list of an application developer. Users always have a tendency to move from one link to another, and then, come back to previous page at instant. So, navigation should be convenient for the user.
It will be annoying if navigation is confusing or not proper. Navigation link should not leave user lost. A good design with clustered navigation means the application is a failure.
So, the next and important goal of developer is to check whether the navigation’s are clear, simple and proper.
Users may not have time to view all the details in the page. It doesn’t matter if the page is fancy or not. All that matters is that the users get the exact piece of information they search for. Therefore, try to keep it moderate.
Remember, search menu, home page and site maps are unavoidable navigators.
3. Is functionality of the tested product clear for the users?
How a product works is a common question that can possibly arise from a user. That’s why functionality should be clear for them.
Functionality of a tested product is associated with how well the app performs its function. So, the user must be fully aware about the functions an app does.
An application must pass both functionality test and usability test to be termed efficient. Usually, functionality test is done after usability test.
They are basically ‘what can I do’ and ‘how can I do?’
Usually, functional test comes after usability test is done. However, here, functionality is about enlightening the user about how the application works, i.e., the functions of an application.
Ensure that in what all aspects the product can do and enables users to have a set of capabilities.
4. What are the possible errors that can occur?
There is a saying that “to err is human”
The purpose of usability testing is to ensure the quality of software. As we said earlier, this test is done with the participation of the end user and how they react to the software. The errors happening at this level is totally humane.
Let’s look upon the possible errors that can occur
1. Slips
2. Mistakes
3. User interface problems
4. Scenario error
They are the by-hand mistakes that happen unexpectedly or unknowingly
For e.g. double-clicking a button accidentally, mistyping any characters in email id or name
Slips cannot always be avoided. You cannot do anything about ‘fat fingers;’ but, inserting a moderate area considering this ‘fat finger’ fact will be helpful.
Mistakes are referred to as any occurrence that happens without a need. Doing anything wrong can be considered as a mistake
E.g.: entering first two letters of name in block instead of only first letter, pressing horn instead of turning on light.
If user enters data in wrong format, any auto rejection setting or indication will be useful.
User interface problems 
They are basically caused by wrong interference. If a user clicks in a wrong place and looks for a result, that maybe considered for change in style of software.
Scenario error 
No matter how much realistic the usability testing is, possibility of error cannot be rejected.
automation testing
If the testers want the users to try an online cash transfer application, fake data is required. Inevitable error can occur in such cases where there is nothing much to do with it rather than considering it in real situation.
5. How to fix them?

  • Test a lot
  • Test with correct representatives
  • Plan properly
  • Test in multiple versions of device
  • Always conduct pilot test
  • Avoid unwanted distractions
  • Take enough time to analyze the results

How Usability Testing Benefits the End User

With automated testing and other latest technologies coming up, one may start considering usability testing to be remote and old school. Well, this is a thought that needs to be changed.
app testing
Mobile applications are on the rise, and now e-commerce companies are all shifting their focus on increasing sales from mobile applications and websites. This is due to the fact that the purchasing and browsing behaviour of the users are constantly changing. It has become very important to have a mobile optimised, mobile friendly, or a responsive design website, or even better – a mobile application, to attract the prospective customers.
Thorough Mobile Testing is a Must
Your product needs to be tested with the intended users throughout the lifecycle of the product for effective usability. This is where the concept of Usability Testing originates.
The main agenda behind usability testing for Mobile Application Testing is to test the ease with which the different user interfaces in the application can be used. It lets you know if the product or software under test is user-friendly or not. This form of testing is a black box testing technique or specification based technique. It gives you an idea about how the users would feel about your app, if they would be comfortable with the flow, layout, navigation, content, and speed in your application or website. It tests how effective the features are in providing a good user experience.

Read Also: 8 Ways to Make Usability Testing Simple

Usability testing for Mobile Testing basically tests the following features in your app:

  • How easy your software is in terms of usage
  • How easy it is to learn your mobile app
  • How convenient the users will find your mobile app

The following five are the major components in usability testing:

  1. Learnability

It defines how easy it is for your users to perform the basic tasks the first time they open your app, and how easily they can grasp and learn it based on the current design.

  1. Errors

This parameter lets you decide how many errors the users could make, how severe these errors could be, and how easy will it be for them to recover from these errors and get back on track.

