Step-By-Step Implementation of App Performance Test

Mobile Technology is changing the way individuals utilize their smartphones. In spite of the fact that demand is most elevated for consumer applications, enterprise applications are developing as well, enabling organizations to work all the more productively. Testing apps indicate to guarantee that it is running appropriately, it meets its every particular necessity and gives fabulous user experiences.

This may sound troublesome – particularly when there are bazillion diverse gadget configurations where the app must run adequately.

When you consider that noteworthy bit of Google Play and App Store incomes are produced by apps, there is an imperative need to perform mobile app test on as many mobile apps could be expected.

Mobile App Performance Testing Strategies

  • Very much characterized strategy for the end to end performance testing of mobile apps.
  • On device execution (content rendering), server performance (content delivery), and, network reliance.
  • Advanced mobile performance test lab to simulate real-world network conditions.
  • On-demand cloud-based mobile application security testing platform to deliver comprehensive mobile security testing.

Process of Mobile Performance Testing

1. Device Performance

What amount of time does the application take to start? It is the principal performance parameter decreed by the client. After the user clicks on the application the main screen ought to appear in 1-2 seconds as a standard. It should be checked whether an applicationrunning in the background persists in the similar form from it was previously recovered. When this situation isn’t managed appropriately, the data can get lost.

Also, it is obligatory to check applications on various devices. It may come out that application is working smoothly on one device however not on other. Like its working on for Android devices on iOS devices.

Additionally, there ought to be no interference while running it with other apps which could be checked by switching other apps with the testing app.

Thus, these elements must be controlled before releasing the application to the market or providing to the customer.

2. Client Application Performance

This framework part has two factors; native versus browser application, combined with the device’s own particular software and hardware setup.

For the device’s setup, we acknowledge the ordinary variations of model, memory, and processor and its acceptance of those resources when performing standard user situations. The application must be tested with various specifications or RAM and processor such as 1 GB or 2 GB.

By implementing certain functionalities in the application, the memory utilization additionally increments. So, when Testing an application, the memory utilization by an application ought to be checked.

Let’s See a Video Representation about How to Test Performance of Your Mobile App in 20 Minutes

For mobile, we consider a local app still as a client in the event that it requires remote access to a server application. The native app is now and then utilized for a better security, presentation, and more adaptable setup instead of a browser-based application.

Mobile browser-based app performance is normally reliant on the performance of server and network application. The performance is frequently slower accordingly and prompts a lessened user experience. Also, a few browsers may have higher execution than others as there’s no rule.

For a native mobile app, the client’s view of execution can be updated relying upon the amount of the app and its data remains on the server application versus the local device.

3. Server/API Performance

Your server application additionally should have the capacity to perceive the browser/device combination so as to render accurately.

Checking the server performance is like estimating site or web application performance where we have to break down our analysis into the parts of the server that are giving the administrations incorporating the application server, database, and related hardware.

The application should control the data productively that is sent from the server. It must not require excessive time while loading information. In certain applications, data is sent in a predefined format. So, before showing it in the application, it ought to be changed to a significant format. In this process, applications sometimes turn out to be slower and response time turns out to be longer.

Also Read : Mobile App Security Testing Checklist Every Developer Must Have

Likewise, the number of calls the testing app to the server created from the application ought to be less.

In case, the server is down or inaccessible we can save information in the local database. In this way, at whenever the server is down, we can demonstrate data stored in the local database. The backup/failover server must be in persistent replication and synchronization with the principal server.

4. Network Performance

The app may perform uniquely on different networks as network protocols affect delays and throughput. The application must be tested on all different networks with variable speed. The application ought to be checked on 2.5G, 3G, and 4G networks. Both mobile and Wi-Fi networks are incorporated into this.

Additionally, the operation of the application must be checked when both the networks are accessible and switching happened from one network to the next. Latency is reliant on the app in how effective it is in its transmission technique algorithms, and the quantity of information transmitted too (frequently called payload).


