What’s the difference between test cases and test scenarios or Test Case vs Test Scenario: how do they differ?
people often find it confusing in defining these two terminologies in software testing. To ease the burden, we have made an infographic representation out of the topic so that it will be easy to understand the test case and test scenario.
What is a test scenario?
A test scenario is a high-level use case or functionality to be tested. Each test scenario can be mapped to one or more detailed test cases. Test scenarios are derived by understanding the user expectation from the software and it is used by the user.
A good tester would cover all the test scenarios and functionalities. This document would then be used to derive the test cases. An example of a test scenario would be a login scenario that can consist of multiple test cases.
What is a test case?
A test case is a detailed step-by-step instruction to perform a series of actions or steps that help to validate a particular functionality in an application. A test case has the following main parts:
Pre-conditions: the conditions noted in this section need to complete before proceeding with the next steps. For example for a login test case, the preconditions would be the app or software should be successfully launched and the login screen should be displayed.
Test Steps: These are detailed step-by-step instructions on how to perform the actions on the application. It should include the data to be entered, the action to be performed, and the details of the object of which the action needs to be performed. The quality of the test case is defined by the quality of the test steps. The steps should be so detailed that even a layman should be able to perform the test.
Expected Result: This section describes the happy path or actual application behavior. For e.g in a login scenario, successfully being able to log in and enter the new screen should be the expected result. One should make sure that 1 test case should have only 1 expected result. This is particularly important for tracking and retesting defects.
Actual Result: This section is left blank during the planning phase and is updated by the tester during the execution phase. This section captures what the tester sees in the application after performing the test steps mentioned above.
Test Case Result: If both the expected and actual results are the same the test cases are marked as a pass, and if they are different it is marked as a fail.
Difference between test case and test scenario
Test case
Test Scenario
Detailed information about what to test, steps involved, expected result, etc.
Mostly contains one line information about what to test
Used for the validation of test output
It’s a thread of operation
Helps in agile testing
Helps greatly in exhaustive testing
Consumes a lot of time
Consumes less time compared to test case preparation
Serves as a proof guard for new testers
Helps in reducing complexity and repeatability of the product
Derived from test scenarios
Derived from use case
Can be used in future regression test cases
Used by new testers to save time
How to write test cases?
Step 1: ID’ing the test case is very important. Each test case must have a unique ID for better traceability and accountability.
Step 2: Description of the feature or functionality that will be put to test must be added to each test case
Step 3: Conditions that have to be met before execution must be included
Step 4: Relevant data for the execution must be included in every test case
Step 5: The step required to execute the test must be included in detail
Step 6: Expected result before the execution along with actual result must be included
What is test case and test scenario with examples?
Example for a test case
Test Case ID
Steps involved in the execution
Test data
Expected result
Actual result
Check user login functionality with required data
1. Open the app
2. Click the login button
3. Enter mail ID and password
4. Click submit
User ID= 123@gmail.com
User password: 1212a!@
Successful login
Blank screen
Example for a test scenario
search functionality
Test Scenario
Verify whether the feature is able to display all the related search results according to the search query
Best Practices in writing test cases
it should be easy to understand and decode
Must be accurate and reusable
Using a strong title will bring forth a better understanding
Use short description
Include pass/fail to every test cases
Include actual as well as expected result
mention steps to achieve the objective of the test case
Subject it to peer review
Best Practices in writing test Scenario
Make sure that you have clearly gone through business Requirement Specification (BRS), Software Requirement Specification (SRS), Functional Requirement Specification (FRS)
Make sure that you listed down all the positive and negative test scenarios
Do several discussions in sprints to form an effective one
One scenario is supposed to cover one of the requirements. If multiple requirements need to be addressed, create multiple scenarios
if the scenarios are large and might consume a lot of time. Discuss with the client or the owner and then prioritize!
it should be easy to understand and must be mapped with the requirements
Final Thought about Test Case vs Test Scenario
Both terminologies are essential for software testing. So Test Case vs Test Scenario is pointless however, differentiating between them essential to not only adopt better practices but for academic purposed also.
How much does penetration test cost? have you ever thought about it? You would, absolutely! if your business is based on the digital domain.
The digital world is very susceptible to security threats. Hackers are increasingly hacking websites for various reasons. There had been many security threats that had made many big companies reconsider their security measures. Hackers find the loopholes in the website and accomplish their felon ideas. Even web world biggies find it hard to evade these stacks. To lessen the chances of such security breaks, companies are taking help on website penetration testing. But, how much does penetration test cost?
Before we get to the cost of penetration testing let’s have a look at the latest cybersecurity statistics
Around 230,000malware’s are created by hackers every day
It is estimated that cybercrimes will cost around $2 trillion
60% of companies have cyber-attacks one way or another
A frightening 56% increase in web-based attacks have been reported
33% increase in mobile-based ransomware attacks
25% of the attack groups use harmful malware
There are tools available on the dark-web which help any person with computer knowledge to be a hacker. Pricing of these tools are mostly $1
94% of the email attacks have a malicious email attached to it
What is Penetration testing?
Penetration testing or also known as ethical hacking refers to testing websites to discover security susceptibilities that the hackers could use to get an illegal entry to your website. Penetration testing of websites can be done both automatically and manually.
The process helps organizations find the following vulnerabilities in their websites:
Target point of hackers
How can attackers attack the website
How effective is your website defenses mechanism
Probable size of the breaks
What are the types of penetration testing? Black box penetration testing
Performed after there is no or little information available regarding the digital architecture of a company. The main intention behind such an attack is to imitate cyber-attack. White-box penetration testing
performed after a complete analysis of the system. White-box penetration testing is performed for in-depth security audit Gray box penetration testing
Performed after having only partial knowledge about the system. For instance, testers escalate user privilege for an efficient assessment. Network service penetration testing
Done to perform vulnerabilities of network architecture such as switches, firewalls, servers, routers, printers, workstations, etc. Web-app penetration testing
A continuously evolving type of testing used to find the vulnerabilities of web-based applications Penetration testing can also be used to recognize
application layer flaws
network-level flaws
system-level flaws
Physical security barriers
Automated penetration testing has the ability to discover some cybersecurity issues but extensive penetration testing also focuses on business’s susceptibility to manual breaches also. Why penetration testing important?
• Helps in experiencing real-life scenario of intrusion
• Helps in revealing lacking security policy
• A single target can be attacked in a various manner to reveal flaws
• Gives a user perspective of your software security
• Saves a lot of money by saving your company from devastating breaches
• Ensures the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance
• Pentest result can be used as training material for developers to make fewer mistakes in the future Why penetration testing differs from vulnerability scanning?
Penetration testing
Vulnerability Assessment
Evaluates the security defense of your company software architecture
Used to unravel as much security flaws as possible
Combination of manual and automated techniques
Can be automated easily
Unknown vulnerabilities can be traced out
Exploitable vulnerabilities that are known can be fished out
Must be done by skilled individuals or a team of individuals
Can be done by an in-house team
Mostly performed once or twice in a year
Performed quarterly
How much does penetration testing cost?
The cost of penetration testing varies based on the size and complexity of the website. There are many other factors that also play an important role in defining the cost of penetration testing. Let us discuss in detail various factors that affect the calculation of penetration testing. 1. Objective
The objective of your website plays an important role in deciding the pricing of penetration testing of the website.
Whether you are going to get a small website tested or a huge website or a social media app, the size of your website will largely affect the penetration testing of your website.
Also if you want to test networks, applications, IoT devices, etc. will affect the cost of the testing. Also, the amount of information you want to give to the tester will affect the cost of penetration testing. 2. Scope
Scope in penetration testing is related to the time required by the testers to test the website.
Both cost and time are related to the number of parties/networks/IP addresses/applications/facilities involved, etc. The cost also depends on the restrictions if any. 3. Approach
There are many ways to approach penetration testing. These approaches play an important role in the cost of the pen-testing. Some go only for the basic level of testing, while others are only bothered about the entry points for the breaches, but if you are interested in the more extensive approach to penetration testing you might have to pay more.
The deeper insight into the vulnerabilities means more cost. While the less deep the penetration approach testing, the lesser will be the cost. 4. Skills
The very common phenomenon for all types of testing is the skills of the testers. The more expertise of the testers, the more will be the cost. If you will go for high expertise, you ensure deeper penetration testing but will have to pay higher for it.
But if we consider in a long term perspective, the deeper penetration testing will give you more chances to protect your website and hence saving you from many cybersecurity issues and thus saving you a lot of money. 5. Re-Testing
When testers conduct penetration testing, the vulnerabilities in the website get unveiled. The developers again work on the code, to correct the code and bar all the vulnerabilities. But once after the corrections are done, the code is again retested to check if the vulnerabilities have been taken care of and the website is secure from any future security breaches.
Re-testing is a very important factor that adds up to the cost of a penetration test. There are few testing teams that offer to retest for free. Though there are many companies that charge an amount for retesting. The cost of retesting depends upon the amount of retesting that is required to be done and the number of retests that are conducted. 6. Service
Penetration testing cost also depends on the services offered by the testing teams. Some teams offer you all-inclusive services consisting of many reports, suggestions, etc. These teams keep you completely involved in the testing process.
Penetration testing costs can vary from a few thousand dollars to more than $100,000 depending upon the size and complexity of the website. 7.The complexity of the system
A penetration test is a mandate for corporate of all types, be it a start-up or a multibillion-dollar company. But depending upon their size, the cost of penetration testing also differs as the difference in size leads to differences in the amount of work required for penetration testing. The number of systems, number of roles, type of testing play an important role in determining the cost of penetration testing. 8. Types of tools used
Penetration testing might require a variety of tools for its execution. There is a large variety of such tools and even their pricing differs by a huge margin. Some of the tools are available free of cost while others come for a hefty amount. The use of these tools in penetration testing plays an important role in determining the overall cost of penetration testing. Cost of pen testing
The cost of penetration testing can range from $1500-$5000+ in a normal situation with respect to how big the company and complex the systems are.
For somewhat decent testing, it would cost around 5000$ for a small company which has fewer than 100 employees
There will be another 25% increase in the cost if the penetration test has to be PCI compliant.
Penetration testing is an important part of website testing to ensure the high-end security of your websites. But many website owners consider it as an expensive overhead and avoid conducting penetration testing. But focusing more on the initial cost of penetration testing they forget to count on the cost they might have to incur for not getting the penetration testing done.
Not getting penetration testing done opens the doors of your website to security breaches. These security breaches cannot bring you monetary losses but can also be very harmful to your reputation and name. Hence, realize the importance of penetration testing and ensure you conduct penetration testing.
hope you get an idea about How much does penetration test cost? Why Testbytes?
Testbytes can carry out penetration testing for your company with astounding efficiency. Price ranges from 1500$ to – 5000$ based on the complexity of the system.
In this time of heightened cyber-attack you must be aware of how to secure website from hackers. Your website is an important asset to your business. It is very important to protect it from any kind of threat and hacking. Here are some ways that can help you protect your website from hacking. 1. Install security plugins
If your website is built using a content management system, you can easily improve the security of your website using the plugins. Most of the CMS offer security plugins so that you can improve the security of your website. Security plugins for WordPress:
iThemes Security
Bulletproof Security
Security options for Magento:
Watchlog Pro
Security extensions for Joomla:
Antivirus Website Protection
These plugins prove helpful in barring security vulnerabilities. You can also opt for siteLock. It supports both CMS managed and HTML pages. SiteLocks does regular monitoring for all security loopholes including malware detection, vulnerability identification, active virus scanning, etc. 2. Use HTTPS
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate helps in secure-transfer of information amid the website and the server. There is a lot of secure information that we need to share through the websites.
