Mainframe Testing – What Happens?

Here is everything that you need to know about Mainframe Testing – what it is and what is the process that is followed, essentially a complete beginner’s guide to Mainframe Testing.

What is Mainframe Testing?

Mainframe Testing is the process of testing Software Services and Applications that are based on the Mainframe Systems.

The process is crucial part of the Application Development Process as it is instrumental in adhering to the cost and quality standards of the industry.

Mainframe Testing ensures that the system is in fact, ready to be launched in the market.

What are the steps followed while undertaking Mainframe Testing?

  • Smoke Testing – Also known as Shakedown, this is the take-off point of the process of Mainframe Testing. Before any action is taken on the codes that are to be used, this first step is to ensure that all the codes that have been deployed are actually in the right testing environment.
  • Only after the adaptability of the code has been confirmed, and the codes checked for any critical technical glitches, are they approved to be worked on in the later stages of the Mainframe Testing Process.
  • System Testing – This stage involves a series of testing that is undertaken to test the functionality of individual systems that comprise the Mainframe system, as well as their performance with respect to each other.
  • Batch Testing – The Batch Jobs begin by testing the scope of data and files, recording the results and making changes wherever necessary. The Batch Testing is the stage where the validation of the test results on output files and data as done by the batch jobs take place.
  • Online Testing – While the Batch Testing can be loosely understood as the back-end testing phase, with Online Testing, the testing moves to the front end of the mainframe application. The Mainframe Application is tested here in relation to the entry fields that are used by the system.
  • Online-Batch Integration Testing – This stage bridges the gap between the back-end and the front-end of the Mainframe System. Through this integrative testing, the data flow, as well as the interaction that takes place between the online screen and the batch job, is validated and approved before being passed on to the next stages of the Mainframe Testing process.
  • Database Testing – At this stage, the database of all data for the Mainframe Application is stored is validated for the layout of the data storage.
  • System Integration Testing – Once the basics have been covered, System Integration Testing is initiated to test the functionality of the system under test and their response to, as well as their interaction with other systems. This is rather a broad spectrum and is prone to be considered as unnecessary, but it is an essential step as it ensures that the new system integrates with other systems in an organized manner.

The relationship between the different systems here is not in terms of either being affected by the requirements of the other.

But in the sense that each use data that is being collected, stored or managed by the other systems.

Hence, testing the exchange of data takes place, and how commands and results flow from one system to the other is essential to create a streamlined integration process between different systems.

Again, the different types of testing processes that are used for System Integration Testing are Batch Testing, Online Testing and Online-Batch Integration Testing (as discussed previously).

  • Regression Testing – This can be understood as the counteractive stage to the previous one. While the System Interaction Testing ensures that the different systems that comprise the Mainframe function simultaneously and are conducive to the performance of the System as a whole, the Regression Testing is a way to ensure that the different systems do not hinder the performance of each other.

Each system should not only be involved in the functioning of the other, as long as it is beneficial for both of the systems. Therefore, Regression Testing is responsible for making sure that the batch jobs or online screens, for instance, do not negatively affect the system that is currently being reviewed or vice versa.

  • Performance Testing – Once we know that each system that is currently at work is doing its job in relation to the new system, or an update being tested and that the new system under test does not hamper the functionality of an existing system, the next step is to test the performance of the system in its specific environment. It involves identifying bottlenecks in high hit areas like the front end data, or other activities like upgrading online databases and to check and understand the scalability of the application.
  • Security Testing – When it comes to software or well any Technology for that matter, the first question that needs to be answered is whether it is a secure platform or a safe space for the users. The same goes for the Mainframe Testing process. Before approving it for being used in the system, it is important that the system is tested to see how it fares against the security attacks. Security Testing is a stage that evaluates the design and development of the application and its ability to withstand potential security attacks. It includes the system’s independence in countering those attacks and keeping all information and data entrusted to it, absolutely safe. The two most common types of Security Testing that need to be undertaken are the Mainframe Security and Network Security. The features that both these tiers of security tests, check in their specific ways are – Integrity, Confidentiality, Authorization, Authentication, and Availability.

This is the basic model that is followed by testers when it comes to Mainframe Testing.

While specificities might vary depending on the particular project at hand, the basic outline that is to be followed remains the same. As with every other aspect of Technology, there is enough room to negotiate or experiment with this industry standard.

Experimenting and exploring unchartered territories though might lead to dead ends or tunnels that don’t always end with light.

