Feature Testing: Why is it important before Release?

Feature testing is a necessary process since updates are essential for an app to keep up with time, for monetary benefits and to make the customers feel that the makers of the apps are putting in so much effort.
Apart from bug fixing, the addition of new features is also essential for the survival of any app.
The biggest question here is how to test these new features of an app that has already been tested or not been tested?
interested? go through this blog.
Developing New Feature?
While developing a new feature for your mobile app you need to determine what you are going to develop? The new feature that you will develop should be worth releasing, otherwise, it might mislead users.
You need to come up with a feature according to the app’s user base responds to various elements of the mobile application.
Run various experiments for in-app elements to better understand the missing feature.
How do you test new features?

  • Determine the type of audience the feature caters to. By knowing the right audience you can calibrate your test according to it
  • Release the software with the intended features to a small amount of audience before the actual test
  • Make sure that you are recording the results and categorizing it to the appropriate section. For instance, Order values by departments, average order values, conversion rates, o add to cart rates, hits on the checkout page per department,  etc. Categorization will help in analyzing interaction on various segments of the software
  • Once the software has been validated by a small number of users.  Prepare it for the larger  A/B test.
  • Create a product management system so that feedback can be run through a loop

Why you should do Feature testing?
Before releasing new features that you have developed, it needs testing to determine the impact among the users and application.
To better understand the impact of your feature you need to perform mobile application testing.
Mobile app testing will help you to understand the business impact of this new feature and what improvements should be made before release.
Testing of New Feature
Before releasing a new feature, it has to be tested with real-world test cases.
As the feature will be released among thousands of users, it becomes even more difficult to release an application that is error-free, as every individual is different from another.
Thus, below is some process for testing a new feature for mobile applications.

  • Field Testing

Field Testing becomes an important aspect of testing this new feature and its impact in real-world scenarios.
This test will be carried out by QA testers where they would be using this integrated feature as per the need in the real world.
However, field testing becomes a little difficult to carry out as it requires a large number of dedicated testers to execute field testing effectively and smoothly.
Also, field testing would require a number of devices and their maintenance which increases the cost of testing.
Although, this test may cost more it will provide an excellent overview of your new feature and its acceptance in the real world.

  • Leverage Your Community

 Another option for you to test your new feature in real-world cases is to leverage your community.
You can easily source alpha and beta testers for testing your new integrated feature in the mobile application.
With the help of alpha and beta testers, you will be able to get appropriate feedback from actual users who will be using your new app feature in a real-world scenario.
While sourcing alpha and beta testers may come with risk, it provides an excellent method for exposing bugs to them.
It becomes a reliable method that can be gathered in a form of valuable feedback from actual users and let you do further improvement in your mobile app.

  • Incorporating Your Application

For a more efficient field testing of your new feature, you can also incorporate your integrated mobile application into the daily activities and workflow of your team members.
This will help you to encounter bugs and issues in your new feature naturally by your team.
Not only, it will save some cost for sourcing alpha and beta testers for your test but also it will increase the efficiency to detect any issue in a timely manner and improves it as soon as possible.
You can also use this approach to uncover details such as battery usage, device compatibility, and other environmental factors.

  • Crowd Sourced Testing

 This test will expose the benefits, effectiveness, and efficiency of your application.
To perform Scaling UX and exploratory tests, testers would require enough time to devote to these valuable testing approaches.
Your team would need to use automation tools and services to free up the team’s time which can be utilized for other testing approaches.
Automation tools will enable them to eliminate the effort of testing applications in a repetitive cycle.

  • A/B Testing

A/B testing for your new feature in the mobile application would enable you to observe which versions perform better.
This test will compare your version A app with version B app and checks which one is performing better.
While conducting A/B testing you need to focus on key aspects such as user onboarding, user engagement rate, or user retention.
Making an Announcement of Your New Feature In-App
After completing mobile app testing for your new feature with improvements,
you can now make an announcement to all the users about the addition of the new feature in the application.
Introducing your new feature to the application will be useless if the right users are not aware of it.
To ensure that the right people know about this addition, you need to decide on how you are going to tell users about the new feature.
You can either use real-time context to tell them about the new feature or just make a proper announcement of your new feature before global release.
After achieving all these steps you can successfully release your new feature to your mobile app without any hesitation.
Once, your new feature is live and released globally, you need to get feedback from different users who had just used your new feature.
This will help you to understand the true nature of your new feature. What if people did not use your new feature?
Or did they have any issues?
You can easily get feedback from your users regarding your new feature and make sure to improve them.
After releasing your new feature you can also record the impact and compare it with your testing results to ensure more improvement in testing areas.
Benefits of Feature Testing