The secure transaction ensures the end clients to freely transact their information without worrying about the treats the insecure transfer of sensitive information can bring.
The security of your website plays a very important in today’s world unless your clients are satisfied and trust your security system, they will not share their sensitive information with you. SSL is an important way to convince your customers about the security of their information. 3. Keep your website platform and software up-to-date
One of the main causes of security threats on the website is vulnerabilities in CMS’s extensible components. Many of these extensible components are open source, and hackers could easily detect the security vulnerabilities and take control and exploit your website.
To ensure the security of your website your CMS, plugins needs to be updated. 4. Make sure your passwords are secure
Making your password strong might not seem to be a very unique and dominant idea, but the fact is keeping your password strong plays a very important role. It is important that you keep your password strong.
It should be long enough, with special characters, numbers, letters, etc. Avoid keeping your password on the names of special people in your life and on special dates of your life. It gets easier for hackers to hack such a password.
Not only you, but your team should also follow these rules so that the hackers could not enter your system through any of your team member’s ID. 5. Invest in automatic backups
Even after following all the precautionary methods, there are still few chances of you getting attacked by hackers. The best way in such cases is to have a backup copy of your website. In case you do not have a backup copy, you might land lose everything.
Though data breaches are very stressful no matter what, having a backup can give you a levy to recover your website easily. But sometimes you might forget to back up your website, regularly and hence investing in the automatic backup can give you peace of mind.
The above steps are easy to follow and can even be followed by people with minimal technical knowledge, but here we move on to some more complicated ways to protect your website from hackers.
These advanced techniques might require a technically skilled person and also ensure a higher level of security from hackers. 6. Be cautious while accepting file uploads.
Allowing uploads to your website can be pretty dangerous. Hackers can upload malicious files to your system and can gain access to your system, overwrite existing files, can bring your website down, etc. hence, it is very important to check the kind of files that are being uploaded to your system.
If not required, do not permit file uploads at all. But if it’s a necessity, do keep a check on it. The following points may help you to protect your website by the hackers.
Allow only specific file types to be uploaded to your system.
The above point can be easily defied by renaming the file. Hence it is highly recommended to use file type verification.
Set maximum file size and reject all the files over this size.
Scan files for malware. Use antivirus software to check all files before opening.
Use a system to automatically rename a file when uploaded to your system. In such a case hackers will keep looking for their file to accomplish their notorious intentions.
Do not include upload folder in the web root, it will keep hackers away from accessing your website using their uploaded file.
These steps can prove helpful in defending your website from file uploads risks.
7. Use Parameterized Queries
SQL injections are a widely used method to hack websites by hackers. SQL injections can be exploited if your website has a web form or URL parameters that accept information from outsiders.
It these parameters are way too open they let the hackers exploit your website by inserting them with the codes that allow them to access your database. Though there are many ways to protect your website from hackers using SQL injections the easiest way is to use parameterized queries. 8. Use CSP Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are another very common way that allows hackers to slip malicious JavaScript code into your website. This code can further infect the devices of the users of the website exposed to that code.
The easy way to defend your website from such abuses is to ensure that the code that accepts input that is categorical in accepting the inputs. It protects your website from getting induced to any malicious scripts and keeps it protected. Content Security Policy (CSP) is also an effective tool to protect your website from XSS attacks. It permits you to allow specify domains a browser should consider. 9. Restrict the permissions for directories and files
There are several files and folders inside your web hosting account. They contain data that makes your website work and also includes the permissions on who can read, write, and execute the files and folders.
Ensure these rights are properly set to ensure the highest safety of your website. Any intrusion to these files and folders can put your website security on risk. 10. Be careful about the error messages.
Error messages can play a huge role in putting your website security on risk. How? Here it is: a detailed error message tells you what is wrong with your website and how can you rectify it. It can help you a lot internally. But if the same messages are displayed to your visitors they can exploit these messages and find vulnerabilities in your website and can exploit them.
Ensure that the error messages are not very detailed one that can give hackers a chance to get inside your system. But also make sure that these messages give an idea to the visitors to what to do next in case an error occurs. 11. Do proper validation
Validation has to be done both on both on the browser side and server-side. Imagine that someone is trying to inject code through one of the mandatory fields. The browser has to reject such an invalid input.
When it comes to validation like this it has been performed on server-side also to ensure that malicious code hasn’t been injected to the website. Conclusion:
Hacking is a very common practice in the digital world that has put on stake the security of your systems. Your website can too be easily exploited by hackers. It is very important that you take enough preventive methods to secure your website from hackers.
The security threats to your website can not only harm you and your business but can be equally harassing for your audiences. Ensure that you take proper measures to protect your website from hackers.
Why do I need to outsource app testing? You might be thinking that reducing production costs has more importance than focusing on app stability. However, if outsourcing is an unwanted expense why would app development companies nowadays rely a lot on offshore testing companies to test their app?
This blog can help you understand the essentially of the outsourcing app testing process, why it’s not a loss and works as a risk reduction process to make sure that everything goes smoothly once your app is deployed. User retention statistics and why it is related to testing
According to the latest survey done by Quettra, 95% of new users discard the apps they have installed and moved on to another. Why? Retention metrics of apps nowadays are so bad.
Optimizing and stabilizing the app has of cardinal importance and often app development companies rely on their in-house testing team which can prove to be not that efficient.
Stats cement the fact that only a stable product can attract users. I.e. you have got only a few days to attract customers once the app has been deployed. The most crucial period! So you have to make an impact as early as possible.
Owing to the same reason efficient software testing has now become a business-critical for businesses. In such scenarios, it is very important to get getting done most efficiently.
When testing is so important for businesses it has to be done proficiently with all available resources. In the new trend, businesses prefer to outsource testing teams, to ensure the most efficient testing.
There was a time when outsourcing was generally done to be cost-effective but now outsourcing testing has many other benefits and is hence considered a better choice for businesses.
Deploying a dedicated testing team can benefit software development in many ways. Here are a few main benefits of outsourcing testing teams. 1. Cost-Efficient
One of the major reasons for going for an outsourced testing team is its cost-efficiency. Your investments and the returns you get on them play an important role in running business.
Suppose you decide to have an in-house testing team, you will have to pay to efficient test engineers, have to spend on buying testing tools, creating infrastructure for an additional team and then training them on the business requirements.
All this might cost you a hefty amount and not ensuring you meet your future testing needs.
However, you can easily outsource a testing team for a lesser amount, where you get assured of getting your job done by expert testing teams in the presence of state of art techniques and infrastructure.
You not only save a hefty amount on buying testing tools and establishing an infrastructure. Though many established businesses have their in-house testing team, if you do not have one, it is a better option to opt for a veteran outsourced testing team. 2. Better Quality Assurance
When you outsource a testing team you assure that you achieve unbiased testing results. When testing is being done by the in-house team of developers and testers they might lose the objective to achieve the desired results.
Also, when you outsource a specialized team you ensure that you engage the most capable and competitive resources to get your work done.
Such teams can help find the testing results at an earlier stage of development and hence benefiting in not only saving you a lot of bucks but also decreasing the efforts and time required for the delivery of the software. 3. Concentrate on Core Competencies
Statistics say that only less than 25% of visitors return to most of the websites/apps for the second time. They have multiple options to serve them.
And when the competition is so high, you will have to WOW your users for the very first time. But this is not possible if your product has any bugs or glitches.
The outsourced teams that are experts in the testing and QA can guarantee you maximum defect detection. When you outsource a testing team your core team can completely focus on the core development and hence ensuring better development of the software.
And the outsourced team can guarantee the better detection of the bugs. This whole process will result in a better app where the teams can concentrate on their core competencies. 4. QA Automation
Software testing has gradually advanced from manually to automate testing. Automated testing has taken an important place in software testing. But not to forget automation testing requires specialized tools and proper expertise to get maximum benefits.
Using automation tools require an expert and experienced team with better knowledge and hands-on experience in automated QA tools and techniques. Establishing such an expert team requires a lot of time and resources.
It is much easier to outsource such a team. You can instantly get hold of veteran teams who can assists proficiently in your automated testing requirements. 5. Deliver in Strict Deadlines
In case of strict deadlines, it generally happens that development takes a front seat and testing takes a back seat.
When testing takes a back seat, it so happens that the quality of the product is put on stake. And when you deliver a buggy product, you lose your credibility.
When project deadlines are strict it is better to outsource the testing facilities. The outsource team can efficiently handle the testing part of the project giving your team to focus completely on developments.
Such teams will help you deliver a bug-free product to your clients within the timelines. 6. Flexibility of Resources
Outsourcing also becomes budget-friendly when you consider the number of resources required. Deploying and paying for the required number of resources is possible only with QA outsourcing. Your QA requirement may sometimes vary, and with outsourcing teams, it is very easy to cope up with such sudden changes efficiently and cost-effectively.
Especially in fast release cycles you are required to suddenly ramp-up and at the next moment ramp-down your resources. With outsourcing teams, it is easier to be flexible with the number of resources and to pay only for the required number of resources. 7. More Objectivity
With the introduction and widespread of the DevOps approach, the organizations now make many teams integrate the development and testing process and deploy them as a shared function.
Though, this approach can veil many defects in the code while designing and development are being done simultaneously. An external and outsources team can rigorously and in an unbiased manner can detect bugs that the in-house team might not be able to do. 8. Ethical approach
An outsourcing company will have the ethics to meet any kind of setback head-on. Instead of the blame game, they will make sure that the issue is sorted out rather than repenting on it. Not just that, this kind of work ethics can be seen in other aspects too. 9. Better exposure to apps and scenarios
In-house testers and their exposure to apps will be limited. For instance, imagine that a team of talented and hardworking developers is working on an e-commerce app.
Their knowledge will be limited considering the fact that they might not have worked for this particular domain or their exposure will be minimal.
An experienced testing team, on the other hand, might have come across such apps a lot and they have a clear idea about what the user wants. How? User testing is the key! 10. UAT- extensive testing for better insights
If you rely on an in house testers for user testing they might not have time for that first of all, Even if they are forced to do, they might rely on some software which cannot guarantee accuracy.
On the other hand, a testing company will have a large user base which can be put effectively to test any software and gain user insights on what sort of improvement is required. Demerits of in-house testing teams
Though many companies have a well-established in-house testing team, for those who do not have it, it is better to opt from an outsourced testing team. Having an in-house testing team comes accompanied with the following demerits:
Additional expenses: You will have to spend extra money on hiring expert test engineers, buying test tools and developing infrastructure to accommodate the new team.
Training overhead: You will have to ensure that the test team is trained to understand the business requirements and you can never be sure that this training will ever be utilized in the future.
Elongated time:Setting up an in-house team will require additional time and might increase the project delivery date.
Less accurate test results: An in-house team might get biased and might sometime miss out on the defects and hence loosening the true objective of testing.