But you can always trace your steps back, and find out where you went wrong and take corrective measures as and when required.

The next section focuses on the challenges or problems that are faced by the Mainframe Testing team and how can they find their way out of a tight spot.

What are the common challenges faced in the process of Mainframe Testing?

Each and every kind of Testing is a series of hit and trial until you arrive at the best possible system. Mainframe Testing is no different. Though we have discussed the steps that are generally followed during the process of Mainframe Testing, even the closest adherence to these steps do not always ensure the best solution in the first attempt.

There will always be challenges or troubleshooting that the testing team will be faced with during the process.

Discussed below are some issues that have been often reported by the testers and the possible approach that can be adapted to find a solution to that problem.

  • Unclear Requirements

Problem – It is extremely important to have clearly set requirements before you working on any testing project. While a supporting manual might be available, it does not always cater to the demands and needs of the project at hand. The problematic of unclear, incomplete or impractical documentation is a problem that hinders the testing process.

Solution – The testing team should be actively involved in the Software Development Life Cycle right from the time when Requirements are being set for the system. Their involvement in the early stages will ensure that they can verify that the requirements that are being set are after all testable and practical. This saves time, money and efforts of the team, while also ensuring that the Software Development Process does not come to a standstill at a later point in the testing phase.

  • Ad-hoc Request

Problem – it may so happen that upstream or downstream application issues might necessitate end-to-end testing needs. These unexpected requests have the potential to disrupt the pre-defined schedule of the testing process by increasing the time, efforts and other resources required in the execution cycle.

Solution – To provide for the unforeseeable issues during the testing process, it is advisable to have automation scripts, regression scripts, skeleton scripts and any other backup plans to implement immediately as and when faced with a problem. This considerably reduces the overall time and efforts required for the completion of the project.

Here goes your basic guide to Mainframe Testing. This is not an exhaustive guide, there is always more that we can learn, and there is always room for improvement and efficiency. Keep exploring.

What is Data Driven Testing? How to Create a Data Driven Automation Framework

What is Data Driven Testing?

Data Driven Testing is an Automation framework where we can alliteratively run multiple data set from an external source like a table for the same test script-instead of hard coding.

Multiple data sets and test environment can be controlled and run without hard coding and results obtained can be compared.

If data is hard coded it is highly tedious, monotonous and inefficient to run the same test script for different data set.

This becomes easier when data from different sources can be fed as input, this input gets verified and result outputs obtained can be compared.

data driven testing

Types of Data Driven Testing

Data-driven testing can be broadly classified into three parts:

  • Data-driven scripts: Data-Driven Scripts are application-specific scripts (like JavaScript) that are coded to include variable data sets.
  • Keyword-driven test automation: Keyword Driven Test Automation is also known as Table Driven Test Automation. In keyword Driven test automation a data table using keyword id deployed for testing
  • Hybrid Test automation: It is a blend of Data-Driven and Keyword Driven Automation Frameworks.

Why Data Driven Testing?

Data-Driven testing tests application with multiple data sets ensuring extensive testing. It also allows in organizing Test data and validation data in a single file.


For example, we have a login system that has to be tested for multiple input fields with different data sets.

We can test it using different approaches:

Approach 1) For every data set creates separate scripts and execute each of it one by one.

Approach 2) Every time you have to run the test case for different data set, annually change it in the test script and execute it for all required number of data sets.

Approach 3) Import the data in an excel sheet and fetch this data one by one from the excel and run the script.

Executing the test scripts using approach 1 and 2 are very time consuming and lengthy process, the third method or what we call data-driven framework is ideal for such scenarios.

 Importance of  Data Driven Testing?

In real life applications with frequent changes in data set such as addition, modification and deletion of data, hard coding data makes it difficult or almost impossible to run each time.

Data Driven Testing makes it much easier to use and maintain voluminous data individually in tables.

Manually to cover all the scenarios, a tester may have to design multiple test scripts or edit existing test scripts multiple times and run it individually.

Thus, making this difficult or almost impossible task. For a Manual Tester, it is humongous and monotonous.

That’s exactly when Data Driven Testing comes to the rescue. Test Data can be fed from a table or other sources, independently without making changes to the test script.

All these data run for the same test script iteratively and results obtained can be compared.

Procedure Simplified

Test data are stored in an easily maintainable manner like tables or rows and columns and then passed as input variables to the AUT.

