Challenges in Implementing Automation Testing in an Agile Environment

Test automation is an important part of mobile software testing. By using automated testing services, companies accelerate the process of software testing and expand the performance area. However, when it comes to implementation of automation testing in an agile environment, there are a lot of challenges.
If these problems are not addressed, there is a good chance that software automated testing might fail.
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In agile development, the focus in on building the right product and cutting down the long-term risk associated with software development. Agile development process promotes and favors change, and to keep the change within the permissible constraints, investment in the test automation is compulsory.
Moreover, investment in continuous integration is necessary to curtail feedback cycles and to evade the execution of the repetitive task.
A key fundamental of agile development is that testing is done at every stage and regular assessment of the working of product that is being developed. Implementing teams face many challenges, a few of which have been mentioned below. A well-organized test automation process helps tone down these challenges:
Sparse Test Area
Change in coding leads to poor test coverage as the changes were expected beforehand. Regression automation (which ensures that any change in the code hasn’t altered any existing functionality and software is working as per requirement) could be a good solution.
Unplanned Breaking of Codes Due to Frequent Changes
Since the codes are altered on a daily basis, the possibility of code (comprising of working features) breaking, is much high. To tone down this problem, a proper automation process has to be crafted with continuous integration.
Sparse API Testing
Most mobile apps are now developed with a service-orientated architecture that reveals their APIs to everyone, thereby allowing third-party developers to supplement the solution. When designing APIs, it is possible to neglect API testing, due to the high complexity of its implementation. Testing of application programming interfaces requires high coding skill set, which can be done using automation tools. This makes certain that APIs are tested thoroughly every time.
Performance Issues
More the functionality of the software more will be the complexity of its code structure. To make it easy, more lines are added, and it further results in performance issues if the focus sidelines the end-user performance experience. The solution is to find out the line of codes causing performance issues and their impact over time. A variety of load testing software can assist in the search for the slow area and can record the performance over time, to make the performance efficient from version to version.
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Complex Mobile Testing
The manual process of mobile testing is a time-consuming process, and the complexity is further increasing the number of new arrivals in the market. To ensure that the proper functioning of the code, there is a requirement of well-built automation software to help mobile app testing services.
Automation testing in the agile environment and its approach is decided based on the requirement of the project, as different projects require different automation tools.
There are IT service providers who excel in automation testing services and Testbytes is one among them. Consult our experts and learn how a right software can improve the performance and productivity.

6 Popular Myths in Test Automation You Must Know

Despite the several benefits test automation has to offer, many software testers still find excuses to not completely utilize these benefits. Faster releases, quicker feedback, frequent test execution, increased test coverage to development team are a few of the many advantages it possesses. Quite a few myths surround test automation and this blog will help you to identify them and embrace what it has to offer.
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The most challenging task for a software tester when it comes to test automation is to understand its limitations and set goals accordingly.
Myths Surrounding Automated Testing

  • Myth #1: It’s better than Manual Testing
  • For those who claim this, you need to understand one thing; automated testing is not testing per se. It is checking of facts. When we have certain knowledge about a system under test, we enforce checks in the form of automated testing. The result of such a check will help confirm our understanding of the system.

However testing is a form of investigation, which gives us new information about the system under test. Hence we should refrain from being lenient to one or the other since both methods are required to get quality insight about an application.

  • Myth #2: 100% Automated Testing
  • 100% test coverage is impossible to achieve; and the same goes for test automation. While it is possible for us to increase test coverage by using more data, configurations, covering various operating systems and browsers, achieving 100% is an unrealistic goal.

More tests don’t mean better quality or confidence. The important thing is how good your test design is. Focus need to be put on the more important areas of functionality rather that chasing a full coverage.

  • Myth #3: Quick ROI Every Time
  • When implementing a test automation solution, the development of a framework is necessary and this will support operations.  This can be useful and meaningful for test case selection, reporting, data driven, etc. The framework development should be considered as a project on its own and thus requires an array of skilled developers. The process is also a time consuming one.

Scripting automated checks takes longer initially even with a fully functional framework. Hence when it is necessary to provide a quick feedback on the new feature, checking it manually is faster.