Software testing is an inevitable and tedious task. Testing needs to carried out in a streamlined and managed manner to ensure its maximum benefits. Specialized testing companies have a well-planned and streamlined methodology to carry out testing.
They also have a team of expert test engineers and advanced technologies and methodologies to carry out testing in a most valuable manner. hiring such veteran testing teams like TestBytes can benefit your business a lot.
Women safety Apps! A life-saving piece of technology women can get hold of at this juncture of time. These apps can offer an invisible guard and can be the best and safest tool available against the crooked minds out there in society. However, if we get into the technicalities, are they perfect in terms of functionalities that they vouch for? Does this app offer a hassle-free user experience as it is supposed to be?
Avoid the unthinkable! Do proper QA (Quality Analysis)
In the case of safety apps, quality has of utmost important than any other. Proper testing has to be done to make sure that these apps do not have any kind of flaws. Since people rely on this app for safety, it’s the trust that has to be valued more than anything else.
A proper quality check is a must. However, nowadays app development is often focused on deployment rather than what’s getting deployed.
Let’s have a look at the major app that’s being used by women for safety and what all issues they have.
The Technology that Empowers Women’s Safety App
1. GPS Tracking: These apps rely on GPS technology to locate a user at any time and remain accurate in terms of giving their location, which improves emergency situations by sending help as soon as they track the victims.
2. SOS Alerts: By only tapping a side button, the user is capable of sending sos alerts to chosen contacts or emergency service providers whereby their exact location could be mapped.
3. Safe Routes: Certain apps offer safe paths referring users to avoid hazardous neighborhoods and get them to the desired destination with ease.
4. Community Features: Several apps build a sense of togetherness, allowing users to share their experiences with other people and ask for help or issue solicitations instantly while maintaining emotional support.
Benefits of Women’s Safety Apps:
1. Better Safety: These apps also provide instant support and time-tracking, which makes personal safety much better.
2. Empowerment: Women can move comfortably and remain independent through the use of these apps, which has positive self-perception effects on them.
3. Community Help: These applications create a supportive environment through which women can get emotional support and quick assistance when needed.
4. Data Insights: The women safety apps can provide help to the authorities in collecting data related to the women safety issues and about areas where frequent women crimes take place which might contribute to a safe town planning and in taking relevant security measures.
1. Women Safety
Promising features! However, if you go through the user review section you can find people reporting many major issues that should be rectified ASAP.
Installation: 100,000+
Rating: 4.1 Major issues of the app as per user reviews
Advertisement keeps popping up which is annoying to a lot of users
Sometimes more than a message will be required to make sure that the person on the other end has received the message
They used to have text message options but it seems that suspending that feature has made users a bit furious
Even though many have said that audio and video recording related feature of the app is working well, an equal amount of people have also said that the functionality is not working.
2. Citizen Cop
The most astounding feature of Citizen Cop is that it can also be used as a tool to report a crime that happens in your vicinity. The major flaw of this app is that it fails in providing major high UX as the functionalities of this app as it was supposed to be.
Installation: 100,000+
Rating: 3.9 Major issues of the app as per user reviews
Location-related issues
Too much of access permissions
Issues with notification
Icons visibility
3. Family Locator
App meant for family members so that they can track each other in case of any situation. All the apps installed in the circle will be in sync. Messages can be sent in between as an extra safety measure.
GPS related functionalities are the core aspect of this app. However, users have reported faults in that and it serves as the critical factor that serves as a blockage for the success of the app.
Installs: 10,000+
Rating – 4 Major Issues of the app as per user reviews
Tracking issues! as people have reported multiple times that they are not able to track the person they have added to the app
Login issues, like the app, get stuck while login in for few users
Notification issues as many have complained that the notifications are either not coming up or coming frequently which causes a disturbance.
Low performance of app at peak time
4. Eyewatch SOS for Women
Harassment in public places has become a menace now. To stop this you need to get hold of technology and have to use it effectively. With Eyewatch SOS for Women, it will be possible with ease.
Even though the core functionalities of this app do not have any issues, users have reported other crucial aspects are faulty and cited as the major reason why they are not able to use the app properly
Installs: 10,000 +
Rating: 4.2 Major Issues of the app as per user reviews
SMS module malfunction
Icon issues
Power consumption issues
Issues in sending OTP
5. My SafetyPin
My SafetyPin will allow you to move to zones that are safe based on various factors. A concept that’s one of a kind, formulated to an app that can help women travel without any fear.
Usability is the weakest point of this app. Social media integration has also some issues as per the user reports.
Installs: 50,000+
Rating: 3.9 Major Issues of the app as per user reviews
Usability issues where people find it experiencing the full potential of the app
People complaining problems regarding deleting the profile
Social media integration issues
Location-related issues
6. Raksha
A perfect companion of ever come across any sudden danger in your life. Ready to use ‘Are you in Trouble’ to notify all the emergency contacts in your phone.
Performance testing is a must for apps. If you search in the user reviews section, you will get to know why
Installs: 10,000 +
Rating: 4.4 Major Issues of the app as per user reviews
Messages not getting delivered to emergency numbers
Performance issues
Not working as it was intended to
7. bSafe
One of the most versatile apps out there! It has all that a user is looking for in a safety app. creating an account is a must for apps since it helps in collecting user data and from the user perspective, it gives a feel of personalization and safety. What if that has a problem?
Installs: 500,000+
Rating: 3.8 Major Issues of the app as per user reviews
Trouble in creating account
Unavailability of email registration
Misleading information regarding the subscription
8. Himmat Plus
Renowned for its user-friendly interface, the app Himmat can help you in assuring safety through many features it has.
A clear case of why interrupt testing, touch response testing, and performance testing is required.
Installs: 50,000+
Rating: 4.5 Major Issues of the app as per user reviews
Login issues
Unable to function in the background
Touch calibration issues
Few users have reported that the app crashes in between
9. Chilla
A powerful app with powerful features that are studded with some unique features that’s its competitors fails to put forward. Providing impeccable user experience is the key to the survival of any app. Any issues with that can result in a stagnant download rate.
Installs: 10,000 +
Rating: 4.2 Major Issues of the app as per user reviews
Issues with tracking location
Login issues
App not working properly
UX issues
Download issues
10. MSMR
Are you in doubt about the person you are going out with? Share your location related details along with video and audio live streaming through this app.
Functionalities should always work properly be it any kind of app. These functionalities and the background activities of the app should not drain the battery either. However, users reported that this app has some issues in maintaining that. Major Issues of the app as per user reviews
Interferes with the functionality of other apps
Unavailability of content
Lock screen information visibility is sometimes affected
Addition of personal information is sometimes frustrating
Battery consumption issues
11. Rescuer
Do you find it frightening to go out in the dark? The rescuer can be the companion that you have been looking for. With just one tap of a button, this app can send alert messages along with location to saved numbers and can be that assistance to get out of the fear.
Another case of performance and crash issues. one of the most common and deadly issues with anyapp.
Installs: 5000+
Rating: 4.4 Major Issues of the app as per user reviews
Not working properly
Login issues
Performance issues
Major issues faced by users at present
SOS functionality must be the forte of these kinds of apps, but in some cases, even that’s not working properly
Recording of audio and video has prime importance in reporting a crime. Many in the review section has reported that often some of these apps fail in that aspect
Validation field issues which are a major concern to the security of the app itself
Compatibility issues
Page layout issues that surface owing to various screen size and resolution
App crash owing to various factors
Not able to provide UX (user experience) as it was intended to in the planning stage
The Consequences of App Failure
If safety apps for women don’t work well, it can cause serious problems:
1. Personal Safety at Risk: If a safety app fails to work, in case of emergencies, it might take several hours before help is sent, endangering the lives of women. 2. Lost Trust: Possible victims of failures in safety apps can lose trust and confidence on these technology advancements. 3. Legal Trouble: Developers of apps may be dealt with legal repercussions if their apps do not administer what they pledged. 4. Emotional Stress: A safety application that breaks down on the consideration that editions with an emergency can prompt private agony making discloses about why it is fundamental for apps to be solid.
Why testing is important in the present scenario?
More than 50% of users are not even willing trying an app ever again if they have come across any kind of difficulties in using it.
92% of the web apps that’s in existence now is said to have some kind of security flaws.
66% of app development companies have already experienced some sort of attack.
Another statistics says that around 3 billion smartphones will be online by 2020. Imagine that you are about to compete or competing in a market that’s flooding with companies who are trying to compete with each other in offering better UX (user experience.
As an app development company, how do you get that upper hand?
A stable product! The obvious answer indeed, however, the process of making a stable app is arduous, you need to run your app through various user-based scenarios at every crucial point of development.
The three points mentioned blow has to be kept in mind throughout from production to deployment.
Target should be left for release stability and everyone should track issues based on the same goal
When it comes to prioritization errors with major impact should be given prime importance
These above-mentioned points will make sure that bugs are tracked fast and issues can be resolved at the earliest.
Strategies that have to be followed while testing an app
When it comes to priority, strictly consider those devices which have got a major presence in the market
Real devices and emulators have their benefits and drawback choose them wisely
QA team and business users should review test cases
Make sure that extensive UI testing has taken place
Have a clear idea about the Oss
Couple manual testing along with automation testing for effectiveness
Rely on cloud testing for fast process
Run compliance and regulatory tests to geographical variances.
Document UAT (user acceptance testing)
Types of testing have to be performed on mobile apps at any cost
Usability testing: Will check the user experience offered by the app
Compatibility testing: Testing of the app against various platforms
Interface testing: To check the ease of access factor of the user interface
Performance testing: Will give you an idea of how the system holds against various load conditions
Operational testing: back up plans if the app goes down will be tested
Security testing: Will check the vulnerability of the app
Few test cases for testing a women safety app
1. User Registration:
Test that user registration works correctly, capturing necessary information without errors.
Verify that unique usernames are enforced to prevent duplicates.
2. Emergency Button:
Test the emergency button to ensure it triggers an alert promptly.
Confirm that the alert contains accurate user location information.
3. Location Services:
Verify that the app accurately tracks and updates the user’s location in real-time.
Test the app’s behavior when location services are disabled.
4. Contact Integration:
Test adding and removing emergency contacts to ensure proper functionality.
Confirm that alerts are sent to the correct emergency contacts.
5. In-App Chat:
Verify that the in-app chat feature allows communication with emergency contacts.
Test if messages are delivered promptly and reliably.
6. Voice Commands:
Test the voice command feature to trigger emergency alerts.
Confirm that the app accurately interprets and acts on voice commands.
7. Battery Usage:
Test the app’s impact on battery life during regular use and in emergency situations.
Verify that the app optimally uses device resources.
8. Customization Options:
Confirm that users can customize settings such as alert messages and notification preferences.
Test if changes to customization settings are applied successfully.
9. Offline Mode:
Verify that the app provides basic functionality even when offline.
Test if emergency alerts are queued and sent when the device regains connectivity.
10. App Accessibility:
Test the app’s accessibility features for users with visual or auditory impairments.
Verify compatibility with screen readers and other assistive technologies.
11. SOS History:
Confirm that the app maintains a history of triggered emergency alerts.
Test the retrieval and display of past SOS incidents.
12. App Permissions:
Verify that the app requests and handles necessary permissions appropriately.
Test the behavior of the app when denied necessary permissions.
13. Response Time:
Test the app’s response time to emergency situations, ensuring it’s within acceptable limits.
