7 Important Tips for Successful QA Outsourcing

Regular Quality Assurance of a product is a useful solution for detecting small bugs before they lead to severe issues.

Frequently, an in-house team might not have sufficient time or assets fundamental for complete QA testing process, driving numerous organizations rather outsource this task.

The Benefits of QA Testing Outsourcing

To begin with, you should know the benefits of outsourcing QA requirements, so that you can without much of difficulty can settle on a smart choice for your product testing necessities.
Because of the simplicity of assigning the QA workload and cost-adequacy, outsourcing QA administrations have turned out to be very influential.
Here are some essential advantages that QA outsourcing team can return to your business –

  • It saves your costs from investing in resources that you would have generally put into obtaining extra hardware and software.
  • QA outsourcing service providers guarantee your venture gets full coverage with the most exceptional testing tools.
  • Outsourcing helps in limiting the endeavors of the management.
  • It diminishes the general time period of the software development cycle. Thus, giving adequate time to market.
  • It can offer you the chance to get services of the fantastic outside aptitude and talent.
  • The final product delivered will be high in quality with the top-grade functions.

But before trusting the nature of basic software with one of the QA testing outsourcing agencies, the organization must consider some elements of QA vendor. So, with this post, we will tell you 7principles for successful QA outsourcing service to accomplish the ideal outcomes.

Know More: QA Career Path: What You Need to Know!


Study the organization’s portfolio as far as possible like its mission, vision, goals, involvement, and existing client. The organization ought to be settled in the outsourcing world and have decent compatibility in the industry.
You need to have a check on three factors to understand their capabilities:

  • References:

Obviously, you’ll put the proper effort of checking the references that the service provider shows to you, yet go past that and glance around.
Which QA outsourcing service providers are gaining progress in the business? Check market analysis and analyst reports? You will get a more transparent image of your imminent outsourcing company’s position and share in the overall industry.
When you get positive references, try to give accomplices opportunities on smaller undertakings first and afterward increment the range of responsibility as you develop trust.

  • Industry expertise:

Every industry space has its one of a kind business processes, so getting testers who have never served in your industry vertical will just back off your testing endeavors.
On the other side, a group of QA experts who see how your business functions not exclusively will add proficiency to testing, yet additionally can support in centering your quality endeavors on guaranteeing that the regions with the most top level of business impression get the most noteworthy testing preference.

  • Strong technical skills:

Proficient QAs give excellent testing administrations because they additionally have a certain engagement in software development. Thinking about various development levels and remaining mindful of different subtleties, they effectively develop automated tests.
Furthermore, the most talented software testers are ISTQB/CTAL/CTFL certified that proves their skill in testing technologies and methods which are compliant to industry norms.

Engagement models

Amongst the essential choices to make when outsourcing QA tasks are choosing an engagement model. A few variables go into this thought, covering -choosing the geological area, features of global business policy, understanding the landscape and settling on the outsourcing methodology.
The fundamental part of this determination is whether you’ll execute total outsourcing or incremental outsourcing.
Incremental outsourcing strategy enables you to relieve your risk by separating work into little, progressively reasonable tasks. Total outsourcing includes re-appropriating various ventures and projects to a company.

Sign a General Service Level Agreement

It is the agreement signed between the client and the service provider which characterizes the result anticipated from the QA outsourcing company.
A service-level agreement (SLA) ought to never be disregarded when you need your outsourcing partnership for software testing. An SLA secures the two parties. Further, it gives a nitty-gritty layout of venture particulars and due dates while tending to different problems that may emerge while testing.
At each level of testing, there ought to be clear standards and rules, as a general blueprint of your venture might be excessively dubious and can prompt miscommunication.
Some key rules to have in your SLA are –

  • Product quality measures including test case performance, test plan quality, defect detailing quality, traceability, and so forth.
  • Project management and reporting schedules
  • Knowledge exchange
  • Procedure compliance

Adaptability and Security

An outsourced QA staff needs to manage out of the blue changing necessities, testing plan changes, regression errors, missing testing records that are to be reproduced. An accomplished service provider has their skill and best practices to work in this continually evolving condition.