Test scripts and Data Provider are two separate entities having no direct impact on each other. Verified results from each test execution are then compared from expected results of the Data Provider.

Data Provider

Data can be fed in different forms. Few popular ones are

  • Internal table
  • Spreadsheet
  • CSV file
  • XML file

Data Driven Script

Scripts containing hard-coded data can be tough to maintain and sometimes they can break the execution.

In Data Driven Testing Test scripts and Test Data are separated and made into separate entities.

Hence Data Provider is independent of test script and both can be modified individually without impacting each other.

Real Life Citation

We shall take an example of online registration form. Data from Registration forms increase frequently sometimes every day. Each User registration add data rows in database.

1.Let’s take a simple form with Name, Email, Password and Confirm Password

2. Test Scenarios are identified and test cases are designed.

3. For now, consider only happy path – validating that data in table and actual result are correct.

4. Now let’s feed multiple data from a spreadsheet, csv file or the like as a table as below

5. During Test execution test script is run and data is taken from the table.Each data is executed one after the other in iteration row after row.

6. Once script is executed, actual results and expected results are compared.

7. Notice that data has been modified – added newly at the end of the table, edited existing in the middle row and deleted in-between the table.

This can be easily done by modifying the Data table like below without touching the script.

This can be easily done by modifying the Data table like below without touching the script.

8. Data has been modified easily without changing the script.

What is the Difference between Keyword Driven Testing and Data Driven Testing?

Difference between Keyword Driven Testing and Data Driven Testing

In Data driven testing test scripts are executed for a different set of data to validate proper working of application with different variable values. Here data is used as inputs to your test script. Every data contributes to a test case and hence with every different test data you have a different test case.

On the other hand, in Keyword-driven testing, a keyword represents action. A set of keywords drives a script. These keywords build test scripts.

Example of Data Driven Testing

Example of Data Driven Testing

Let us understand data driven testing more deeply by taking an example of a Login Page of a Flight Reservation

1) Create a test data file in Comma Separated Values and name it as TestData.csv

2)  Inputs for driver script and expected results are stored in this file.

3) Create a driver script for the data file as

data = open(‘TestData.csv’).read()

 lines = data.splitlines()

4) Steps for data script will be

  • Read Value1
  • Read Value2
  • Read Operator

5) Calculate the result

6) Compare the expected result with the actual result.

Automation Framework For Data Driven Testing

Automation Framework For Data Driven Testing

This method can be used integrating with various Test Automation Tools like Selenium, QTP, TestComplete, TestNG etc    

How to Create a Data Driven Automation Framework?

Let us take Test Login functionality. 

1) Classify the Test Cases 

  • Right username and password 
  • Wrong username and the right password 
  • Right username and wrong password 

2) Make Test Steps for Test Cases 

  Test Case#


   Test Steps

       Test Data

Expected Results


Check Login for valid credentials

  1. Launch the application
  2. Enter Username password
  3. Click Okay
  4. Check Results

Username: valid password: valid

Login Success


Check Login for invalid credentials

  1. Launch the application
  2. Enter Username password
  3. Click Okay
  4. Check Results

Username: invalid password: valid

Login Fail


Check Login for invalid credentials

  1. Launch the application
  2. Enter Username password
  3. Click Okay
  4. Check Results

Username: valid password: invalid

Login Fail

3) Develop Test Script

// This is Pseudo Code

// Test Step 1: Launch Application

driver.get(“URL of the Application”); 

// Test Step 2: Enter Username


// Test Step 3: Enter Password


// Test Step 4: Check Results

If (Next Screen) print success else Fail

4) Make excel/csv for Input Test Data

Make excel/csv for Input Test Data

5) Alter the Script for various Input Test Data.

// This is Pseudo Code

// Loop 3 Times

for (i = 0; i & lt; = 3; i++) {

    // Read data from Excel and store into variables

    int input_1 = ReadExcel(i, 0);

    int input_2 = ReadExcel(i, 1);

    // Test Step 1: Launch Application

    driver.get(“URL of the Application”);

    // Test Step 2: Enter Username


    // Test Step 3: Enter Password


    // Test Step 4: Check Results

    If(Next Screen) print success

    else Fail


Advantages of Data Driven Testing

  • Test Data can be stored in a single file making it easy to maintain, monitor and track.
  • Test Data and Test scripts are separate entities. Hence changes in one does not impact the other.
  • Large volumes of data can be executed thereby improving Regression testing and better coverage
  • Smoother maintenance of test scripts making addition, editing and deletion of data rows easy and hence less time consuming
  • Manual effort involved is less and hence it is cost effective

Disadvantages of Data Driven Testing

  • Requires great expertise of scripting language
  • Each time a new test case is designed and a new driver script will be required with different data so that the changes made to the test cases should reflect in the driver script or vice versa.