  • Myth #4: Automated Checks Have Higher Defect Detection Rate
  • While it is true that vendor-supplied or home-made test automation solutions are highly capable of performing complex operations; they will never be able to replace a human software tester. He is capable of identifying even the most subtle anomalies in the application.

An automated check is capable of checking only what they were programmed to. Therefore the scripts are only as good as the person who wrote them. If not scripted properly the automation test can easily overlook major flaws in these applications. In short, checking can prove the presence of a defect, but not necessary its absence.

  • Myth #5: Unit Test Automation is All That We Need
  • It should be understood that a unit test is only capable of identifying programmer errors and not his failures. When all the components are tied together to form a system, a much larger aspect of testing comes into the limelight. Most organization has their automated checks at the system UI layer.

The sheer volatility of the functionalities during development makes the process of scripting automated checks a tedious task. Spending time on automation for a functionality that might change is not advisable and may cause difficulties in the later stages of development.

  • Myth #6: System UI Automation is everything
  • Relying solely on automated checks, especially at UI layer can have a truck-load of negative impacts. The development stage will face numerous changes in the UI in the form of enhanced visual design and usability. If a similar change in the functionality is not in place a false impression about the state of the application will be indicated in the checks.

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Automation checks in the UI layer has a slower execution speed compared to the ones in the unit and API layers. This will result in a slower feedback process to the team. The root cause analysis takes longer as the exact location of the bug is unknown. Therefore it becomes necessary to identify the layers where the use of an automated test may become helpful.
Automated checks is not a onetime thing, it needs constant monitoring and updating. Above all you need to understand the limitations and set realistic goals to get the most out of you automated checks and most importantly your team.

Why Is Independent Testing Necessary?

Development Team works with the mindset of “how to make this work?”. If the same developer is deployed to test the application then it becomes difficult for developers to detect any defect as they always worked with the thought of “how to make this work?”. A good tester works with the mindset of “how to break this?” and that’s what is required to test the application thoroughly. Owing to this fact, it becomes absolutely necessary for the application to be tested by an independent tester even for minor changes.

Here are 5 major reasons as to why independent testing is necessary and should be mandatory.
Reduced Cost
Quality testing requires automated testing techniques, which involves buying specialized tools. These tools are quite costly and it doesn’t make sense to buy them for a relatively small amount of testing. At times, you will have to test on multiple platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc. There will be variations in the hardware too. Testing would happen in a series of highs and lows through the year. Maintaining the infrastructure throughout the year even during the low times is an unnecessary expense.
On the other hand, an independent testing company with focus on testing will definitely invest in quality tools, and it makes perfect sense for them to maintain the infrastructure all through the year. So, it is a convenient solution that reduces your expense.
Shorter Testing Time
In house testing usually happens at the last stages of development. This can be problematic, particularly if the development itself takes a little more time than initially thought. You have to make the most out of available time. For that, readily available testing resources with proper preparation are required. This can easily be availed from an independent testing company, and as a bonus, you might even get services such as our own “Develop by Day, Test at Night”, which makes brilliant use of the difference in time zones. In short, your testing process will be a lot faster and comprehensive than when it is done in house.
Improved Quality
Independent testing companies are fully dedicated to testing products thoroughly. They bring a lot of technical expertise long with them. And, unlike in-house testers, they would be reporting bugs at the right time as it is a matter of reputation for the company. As the client, you would want the product to be as bug-free as possible, and the independent testing company would want to prove their efficiency by reporting more bugs. Also, the company would probably test your product against quality standards set by regulatory bodies, helping your sales process to be smooth.
Experience and Expertise
An independent testing company is a bunch of testers, who would keep up with the latest tools, techniques and trends. This would not be possible if you hire an in-house tester. These people would interact with each other and share ideas. Hence a seemingly undetected problem in-house might be uncovered by an independent testing company within no time. Also, as they are dealing with testing on a regular basis the employees of the testing company will have the know-how to operate on different testing tools.
You don’t need to worry about maintaining a testing team in-house, or when your product testing will be complete. An independent testing company will provide you with deadlines. Your tester might fall sick at the most inconvenient time or might suddenly decide to leave the company. All such issues won’t bother you when outsourcing testing. It provides you the space and convenience to focus on your core area – development.
So, if convinced that outsourcing testing is the way to go, you might want to check out our amazing testing team. We have 1 week FREE TestDrive service that helps you find out how good we are.

