Why Ignoring iPhone App Testing Services Will Cost You Time and Sales

These days, iPhone applications are gaining popularity and there are several businesses that are showing their interest in these applications. Businesses with unique ideas have their own unique requirements. Therefore, development of iPhone applications must take into account all these diverse requirements without affecting performance.

app testing

To ensure that these applications are bug-free and are able to fulfill these diverse requirements, you must perform a thorough testing of these applications and provide your user with the best user experience and optimum application performance.

This is the point at which you must have a good experienced QA team who have expertise in testing iPhone apps and are able to raise quality assurance issues. It is a daunting task to get approval of your iPhone app from Apple store if you do not have qualified iPhone app testers. Therefore, it is essential to have qualified and experienced iPhone app testers, without whom it is difficult for your app to get a place in Apple store.

During the iPhone app development life cycle, it is essential to test the app at each phase of the development process to ensure that it is bug-free and provides the best user experience to its users.

iPhone app testing services offer full proof testing of iPhone apps. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you must hire an iPhone app testing service provider before launching your app in Apple store. These testing services follow the best testing strategies and practices to ensure quality output and need least updates for your app after it gets published.

If an iPhone app is not tested properly, this has direct impact on time and sales. Today, smartphones are used by almost every end-user segment. It has become a part and parcel of our daily lives. Most users now prefer to buy products online by browsing different products and placing orders directly using the app.

Further, sales through apps are estimated to go high especially during holidays. Apps enable users to place orders even when the users are on the go.

Using apps, you can increase sales by sending push notification to users in order to promote a product or to notify the customers about latest offers, deals, or discounts. These apps act as promotional channel to market your products. Further, your mobile app will help users to post a link about your business on their social networking sites. This further helps to drive sales. If your business is a restaurant business then through your app, reservations can be made. This will help in boosting sales.

Similarly, page loading time also affects the sales tremendously. Your page loading time defines the kind of user experience you are providing to your user. Mobile users are more concerned about speed rather than the look and feel of your app. If takes too much time to load a page, users tend to quickly lose interest in your app.

The page loading time plays a key role in terms of search engine rankings. A mobile user usually does not have the patience to wait for a page to load.

When the page response time is slow, this contributes to page abandonment. So what are the problems that a user faces when using a shopping app? The app crashes or encounters an error, formatting problems that lead to difficulty in reading, failing to function as expected and slow loading of a website through an app.


Therefore, when a bug is encountered using an app, the user will find it difficult to place a sales order resulting in diminished sales. Further, due to a bad user experience, the user will not think of using the same app to purchase a product. He or she will go for a better shopping app. So, here you not only lose an existing customer base but also lose future sales.

A well-qualified testing team will ensure that the iPhone app launched in Apple store is completely bug-free and provides a great user experience. This will ultimately drive sales and will save you the time to fix the bugs later on when the app is about to be launched in Apple store.

8 Tips for Successful iPhone App Testing

There is a popular belief that iPhone app testing is a lot simpler than testing for android because you’ve got to test it only for Apple devices. Well, don’t be so sure. First of all, it should be noted that several parameters are a must test for every app, be it iOS or android. Consider the following scenarios:
End user experience- This ensures your app is user-friendly. Key areas tested includes usability, GUI, localization, reliability, scalability etc.
Hardware- The different phases under this testing focus on discovering hardware issues such as compatibility, interoperability, battery consumption, memory consumption etc.
Application adaptability- Locates application issues related to multitasking, portability, architecture, memory allocation, environmental interaction etc.
Network and communication- Tracks down issues from security vulnerabilities, synchronization etc.
mobile app
The above-mentioned factors are methodically tested for each and every application developed to ensure its success. Here are some useful tips for iPhone app testing that helps you to confidently release your apps.

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1. Checking Memory Availability
App crashing due to low memory availability is a commonly witnessed problem. When there is an app crash that is not reproducible on re-launching, you have every reason to believe that it may be due to unavailability of ample memory. So, in order to save yourself from getting stuck into avoidable bottlenecks, you should keep it a best practice to always check and report your memory status while testing.
There are several tools available for calculating free memory. If the crash is caused due to a memory related issue, the problem will vanish when there is plenty of available memory.
2. Testing under Low Memory Conditions has Additional Benefits
It is a clever idea that you test your app under low memory conditions. By this way you can reveal the potential threats that may come up to cause you problems in real world scenarios. Apple’s recommended way of testing your app’s behavior under low memory conditions is by running apps like Safari, iPod and Mail that is already programmed to run in the background.
3. Check the Crash Report Log
Every time an app freezes, a crash file is created in your iPhone. This data is valuable for iPhone app testing. It helps testers to diagnose the real issue as it contains information on app performance prior to crash. The crash log can be obtained by syncing your iPhone with iTunes.
4. Run Simultaneously with Background Apps
With exceptions for Apple’s featured apps such as Safari, Music and Mail, third party apps can’t function simultaneously in the iPhone environment. So outside apps should be tested for multi-functioning. It should be tested to handle interrupters such as reminders and push notifications. Also, activities like receiving calls and playing music in iTunes should not affect the behavior of the running application.
5. Make use of Screenshots
In the case of a GUI bug, there is no better way of documenting it than capturing the real issue with the help of iPhone’s built-in screen capture option. Following this way can help a developer in getting a clear picture of the actual problem, as the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

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6. Boundary Value Analysis with Data Input
It could be actually surprising for you to hear that text inputs can discover bugs. Yes, it actually works! In boundary value analysis, a maximum number of text characters or error values are supplied into each text field. This would make application errors if there are any unseen bugs present.
7. Testing Connectivity Problems
The behavior of apps that need internet usage should be tested for issues due to connectivity problems such as slow connectivity, and internet unavailability. This connectivity issues can be artificially created by turning airplane mode on, using a low-speed internet connection etc.
app testing
8. Monitor App info from the Console Activity Log
To debug problems in real time, you can analyze the console output since the latest crash logs and warnings from your apps are saved in all your Apple devices. The console log can be retrieved by using the iPhone configuration utility.