Data Driven Testing a very good strategy if we have huge volumes of data to be tested for same scripts provided there is a highly skilled testing team. And it does not suit projects that do not have much work with data.

15 Best Mobile App Testing Tools (2021 Update)

Mobile App Testing tools are aboon in testing apps. Why? not just because they help in testing. They also help in automating test cases and tracking bugs and can help testers to be on par with the development cycle which at present is becoming faster.  Mobile app testing tools can mitigate risks to a great extent.
when it comes to 2021 serious updates can be expected in these test automation tools. Wish to know about them?
List of 15 Best Mobile App Testing Tools For 2021

  1. Appium
  2. Robotium
  3. Test IO
  4. TestComplete
  5. Testdroid
  6. Unified Functional Testing
  7. Eggplant
  8. MonkeyTalk
  9. Calabash
  10. Selendroid
  11. KeepItFunctional
  12. Ranorex
  13. SeeTest
  14. UI Automator
  15. Kobiton

So, we have created this article to help you choose the best mobile app testing tools for both Android and iOS apps.
1. Appium

Appium has been a standout and the most common test automation tool for testing the mobile applications and has been supported by developers and testers both for its simplicity of execution.
One of the features of Appium is that it supports a built-in browser or Chrome application on Android and Safari on iOS.
This makes Appium a cross-platform automation tool and empowers the testers to write tests on numerous platforms, to be specific with similar API.
Thinking of it as is a cross-platform feature, it improves the reusability of the code between iOS and Android test suites.


  • It is an open-source tool that empowers the automation of native, hybrid applications, and mobile web all over Android and iOS platforms.
  • It empowers you to use your chosen test practices, tools, and frameworks.
  • It allows contributions and solutions from a community of the testers.
  • It automates any mobile application over any language or testing system, encouraging total access to back-end APIs and databases of the test code.
  • Appium’s backend is Selenium, providing each Selenium functionality for your testing necessities.

2. Robotium
mobile app testing tools
A free Android UI testing device, with Robotium it is simple to write compelling automatic black-box test cases for Android applications.
Along these lines, there is no requirement for additional data about the Android application’s framework or executed classes.
All they require is the name of the principal class and path which connects to it. Moreover, Robotium is a library for unit tests.

  • With the least learning of the project, testers can build powerful test cases.
  • It automatically handles numerous Android practices.
  • It needs the least time to make strong test cases.
  • Tests in Robotiumare written in Java.
  • It synchronizes effectively with Maven or Ant to run tests as a significant aspect of continuous integration.
  • It is reasonable to run test cases on applications that are pre-installed.

3. Test IO
mobile app testing tools
test IO is the primary SaaS platform for programming crowd testing – the continuous testing of mobile by the skillful testers utilizing the real gadgets.

  • It can evacuate the QA bottleneck with adaptable, on-demand testing that scales up with the testers’ requirements.
  • Testers can extend the coverage to many platforms, devices, and real individuals in real-world conditions.

4. TestComplete
mobile app testing tools
It is an automatic functional testing tool designed by SmartBear. With TestComplete, you can create and run lively and repeatable UI tests transversely over local or hybrid mobile apps. The tool is used to test both iOS and Android mobile applications.

  • TestComplete is a business flexible testing tool.
  • Testers can automate their UI tests on real mobile phones, emulators, or virtual machines.
  • Testers can also utilize content-free record and replay actions to make automated test content or analyze programming languages, for instance, Python, JScript, VBScript, or JavaScript.

It is the quickest method to test your application on real iOS and Android devices with various hardware platforms, OS versions, and screen resolutions.
5. Testdroid
mobile app testing tools
It is a cloud-based mobile application testing tool. It supports the engineer to save expenses behind application development, accelerate time to promote the app and lessen whimsical and operational expenses.

  • It limits the dangers of real devices and agile testing.
  • Testdroid upgrades daily active users and application rating.
  • Additionally, it encourages total access to phone sensor data, in particular, accelerometers, GPS, and gyroscopes.

