6 Factors You Should Consider When Choosing a Software Testing Services Company

There are a variety of quality assurance companies cropping up around the world. You have plenty of available options to test your mobile app or other software. So, you might be naturally confused to make a choice for your project. Here are a few tips to help you out.


First of all, see if the software testing services company you are looking at is a specialized team of testers with both experienced and skilled testers. There are lots of companies which do testing as a make-shift business. Their developers might double up as testers. Which is not an ideal scenario.

app testing

You can look at the client list and see if the agency has worked with businesses similar to yours. A specialized QA company will have a bankable clientele who can vouch for them. So, if possible, try to contact couple of their previous clients.

Such companies would also incorporate a variety of testing options with both manual and automation methods

Read Also : 4 Smart Ideas to Get the Best from Your Software Testing Service Team

Testing Platform

It is quite important that you understand which testing platform quality assurance recruitment agencies employ. Some agencies vary their testing platforms according to your application requirements. There are also a number of services that make use of cloud environment to ensure secure and easily accessible testing environment.

Early Release Testing Options

In certain cases, testers get used to the software they test so much that they do not see a number of defects any longer. In such cases, beta testing or other early release testing options on the web would ensure that your consumers get the best software. Employing beta users to report on bugs is also a low-cost method of testing for testing services companies


Whichever business you are working in, communication is significantly important. Clear, on-time communication means they get a clear idea of your test objectives. One easy way to identify such companies is by looking at their clientele. If they have numerous long-term clients, they are clearly good at communication. Also, they are definitely providing good testing service.

Recommended Read : 10 Must-have Tools for Software Testing Services

Business Aspects

What are the types of business models your vendor offers and does any of them suit your work requirements? Also, see if the company capable of managing sudden and dynamic technology changes. If they require team resizing, can your QA company handle it efficiently?

automation testing

And above all, check if their management style suits your working style. If they are a company with CMMI Level 5 certification, and your company is not, there is a high probability of frequent communication issues.

Information Security

Your business software or app might have unique features that make it special. So, you should be protected against the leakage of protected data with proper documents. There should be essential non-disclosure agreements signed-off between you and the software testing services company.

Having highly secure premises are an added advantage as it will provide additional security to your valuable data.

Software Testing – How testbytes can help you (video)

Yearly, millions of dollars are saved by the implementation of software Testing. Comprehensive testing helps improve the overall quality of software by finding bugs.

Testbytes provides testing the way you want it to be – precise and comprehensive. Here is a video which showcases what Testbytes can offer you.
From this video you can clearly get an idea on the services provided by testbytes in the field of software testing. It throws light on several issues you may face as a software developer, which mounts due to lack of testing. In the video you can also see a couple of high-impact incidents from the recent past, where the absence of a testing protocol have culminated to give disastrous outcomes.
Watch the video below:

testbytes is a community of software testers who work with the goal of testing software. They help to create an in-depth understanding of the applications under test and include software testing strategies that deliver quantifiable results. They have helped development teams deliver best quality software on time.