  1. Memorability

Suppose the users do not use your app for a long period and come back to it after some time. In such a situation, will the user be able to use the design seamlessly and feel acquainted with it? Will he remember your app well enough to use it effectively no matter how long he stays away from it, or will he have to start all over again to settle down and learn your app?

  1. Efficiency

This describes how fast an experienced user could accomplish the various tasks in your app. It rates their efficiency.

  1. Satisfaction

This factor describes the user satisfaction after using your app. You get to know how happy the users will be and how much they like your app and its design.
In short, Mobile Testing Services and usability testing could be said to have the following benefits for the end users or your customers:

  • A software that is easier to use
  • The learning curve is shortened considerably for new users
  • The software becomes much easier to use
  • The software quality is increased multifold

Mobile Testing Services always insist on usability testing for effective user experience. This is because of the following advantages it has over all other forms of testing:

  • It is possible to modify usability test and incorporate all other forms of testing like smoke testing, unit testing, functional testing, system integration testing, and so on.
  • If you plan properly, usability testing can turn out to be really economical, highly effective, and totally beneficial in all aspects.
  • Usability testing proves out to be really effective in discovering potential bugs and loopholes in the complete software system. These may generally not be visible to the developers, and could even escape testing. But, usability testing can find them all.
  • If one uses proper resources, which are experienced and creative testers, then all the problems that the user may face before the final release of the system could be easily fixed. As such, you never have to release a system with errors and issues. This helps in a far better performance and also maintains a standard system.

If you are still wondering why you need to incorporate usability testing for all kinds of Mobile Testing Services, Mobile Application Testing, and even for a Game Tester, then here are 5 reasons that will surely convince you as to why you should never ignore usability testing before releasing your mobile app or game:

  1. In the Wild Testing

Testing the mobile apps in the lab test them in the most unnatural conditions. The users are all sitting upright holding the devices stiffly in their hands and browsing the app with no distractions. Above all, the internet connectivity, acoustics, and ambience are all set up for the perfect experience. Well, does anyone actually use an app this way? No, right?
Researchers have proven that 73% of the users use their mobiles in the evening, curled up on a couch or their bed. While 69% use it during office hours, 51% use it on weekends, and 42% use them while travelling. Lab based experiments and testing cannot give you proper insights for all these conditions. Testing with actual people gives you feedback in the most effective context of use.
Participants are invited to take a usability test in their own context of use for remote task based usability testing. This way, one can get feedback for real world situations and see the outcome of using a specific application or website.

  1. User Feedback is Distributed and Representative

Feedback from the intended audience is the most effective and most important part of all kinds of testing. If the participants represent the target users, then you could ensure that the usability findings are absolutely valid without any bias whatsoever. Remote unmoderated usability testing you can get representation for user segments from all across the world.
It is not tough to get responses from a sample of 10 to a few hundred representative users that could fit in to a wide range of different socio-economic and demographic segments from across the world. This would prove to be really effective for the success of your mobile app.

  1. Agile Methodology

Mobile Application Testing in line with Agile Methodology is the best way to make our app way more effective than you expect. Development organizations have started to finally migrate to lightweight or agile software development to develop and ship apps and mobile websites.
Before and after every sprint, you can ensure to execute remote usability studies. It can even be done during the prototype stage, until your mobile app is all set to be released out to the intended users.
The story does not end there. Even after release, it is important for you to maintain the user expectations and user needs. Remote task-based usability tests give you accurate metrics for these purposes. Being lightweight, it is easy to execute. This makes it the perfect part of Agile Methodology. With accurate statistics, you could keep improving and deliver the users what they require. Maintenance is also an important part of every app.

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  1. Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics

You get to obtain feedback all throughout the development cycle of your mobile app or website through remote unmoderated research methodology. Testing various versions gives you qualitative feedback on the early prototypes. It also tells you if the information architecture and content layout are able to convey the value proposition effectively and as desired.
Usability testing provides you easy test findability, effective and efficient metrics with all your prototypes or live apps and websites. Benchmarking performance gives you quantitative and qualitative feedback all through the development cycle and even after that. It also gives you an edge against your competitors.