Plus, they should be sufficiently flexible to satisfy your particular internal procedures and principles.
Their testing system likewise should be adaptable to address the present undertaking’s issues and to adjust automated, and manual testing endeavors as presented automation can reduce the testing time and spending plan while various testing types better stay manual not to negotiate the testing quality.
Securing data is vital from a business point of view. QA outsourcing companies have data security strategies and norms. Numerous companies get their committed staff to work in an Offshore Development Center (ODC) where the group just work for a specific customer venture locale.
The entrance of any outer staff is limited in ODCs. ODCs likewise limit the utilization of cameras, mobile devices, storage gadgets like pen drives, and so forth.

Coordinate your staff with an outsourcing staff

Development and testing arrangement is amongst the most critical issues in QA outsourcing.
Frequently, outside testing groups need to deal with the hesitance of in-staff development team to communicate freely and openly. The absence of communication may result in poor comprehension of product prerequisites, vague bug reports, late changes of a testing plan, and, therefore, missed iteration objectives and due dates.
Along these lines, the allocated QA team needs to convince the developers that the best way to make an easily working arrangement infers collaboration and common comprehension, settle on a convenient communication means to make on-going participation between groups less difficult and speedier.
Further, as we discussed above that proper interaction is a key to coordination between in-house staff and QA outsourcing team so, communication skills become a priority too.
So, when contacting a potential QA service provider, consider the quality of communication that they provide. Things like their spoken and written English skills, their perception of your business aims and strategies, the speed at which they are ready to respond to your requests, the significance of their answers, and so forth matter here.
Another vital viewpoint is the potential to reach the right individual in the organization when required. It ought to be reasonably simple for you to reach the right responsible individual. It will make sure that any connection bottlenecks can be dodged throughout the project accomplishment.

Keep outsourcing team concentrated on QA

Outsourcing service providers who are testing for quality must only be undertaken for duties identified with quality assurance. Having the outsourcing collaboration on developing code can be counterproductive when they additionally need to test the code. Partial testing is bound to happen when engineers are normally increasingly reluctant to underline their own irregularities.
In case that an unbiased team is outsourced for QA testing, their testing strategies will seek the fundamental protocols that guarantee quality. At the point when QA outsourced testers are meticulous and report all faulty codes and bugs, little issues can be corrected instantly preceding they turn out to be costly errors.

Know More: How To Get a Job in QA Testing Company? Traits and Techniques

Frequently evaluate the outsourcing service provider

Evaluating a QA outsourcing service provider all the time guarantees that your organization achieves what you’ve aimedfor your product.
Your QA outsourcing agency assessment is to incorporate the most pertinent execution and pricing criteria. With these assessments, you can comprehend the company’s current position, choose whether to look for some other agency or discover possible outcomes to upgrade your current partnership.
You have to evaluate testing documentation minimum once per month. You additionally need to give the QA team standard review, distinguish hidden inefficient actions and cost drivers, adjust your business systems with the outsourcing company’s and reveal the underlying drivers of testing process entanglements.
If several bugs are missed or vaguely reported, your QA manager ought to give the vendor the necessary review for them to wipe out the genuine cause behind these flaws.
Final words…
The QA outsourcing service revolution has turned into a vital part of present-day IT organizations. The principal purpose of outsourcing QA services is to obtain upgraded quality at a moderate cost as well as allow the organization to concentrate on its main business operations.
app testing
When you comprehend that outsourcing QA vendor is reasonable for your organization, make certain to develop effective mutual collaboration with a certified QA testing vendor since such a methodology will undoubtedly present you plenty of benefits.