6. Unified Functional Testing
In the past known as HPE QuickTest Professional (QTP), Unified Functional Testing or UFT is the business standard solution for the test automation process.
UFT empowers business mobility groups to become tied up wit

mobile app testing tools

h the HPE ecosystem or the MicroFocus ecosystem, for better support and promising launches.
In spite of the fact that it is a costly tool, there are a ton of guides and content accessible to enable testers to get up to speed testing and writing mobile test scripts with this progressively build, established system.

  • It has a powerful solution that is even easy to use by the less experienced testers as well.
  • UFT regularly releases the updates.
  • It has the ability to use MicroFocus’ ecosystems.

7. Eggplant
mobile app testing tools
Eggplant is a user-driven testing tool that helps mobile app testers to test any application that can be managed, for example, desktop, mobile, or web.
As Eggplant Functional is the part of the Digital Automation Intelligence Suite, it empowers enterprise mobility groups to test from the user’s point of view progressively, from the user experience (UI) perspective, with advanced picture search, text recognition, and image recognition, rather than testing from the code.
Being a visual testing tool, app testers don’t need to know Android or iOS messages, making it a simple interface to utilize when writing automated mobile testing scripts.

  • Testers who use Eggplant Functional can utilize whatever shows up on the screen to test by transforming parts of the screen into objects.
  • It offers full user support for the testers from Testplant.

8. MonkeyTalk
mobile app testing tools
MonkeyTalk automates functional, real interactive tests for both Android and iOS applications – everything from basic “smoke tests” to advanced data-driven test suites.

  • An open-source tool that comprises of three parts, for example, Scripts, IDE, and agents.
  • IDE makes test scripts utilizing record and playback.
  • The agent is a test instrumentation library links with the application
  • The Scripts incorporate syntax, keywords, and Java execution engines.

9. Calabash
mobile app testing tools
It’s an automated acceptance testing system for mobile applications. Calabash could be contrasted with Selenium WebDriver.
Nonetheless, it is imperative to understand that interfacing with a web application from a computer is hugely not the same as interacting with a native application utilizing a touch screen.
Calabash also comprises of libraries that permit test-code to collaborate with hybrid and native applications automatically.

  • It gives APIs which are specialized to native applications.
  • It enables the Cucumber framework that makes it simpler to comprehend by business specialists as well as the non-technical QA team.

10. Selendroid

Selendroid is a powerful standout tool for various types of Android applications. These app testing tools promote full integration with the current Selenium system because of the client API interface. It also supports full integration with Selenium Grid for scaling and parallel testing.

  • It is fully compatible with the Selenium 3 Ready/JSON Wire Protocol
  • Selendroid can be utilized on real devices, simulators, or emulators.
  • Testers do not require to alter an application for automation.
  • The tool also supports old Android versions.

11. KeepItFunctional

KeepItFunctional or KIF is an iOS integration test system that permits simple automation of the iOS apps. The tests for the system are written in Objective-C that enables the highest integration with the code and limits the number of layers that must be created.

  • It is an open-source system intended to test mobile application UI.
  • It makes and executes the tests utilizing a standard OCUnit testing target.
  • It takes into consideration simple automation testing of iOS applications.

12. Ranorex

Ranorex consists of powerful features for mobile app testing. It enables the user to recreate the real user interaction with the app utilizing several gestures given by various devices. It can likewise stimulate different gestures like swipe or orientation change.
Another preferred standpoint is the inbuilt RenoreXpath feature which enables the tool to distinguish dynamic UI components.

  • The tool supports parallel testing to guarantee smooth execution over different devices.
  • It enables the testers to make data-drive tests by utilizing information stores like Excel, SQL, or CSV.
  • It accompanies built-in CI and source control integration with different tools like JIRA and TFS.

13. SeeTest

SeeTest Automation is a cross-platform solution that permits running the similar scripts on various devices. Being a fantastic test automation device, it’s equipped for testing mobile applications supporting both iOS and Android devices.

  • The essential features of these app testing tools are phone testing, browser testing, battery testing, and so on.
  • It reinforces responsive UI Testing and continuous integration environment.

14. UI Automator
mobile app testing tools
UI Automator is an open-source system for User Interfaces with automated functional test classes.
Mobile app test cost calculator
Also, the UI Automator API of this mobile app testing tool is packaged in the UI Automator.jar file under the /platforms/ directory which covers class interfaces and exceptions.
It runs with all devices that support Android version 4.1 and versions released after that.
A tester must have a basic knowledge of JUnit to use this tool.