  • The environment of the product can be figured out easily
  • Helps in gathering metrics of features and validate it
  • Basic elements of software can be tested
  • Helps in keeping a check on various integration
  • You can check the different configuration of the software product
  • bugs and issues can be found out
  • You can perfect the software and prepare it for success

How to use Selenium for the automation of feature testing?
How It Can Help in Feature Testing?
It depends on the kind of developer you are. If you are a developer who believes in testing all key features after deployment then Selenium Webdriver would be a panacea for you.
But there are many developers who just believe in developing new stuff and not first testing the existing features and then go ahead with building new ones. This would lead to a lot of bugs and the cost incurred with finding a defect would increase in the defect life cycle.

Also Read : 15 Top Selenium WebDriver Commands For Test Automation

So, the strategy should be testing the existing features and then building new stuff. If you are thinking that testing existing new features would consume a lot of time then in that case you can use Selenium Webdriver to cut the time taken to test these features.
In this way your code would be bug-free and costs associated with defects will decrease.
Let’s now prepare the first test with Selenium WebDriver. If you are thinking that you are not a Java Expert; then how would you start writing code and explore. Selenium Webdriver needs minimal use of Java if you want to start with it so don’t worry and go ahead!
Set-Up Needs To Be Done

  • The first thing is to download the Chrome Browser as you will test your code on chrome.
  • Next is to download ChromeDriver from Seleniumhq official site and hence; you can download the chromedriver.exe file in your system.
  • You should have Java installed in your machine and this you can check by opening cmd and fire command “java –version”.
  • You should have Eclipse installed in your machine as it is a perfect IDE to develop the test to check the features.
  • You can now open eclipse and then click on New -> Java Project -> Next -> Give Project Name and Finish
  • Now add Selenium library to your project by first downloading the Jars from Seleniumhq site. Then click on Properties of your project and click on Build Path and then click on “Add External Jars”.
  • After this, you are ready to start with your code. All initial setup is ready.

First Test With Selenium Webdriver To Test Login Feature
For writing code you need to make a class file in your project. For doing that; click on New -> Class -> Next -> Name your Class -> Finish. Now, you can start writing your code in this section. As of now just copy the code below and run it on your local machine.
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
public class Test1 {
static WebDriver webDriver;
public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
// Telling the system where to find the chrome driver
// Open the Chrome browser
webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
// Maximize the browser window
if (testlogin()) {
System.out.println(“Test WordPress Login: Passed”);
} else {
System.out.println(“Test WordPress Login: Failed”);
// Close the browser and WebDriver
private static boolean testlogin() {
try {
// Open google.com
// Type in the username
// Type in the password
// Click the Submit button
// Wait a little bit (7000 milliseconds)
// Check whether the h1 equals “Dashboard”
if (webDriver.findElement(By.tagName(“h1”)).getText()
.equals(“Dashboard”)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// If anything goes wrong, return false.
} catch (final Exception e) {
return false;
Run this you will find Chrome Browser opening up and then testing the login functionality. Let me explain the steps one by one for better understanding.

  • setProperty(“webdriver.chrome.driver”,”C:/PATH/TO/chromedriver.exe”);

This statement is to tell your program where it can find chromedriver.exe file in your local.

  • webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
  • manage().window().maximize();

These commands will open Chromedriver instance and then would maximize the size of the browser.

  • if (testlogin())

This would test if the login feature is properly working or not. If it is not working then “Test failed” would be printed else “Test passed”.

Also Read : 52 Software Tester Interview Questions That can Land You the Job

  • The test login module has tried and catches statements inside it. If everything goes as expected as per you then code in try block would be executed else code in catch would be executed. Suppose when you try to locate an element and it is not present in DOM then it would throw an exception “NOSUCHELEMENTEXCEPTION” and this code in catch block should be executed.
  • In this testlogin function steps are mentioned.

automation testing
These would be hit the URL in the browser and then find username and password fields. With the help of sendKeys you will be able to write to these text boxes.

  • findElement(By.id(“wp-submit”)).click();

With the help of this command you are clicking on submit form.

  • sleep(7000);

This sleep is included in order to follow the test visually. 7000 means 7000 ms that means 7s.