Evaluate the server’s response time to handle incoming alerts.
14. Compatibility Across Devices:
Test the app on various devices and screen sizes to ensure a consistent user experience.
Verify compatibility with different Android versions.
15. Integration with Emergency Services:
Confirm that the app successfully communicates with local emergency services.
Test the accuracy of location information provided to emergency services.
16. User Authentication:
Test the security of user authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access.
Verify that password recovery options work securely.
17. App Reliability:
Test the app’s stability by simulating various scenarios, such as low memory or high network latency.
Verify that the app doesn’t crash under normal usage conditions.
18. Data Encryption:
Test the encryption of sensitive user data to ensure it’s secure during transmission and storage.
Verify that encryption protocols adhere to industry standards.
19. Social Media Integration:
Test the integration with social media platforms for sharing emergency alerts.
Confirm that sharing functionalities work seamlessly.
20. User Education:
Evaluate the effectiveness of user tutorials and help documentation.
Test if users can easily understand and utilize the app’s features through provided resources.
All these apps have promising features. But when it comes to offering them they have a lot of issues. Imagine there is an issue faced by a user while using the app in a dangerous situation.
The thought itself is frightening to the core. To make sure that there doesn’t happen, stringent QA is required. For that seeking assistance from an experienced QA company would be the best and the safest option available and in existence now.
When it comes to penetration testing companies in India, there are indeed a handful of promising companies that are proving their capability all over the world.
Penetration testing has to be done by experienced and skilled personnel and in the long run, it can save companies who rely on it by millions. Wish to know how much does penetration testing cost? Click here!
However, you need assistance from penetration testing companies who are good at what they do. Wish to know more about them let’s have a look
Let’s have a look at them What is penetration testing?
Penetration testing is to intentionally simulate a cyber-attack on a system to detect the system vulnerabilities to these attacks. Penetration testing requires great expertise and hence only a few companies conduct penetration testing. Here are some of the expert penetration testing companies in India. 1. Test Bytes
TestBytes is a Pune based software testing firm that uses software testing strategies to offer its clients quantifiable results. TestBytes helps development teams deliver bug-free software and has expertise in IT cyber-security testing. Core Services:Penetration Testing, Mobile App Testing, Game Testing, Automation Testing, Test management services, Ecommerce testing services, Web Application testing, security testing, software performance testing, Functional Testing, Browser compatibility. Features
Expertise in developing reusable automation frameworks, templates, & repositories
Expertise in penetration testing
A large team of in-house and remote testers
High-end testing laboratory
2. eSec Forte
eSec Forte, founded in 2010 is a CMMI Level-3 ISO 9001-2008, 27001-2013 certified company that is counted among the best IT service providers and cybersecurity consulting services. eSec Forte is headquartered in Delhi and was founded in the year 2010 and is one of the best penetration testing companies in India. Core Services: Penetration Testing, Mobile Application Security, Configuration Assessment, Vulnerability Assessment, Source Code Review, Wireless Network Assessment, Malware Analysis, Incident Response Products: Core Impact for Penetration Testing, Smokescreen for Cyber Deception, Nessus for Vulnerability Management, CHECKMARX, Digital Guardian for Data Loss Prevention, Netsparker, and Web inspect for Application Security Speciality
It provides veteran penetration testing services.
It offers mobile apps based on the skeletal framework.
It involves the clients completely in all the processes, to give the best satisfaction.
ISECURION is a Bangalore based IT cybersecurity firm and is known for its high-end services, modernization, and research in IT Security Consulting and Technology. ISECURION caters their clients based on the current information security setting. Core Services: Penetration Testing, Mobile Application Security, Vulnerability Assessment, Network Security, Red team Penetration Testing, Blockchain Security, Compliance Audits, Source Code Audit, SCADA Security Audits, ISO 27001 Implementation & Certification, SAP Security Assessment, etc. Speciality
Manual and automated penetration testing
Good domain expertise.
Certified IT Security Consultants
Recognizes gaps in the company’s people, technology, and process.
Does not only find vulnerabilities in the system but also helps to fix them.
Uses modern technologies, techniques, and industry best practices.
4. SumaSoft
SumaSoft is a Pune based ITES and BPO Company providing customized Business Process Management Services. Core Services: Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Assessment, Network Security Monitoring, Business Process Outsourcing, Cloud Migration Services, Database Support Services, Logistics Services, Software Development Services.
Products: Cloud-based Asset Management System. Speciality
18+ experience
Offers various services in Software and QA, BPO, and Security Management Services.
Best Business solution providers.
Software solutions for web, mobile, and cloud.
5. Kratikal Tech Pvt. Ltd
Kratikal Tech Pvt. Ltd is a Noida Based firm that offers services to protect your businesses from cyber threat attacks. They use advanced technologies to assist you with critical security issues. Core Services: Network Penetration Testing, Infrastructure Penetration Testing, E-Commerce, Cloud Security Testing, Application/Server Security Testing, Compliance Management etc. Products: ThreatCop, a cybersecurity enhancer. Speciality
Provides cybersecurity services to various sectors including Financial Services, Healthcare, Government, Payment Services, E-Commerce, and Educational firms.
Offers Real-Time Attack Simulation services
Offers Manual and automated security testing.
Good RoI on security investments.
Conducts Risk Assessment.
6. Secugenius
Secugenius is a Noida based Information Security provider that offers expert solutions to defend the businesses from cybercrime. Their security expertise and ethical hacking services to defend the business against cyber threats has made a remarkable presence in the market. Core Services: Web app Penetration Testing, Network Penetration Testing, Website Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Assessment, Database Pen Testing, Mobile App Security Testing, Cloud Security, Source Code Review, etc. Products: QuickX platform Speciality
Quick X platform is an effective solution for cost, scalability, and time-related issues.
24 x 7 R & D support.
Quick X also offers an instant payment option.
7. Pristine Info Solutions
Pristine Info Solutions is a Mumbai based penetration testing provider that offers real-world threat assessment and wide-ranging penetration tests. It is known as one of the best Ethical Hacking and Information Security service provider in India. Core Services: Penetration Testing, Cyber Law Consulting, Information Security Services, Cyber Crime Investigation Speciality
Manual and automated penetration testing:
Information Security Services encompassing Network Security Audit, Security Compliance Audit, Website Security Audit, Mobile Security Testing, etc.
Flexible service delivery models, and security alignments
8. Entersoft
Entersoft Security is a Bengaluru based application security solution service provider that provides its clients with a strong application for operational threat susceptibility valuation. Core Services: Penetration Testing, Code Review, Vulnerability Testing, Application Security Monitoring, Cloud Security, Compliance Management, etc. Specialty
Entersoft Business Suit and Entersoft Expert for Business Intelligence
Entersoft Retail for E-Commerce
Entersoft WMS for Warehouse Management
Entersoft Mobile Field Service etc.
Offensive assessment
Proactive monitoring and assessment.
FinTech and Nasscom award winner
9. Secfence
Secfence is a New Delhi based, Information Security service provider and has its expertise in research-based cybersecurity solutions. Core Services: Penetration Testing, Web Application Penetration Testing, Anti-Malware Software Development, Vulnerability Assessment, R&D Services, Information Security Training, Intelligence Analytics, Web Application Code Review, Cyber Crime Investigation, etc. Products: Pentest++. Speciality
Specializes in real-world cyber-attack
Offers pioneer technologies and methodologies to prevent National, Corporate, and Individual firms and infrastructure from extreme cyber-attacks in terms of information security.
10. SecureLayer7
SecureLayer7 is based in Pune and is a globally acclaimed cybersecurity service provider that offers information security solutions to businesses. Core Services: Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing, Source Code Audit, Network Security, Mobile App Security, SAP Security Assessment, Telecom Network Security, etc. Specialty
Offers knowledge-based support.
Assures ‘Zero Security Threat Alert’.
24x 7 Real-Time Solutions.
11. Indian cybersecurity solution
ICSS or Indian cybersecurity solution in Kolkata based on a leading web application penetration testing company. It offers vulnerability assessment services for various programming languages and environments. ICSS serves the world with its outstanding penetration testing capabilities. They offer penetration testing for Core Services
Web-based apps, AWS environments, Traditional normal apps, etc.
The company has proven its mark by servicing various organizations worldwide and securities them from any vulnerable cyber attacks. They have a team of highly skilled testers who work in detail to ensure no loopholes in the system remains undetected. 12. Holm security
Holm Security is located in New Delhi in India. With increasing cyber attacks, it has become extremely important to unveil all the vulnerabilities in your system.
At Holm security, their highly experienced and certified testers ensure to leave no loopholes in your system and ensure high security.
With systems having highly secure and sensitive information, the vulnerability check becomes even more important.
And Holm security is one company that ensures highly comprehensive penetration testing leaving their clients worry-free.
13. Shieldbyte infosec
This Mumbai based penetration testing company is a team of skilled, certified, and experienced team with many years of experience.
With the help of their highly expert team, they are capable of taking off the high-end information security.
The Shieldbyte Infosec is renowned for their time management and on-time delivery.
Their main services include RISK ASSESSMENT & SECURITY MANAGEMENT, Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing, Web Application Security Assessment, Mobile Application Security Assessment, Source Code Review, DDOS Assessment Services, Network & Wireless Assessment, Social Engineering Risk Assessment, Forensic Analysis, etc.
Core Services
Security risk and gap analysis, digital forensic and cybercrime investigation 14. Cybersecurity hive
Cybersecurity hive is a Bangalore based security testing specializing in penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. Their
cybersecurity services include
Mobile VAPT
Network VAPT
Cloud security assessment
Phishing simulation.
With their expert and dedicated team, they ensure they secure their clients from any kind of cyberattacks. Core Services
Penetration testing, Threat intelligence, VAPT, etc. 15. EC-Council Global Services
EC-Council Global Services is among one of the most reputed penetration companies in India. It helps secure your organization by implementing high-end penetration testing. It carries out a comprehensive assessment and testing to find loopholes in your system. It is located in Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad.
The company employs highly talented, expert, qualified and experienced testers to ensure high-grade security of your system.
The company also offers remote services to ensure better security services.
EC-Council Global Services ensures high-quality services by offering customized penetration testing services to its clients based on their specific needs.
Core Services
Secured Artificial Intelligence Based Vulnerability Assessment Tool for Enterprise, Cyber Security, etc.
Information security, cyber law consulting, and training
penetration testing, Source code review, DDoS protection etc.
EC-Council Global Services
VAPT, Cybersecurity posture assessment, etc.
Cyber security hive
Web VAPT, Mobile VAPT, Network VAPT, Cloud security assessment, Phishing solution, etc.
Shieldbyte infosec
Security risk and gap analysis, digital forensic and cybercrime investigation
Holm Security
New Delhi
Penetration testing, Threat intelligence, VAPT, etc.
Indian cybersecurity solution
Secured Artificial Intelligence Based
Vulnerability Assessment Tool for Enterprise, Cyber Security, etc.
Things to be considered while hiring a penetration testing company
There are a few things that you should consider before hiring a penetration testing company
Ensure that the company employees expert, trained, and certified testers.
Always choose a reputed firm for penetration testing. The company will have access to the inner infrastructure of your company and will know all your security loopholes, so ensure the company you are hiring is trustworthy and well certified.