  • It is capable to run apps on different devices.
  • It uses the scripts written in JavaScript.

Know More: Top 10 Automation Testing Tools 2019

15. Kobiton

A cloud-based testing platform that helps in running manual and robotized tests. This special platform is built on Appium open-source system. Kobiton will allow users to test in real devices and get more accurate results. Cross wise contents can also be tested using this platform without much of content alteration.
• Test application on the latest devices
• Local devices can be connected to their cloud system
• Can be used to perform both manual and automation testing
• 350+ devices to test
• Details log recording with screen recording option
• Manual and automates tests can be run in parallel
• Power API testing with Katalon studio integration
Mobile app testing tools are the most important part of any app testing company. What’s astounding about them is that they can reduce the testing time of any project and increase efficiency within no time. However, choosing one from the wide range of tools out there in the market should be based on the specification of your company or project.
They are evolving with time and soon we can expect RPA integration and codless test scripting in these tools which will further reduce the testing time.

Top 15 Most Popular Regression Testing Tools in 2021

Regression testing tools why do they exist? What sort of wonders they can do to your regression test.

To ease up your job a lot many regression tools are available in the markets that ensure the smooth running of regression test cases. But out of hundreds of tools available, which one to choose is a big question mark. 

So to ease up your worries, we have curated the list of Top 15 Most Popular Regression Testing Tools in 2021. Here, let’s have a look.

if you are anxious to know about those regression testing tools that made it to the list of 2021, 

Here it is

Top 15 Most Popular Regression Testing Tools in 2021

  1. Sahi Pro
  2. Selenium
  3. Watir
  4. TestComplete
  5. IBM Rational Functional Tester
  6. TimeShiftX
  7. TestDrive
  8. AdventNetQEngine
  9. TestingWhiz
  10. WebKing
  11. Regression Tester
  12. Silktest
  13. Serenity
  14. QA Wizard
  15. Ranorex

1. Sahi Pro


It is a corporate-ready automated regression testing tool. Sahi Pro can assist you to test Web, Mobile, Java applications and Windows Desktop.

It also allows you to carry out quick and trust-worthy automated regression testing. Sahi works well with agile development environments. 

Key Features:

•    Record and playback on any browser

•    Smart accessor identification

•    Intrinsic logs and reports

•    Great scripting

•    Speedy and analogous batch playback

•    Easy integration with build systems

•    Inbuilt Excel frame

2. Selenium

Selenium logo

Selenium is a set of various software testing tools. Each of these tools follows a varied approach to support test automation.

The complete suite of tools offers you impeccable regression testing functionalities curated to test all types of web applications. 

Key Features:

•    Selenium offers high flexibility

•    Compatibility with Several Web Browsers

•    Supports Numerous Programming Languages

•    Ease of Webpage Navigation

•    Ease to Categorize and Use Web Elements

•    Better Handling of Dynamic Web Elements

3. Watir

Watir logo

Watir stands for Web Application Testing In Ruby. You can read it as water. It allows you to write tests that are easy to read and maintain. Watir is a family of Ruby libraries but it supports many apps developed in different technologies.

Key Features:

•    Supports on Ruby Language.

•    It assists in simple and flexible testing. 

•    Multiple domain support

•    Inbuilt test recorder.

•    Easy to use web elements

•    Supports browsers like Firefox and Safari.

4. TestComplete

Testcomplete logo

Know More: Software Testing Companies are Plenty. Know Why Testbytes is Best For you

It can assist you in automated regression testing. It enables you to have quick and easy creation and maintenance of regression tests across web, mobile and desktop applications.

Key Features:

•    Test recording

•    Supports Database testing 

•    Automated test execution

•    Integrates with other tools

•    Test Visualizer

•    Object name mapping

•    Object-driven testing

•    Data-driven testing 

•    Keyword-driven testing

•    Development of custom extensions

5. IBM Rational Functional Tester

IBM rational

IBM Rational Functional Tester is an automated regression testing tool. It supports a variety of applications like terminal emulator-based applications, Adobe PDF documents, Java, SAP, etc.

Key Features:

•    Supports visual editing 

•    Test scripting

•    Earlier data detection

•    Assimilation with other software

•    Radical Script Assure technology

6. TimeShiftX


TimeShiftX is a time shift regression testing tool. It allows applications to travel in the past or future to help you perform temporary or date simulating testing. 