  • Now if the login is successful then the headline of the page should change to “Dashboard” and h1 headline is used only once in every page so you can get it by using tagname h1. You can get the text out of the webelement and then compare it with “Dashboard” to test whether you have successfully login or not. The below code is for that.

if (webDriver.findElement(By.tagName(“h1”)).getText().equals(“Dashboard”))
return true
} else {
return false;

  • You can find the elements using various locators like ID, Name, Xpath, CSS Selector, and Link Text. Mostly you should prefer ID and name when they are not dynamic. Otherwise it is good to go with Xpath and CSS.

Feature testing increases the chances of success and mitigates risk to a great extent.  Do think of it as a setback or baggage, development alone is not the key to software success. You gave to make sure it has what it takes to survive the market.

21 Best Performance Testing Tools

Performance Testing Tools are boon when it comes to the automation of performance testing.  Performance testing will make sure that your software will eventually become.

  • Scalable
  • Stable
  • High-speed loading
  • Improved server response time
  • High in UX (User Experience)

However, there is a multitude of performance testing tools available at the moment. To ease the confusion we have compiled a list of top 20 performance testing tools that are put to use by testers and software testing companies at the moment.
Performance testing flow chart
What is performance testing?
Types of performance testing
Performance testing a life-saving process for both mobile-based apps as well as web apps to determine how they will perform in certain adverse conditions, I,e you can detect bottleneck of any system easily and rectify it.  in short, response time, speed, load issues, scalability, etc. can be found out
Difference between Performance Testing and Load Testing

                     Performance Testing                   Load Testing
Used to find out the performance of the system, Performance in here means reliability, scalability, etc. Load testing is meant to analyze system behavior at an unusual load
The normal load will also be used Relies on high load
Kind of validation technique Can serve as an evaluation technique
Fatal issues that can affect the software can be detected After tweaking, will the software hold? Can be found out


  1. WebLOAD

WebLOAD is a load and performance testing tool specifically designed for web applications.

  • Rated enterprise-grade, the tool is every enterprise’s first choice to complex testing requirements.
  • Flexibility and ease of use are among the two important strengths of the tool.
  • Furthermore, WebLOAD also supports over a hundred technologies from web protocols to enterprise applications.
  • Helps in correlation, response validation, native Java Scripting, parameterization, messaging, and debugging.
  • More than 80 configurable report templates that will help you in root cause analysis
  • It can be used to integrate with other APM tools and open-source software.
  1. StressStimulus

StresStimulus is a strong performance testing tool because it addresses application scenarios that are difficult to test with other tools.


  • StressStimulus records user actions and replays them in order to emulate variable usage patterns. Additionally, it also monitors load impacts and fixes playback errors.
  • Easy to access UI
  • Supports all app platforms
  • Can integrate with web debugging tool Fiddler
  • Complete performance analytics with graphical interpretations, test reports, etc.
  • Load testing can be automated and recorded
  • Recorded test values can be altered using external data
  • Scripting is not required but the option is there
  • Response time, minimum, maximum, network bandwidth, error rate, requests per second, and average values can be graphed along with VU count.
  1. Apache JMeter

Performance Testing Tools
A Java platform application, Apache JMeter can be integrated with the test plan.Though the tool was initially designed for testing just web applications, its scope has been widened recently. Nevertheless, it works only under UNIX and Window OS.

  • Can be used for performance testing of different applications and protocols
  • Exceptional IDE that helps in test plan recording
  • CLI (command-line mode) that will help in loading test from any JAVA compatible OS
  • Data can be extracted through formats like HTML, JSON XML etc.
  • Dynamic HTML report
  • Completely portable
  • Multi-thread feature that allows concurrent sampling
  • Offline analysis of test results
  1. LoadUI Pro

LoadUI Pro made it to this list because it is the best tool that could create scriptless and sophisticated load tests in the shortest time.

  • Detailed reports can be accessed, and load tests automated on Bamboo, Jenkins, TFS, or any other automation frameworks.
  • Moreover, functional tests from SoapUI can be quickly converted into load tests using LoadUI Pro.
  • Can  be used to perform API load testing
  • Provides insight to improve performance
  • The monitors server response to various requests
  • Existing functional test cases be re-used
  • Using remote agents load generators can be created
  • Various types of loads can be simulated
  1. Load View

Performance Testing Tools
Load View is a cloud-based performance testing tools that make use of real browsers to run a performance test on websites as well as web applications.