Ensure that the company is proficient and adopts the latest methodology and penetration testing techniques.
Always have well documented and signed rules of engagement documents. Also, ensure the safety of your crucial and sensitive data.
Ensure that the company offers customized pen testing services and has all the required pen-testing tools and people expert in using such tools.
Penetration testing is the need of the present-day world, with the rising security threats. Hence it should be ensured that that penetration testing should be done with utmost care. So, while choosing the company for getting penetration testing done, be assured to pick the best.
Wonder how WordPress helps in developers and testers to create better user experience? WordPress has you covered with their built-in plugins for different types of testing. These plugins are constantly updated and they are also bringing in a lot of plugins from time to time for the better assistance of the testers and the developers.
Here we have compiled a list of the top WordPress plugins for the benefit of both the testers and developers. 1.WPSandbox WPSandbox, one of the most used plugins provided by WordPress helps the users get timely upgrades, better options with themes, settings changes, etc. Features
The tool can be used to have a complete WordPress upgrade too. Just use the existing hosting provider and a few clicks of the mouse on the system and there one can have an entire testing site.
No need to copy the complex local test setups.
The plugin will also help in creating multiple Sandboxes just in case any different iteration is needed for one’s website.
Valuable insights about customers can be gained using the tool
Will be up and running in no time
2. Usernap
One of the most trusted and the most used WordPress plugins put to use for bug tracking. This plugin helps the testers to have a complete track over the bugs, with no extra time to be spent on the same. Features
Usernap allows the users to capture the screenshots of the browser together with the visual bug report and send the same to the respective team, either in Usernap or any other bug tracking or project management tools that are being used.
From a developer perspective getting actual details of the issue is very important and at the same time, asking a client to send a browser screenshot or video of the issue can be quite a task.
Usernap makes both these things easy and that too without installing anything extra. The client-side JavaScript takes error reporting to a level.
This makes life easy for developers as well as end-users. It will also help speed up the defect fixing process as the turnaround time is reduced considerably.
3. Lambda Test
With the multitude of browsers and devices available in the market today, it is essential that you do cross-browser testing before your website hits production. Lambda test is the must-have plugin that helps you do that. Features
Lambda Test can be used to take screenshots of the full page and keep a track of any issues related to cross-browser compatibility.
This plugin also makes sure that a tester or developer is able to perform the tests across for platforms from the WordPress admin panels.
Multiple integrations such as JIRA, ASANA, GITHUB, SLACK, Chrome Extensions, etc.
4. SitePush SitePush plugin will provide an amazing experience for its users to work on the same. There exists a small issue that the same takes time to get installed (which is ignored in front of the type of service provided by the Plugin) but once done, the user will be satisfied by its service. Features
With SitePush one can easily generate a copy of website data and transfer the same for a proper test to another server.
Can easily test the copy of the website data generated here by simply clicking on the links (all of the same) just as to make sure that the plugin has an expected connection.
It can be used to test the basic functions like contact forms and keep track of the functionality of the same.
5. Browser Stack
Browser Stack is a free plugin used for Cross-browser testing. It allows all the developers and testers out there to test their websites on real browsers, with a hassle-free experience. Features
Can be used to check the responsive capability of the web design
Helps in testing local and internal servers, and also, local folders that contain HTML, JAVA script files, etc.
Extensive browser testing capabilities
Contains a pre-installed debugging tool
6. Yoast SEO
Have an SEO requirement? Well, Yoast SEO is one of the most widely used plugins for providing SEO help. One can easily improve their search results by using this plugin. Features
Yoast plugin has the capability to check the SEO keywords in the page content and also provides suggestions to improve the SEO ranking.
Real-time content analysis
Helps in organizing the content
7. NS Cloner
Need multiple copies of your website content? Use NS cloner plugin and copy the content in one go for the different types of testing. This is one of the easiest and fastest methods of creating a clone for your website in terms of the theme, theme settings, plugin configuration, content, videos, pictures, etc. Features
During the cloning process, everything is reserved and intelligent replacements are made.
works only with WordPress multisite
With these developers can test various aspects on the clone site
Issue detection and advanced validation
Effective process logging that helps in troubleshooting
8. Debug Bar
This is a useful plugin that can be used to monitor the performance parameters of a website. The parameters include memory usage, actions performed, time is taken, etc. This data can, in turn, be used to alter slow websites. The data related to cache, hooks and remote requests can be analyzed to understand why the site is slow. Identifying the root cause makes it easier to fix as well. Features
Can be used to add a helpful debug menu to the admin bar
WP_DBUG can track PHP warnings
SAVEQUERIES in the plugin can be used to track MySQL queries
A large text area for running arbitrary PHP
A registered shortcode panel for the current request
9. TrackDuck
TrackDuck is another very popular and useful plugin for Visual Bug Tracking and feedback. The plugin allows users, clients and peers to submit feedback related to the UI, the wireframes etc. basically more on the UI front and its layout. Features
All users of your website can actually act like your testers but at the same time, they are sharing feedback and not issues. A win-win situation for both sides.
The easiest part is that the user can click on any part of the UI and submit a comment. It can’t get simpler than this. A mail is triggered to the developer with the UI details and the added comment. He can then analyze and try to fix and enhance the UI.
This plugin is also extensively used for sharing the feedbacks on mockup designs.
10. Theme Check
This is the best plugin for checking the home themes. A handy tool for both developers as well as testers. Features
Specifically designed for the themes and allows the user/developer/tester to run all the automated tests on the selected theme which normally WordPress would run when a new theme is submitted to it.
The Theme Check is very easy to use and can be launched from the admin console.
Once the testing is over the results are displayed in the admin console itself.
This is the easiest way to understand if your theme is in compliance with the WordPress standards and how it will fare with the clients as well.
11. Beta Flags
Want to manage all the new releases of features of the website? Beta Flags, helps you manage these releases with ease. No execution of code for the production environment from the moment Beta Flags are deployed.
Just a simple wrap (a conditional one) and the work gets easy as you can activate it from the back end. It is almost similar to the A/B Testing except that it can be either in ON or OFF mode and nothing in between So if you are a developer and looking options to deploy your code with ease, then you must check this out.
So what are you waiting for? Check out these plugins offered by WordPress. It is also to be noted that WordPress comes with very innovative as well as useful plugins from time to time to make things better for its users. So make sure you follow their and our updates judiciously.
Happy working with WordPress.
In this post, we will share the kind of software testing interview questions asked in meetings with the employee to help individuals seeking to secure a software tester job profile. 1. Which Methodology do you follow in your Test Case? A. Phase Containment is consolidating QA into each of the stages of SDLC. It brings about Defect Prevention. In the event that QA group performs Design Review, Requirements Review, and Code Review, errors would be not many when a real application is tested. That implies we have averted numerous errors by performing reviews at each phase of SDLC. 2. What is Black box testing? What are the distinctive discovery Testing Strategies? A. Black box testing is the product testing technique that is applied to test the product without distinguishing the internal structure of a program or code. This testing is typically done to validate the functionality of an application.
The various black box testing systems are:
Boundary value analysis
Equivalence Partitioning
Cause-effect graphing
3. What are Quality Control and Quality Assurance? Quality Assurance includes in process-oriented practices. It guarantees the counteractive action of bugs in the process utilized to make software application. So, the bugs don’t emerge when the software application is being produced. Quality Control includes product-oriented practices. It administers the code or program to distinguish the bugs in the software application. 4. How well do you deal with Ambiguity? A.Test cases are not generally straightforward and QA Engineers should follow up on their own judgment. They have to feel great with ambiguity. 5. How well do you Function with others? A. Several QA teams have colleagues who are from all edges of the world. QA engineers must be content with speaking with individuals at all levels and all backgrounds. 6. How might we perform Spike testing in JMeter? A. JMeter accompanies a synchronizing timer which can deal with the demands of numerous threads. It can get the expected number of strings and discharge them immediately to cause a spike. 7. What is the chief contrast among st Reactive and Preventative strategies of Testing? A. Reactive tests are planned after the product has been delivered and preventative tests are designed ahead. 8. What are the significant steps to fix issues while Testing? Record – Log and handle any issues which have happened. Report – Report the issues to high ranked manager. Control – Define the issue management process. 9. What is the distinction between Test scripts, Test scenarios, and Test cases? A.Test Scripts – They are composed in a programming language and it’s a short program used to test some portion of the functionality of the product framework. Simply speaking a written set of steps ought to be performed manually. Test Scenarios – Test scenario is set up before the genuine testing begins, it incorporates plans for the testing software, environmental condition, number of colleagues, creating test cases, making test plans, and every one of the characteristics that are to be tested for the software. Test cases – It is a record that contains the steps that must be performed, it has been planned before.
10. What are the classes of Defects? A. Missing – There was a prerequisite given by the client and it was not done. This is a variance from the particulars, a sign that particular was not performed, or a necessity of the client was not recorded appropriately.
Wrong – The prerequisites have been performed wrongly. This defect is different from the given particular.
Extra – A prerequisite included in the software that was not given by the end-user. This is dependably a variance from the determination yet might be a trait wanted by the user of the software. But it is viewed as a defect due to its variance from the current prerequisite. 11. List out the Test Deliverables. A.
Test Strategy
Test Plan
Test Cases
Test Scripts
Test Scenarios
Test Data
Effort Estimation Report
Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)
Test Execution Report
Defect Report/Bug Report
Test summary report
Test incident report
Test closure report
Test status report
Weekly status report to the Project manager and the client
Graphs and Metrics
Release Note
User guide
Configuration guide
12. What is Rapid Application Development? A. Rapid Application Development (RAD) is formally a parallel development of functions and consequent integration. Functions are produced in parallel as though they were smaller than usual activities, the developments are time-boxed presented and after that congregated to a working prototype.
This can rapidly give the client an image to view and utilize and to give input with respect to the delivery and their prerequisites. Quick change and improvement of the software are probably applying this strategy.
In any case, the software particular should be created for the software sooner or later and the undertaking should be put under more formal controls before going into generation. 13. What’s the difference between Acceptance testing and System testing? A. Acceptance testing checks the framework against the Prerequisites. It’s like System testing in which the entire framework is checked yet the vital contrast is the transition in focus.
System testing tests that the system that was indicated has been conveyed. Acceptance testing checks that the system will convey what was demanded. The client ought to dependably do Acceptance testing and not the engineer.
The client recognizes what is needed from the framework to accomplish value in the business and is the main individual equipped to make that determination.
This testing is more about guaranteeing that the product is produced as described by the client. It’s getting a green light from the client that the product meets requirements and is prepared to be utilized. 14. Clarify Random/Monkey Testing. A. A strategy of software testing where the system is checked by randomly ingesting inputs. This test does not follow any pre-defined set of principles. It’s done to test the application behavior. 15. How to manage the low-frequency issues during the Testing? A. By low frequency, I trust you mean the issues that can’t be replicated reliably after some time.
In case an issue isn’t coming up each time we repeat a similar series of steps, we do some drilling around to check whether we can discover any indication of the appearance of the bug (failure or logs messages), and when nothing else works, we report everything the same. As testers, we can’t leave anything without creating a report. 16. As a component of which test process do you decide the exit criteria? A. The exit criteria are resolved on the basis of ‘Test Planning’. 17. What is Mutation testing? A. This type of testing is used to detect if a set of the test case or test data is useful by intentionally presenting different code changes (bugs) and retesting with real test cases/data to decide whether the bugs are discovered. 18. While controlling your venture what things you need to acknowledge? A. The things that must be taken in contemplations are:
Is your venture on the plan?