If there is a delay in accepting data on the network, at such point, it’s named as jitters. It is an issue with the packet switch networks or connectionless networks. As the data is dispersed into packets, they can go by a divergent way from the sender to the recipient. As the information reaches the expected location, it ends up mixed than it was initially sent. On account of Jitters, the mobile application ought to be sufficiently capable to control it.

You have to Show the suitable warnings to the end user, either to wait till the system responds again or resend the demand.


Due to consistently developing demand for mobile applications, leaders are concentrating on making mobile app performance testing strategies before implementing the app for their clients. It is essential to building an application with all functionalities and features required by the client and which is valuable to the application user. However, it is considerably more basic to have a thorough mobile performance testing plan before the application is launched.

11 Guidelines for Mobile App Performance Testing

Performance testing services is done to provide information about apps regarding speed, stability, reliability and scalability. It also determines speed & degradation of systems with different configurations under both controlled and uncontrolled standards.  More importantly, it unfolds what needs to be improved within an app before the product is launched in the market.

The General Guidelines for Performance Testing
The methodology for software performance testing can vary in different steps, but the objective of the whole process remains the same. The following are the list of general guidelines for performance testing of mobile apps:
1) Plan for Test: Once we are ready for a test, we need to have a proper planning and check for available resources. The performance test plan should describe the overall strategy for testing the complete mobile app.
2) Identification of Testing Environment: While testing, it is important to identify the software, hardware, tools and network configurations. This will allow the design and development team to identify the performance test errors at an early stage.
Different types of testing environment:
a) Replica of production system
b) Actual production system
c) Production system with less number of servers of low specifications
d) Production system with less number of servers of same specifications
3) Define Necessary Formats for Displaying System Usage: Necessary formats need to be defined for measuring the performance of an application. Some of the possible formats are:

  • Task Distribution Diagram: This gives information on the number of users for a particular process and the time taken to load. The peak and off usages are determined through this.
  • Transaction Profile Sheet: This provides information about the transaction names, a summary of a number of transactions at a particular point of time, screen navigation, etc.
  • User Profile Diagram: This depicts the user load time and pages accessed by the users

4) Deciding what to test first: The following are some criteria for decision-making about which process to be tested first. It is a very important step as it guides the total performance testing process.
·         Processes having the highest business risks are tested
·         Processes that are most frequently used are tested
·         Applications’ peak usage hours of the day are analysed
·         Peak days of the month, quarter, and year
·         Processes that are linked
·         Processes which are resource intensive
5) Documenting: The purpose of documenting the process is to obtain information necessary to create virtual users such as:
·         User Actions
·         Expected results of each action
·         Input data fields
·         Valid data for input
Identifying these properties shall give a clear scope of performance test against each user action.

6) Establish which data to use: Before starting, it’s important to establish the data to be used. Any real-time data can also be imported from the development servers and the same is used to analyse results and reports.
7) Define what resources are to be tested: Performance testing involves defining the resources that are involved in testing. This includes app servers like WebSphere,  Weblogic, Tomcat, IIS Server; database server like DB2, Oracle and network resources. These resources form the total system and therefore defining them is critical.
8) Performance testing should be done after functional testing: There is no question of doing performance testing when functional testing is not done. Functional testing confirms the working of the system as expected with all aspects of the UI, multilingual navigation, navigation between pages and off-site, etc.
9) Done at the time of system-testing phase: System testing is a phase of software testing in which the complete system is tested. So, performance testing should be taken up during system testing phase only.
10) Tools should be identified: There are plenty of tools available for doing performance testing. But, we need to identify tools that may be useful for system testing.
11) Execution and Communicating Results: Once the performance testing is completed, we need to summarize the findings and test results. Later, it is distributed to respective resource owners for making corrections if any.
Once the corrective measures/fixes are done, the entire tests need to be repeated and the final summary report is taken.
While an inclusive performance testing strategy will continue to kill bugs for all tech innovations, this will certainly help you to bring the best out of your testing efforts. With perspectives and tools emerging each day, testers need to leverage on this testing mechanism for their mobile app testing services.