  1. Resource Effective and Cost Effective

Usability tests on your mobile apps and websites do not consume much time or money. They are effective in terms of cost, resources, and time. The time required is almost half, and the cost is almost a quarter of those required in a usual lab study.
Lab studies could take around 2 weeks for planning and execution, and the cost is also high for incentives and set up.
As for an unmoderated remote usability test, one needs a week for planning, execution, and collecting data for about 30 to 300 responses. Besides being low in cost, designing and execution of usability tests is also effortless. Moreover, you also have the option to reuse already coded usability test plans.
One thing you need to keep in mind is that usability testing is a very wide area of testing. One needs to have a fairly high level of understanding to get in to this field, along with a mind that is creative and innovative. Patience, openness to welcome all kinds of suggestions and ideas, ability to listen to all suggestions, and excellent observation skills to be able to spot and fix issues are some of the most important skills that the people involved in usability testing need to possess.
Mobile applications have become an inevitable part of the human life. The world has become fast paced and consumer focused. As such, it is more important to offer the users a seamless and pleasurable usage experience. By using the unmoderated remote methodology and conducting user research researchers are able to get data right out of the real world for increased accuracy and efficiency. This helps you further in connecting with your users and growing your business.

8 Ways to Make Usability Testing Simple

People consider Usability Testing to be a costly, complicated affair that consumes a lot of time. Well, that is not the case. Testing for applications, apps, and interfaces are actually quite simple if you go the right way. It will help you make numerous changes to ensure your users are happy with the end product. You can easily formulate a DIY Mobile App Testing process that is affordable, effective, simple, and fast at the same time.
app testing
Usability Performance Testing made Simple
Here are 8 ways by which you can make way for easy DIY Usability Testing:

  1. Keep the situation informal

You can set up a testing area anywhere in your firm. Use a single email to list out the results of the process, use bullet points to point out the issues found, and keep it simple. You are testing a small number of people, so there is no need of collecting the statistics. Do not go for big reports with all kinds of details, both necessary and unnecessary ones.

  1. Early Testing

It is a common mistake to wait until the whole development process is complete to start the testing process. Spending money on testing at the early stages is not considered as an option by many. This makes it too late to be able to fix the relevant issues. If you start testing early, you could find bugs and ensure they are fixed before you go deeper into the development process. These tests are quite short, but help you considerably in the long run.

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  1. Test a Small Number of People

Do not test too many users at once. The ideal number of people to test an app is considered to be three. It is an optimum number which will help you find more problems than the resources you have to be able to fix the issues immediately. In order to get serious problems, you do not need too many users for testing.

  1. Test Occasionally

Setting up a fixed date for testing every month is a good idea. This ensures that regular testing is done on whatever you are developing, even if much progress had been made or not. Bring in three people on a fixed date and let them test your application. This helps you schedule your tasks, make recruiting easy, and organize the whole process. Since you can already plan things ahead, there will be no interference to the development process due to testing. You can stick to milestones and need not wait for last moment feedback from the Software Tester.

  1. Focus on the Most Important Issues

It is important to categorize the issues found after testing. You are bound to get a huge number of bugs or fixes required. This number may even overtake the number of resources you have to be able to fix them. As such, it is important to select the most important issues from the list and work on fixing them. Some of the issues may not even matter much as far as the functionality is concerned, and you can omit them for the next release.

  1. Have Regular Conversation with your Users

The idea is to keep your users talking, and hear them as they think out loud. It often works like a therapy for the developers to work with the users. It gives them a deep insight about how users think, and their wavelength while using your application. This feedback is literally Software Performance Testing.

  1. Involve Everyone in your Mobile App Testing Process

Limit the number of testers to just three. But, be open to suggestions and feedback from everyone in your organization. Have sessions to make your application open for discussions by all. This can help you get various ideas, which can be highly creative and useful. It is very powerful if a number of minds come together to discuss a particular case. Have informal discussions at the table, and pick up whatever you find useful. Utilize them in the best way possible.

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  1. Stick to Tweaking

Problems should be fixed in the easiest way possible. Always stick to tweaking, and never go for redesigning. Make the simplest change you could do to solve the issue instead of trying your hand at maintaining perfection. Do only the least you could do. Redesigning consumes a lot of time and effort. In turn, tweaking is more cost effective and faster. Large changes take much longer, and could even break things elsewhere. Taking such risks is absolutely not worth the effort.
mobile app
Mobile App Testing Services help you bring the best out of your App by picking out bugs and making it the best in all possible ways. The main idea is to make your end users happy, and through usability testing, you can know how exactly this can be done.