Are you working towards a similar career objective?
Have you got sufficient resources?
Are you overspending?
Are there any warning indications of approaching issues?
Is there any pressure from the administration to finish the undertaking quickly?
19. What is Unit Testing? A. It is done to examine whether the individual module or unit of the source code is working legitimately. It is performed by the software developers in developer’s environment. Unit Testing is additionally known as Component Testing or Module Testing. 20. What is Alpha Testing and Beta Testing? A. Alpha testing is finished by the in-house testers and engineers who built up the product. In some cases, alpha testing is completed by the customer or outsourcing group with the presence of testers or developers. Beta testing is performed by a set number of end clients before delivery. Normally, it is done in the customer place. 21. What is Risk-Based Testing? A. To recognize the functionalities or modules which are in all probability to cause failures and to test them. 22.What is Application Programming Interface (API)? A. A formalized assortment of programming calls and routines that can be mentioned by an application program to access to network systems or supporting system.
Also See Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers by SendTods 23. What is Agile Testing? A. Agile testing is a type of software testing practice that takes after the standards of an agile software development. It is an iterative program development procedure where necessities continue changing according to the client needs. Testing is done in parallel with the advancement of an iterative model. Test group gets frequent code changes from the dev group for testing a system. 24. What are the various Methodologies in Agile Development Model? A. There are at present seven various agile systems that I know about:
Extreme Programming (XP)
Feature-Driven Development
Lean Software Development
Agile Unified Process
Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM)
25. Why we utilize the Decision Tables? A. The methods of boundary value analysis and equivalence partitioning are regularly connected to particular conditions or sources of info.
But if diverse combinations of input end in various steps are made, this can be harder to indicate utilizing equivalence partitioning and limit value examination, which have a tendency to be more centered on the UI.
The other two specification-based methods, state transition testing, and decision tables are more centered around business rules or business logic. A decision table is a decent method to manage combinations of things.
Certain times this technique is additionally known as a cause-effect table. The reason is there’s a related logic graphing procedure known ascause-effect graphing which was at times used to help procure the decision table. 26. What is Load Testing? A. It is to check that the application/system can deal with the required number of transactions and to confirm the system/application behavior under peak load and normal conditions both. 27. What are the advantages of Test Reports? A. The advantages of test reports are:
Current status of undertaking and nature of software are notified.
In case required, partner and the client can make a corrective move.
The last report supports to determine whether the software is ready for launch.
28. In incremental testing what are Stubs and Drivers?
The two stubs and drivers are a component of incremental testing. In incremental testing, there are two methodologies to be specifically bottom-up and top-down methods.
Drivers are utilized as a part of bottom-up testing and stub is utilized for the top-down method. With a specific goal to test the principle module, a stub is utilized, which is a dummy program or code. 29. What is Soak Testing? A. Running an application at high load for a continued timeframe to distinguish the execution issues is termed Soak Testing. 30. What is Performance Testing? A. This kind of testing decides or approves the speed, versatility, or durability qualities of the application or system under test.
Execution is concerned about accomplishing response times, resource usage levels, and throughput that meet the execution targets for the product or project. 31. What are the standards of Software Testing? A.
Testing indicates the presence of flaws
Thorough testing is not possible
Early testing
Defect clustering
Testing is setting depending
Pesticide Paradox
The absence of error false notion
32. What is a Bug? A. In the event that software testers discover any contradiction in the application or system in testing stage then they describe it as a bug. 33. What is DFD (Data Flow Diagram)? A. As a flow of data through a data system is graphically depicted then it is called Data Flow Diagram. It is likewise utilized for the representation of data handling. 34. What is Fuzz testing and when will you use it? A. Fuzz testing is used to recognize security loopholes and coding mistakes in the product. In this method, random data is added to the application trying to crash the system.
In the event that vulnerability continues, a device called fuzz tester is utilized to decide possible causes. This strategy is more helpful for greater projects yet just recognizes a major mistake. 36. Describe the PDCA cycle. A. Software testing plays an essential role in the software development method. In a typical software development, there are four vital steps in PDCA: Plan, Do, Check, Act, cycle. The four stages work as
Plan: Describe the objective and the arrangement for fulfilling that objective.
Do: Perform as per those plan methods which is arranged in the planning stage.
Check: Check to ensure that everything is working as per the plan and gets the normal outcomes.
Act: Act as indicated by that issue. 37. What ought to be done after a bug is found? A. Configuration administration covers the procedures used to control, facilitate, and track: code, prerequisites, documentation, issues, change demands, designs, compilers/tools/libraries/patches, alterations made to them, and who rolls out the improvements. 38. What is SQA testing? Tell us steps of SQA testing. A. Test Plan has these principal contents:
Resource requirement
Due date
Financial plan
Feature to be examined with reason
Feature not to be examined with reason
Tools to be utilized
Scope of testing
Test technique
39. Tell the contrast between a “defect” and a “failure” in software testing? A. In basic terms when a defect approaches the end client it is known as a failure while the defect is recognized inside and settled then it is called as a defect. 40. Q. Specify what is the reason behind doing end-to-end testing? A. End-to-end testing is performed after the functional testing. The reason behind performing end-to-end testing is:
Testing application in genuine environment situation
Testing of association between database and application
To approve the product necessities and integration with outside interfaces
41. What is Bug Leakage? A. A bug which is really missed by the testing group while testing and the build was discharged to the Production. In case that now that bug was found by the end user then we refer to it as Bug Leakage. 42. What is the part of mediator in the review procedure? A. The mediator or review leader drives the review procedure. The moderator decides, in co-activity with the creator, the sort of review, approach and the creation of the review team.
He or she plays out the entry check and the follow-up on the modified work, keeping in mind the end goal to control the nature of the input and output of the review procedure.
The mediator likewise plans the meeting, scatters reports before the meeting, paces the meeting, mentor’s other colleagues, prompts conceivable discussions and stores the information that is gathered. 43. When should tester perform the Regression Testing? A. After the product has changed or when an environment has changed Regression testing ought to be performed. 44. What is HotFix? A. A bug which needs to be managed as a high priority bug and fix it instantly. 45. What is the reason for a test completion criterion? A. The reason for test completion criterion is to decide when to quit testing. 46. What are the advantages of Independent Testing? A. Independent testers are unprejudiced and recognize diverse flaws in the meantime. 47. Why are dynamic testing and static testing depicted as complementary? A. Since they share the purpose of recognizing defects yet vary in the kinds of defect they spot. 48. What is Error seeding? A. Error seeding is a procedure of intendedly including known errors in software to recognize the rate of error location. It helps during evaluating of the tester aptitudes of discovering bugs and furthermore to know the capacity of the application i.e. how well the application is working when it has errors. 49. What is equivalence class partition? A. In equivalence class partition, inputs to the system or product are separated into groups that are required to display like behavior, so they are probably going to be proposed similarly. Thus, choosing one input from each group for designing the test case. 50. What is positive and negative testing? A. A positive testing is a point at which you put in a valid info and anticipate that some activity will be finished as per the specification. While a negative test is a point at which you put in an invalid information and gets errors. 51. Could inspections or reviews be viewed as part of the testing? A. Yes, indeed, as both assists identify errors and enhance quality. 52. What amount of testing is sufficient? A. The appropriate response relies upon the contract, risk for your industry, and special needs. 53. Explain Exploratory Testing?
Exploratory testing is based on less planning and more test execution. It refers to performing requirement analysis, test cases designing, test cases execution and understanding the test results simultaneously. 54. Explain verification in software testing?
Verification ensures that the product is being built according to the software requirements, and there are no deviations from it. The verification process involves Inspections, Reviews, and Walk-through. 55. Explain validation in software testing?
Validation ensures that the software product that is built is as per the client’s requirements or not. 56. What is the basic difference between verification and validation in software testing?
Verification detects defects in requirement specifications & validation detects the errors in the implemented Software application. 57. Explain Static Testing?
Static Testing is to review the documents to detect the errors in the initial phases of SDLC. 58. Explain Dynamic Testing?
Dynamic testing is to run the AUT to validate the output from the expected outcome. 59. What are the other names for white box testing?
It is also known as Glass Box, Clear Box, and Structural Testing. 60. What is white box testing?
White box testing refers to the testing of the internal code structure. white-box testing is done at the unit level and is based on the internal perspective of the code and requires programming skills to design test cases. It tests if the code is written properly and inspects every line of the code for being bug-free. 61. Can you explain about test strategy?
Test strategy is a document that includes test design and defines how testing is to be carried out. 62. Name the components of the test strategy document?
The various components of the test strategy document are
Test plan id
Features to be tested
Test techniques
Testing tasks
fail criteria/ Features pass
Test deliverables
Test schedule
Test resources and their Responsibilities
Testing environment
63. Explain the Test plan?
A test plan defines the goals, resources, and procedures for testing a software product. It includes a thorough understanding of the testing workflow. 64. How will you create a test plan?
Follow the following steps to write a test plan;
Analyze the product
Design the Test Strategy
Clearly defining the Test Objectives
Develop the Test Criteria
Define how the test environment would be
Schedule and Estimation
Determine the exact Test Deliverables
65. Explain the term testbed?
The testbed is an amalgamation of hardware and software components that are required to conduct software testing.
It consists of Operating system, specific hardware, and software, the product under test, network configuration, other system software, and application software. 66. Explain the term test environment?
An environment where testers execute test cases is test environment. Software and hardware environment together form a test environment and serves as a podium to conduct testing. 67. Explain the term test Data?
Test data are the inputs given to AUT by the testers to execute test cases and validate the results. 68. Explain test closure?
Test closure document is the final document prepared before testers mark an end to testing. It consists of details like several test cases, test cases executed, defects found, defects fixed, defects not fixed, defects rejected, etc. 69. Explain test coverage?
It the measurement of quantity of testing done by a set of test cases. 70. Explain the term integration testing?
Integration testing is a type of testing where smaller units of code are integrated and tested in a group. 71. What is System Testing?
Known as the end to end testing, system testing validates a completely integrated application to if the system is in accordance with the requirements or not. 72. What is Big Bang testing?
Big bang testing is based on integrating all the modules together and then testing them all at once. 73. What are different strategies of integration testing?
Integration testing can be carried out using two approaches:
Big Bang Approach
Incremental Approach
Top-Down Approach
Bottom-Up Approach
Sandwich Approach
74. What are the disadvantages of Big Bang Integration?
The disadvantages of big bang integration are:
Tracing the cause of failures is difficult.
Enhanced chanced of critical failures.
In case of a bug, finding the root cause of it is difficult.
75. What is functional testing?
Functional testing is a type of black-box testing, which validates that every function of the software as per the requirements. 76. What are the different types of functional testing?
Different types of functional testing are:
Smoke testing
Sanity testing
Regression testing
Usability testing
77. Tell the steps to be performed for functional testing?
Steps to perform functional testing are:
Identify the required functionalities
Creation of test data
Determine the expected output
Execute the test case
Compare actual and expected outputs
Validate the software works as per required functionalities
78. What is non-functional testing?
It tests the non-functional requirements of the system like the way it operates. 79. What are the different types of non-functional testing?