Key Features:

•    Requires no Environment Reboots & Reloads

•    Supports all platforms & operating systems

•    Customizability

•    Requires no Code Modifications

•    Compatible with Active Directory and Kerberos 

•    Compatibility with Total Application & Database 

7. TestDrive

Testdrive logo

TestDrive is an automated software quality solution (ASQ). It can help you with easier and faster regression testing. It allows lithe, dynamic, and easy deployable tests.


Key Features:

•    Code free 

•    Quick testing

•    Easy to handle changes in the application

•    Modular scripts

•    Allows human input

•    Multiple technologies and interfaces Support

•    Supports multiple applications testing

•    Permits manual testing.

8. AdventNetQEngine

AdventNet logo

It is easy to use the regression testing tool. It can assist you in automation testing for web applications. It is a platform-independent automated regression testing tool.

Key Features:

•    Easy to use UI.

•    Session tracking

•    IE and FireFox support.

•    Event Recording 

•    Capable of Server monitoring 

•    distributed playback support

•    Dynamic value support through Parameterization 

•    Virtual user simulation

9. TestingWhiz

TestingWhiz logo

TestingWhiz is a code-less automated regression testing tool. It offers you, end to end testing of Database, Web, Mobile, desktop apps, API and Cloud. It is built on the Flexible Automation Scripting Technology Automation Engine. It has 290+ inbuilt test commands that allow you to automate test cases in the shortest time. 

Key Features:

– 290+ Commands

– Code-less Architecture

– Integration with Bug Tracking tools

– Multiple Browsers support

– Integration with Databases

– Continuous Server Integration

– Integration with Test Management tools

– Mobile Testing Support

– Distributed Test Execution

   10.  WebKing

Parasoft Logo

Webking is an all-inclusive regression testing tool by Parasoft. It supports the automation testing of web services. It can help you in testing and installing dynamic Web sites. It uses C/C++ and Java testing techniques to detect errors in a website.

Key Features:

•    Uses a path creator browser 

•    Integration with Parasoft reporting system

•    Supports many data sources like Excel, .csv, Webking’s internal tables, databases, etc.

•    Supports automated code review

11. Regression Tester tool

Regression Tester is an easy-peasy regression testing tool by It allows you to conduct remote testing of web-based applications. 

Key Features:

•    Easy creation of tests list

•    Automatically runs tests

•    Fully-customized Report generation

•    Re-running of automated tests.

•    Time-Saving

12. Silktest

micro focus

SilkTest was formally known as Borland Silk Test. It supports rigorous regression testing of mobile, web, rich-client, and enterprise applications. It supports test creation in collaboration with both business and technical stakeholders.

Key Features:

•    Enhanced testing speed

•    Uses cloud

•    Supports unlimited user configuration

•    Centralize test automation

•    Cost-effective

13. Serenity


Serenity BDD is a regression testing tool to assist you in faster testing. Serenity produces demonstrated and descriptive reports using the test results. It keeps an account tests executed and the requirements they were tested for.

Key Features:

•    Write cleaner tests

•    Creates illustrated, narrative reports 

•    Works well for non-web tests

•    No time wastage in constructing and keeping your own automation framework.

14. QA Wizard

qa wizard

Know More : 5 Proven Ways To increase Collaboration between Testers and Developers

It helps you in automated regression testing of Web, Windows, Java applications, etc. It comes with resource management, full scripting, and debugging capabilities.

Key Features:

•    Complete IDE for scripting

•    Very Flexible

•    Works well with heavy loads

•    Test Track to manage test cases and to manage script execution. 

15. Ranorex 


Ranorex is pioneering test automation software. Ranorex makes regression testing easy and quick for you. It comprises flexible tools making it ideal for companies of virtually any size.

Key Features:

•    User interface items repository

•    Supports various applications

•    Ranorex tests can be data-driven

•    Ranorex has Recorder unit to create testing scripts

•    Supports test activity management


Out of the many Regression testing tools mentioned above, the choice of best fit for you depends entirely upon you. Study your requirements and then wisely choose the regression testing tool that fits your requirements perfectly. 


Golang Testing: Tutorial Exclusively for You!

Go, the renowned programming language was designed by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert Griesemer and is very similar to C, which was first released 46 years ago in 1972.

Go programming language or Golang offers exclusive features like garbage collection, memory safety, CSP-style concurrency, and structural typing. It is an open source language, which means you can use the tools, source code, and the compiler for free.

 The language is often described as having the efficiency and static typing of C++ and Java and, ease of use and productivity of JavaScript and Python.  