The Pros & Cons of Automated Testing

Software testing is an evaluation process to identify any differences that exist between the desired output and actual output. Testing is in fact a quality control process for software. Great testing will enable the developers to iron out the chinks in software, thus assuring the quality of the product. Automated testing is the most effective and efficient way to provide software testing.

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What Is Automated Testing?

Automated Testing is the process by which automated testing tools are used to find differences between desired output and actual output by running a set of pre-defined actions. If there are no differences between expectations and outcome, then your project would be bug free. However, if there is a mismatch, then your developer will have to take a look at the code, make corrections and run repeated tests until the desired outcome is obtained.

What are its Pros?

Fast and Effective

Once Automated Testing is in place, you will be able to use tests repeatedly. No more filling out the same information. Everything is taken care of automatically. Hence tests can be run at a fast pace repeatedly and the risk of human error is minimized, making it more effective.

Time Saving

One of the biggest benefits of employing Automated Testing is its ability to save time. This is particularly true in the case of regression testing, which is retesting done after some changes have been incorporated to previously tested software. All the scripts associated with the changes are required to run. But in the case of manual testing, time constraints can make testers skip some tests, which lead to undiscovered issues with the software.  Automated tests, on the other hand, can be run at nights. This provides additional time to the tester, who will be able to focus more on areas that cannot be automated.

Cost Effective

Automation tools maybe costly. But if you are getting them for long term, they are an investment. They can find defects faster and therefore can do a lot more than a human can in a given period of time. This allows your development team to react quickly and saves you a lot of time and money. Are you a small company who still wants to enjoy the benefits of Automated Testing? Then, you should probably try out Independent testing.


The test results of a particular project by a single tester are not easily accessible to others in the team. With Automated Testing, anyone interested can see the test results by just signing into the testing system. This results in a better final product.

Does It Have Any Cons?

Expensive: As mentioned earlier. Automated Testing can be expensive for smaller companies with smaller projects. However, such companies can depend on Independent testing companies such as Testbytes.

Cannot Replace Manual Testing

Automated tools, while being faster and precise, have some limitations compared to Manual Testing. For one, they just do what they are programmed to do. Hence they cannot replace manual testing.

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All tools do not support all UI objects and testing. Some are specialized for UI Testing, some for DB Testing, some for web testing, and performance/load testing.

In short, Automated Testing minimizes time taken and maximizes accuracy to provide better deliveries and lower costs. We at Testbytes have the perfect mix of Manual and Automated Testing to provide the best results. There are also a couple of interesting concepts such as ‘TestDrive’ and ‘Develop by Day, Test by Night’ which provide immense value.

On Demand Software Testing

In a perfect world where you have all the time and money you need, your software can be tested from the beginning to end tackling each and every issue as it appears. But, ours is a fast paced world with strict deadlines and fast results as the norm. Hiring a testing expert would be the obvious choice. However, it will prove to be an unnecessary expense for you since the tester has to be paid even when there is no testing required. The best answer for your requirement is “On Demand Software Testing”.

What is “On Demand Software Testing”?
On Demand Software Testing is a testing service that is available for you anytime you need your software to be tested. This service can be availed according to your testing need and schedule. You can hire tester/s on hourly, daily, monthly and dedicated basis. This method excels as such a testing team will be a mix of expertise and experience.
What are its advantages?

  • Controlled Costs – No need to hire a tester full time. Pay only for the actual testing hours and not idle time of testers.
  • Flexible Schedule – No need to wait till the development is complete, testing can take place simultaneously
  • Managed Services – No need to spend time trying to initiate and manage testing. Testing services can be initiated quickly.
  • Reduced Time to Market – Trained and experienced testers available at flexible schedules to produce better results at a faster pace
  • Transparency – Testing Status shared with the team on regular intervals and online to maintain high level of transparency
  • Testing Expertise – Latest and best testing tools and test strategy with proven track record will be used. If you prefer to use a tool of your choice, we can analyze to use that too.

What software can be tested using “On Demand Software Testing”?
You can avail On Demand Software Testing for any type of software that is being developed or going through frequent changes. Whether you have a mobile app or a website or any other software, “On Demand Software Testing” is conducted by professionals with testing as their sole focus and thus delivers the best results.