10 Reasons Why We Choose Selenium for Automation Testing

The fame of selenium is spreading like wildfire. But why do we use it for automation testing of websites? Go through this infographic and find out

7 Myths about Software Testing Outsourcing Exposed!

Many companies fear#QA outsourcing owing to certain misconceptions. Through this infographic, we are trying to clear them so that the actual benefit of the process can be understood.

Difference Between Software Testing and Game Testing

Why game testing is different from that of software testing? even though both are software program. Read and find out

How to Reduce the Uninstall rate of Apps

Have a look at Few Different ways to reduce the uninstall rate of Apps

10 QA Mistakes to Avoid in Mobile App Development

Testing an app has as much importance as the development process. But there are certain pitfalls to be avoided at any cost.

10 Tips For Successful App Testing

We have compiled 10 of the most valuable tips for successful hashtagAppTesting in the form of an infographic.. Have a look!!

Quality Assurance vs Quality Control- 5 Key Differences

Quality Assurance and Quality control, confusing terminologies in software testing. Let’s get to know them better

10 Tips For Successful User Testing of Apps

Conducting user testing can be a daunting task. These tips can make them easy.

10 Tips For Successful Test Automation

Automating software testing will not sure success. Certain guidelines has to be followed to achieve success.

Why your Game needs Usability Testing

Wouldn’t it be nice if the users themselves can review your game? benefits of usability testing doesn’t end there!