  • The test results are made available as real-time online graphs. Furthermore, tasks for simple calls to download content as well as a complex interaction that stimulates user interaction can be performed using Load View.
  • 100% cloud platform. Used GCP and AWS
  • Features of the tool make it a perfect fit for DevOps
  • Number of load injector servers can be identified
  • Load servers located at various geographical zones
  1. Rational Performance Tester

The Rational performance tester is the right option for building an efficient error-free cloud computing service.
The tool can be used for both server-based applications and web applications. Developed by IBM, the automated testing tool comes in many versions.

  • As simple as it can get
  • Can be used to create advanced test scenarios
  • Simple test data and sharing
  • The analysis is extensive and easy
  1. NeoLoad

Performance Testing Tools
An innovative performance testing tool, NeoLoad automates test design, maintenance, and analysis for DevOps, as well as agile teams. In order to support performance testing across the life cycle – the tool integrates with continuous delivery pipelines.

  • Dedicated support for all the latest web technologies
  • Supports script less design and visual programming
  • Detects application-specific parameters automatically
  • Transaction list that has been pre-filled for easy recording.
  • Proxy mode and DNS tunnel mode
  • Supports many web security certificates
  • Special features that can be used to  test audio and video
  1. WAPT

WAPT, the abbreviated form of Web Application Performance Tool is a tool designed specifically for websites and internet applications.

  • Other than measuring the performance of web interfaces, it also enables the user to run performance tests under different load conditions and environments.
  • A simple test design approach
  • Easy to understand HTTP requests that can be altered
  • Emulation of such requests is done by spawning multiple sessions
  • Graphical representation of test analysis
  1. HP Performance Tester

performance testing tools
This tool is a performance testing version of Loadrunner. It lowers the cost of distributed load testing and reduces the risks of deploying systems that don’t meet performance requirements. With effective tool utilization tracking, HP Performance Tester predicts the system capacity to lower the hardware and software costs.

  • Can be integrated into development tools
  • Performance bottleneck can be traced out
  • Has in-built Cucumber 4 BDD template
  • Root cause analysis
  1. Load Impact

performance testing tools
This performance testing tool is mainly used in cloud-based services as it aids in website optimization and improving the performance of web applications. It also brings in traffic to the website by stimulating users to determine the amount of stress and load the website can work efficiently at. Furthermore, the system works well on both Windows OS and LINUX.

  • Powerful scripting environment that can help you in creating API test scenarios
  • Test Scenarios can be created based on virtual users
  • Can be integrated into CI-CD pipeline
  1. Silk Performer

Rated enterprise-class, Silk Performer is capable of testing multiple applications in different environments that hold thousands of simultaneous users.
Moreover, the tool also supports a wide array of protocols. Lastly, Controllers or Individual protocols require no License, and it is customer friendly to use.

  • Existing bump tests can be used to accelerate the test cycle
  • A peak load scenario can be created
  • End-to-end diagnostics to detect error from the user perspective
  • Real-world tests and user pattern can be simulated
  1. smartmeter.io

performance testing tools
We had talked about JMeter earlier, and SmartMeter.io is an alternative to it. This tool enables users to perform test scenario creation with scripts and excels in test reporting. GUI tests can be run with real-time results.


  • Embedded browser to create test scenarios within minutes
  • 100% Jmeter compatibility
  • Advanced reporting
  • Can be added easily to CI pipeline
  • Can be used to create virtual users from various geographical locations
  1. LoadComplete

performance testing tools
An easy to use and affordable performance testing tool, LoadComplete creates and executes realistic tests for both web apps and websites. The system requires a 64-bit operating system to work like Windows XP Professional or Windows 7. Furthermore, it also provides detailed reports and metrics which help gain in-depth insights.

  • 60% reduction in the test creation time
  • The load can be created using 1000s of real browsers
  • Real-time VU inspector  and debugger
  • Zephyr and Jira integration for test management
  • Data drive load tests
  1. AppLoader

AppLoader is specifically designed for business applications as it would allow you to test applications by replicating the same user experience from all access points.

  • When a user uses the application, the scripts are generated automatically which can be further edited without coding.
  • Regular updates and strong support is an additional advantage of the AppLoader.
  • An unexpected event can be avoided by Apploaders intelligent engine
  • Triggers alarm if the playback exceeds a certain time
  1. Testing Anywhere

performance testing tools
Testing Anywhere is an automatic tool that works well in the case of websites, web applications, and other objects. The tool is mainly used by developers to find bottlenecks in web applications. Considered powerful, it takes just 5 steps to create a test. The tool is compatible with all versions of Windows OS.