Various types of non-functional testing are
Performance Testing
Load Testing
Failover Testing
Security Testing
Compatibility Testing
Usability Testing
Stress Testing
Maintainability Testing
Scalability Testing
Volume Testing
Security Testing
Disaster Recovery Testing
Compliance Testing
Portability Testing
Efficiency Testing
Reliability Testing
Baseline Testing
Endurance Testing
Documentation Testing
Recovery Testing
Internationalization Testing
Localization Testing
80. What are the different types of testing?
Different types of testing are:
Smoke testing
Sanity testing
Regression testing
Usability testing
Non – Functional
Performance Testing
Load Testing
Failover Testing
Security Testing
Compatibility Testing
Usability Testing
Stress Testing
Maintainability Testing
Scalability Testing
81. Tell the different test levels?
The four different test levels are:
Unit/component/program/module testing
Integration testing
System testing
Acceptance testing
82. Name the various black box testing techniques?
The different black box testing techniques are:
Equivalence Partitioning
Boundary value analysis
Cause-effect graphing
83. What does a test plan consist of?
A test plan consists of
Test case identifier
Features to be tested
Features not to be tested
Test strategy & Test approach
Test deliverables
Staffing and training
Risk and Contingencies
84. What is retesting?
Retesting is a process of testing the code again to check if the defects detected in the previous round of testing are fixed correctly. 85. What is Data-Driven Testing?
Data-Driven Testing is testing the application with multiple test data. The complete testing is data-driven and the main aim of such type of testing is to verify output for multiple test data. 86. How can you resolve issues during software testing?
We can resolve issues by:
Record: the defects are logged and recorded
Report: The defects are reported to higher management and the development team
Control: issue management process is defined.
87. What is a test scenario?
The test scenario is any functionality of the code that is to be tested. 88. Define test cases?
A test case describes the execution settings, testing method, input data, expected results to attain a testing objective. 89. Define test scripts?
Test scripts are small programs that are run manually to test a specific functionality of the code. 90. Define Latent defect?
Latent defects are the defects that have been present in the code for a long time but have never been detected before in the previous releases. 91. Name two parameters that define the quality of testing?
You can judge the quality of testing by:
Defect reject ratio
Defect leakage ratio
92. What are the test deliverables?
Test deliverables are the artifacts that are delivered to the stakeholders after every round of testing.
Test strategy
Test plan
Test scenario
Test cases
Test data
Test metrics
Test incident report
Test status report
Test summary report
Release note
Test closure report
93. What is mutation testing?
It is a technique to identify if test data/test case is useful by knowingly introducing a bug in the code and retesting the bug induced code with the original test data, a test case to check if it detects the bug. 94. What things will you ruminate before choosing automation tools for the AUT?
Technical Feasibility
Complexity level
Application stability
Test data
Application size
Re-usability of automated scripts
Execution across environment
95. How to perform Risk Analysis?
For the risk analysis following steps need to be implemented
Find risk score
Create a risk profile
Change the properties of the risk
Install test risk resources
Create a risk database
96. Can you tell the debugging categories?
The debugging categories are:
Brute force debugging
Cause elimination
Program Slicing
Fault tree analysis
97. What information should a test plan include?
Test Strategy
Test Objective
Exit/Suspension Criteria
Resource Planning
Test Deliverables
98. State few risks that can result in project failure?
Insufficient resource for the project
Improper testing environment
Budget constraints
Strict timelines
99. How to do project estimation?
Break the project into small tasks
Assign them to different team members
Estimate efforts for each task
Confirm the approximation
100. What are the commonly used testing types?
Unit Testing
API Testing
Integration Testing
System Testing
Install/Uninstall Testing
Agile Testing
101. What are the things to consider while monitoring your project?
Schedule of your project is going fine?
Budget is under the limit?
Are resources enough?
Are there any warning signs reflecting any future problem
Are there any requirement changes?
102. Common mistakes that lead to issues?
Improper resource allocation
Poor Scheduling
Ignoring the small problems
Not following the process
103. What does a test report consist of?
Project Information
Test Objective
Test Summary
104. What are the benefits of the test report?
Gives information on the on-going status of the project
Tells about the quality of product
Stakeholder can take corrective measures whenever required
The final report tells if the product is ready for the release.
105. What are the best practices of software quality assurance?
Continuous Improvement
Tool Usage
Responsibility by team members
Experienced SQA auditors
106. What steps you should follow after you detect any defect?
Recreate the defect
Attach the screenshot
Log the defect
107. When to Prepare Requirement Traceability Matrix?
RTM is prepared before test case designing. 108. Who prepares the test plan?
Test lead or the test manager prepares the test plan. 109. Give a few examples of the test environment?
Some of the examples of the test environment:
Application Type: Web Application
OS: Windows
Web Server: IIS
Web Page Design: Dot Net
Client-Side Validation: JavaScript
Server Side Scripting: ASP Dot Net
Database: MS SQL Server
Browser: IE/FireFox/Chrome
110. As a tester what would you do, if you find any defect?
I would
Reconstruct the bugs/defect
Take and affix a screenshot
Record the bugs/defect
111. What is Fuzz Testing?
Fuzz testing is carried out by feeding random inputs to an application under test, to validate if the AUT returns exceptions like failing built-in code assertions, crashes, or potential memory leaks. 112. Name different test coverage techniques?
Various test coverage techniques are:
Statement coverage
Decision coverage
Path coverage
113. Name the important modules of defect report format?
The various components are
Module Name
Project Name
The date defect was detected on
Who detected the defect
Defect ID
Defect Name
Screenshot of the defect
Priority status
Severity status
Who resolved the defect
When was defect resolved
114. What does COTS stand for?
COTS stands for Commercial Off The Shelf. 115. Why do we use automation testing?
Eases the execution of test cases that re repeated
Helps in the testing of the large test matrix
Supports parallel execution of test cases
Is beneficial for long run test cases as they can be left unattended without requiring any human intervention
Enhances the accuracy of test cases
Saves time and money.
116. Can you tell us the advantages of selenium over other testing tools?
Supports various languages including Java, Python, C#, PHP, Ruby, Perl &.Net
Supports different OS including Windows, Mac or Linux
Supports multiple browsers including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari or Opera
Easy integration with TestNG & JUnit, Maven, Jenkins & Docker
It is an open-source
117. Name the components of Selenium?
Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Selenium Remote Control (RC)
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium Grid
118. Name the various locators in Selenium?
link text
CSS Selector
119. Name various exceptions in Selenium web driver?
120. How will you launch the browser using WebDriver?
We can use the following syntax: WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(); 121. What is Regression Testing?
Regression testing is done to validate that the code changes have not introduced any bugs in the existing code. 122. How does automation testing help in agile methodology?
It helps in maximum test coverage in minimal time. 123. Which all test cases can be automated?
Smoke test cases
Regression test cases
Complex calculation test cases
Data-driven test cases
Non-functional test cases
124. What is a workbench concept?
It is a way to document how a specific task has to be performed. 125. What are the tasks in workbench?
Production output
126. What strategies you can follow to roll out the product to end-users?
The strategies we can follow are:
Gradual Implementation
Phased Implementation
Parallel Implementation
127. What does PDCA in software testing stand for?
PDCA in software testing stands for Plan, Do, Check, Act 128. Which all types of testing teams can conduct software testing?
Isolated test team
Outsource – we can hire external testing resources and do testing for our project.
Inside test team
Developers as testers
QA/QC team
129. What are the shortcomings of monkey testing?
They are not realistic
Many of the tests are redundant and unrealistic
You will spend more time analysing results
You cannot recreate the test if you do not record what data was used for testing
130. What does DFD stand for?
DFD stands for Data Flow Diagram. IN DFD the flow of data is represented graphically. 131. What does LCSAJ stand for?
LCSAJ stands for ‘linear code sequence and jump.’ 132. Why is test independence done?
Test independence eludes author preference in describing operative tests. 133. When do you define the exit criteria?
Exit criteria are described based on “Test Planning”. 134. What is alpha testing?
Alpha testing is pre-release testing by the end-users at the developer’s end. 135. What is beta testing?
Beta testing is testing done by a selected group of end-users at their location. It is done before the software is out in the market. 136. What are the responsibilities of test management?
The responsibilities of Test management are:
To enhance software quality
Creating and up keeping the product metrics
Ensures that there is less design or coding faults
137. The output of the requirement analysis used as an input for which phase?
User Acceptance Test Cases 138. What are the benefits of Independent testing?
Independent testers are neutral and detect dissimilar bugs at the same time. 139. In reactive testing approach, when does test design work begin?
The test design work in reactive testing approach begins after the software is produced. 140. Name different Agile testing methodologies?
The different Agile methodologies are:
Extreme Programming (XP)
Lean Software Development
Unified Process
Feature-Driven Development
Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM)
141. Which process involves the estimation of the testability of the requirements and system?
‘Test Analysis’ and ‘Design’ 142. Name a few dynamic testing techniques?
Equivalence Partitioning, Use Case Testing, Exploratory Testing, and Decision Testing are dynamic testing techniques 143. Name a few static testing techniques?
Data Flow Analysis and Inspections are static testing techniques. 144. Which testing technique detects threats such as virus from malicious outsiders?
Security Testing detects threats such as virus from malicious outsiders 145. When to implement configuration management procedures?
During test planning. 146. What is an equivalence partition?
Equivalence partition is dividing input and output values in a range such that only one value becomes a test case. 147. What is load testing?
Load testing tests the system performance under real-life load conditions. 148. What is stress testing?
Stress testing tests system performance under unfavourable conditions/loads. 149. When can you take a conclusion to end software testing?
Some of the basic criteria to stop testing are:
Deadlines are finished
Test budget is over
Bug rate is less than a certain level
Passed Test cases percentage is above a pre-decided level
Testing period for Alpha or beta testing is over
Code Coverage, requirements are met to a required level.
150. What’s the difference between a SDET and Tester? 151. What’s interrupt testing?
Interruptions happen on our phone frequently. These sudden interruptions can have adverse effect on regular functioning of any app that’s being used.
Interruption testing will reveal how the app behaves to interruption and will it get back to the stopping point without any error?
All the best!!!
Your resume have to create an impression for them to consider you, hence, a killer software tester resume is important. Listed here are the major factors that you have to consider while writing a software tester resume.
Put an impression
The resume is similar to an advertisement if it is attractive enough to pursue an audience than it is worth making a sale.
This will demonstrate the skills and education scenario of an individual in a proper manner.
If the resume is worth working for then they might give you a call for work.
However, you only have 5 seconds to a minute to attract an HR in this competitive world.
It is important to get the resume made with accuracy and precision to get the most awaited call from your HR.
In order to achieve it, one must have a unique resume that makes HR call for them immediately.
It is your opportunity to get the most done within a limited time frame. With so much of task in hand, the recruiters don’t usually check out every single detail in a resume.
They will just have a brief scan of the whole resume and will decide your future with them.
In order to get this done with results, one must have an organized, appealing and error-free resume.
Make a Good Impression
With a limited time frame, one must have the ability to capture their essence in a single or maximum two sheet.
This will allow one to easily process with the whole professional qualification with a tint of personal life.
In order to give this snapshot, one must take the helpof pointers that allows an easy explanation in one work without description.