15 Points To Consider While Hiring a Software Testing Company

Why do we test something? Well to see if the ‘something’ in question is up to the mark or not. The same applies for software which before launching in the market is necessary to test. This is in order to ensure its functioning, accuracy and simplicity of the system.
app testing
Software developing companies hire software testing companies like any other outsourcing service as they are experts in ensuring that a software system runs flawlessly and measures up to all the essential quality criteria put into place. But what is the criteria, based on which we hire a software testing company?
We shall discuss this in the following sections. But first let us understand, what is software testing?
Software Testing:-
It is an investigation which is conducted to provide information about the quality of the software. It is done to assure that the software is working as expected.
There are two ways of doing software testing:-
Black box software testing done by professional testers qualified for the job.
White box software testing done by non-technical end-users.
 Software Testing Company:-
It is an organization that conducts software testing for different companies or business entities.
So now, in the following section, we will discuss the points that should be considered while hiring a software testing company.
1. Experience:-
It is one of the most important aspects that should be considered while hiring a software testing company. you should check whether the company has any experience in software testing or not. To do so, you can check or read their portfolio and by going through their past experiences. Some parameters on which you can rate the company’s experience are Parameters of coding, usability, the performance delivered, design and marketing, load balancing capabilities etc.
2. Qualification:-
However qualification plays a vital role in selecting the software testing company, but it is not necessary that a more qualified outsourcing company will give you the better result. The things that matter is the innovative ideas, the capability of the team and of course the qualification as well. So, before hiring a company the criteria of qualification is also need to be considered. You should give your project to the company who have a team of well-qualified professionals.
3. Coding Standards & Framework:-
Before hiring a software testing company you should assure that the company and the team should have a sound knowledge of programming language and tools related to software testing. The company having the more structured framework and an organized coding system will have the better code maintainability compared to others.
4. The Extent of Service:-
It is another important point that needs to be considered before hiring a software testing company. It is very important to see the extension or the scope of the services rendered by the company as it will help you in the long run. You should assure that the company is providing you with all the steps of software development lifecycle.
5. Team Location:-
It is another important question that comes to the mind while selecting a software testing company. The question is whether you should choose an offshore company or a company in the same country?
The overseas company can provide you the high-quality service but at the same time, there can be an issue of communication barriers, language issue, cultural differences etc. So, if you are choosing an international company, make sure that they are able to beat these barriers.
6. Service Level Agreement:-
It is an agreement or a contract signed between both the parties i.e. the service provider and the client. the SLAs defines the output expected from the service provider. It is very important to define the SLAs between both the parties to ensure 100% alignment of goals settled between both the parties.
Some key points that your SLA must have are:-

  • Knowledge transfer
  • core business know-how
  • Process compliance
  • Timelines of reporting and project management
  • Quality measures etc.

7. Flexibility and Scalability:-
There should be flexibility in the services provided by the software testing company or an outsourcing company. It should be decided by examining the factors such as modifiability, ease of exit, robustness,  new capability etc. Outsourcing contracts demand a degree of mouldability to ensure that the timescale fluctuations are met.
8. Quality Improvement:-
It is one of the primary objective of the client to achieve a remarkable quality improvement through outsourcing a software testing company. As the agreement comes to an end, the working method and process tried to improve continually. Eventually, the target should be the overall improvement of the end product.
9. Intellectual Property Protection:-
It is one of the important aspects to be taken care while outsourcing the services. IP refers to the creation of mind like inventions, designs, artistic work, and symbol etc. used in commerce. It is one of the biggest challenges to protect the IP of business when it is outsourced.
10. Security:-
When you hire a software testing company, security is the most important aspect that needs to take care. The software must be having the information about the company that should not be disclosed to everyone. So, a business should choose the company which provides security to the software.
11. Testing Infrastructure:-
It refers to the tools and techniques that are required for software testing. Before hiring a software testing company you should make sure the service provider must have all the required infrastructure to support your software or product. The testing infrastructure includes software, hardware, operating system, backend database systems, testing tools,  platforms etc.
12. Management Style:-
Management plays an important role in software testing. So before hiring a software testing company, you should make sure that the managerial style of your company is compatible with the service provider. It is important that both should have a same managerial language which will help them work together.
13. Responsibility and Accountability:-
Responsibility and accountability should go together. The software testing company you are hiring must be responsible and should be one who can take the accountability also. You would love to work with the company who is ready to take the responsibility and the accountability as well.
14. Cost of Working:-
After accessing the company on the above-mentioned parameters, you should decide the true cost of working with them. You should choose the outsourcing company which provides you the maximum ROI in terms of quality, overall value addition, and timely delivery.
15. Documentation Standards:-
Before hiring a software testing company, you should make sure that the company should have all the required documentation standard you need. Some of the documents are; test plans, scripts, test plans, test scenarios and test results etc. You should make sure that the company you are hiring should be well documented and you have easy access to the documents.
Final Thought
Today, software testing is the need of almost every software project or company. For conducting a software test we need to hire or outsource a software testing company who fulfill all the above-mentioned parameters or aspects. The main motive of outsourcing a software testing company is to get the quality work at a reasonable cost. Another reason for outsourcing the company is that the organization hiring the software testing company can focus on its core business area.