  • One of the best tool when it comes to performance test automation
  • Advanced web recorder
  • Image recognition
  1. Loadster

This desktop-based advanced HTTP testing tool records scripts that are easy to use.

  • In order to validate the response, the scripts can be modified using the GUI.
  • After the execution of the tests, reports are generated for analysis. Loadster system requires a Windows 7/Vista/XP to work on.
  • Dynamic datasets can be bind to the scripts
  • Validators and captures will make sure that the response is coming back to you
  1. QEngine

Also known as ManageEngine, it is a widely used automated testing tool.
These Performance Testing Tools perform remote tests on web services from any geographical location.
Alongside, it also offers other testing options such as functional testing, stress testing, load testing, etc.

  1. CloudTest

CloudTest test websites, APIs, mobile apps and more. The cloud platform could be literally used as a virtual testing lab where developers can carry out tests in a cost-effective way. Though the services are not free and the price differs according to the number of load injectors required, the trial version with a power of 100 concurrent users is still available for free.

  • Used for stress testing websites and apps
  • Rapid test creation without coding
  • Gives you insights on what needs to be done to improve the performance of your website or app
  • Ability to identify and isolate performance bottlenecks
  1. OpenSTA

OpenSTA is the abbreviated form of Open System Testing Architecture. It is a GUI based tool and is believed to be comparatively complex than the other tools present in this list.

  • The results and statistics are taken through a number of tests to carry out the test successfully. Nonetheless, the tool is completely free to use.
  • Record and replay option
  • Results and statistics can be collected during the test run
  • Data logged can be monitored live in between the test
  1. Appvance

Being the first unified test automation platform, this tool erases the redundancies by unifying tests.
21.  Load Ninja
Real user-end performance can be simulated across thousands of browsers with ease. Thanks to Load Ninja
Other features of Load Ninja includes,

  • Record and instant replay options
  • Various metrics to analyze the performance of the software
  • Load tests can be automated and integrated into CI/CD pipeline
  • Apart from load testing, the tool can be used for soak testing as well

Read Also: Top 10 Automation Testing Tools 2019


  • Offers complete integration with Rally, Jenkins, Hudson, Jira, and Bamboo.
  • Reduces cost and allows the team to work together and collaborate.
  • AI-driven
  • Integrates well with CI/CD pipeline

What is Cloud Testing? Why is Cloud Testing Important

Cloud testing uses the environment of cloud computing. For the same reason, the process an save a lot of money and time! Cloud testing will inform you about any problem in the application, network, and infrastructure and will provide you with the solutions to the problems incurred in these areas so that you can smoothly run your application.
Few Issues Which Can Incur If You Don’t Perform Cloud Testing

  •  You will not be able to authenticate your functional system and business prerequisite.
  • Complying with cloud-specific requirements and dealing with issues such as performance, data migration, scalability, and obtain-ability will be impossible
  • Your data may be less secure and can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks.
  • If you use a traditional approach of testing you will have to pay high charges to test the applications in which the numeral of users is erratic, distribution environment is according to the patrons prerequisite. But if you use cloud testing you can test the application over outsized topographical extent at a low price.
  • Without cloud testing, you will not be able to test the services anywhere because they require large hardware setup as they do not have virtualization or thin clients to reduce the hardware setup.
  • You have to install and maintain hardware if you use traditional methods of testing rather than cloud testing. Other testing methods cannot centralize all IT components as you will need to perform maintenance steps individually for each and every IT component.

  • You will not be able to reduce the hardware requirement, location dependencies and implementation using other software testing services, but you can do this using cloud testing services empowering your business to lessen the carbon footprint of its IT structure.
  • In other testing techniques, the scope of applications scalability is restricted to a certain number of users within the network while it is not in the case of cloud testing.
  • If you are shifting your application from a physical server environment to a cloud environment and you do not perform cloud testing then your application will recipe for adversity.
  • If you will not perform stress cloud testing then you will not be able to maintain the efficiency of the application beyond its breaking point and your application will not be able to work under traumatic situations and will not be steady.
  • If you do not perform load cloud testing then your application will not be able to bump into the prerequisite standards and you will not know how your application will retort when there is heavy user traffic.
  • If you do not do performance cloud testing you will not be able to find verges, tailbacks, and restrictions of your application. You will not be able to rouse those users whom you have targeted geographically at a minimal cost.
  • When you deploy an application on the cloud, cloud testing allows you to measure the dormancy amid the action and the analogous reaction of that application, other testing techniques do not offer this service.
  • You will not be able to authenticate applications maintenance effortlessly for numerous browser types and performance in each type without using cloud testing.
  • Compatibility testing will be effortless by generating on-demand illustrations of diverse operating systems without using cloud testing.
  • Other testing technique does not provide on-demand automated service testing, but with cloud testing, you can perform online testing anytime and from anyplace.