Especially, if the soft tester is a fresher then it becomes more important to make the resume attractive with no prior experience with work.
Start with the Basic
Instead of simply writing the resume, one can start with basics or consider is pre-activities.
Make a proper list that must contain all the information about work experience, education, skills, projects, technologies, a platform to work on, certifications, diplomas, etc.
You don’t have to work on the format in the template and initial stage. Simply use a notepad or sticky notes to get every single detail together. It will compile all the details about you on a single page.
Make a list as the Technical skills containing –JIRA, Manual Testing concepts, BN Scripting beginners, etc. Then move towards education point that will contain 10th, 12th, graduation, post-graduation, etc. details. Similarly, add on the company experience (if any) in one part from the starting of the career till now. It must contain year, company name, designations, key responsibilities, project details, etc.
Then, pick a list one by one, say technical skill then sort them up as per the proficiency in that skill. You can say that the rating of every single skill will be done out of 5, the thing you are best at will have 5 marks whereas the familiarity prospect only has 1.
Go through the whole list once you are done, every single part and make sure that you have not missed out some important part. If yes, then add them or make a new column as certifications that can add your certificates details.
Then try to see your weakness, just because you are trying for the tester’s job doesn’t mean that you will have it with the blink of an eye. It is essential to know where you are lacking and the area that you need to work on.
Once, the details are compiled together then comes the template part to give it the proper flow.
Fresher or Experienced Resume Format
Now, you have all the details that are required to set in the resume. You need to move towards the setting up the point that will require proper formatting.
You need to highlight the important point and cover up the weakness in such a way that makes it more attractive. The format that is usually followed by the IT professionals are:
Header – Start with the Name at the top with the e-mail address, address and phone number right below it. These are the main attributions and means of communication for the testers and hence must be visible easily. You can also add a link to some certification or professional network that you are connected with such as LinkedIn profile.
Objective or Career Snapshot – It is a single line that explains everything about you. What you want, where you want to reach and what are your career scope. In order to get into the Software testing jobs, you have to focus on the transition that can be elaborated in this field.
Summary – This part will contain all the details in brief format that can be tabular or bullet point’s form. It will have the certifications, awards, achievements, technologies, etc.
Educational Background – This part will contain the education prospect of an individual. This must have the post-graduation and then graduation details. Move to the 12th and 10th background details. You don’t have to move further, just mention the school name, year and percentage that one achieved in the higher to lower education form.
Professional Background – If you are an experienced individual then it is essential to fill out spacewith the main career and professional background. It must contain the company’s name, role, strength, project, etc. Also, start with a significantpoint or your present working details then move towards your first job. Everything must be in the backward direction.
Project – This is an essential part since it will contain everything that you might have done in your professional life. However, you need to start with the recent project and then move towards the other one as the professional background.
Certifications – It must contain all the certification that you are involved in. However, you don’t have to fake anything since companies can ask for the proof. Hence, it is better,to be honest with the section.
Technical Skills –This section must contain the information about the technical skills that are acquired by the employee. It can while doing the job or some other skill that one might have.
Writing the Project Format
Yes, while you are mentioning the project that you might have done in the professional end, you need to follow a certain pattern to it as well. In the whole details format, there are major headers that you can’t missout.
Project Name
Name of the client or company (optional)
Description of the project in 2-3 sentences that can give us an overview of the whole project.
The environment in which the project was completed that is codinglanguage, tools, etc.
Size of the key
The key responsibilities that are handled by you personally.
Year Gap
Year gap is no longer a frustrating thing in the market. Even the employers understand the reason to have a gap in any profession.
All you need to do is mention why you have a year gap. In the place of the gap, one can mention the freelancing work or certification work that they might have done.
This will only add value to the resume since they will not your hard-working nature. Also, you can try to convince the interviewer later on that it was a valid reason to have a gap such as relocation, maternity, business, holiday, etc.
You must try to cover up everything in a single sheet of paper but if it is not possible then one must put in some of the major snapshots of their career in the first sheet.
Employers don’t actually reach out to the next sheet if there is nothing to hold their attention on the first page.
Hence, make sure to mention all the accomplishment in the single sheet to grab their attention.
It can be in terms of education or certification or maybe the professional background. You can mention the extra details in the second sheet.
Things to keep in Mind
While writing an attractive resume, you need to know that:
Brief and simple resume has more value thanstack up and colourfulresume.
The objective must be clear and not confusing since it will be the first thing an employer notice.
Relevant skills must be highlighted or you can bold them to make sure that employers have a look at them.
No need to add unnecessary information such as Father’s detail, age, weight, etc.
Resume and Curriculum Vitae at the top of the resume are long gone trend.
Software systems are subjected to heavy loads continuously. Google Search is an apt example of such scenarios. But what if such software breaks after a certain time of bearing heavy loads? It can affect large masses of people and can even break their trust in the software. Hence it is very important to ensure that such heavy load software are aggressively tested. To test software for heavy load for over a continuous time, we require soak testing.
What is Soak Testing?
Soak Testing is a type of performance testing where the software under load is tested to validate that it can endure heavy loads for the extended period. Why Should You Perform a Soak Test?
Soak testing is very important and is conducted to recognize and augment possible issues like memory leaks, resource leaks, or deprivation that can happen over time due to constant heavy load over the system.
It is very essential to reduce performance errors and system errors from the system. Soak testing loads the system with a heavy load for a continuous period, hence determining its ability to sustain heavy loads for a long period. This type of testing is important for a website that bears a heavy load for a continuous time frame. Some of such websites are search engines, social media sites, etc. The main Objectives of Soak Testing are:
One of the main objectives of soak testing is to validate software behavior when subjected to heavy loads for a continuous long time.
Another main objective is to predict system failure during heavy load conditions.
Soak testing also validates the performance of the system.
It also validates the system is dependable and steady.
When is Soak Testing done?
Soak testing is a complicated job and is very time-consuming. Hence it should be carried out in a particular time so that no other testing activities are disturbed and the complete software testing process goes on smoothly.
Soak testing is better to be conducted after load testing. Before the build is installed, and it is gone through a series of load tests at high traffic levels. After the accomplishment of load testing, a round of soak testing is done.
Soak testing requires a lot of time to be executed, sometimes the soak tests last for full day and night. Hence soak testing should be performed at a time, when it does not hinder any other testing activity. The weekends are the best times for conducting soak testing, as the testers can execute the soak testing test cases and can let it execute over the weekend.
Concerns in Soak Testing
Soak testing is a time-consuming process; hence keeping in mind the duration of executing its test cases and amount of test data, few considerations has to be taken before executing soak testing. Here are a few considerations for executing soak testing:
How long do you have to execute soak testing, is one major question when considering soak testing. It is very important to decide what time frame you will consider for soak testing. The execution time of soak testing is generally decided by the availability of the system for conducting soak testing and delivery deadlines.
It should be very well considered that each application can execute without any interruptions during the execution of soak testing.
It should include all the scenarios decided during the requirement phase based on customer’s requirements.
The maintenance window time is a major aspect in determining the scope of soak testing.
What are the failures that are detected by Soak Testing?
The soak testing is very important, it helps in validating software for bearing heavy load for continuously long periods. The soak testing helps in the detection of issues like: Memory Leaks:
Soak testing helps in the detection of some of the major issues which can even lead to the system crash. It helps in the detection of serious memory leaks which can not only crash the application or the software but can also crash the complete operating system in which the application runs. Layer Connections Failure:
There is a very close connection between the layers of the software or the system, and defect or failure in these connections can lead to an interruption in the complete module. Soak testing helps us detects any such failures of connections between the layers of the system. Database Connections Failure:
Under some situations, soak testing can also detect database connection failures. These failures can result in crashing of the complete system, and hence detection of such failures is very important, soak testing assists us in the detection of such Database Connections Failure Response Time Degradation:
One of the major issues that heavy loads can lead to is losing the efficiency of the system by increasing the response time. Soak testing helps in the detection of such response time degradations, hence giving the developers a chance to fix this issue to make the system free from any Response Time Degradation issues. Soak Testing Strategy
Strategy plays a very important in software testing. it is equally important in soak testing as well. It is very important to strategize your soak testing efforts before actually executing the soak testing:
Testing Environment:
Setting up of testing environment is one major phase of software testing. It helps analyse the software, hardware, operating system, and database on which the tests have to be performed. In soak testing also creating up of test environment is very important and plays a major role.
Test Scenarios:
Soak testing is a very wide process. It is also very time consuming, hence it becomes very important to plan, analyse, and conclude the test scenarios before executing soak testing test cases. The development team also play a major role in determining test scenarios by letting the testing team know the amount of load that can be adhered on the system.
Test Estimation:
Soak testing as discussed earlier is extensive testing. It requires long hours to execute soak testing test cases. Though, this duration of execution may vary according to the scope of the system and participation of the development team, clients, and more.
Risk Analysis:
The probable risks and issues are analysed to conduct soak testing. Soak testing tools
The list of tools that can execute is pretty long. Mainly the tools used for load testing are also used for soak testing by setting up the load and durations field in the test tools.
Some of the automated testing tools that can assist in soak testing are LoadUI, Apache JMeter, Appvance IQ, WebLOAD, and various plugins on Jenkins and GitHub. Advantages of Soak Testing
Soak testing is very important and has many added advantage in delivering a defect-free system:
It ensures that capabilities of the software system.
Soak testing helps in finding defects that cannot be detected by the performance testing
It helps in making the software system more robust by detecting the defects that can be induced in the software due to continuous heavy load conditions.
It validates the sustainability of software system over a time period.
The soak testing results are used to improve the client-side infrastructure and hardware.
Disadvantages of Soak Testing
Soak testing has many advantages, but as every coin has two sides, soak testing tools has many advantages and few disadvantages. Though these disadvantages do not affect the soak testing test results but are essential to be considered before executing soak testing.
Soak testing is a very time-consuming process and can even take a couple of days and nights to execute it. Such a long process can result in delayed product delivery and hence executing soak testing or not has to be decided based on the time limitations of the project.
Running soak testing manually is a very bad idea as soak testing is a time-consuming task and also requires a large amount of data. Doing it manually can result in wrong test results and hence it is must to execute soak testing using the automated tools.
It is very important to detach live environment from the test environment while executing the soak testing, as any anomaly in executing the soak testing can corrupt the complete live environment resulting in data loss or data corruption permanently.
Determining the extent of soak testing to be performed is very difficult. You can hardly get an idea of how much soak testing has to be performed to give the best results.
Examples of Soak Testing
Search engines are an apt example for soak testing. Search engines are continuously used by millions of people around the world. Search bars keep lying idle for few on their mobile handsets, for few they have some search typed over but are left unattended and few are rigorously searching for information over search engines. These search engines are a must to be tested for soak testing.
The Banking software is continuously tested for load for around 70 hrs to 150 hrs. They are induced with large data and are uninterruptedly tested for long hours.
Similarly, there are many other applications and software that experience heavy loads for long hours. Executing soak testing for them is very important to ensure the utmost safety of the system. Some of this software are social media sites, gaming sites, etc. Conclusion
Soak testing is a type of performance testing that validate that software can tolerate heavy loads continuously for long durations. Although it is very time consuming and requires a large amount of data, it is very important to execute soak testing to ensure the high-end performance of the software system.