These were some of the problems which can occur if you do not perform cloud testing.
Steps for Performing Effective Cloud Testing:

  • First user scenarios are established which have functional intents that users require and the outcome which is expected by the users.
  • After establishing user scenario, test cases are defined for testing and these test cases are grounded on user requirements and are developed by the testers.
  • After defining test cases a suitable cloud service vendor is selected for performing the tests.

  • After choosing the vendor the infrastructure and setup of a cloud server are established and with the support of the service provider, the testing traffic of the web is established.
  • After establishing the infrastructure and setting up the cloud server the testing process is started. Several types of testing liable on the interaction between consumers and suppliers are performed in this step using the test cases.

Many organizations prefer using a licensing model of the cloud to test products and services for clientele through the internet rather than installing tests because Cloud testing as a service is capable of authenticating different products for individuals or administrations.
Cloud testing has five forms i.e. testing inside a cloud, testing the infrastructure and competence, testing over clouds, testing the whole cloud.
Using cloud testing you pay for only the testing service you use. Cloud testing does not cost much and give quality testing service.

Bug Bounty Hunter: A Job That Can Earn You a Fortune!

Bug Bounty Hunter is a job that requires skill. Finding bugs that have already been found will not yield the bounty hunters.
app testing
They must have the eye for finding defects that escaped the eyes or a developer or a normal software tester.
Like the name suggests it’s a work that needs so much of time and patience. If they do, the bounty will be big!
What do they do?
The data/application security wing in big organizations don’t have sufficient time or labor to eliminate every bug from the system, so they contact private contractual workers for assistance.
Organizations like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and numerous more reward bug bounty hunters for reporting security issues in their system. This reward can be in sort of swags, money, or just compliance.
Fundamentally, a bug hunter utilizes his tools to analyze things or break into things, compose a vulnerability report for the organization that has issued the bounty, and hence, get paid for this role.

A few hackers make countless dollars annually as an alternate income simply by hunting the bugs.
Also, there’re different terms for this role – Bug Bounty, Responsible Disclosure, Vulnerability Reward Program, all are the equivalent.
Thus, in short, a bug bounty is employed by companies for reporting security issues, not for development issues like some content is missing or button isn’t working.
The majority of the bug bounty has their range noted.
How to become a skilled Bug Bounty Hunter?
To do it efficiently, you’ll have to know some fundamental coding and computer aptitudes.
Luckily, we have huge lots of incredible resources to help start off the journey, and coding is really simple to educate yourself.
But, in the event that you have no clue what any of this stuff implies as you read on, bug bounty hunting presumably isn’t for you.
And if you understand these skills wells you can start your journey as a bug bounty hunter in three steps as given below –
1. Start Reading:
There are a few must-read books that you can purchase to empower you to learn in the rudiments and basics of bug hunting and penetration testing.
Since bug bounties frequently incorporate site targets, we’ll center on kicking you off with Web Hacking.

Also Read : What Hackers Know About Vulnerability Disclosures

Here is the list of some of the best books to learn bug bounty –

  • The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook
  • OWASP Testing Guide v4
  • The Hacker Playbook 2: Practical Guide to Penetration Testing
  • The Tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Web Applications
  • iOS Application Security
  • The Mobile Application Hacker’s Handbook

Also, one must read tech write-ups, reviews and Proof of Concepts (POC) from different hackers.
You need to comprehend and read from other people who are doing it as bugs are submitted by write-ups so; they will enable you to learn from the perspective of other bug hunters.
In addition, watch tutorials available on YouTube for practical understanding of the task!
2. Practice
As it is said, “practice makes the man perfect”.So, along with reading it’s further vital to ensure that you are likewise understanding and grasping what you learn by far.
Practicing on vulnerable systems and applications is an incredible method to test where your skills stand in the simulated situations.
These will also offer you a perception of what you’ll be running up in reality.
Organizations will frequently have a link anywhere on their site offering bug bounties, however, they can be elusive.
You’re in an ideal situation checking a bounty board where hackers are reading published vulnerability reports and refreshing a functioning list on the regular basis. Like these:

  • HackerOne
  • Vulnerability Lab
  • Bugcrowd
  • Fire Bounty

Additionally, join the hacker’s community to learn from the peers who are happily ready to share their skills and knowledge with the budding bug bounty learners.
3. Begin learning about Bug Bounties Practices:
So, now you’re at the stage where it’s nearly time to begin your bounty hunt venture.
If you discover a bug, ask constantly yourself: what’s the security influence on the application? You can begin hunting and keep in your mind the notion to “find a bug” or you can begin hunting with the notion of “searching the genuine impact”.
The former notion is totally different; the latter notion embraces a bigger perspective.
Keep in mind to never ever stop learning. It’s the most important thing about hacking. Be steadfast. And yes, keep practicing as much you can, in fact, never stop practicing.
What tools Bug Bounty Hunter use?
There are two main tools that a bug hunter could use OWASP Zed Attack Proxy and BurpSuite. OWASP ZAP is an open source.
BurpSuite is commercial software that’s really cool and has an enormous fanbase. Both are very extendible that will be a lot easier to use.
How much Bug Bounty Hunter earns?
A survey conducted by the security biz HackerOne of 1,700 bug bounty hunters from over 195 countries and regions, augmented by the organization’s data on 900 bug bounty reports, has affirmed that white-hat hackers make a median salary that’s 2.7 times that of standard software engineers in their home nations.
Google gave Chrome operating system bug hunters paying them a combined $700,000 in 2012 while Mozilla staked out a $3,000 flat charge for bugs bounty that met its criteria.
Facebook has paid out as much as $20,000 for a single bug bounty report and in 2016, Apple declared rewards that go up to $200,000 for a defect in the iOS secure boot firmware elements.
Bug bounty hunter’s profession is taking off and with that comes tremendous open doors for hackers to earn best prizes for making the internet more secure.
Final thoughts…
Bug bounty hunting needs the most efficient aptitudes in the majority of the software tasks. It’s difficult, yet it’s amazingly compensating when done precisely.
Like code writing, remember that it takes constancy, determination, and a plenty of feedback to be called a successful and proficient bug bounty hunter.
One has to think out of the box ideas and do their absolute best.
As a Bug hunter you generally gain understanding, learning and your skills take further steps.
Look out at bug bounty role in such a manner and keep your inspiration up every day.
Thus, when you do bug bounty hunting, being happy is as important as having the right skills! Remember to enjoy your role!

Also Read: Top 10 iOS App Testing Companies In India

12 Software Testing Conferences You Should Not Avoid in 2019

Several questions surface when people hear about a Software Testing Conference.
Some of the obvious ones are listed below

  • How can the conference benefit you and your career goals?
  • Is it going to be like those boring lectures that will go for around 4 long days? How will I keep my eyes open during the session and prevent my mind from falling asleep?
  • Is it going to be an exhilarating one?
  • How will it add value to my career?

Being dubious can be one of the reason. Some will say that tare sometimes times awfully boring. However, excuses are not an option for these 12 awesome conferences.
Before we jump into the list. let’s have an idea about the essentiality of such conferences.
Why attend the Software Testing Conference?

  • It is a great chance for you to complete your goals on a professional
  • You will get a new idea by allowing to brainstorm your mind. It will give you an opportunity to come up with something more innovative and improved form of an existing process. Also, it is possible that you might solve an ever-going process.
  • It helps you to get in touch with the latest advancement in technology or new evolution that you might be unaware about.
  • A software tester gets ample opportunity to test their techniques and skills for testing.
  • It is a chance for tested to interact and get in touch with leading personalities. Also, it is a great platform to enhance the networking on the professional end.
  • It is a platform where a person can get recognition
  • It is a great platform to exchange thoughts, experience, ideas and even learning something from others.

Received a Conference opportunity? Get the list checked beforehand
Throughout the year, almost every month, there are so many software testing conferences that take place.
However, before you get your registration done or even plan on going to one such conference, you need to make sure that the conference is the right one for you as an organization and individual.
So, out these points before you pack your bags;

  • Do your homework and understand what the conference is all about from the respective website.
  • Check on all the details related to the conference including schedule, topics, programs, ideas, etc. You need to know that fundamental of the conference before you get started with the registration process. In addition to this, it is possible that the conference will need pre-requisites.
  • Know your speaker and what they are known for. What are their inventions or finding?
  • Is the venue feasible enough to stay and have a comfortable conference?

Once these points are cleared, then get started with your conference registration on the respective website itself.
Software Testing Conference 2019
If you are looking for the latest Software Testing conference list to attend in 2019, then here it is.

  1. January 15-18 2019, Software Quality Days, Vienna, Austria

The conference is about the challenges and complexities of the testing domains.
This fabulous competition mainly focuses on cloud-based applications.
The minimal cost of the conference is $776 which will be attended by developers, managers, software testers, etc. to add some latest services and tools.

  1. February 4-6 2019, AutomationGuild Online Conference

This is an online conference that will cost $197 for a single person. This whole conference will move around the automation testing conference.
On top of that, there is no restriction for the person who wants to attend the conference.
You can attend the free and can attain an opportunity for a lifetime access.

  1. March 11-12 2019, UK STAR Software Testing Conference, London

The conference is said to be annual.
However, this international conference has a specific motto to solve the diverse issue that is surrounding the testing world.
In addition to this, even developers can get a lot of help from this conference.

Video Courtesy: Eurostar Testing Conference

  1. April 28 – May 3, 2019, STAREAST Software Testing Conference, Orlando, Florida

The event will take place in Florida at a minimal price of $2895 that will cover exploratory testing, security testing, testing strategy, etc.
It is a great opportunity to get in touch with many quality engineers, test managers, developers, software testes that will get indulge in strategies and techniques.

  1. May 29-31 2019, Nordic Testing Days (NTD), Tallinn, Estonia

The registration of this event is already closed and the waiting list is also almost full.
However, if you still wish to get in waiting list then simply send an email with a request to registration@nordictestingdays.eu.The conference will educate tester about the strengths of this field along with the community.
Since registration is closed, the event will be attended by topmost software testers that have years of experience.
They will be joined in by some fresher’s that are starting their career in testing.
It is all about sharing experience and knowledge including the failure and success story to inspire fresh minds.

  1. June 12-14 2019, Romanian Testing Conference, Grand Hotel Italia, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The conference is covering many topics that are related to the challenges, experience, ideas, strategies, techniques, and development of a software.
The new implementation in the testing world will also take place at the conference.
Along with this, everyone is free to send out a video with their experience on it. There is Google form option available for sharing entries.

  1. May 23-24 2019, TestBash, Utrecht, Netherlands

The details of the tickets are not available anywhere.
In case, an individual is interested to enroll their name for the conference then they have to get in touch with them.
The whole aim of the conference is set on the software testing that including different modules.
This event will be attended by many managers, developers, designers, testers, etc.

  1. April 23-25 2019, SauceCon, Austin

The conference is set out for a total of two days along with a workshop.
The entire focus of the event will be on different topics such as advanced selenium, automation testing, mobile application testing, and parallel testing.
There are many other topics covered by the people. Many experts of automation testing will join in the event to improve their knowledge and skills about the automation testing.
It is the chance to join in with them to improve the skills and learn.

  1. April 18-19 2019, SelenlumConf, Funabori, Tokyo, Japan

This whole conference is based on the inspiration lectures and workshops in which Selenium training will be presented in detail.
The conference will be graced by the top automation professionals that will meet the testers of the community in an active manner.
However, the details on the ticket are not out yet so you must visit the site for more updates.

  1. April 3, 2019, TestBash Essentials, Utrecht, Brighton, England

The short conference is the main one that will allow the professionals to share their experience, ideas, and knowledge with others.
This whole conference will be attended by the testers, developers, managers, and designers that will focus on the testing knowledge that will be shared by finest minds.
However, no expert will be available at the conference.

  1. 28th Feb-1st March 2019, Testing in Context Conference Australia (TiCCA), Melbourne, Australia

The active community is not the focused part of a conference every day.
In Melbourne, the conference that will be attended by students, managers, software testers, researchers, developers, practitioners, scholars, and the list goes on.
However, the main motto of this whole conference is to give an opportunity to every single individual to learn different things by interacting with other and share ideas.

You never know who will leave you inspired for a lifelong.

  1. February 14-15 2019, European Testing Conference, Valencia, Spain

The event will take place in the mid of February with the price of $984.
This conference is targeting the art of testing. It is a huge opportunity to listen to the practitioners and experts on what makes them different and known.
On top of that, there will be professionals joining in the conference that gives an opportunity to get in touch and learn more about the technical field.
Then, there will be the testing practices that allow testing a certain module. It is a chance to see how programmers and testers visualize things.