Golang is mostly used as a standard for API documentation, building, testing, and package management.

Golang testing acts as a micro benchmark and can be used for unit testing. The language also comes with a special package that makes writing tests very easy.   

Understanding Golang Testing

Testing is a crucial part of every website, web application, and mobile application development process. It is a series of processes that give the same results and confirms that the software is free of errors.

Tests are not limited to the software work. Every time you go to buy an electronic, you switch it on and check if it is working fine.

Tests can be simple or complicated like DiRT by Google. Golang testing is very similar to it. For testing, you have to write a code, which makes the typing automatic.

It is usually faster than manual testing because it is written in code and developers can share it among themselves.

For example, if you wrote a code to check the sum of two numbers, you will have to write the following test to ensure it works as expected.

Golang Testing

You run this test on Go Playground to check if its giving the expected results. In this test, we wrote the main package, which isn’t a problem when you are testing a small function.

 You cannot write the main package over and over again, as it is not only time consuming, but also takes up unnecessary space.

When you start the test with a tool by Golang, you only have to mention the Go testing package and begin with the sub part.

Golang Testing

This is what you will write for the same addition function we mentioned above. Package testing101 is the main package.

Golang Testing

This is how the test result will look like.

Naming files for go testing

Golang testing is so easy because it is a standardized process. You need to name the files in a particular way for them to be recognized by the tester. Here’s the protocol that you should always remember:

1. File name

Golang needs you to end each file name with _test.go. It is easier for the language to identify files that are to be tested and provide the exact functionality during the testing process.

2. Type of package

After selecting the file name, you have to select the testing package. It can be for identifying an error or deviation from the expected result.

3. Function name

In the above example, the function name that you should use is TestSum(). When you write the code, you should write it as func TestXxx(*testing.T). Xxx is any name that you want to give to it. Remember, the first character should always be an uppercase character or a number.

Adding Multiple Tests For one Function

The test code that we mentioned above is a very simple one. There is only one test for the function but when you are writing it, you might be realise that you want to check the function’s other features as well. For example, you might want to test if the function can handle negative numbers or not.

Also Read: Adhoc Testing: A Brief Note With Examples

Golang is the easiest when it comes to adding multiple tests to one code. All you have to do is create another file, for example – sum_test.go. Then you add the function of negative numbers, which can be TestSumWithNegatives().

Here, you don’t need to create multiple test functions but only one – testing.T. Add Run() to it, which lets you add a sublet test.

Golang Testing

This is how your code with multiple functions look like.

Advanced Golang testing techniques

Now that you know the basics, it is time to go a level up and take a look at some of the advanced Golang testing techniques.

1. Test suites

In suite testing, you develop a test that is 100 percent contrasting from the common interface. You can use it to check different types of test implementations. Check below to see how the test you code will look like after you use suite testing.

Golang Testing

You may have previously had the chance to work with codebases that use this kind of testing. They are mostly used in plugin-based systems because they use tests that are coded against the interface.

Their primary use of it is to check if the system meets all the behavior requirements as intended. Suite testing is going to save you days of work and give you more time to focus on solving P versus NP problems.

In this type of testing, you swap two types of testing without needing to write more number of tests.

You will have to use the dependency injection to set up the suite from your testing package to implement it.

 Check the library to find wonderful examples of suite testing. You will also find some handy ones on Github.

2. Non-interface pollution

An interface is crucial for testing and is considered as the most powerful tool, which means you need to understand how to use it correctly.

 A package exports an interface, which is either used by the consumers to try a package implementation mock or export a mock that they develop.

Before you export the interface, you need to carefully analyze them. Instead of exporting an interface that mocks out consumer behavior, developers should develop a document that increases hard dependency their package and that of the customers.

If you don’t want to use a particular interface, you can keep it within the package by using internal/ package subtree.

After doing so, you don’t have to worry about the customers taking advantage of it. It is a flexible choice as developers can create new interfaces according to new requirements.

 To run tests locally, you can use dependency injection and create interfaces only for external dependencies.

3. Use net/http/httptest

When you use http test, you can access the http. Handler code without having to bind to a port or spin up a server. T

he tests are a lot faster and you can run all of them simultaneously, without any obstruction. Let’s take a look at how the test will look like when you use net/http/httptest advanced testing method.

With net/http/httptest, you can divide the test into different sections and test only a particular part of the function.

You don’t have to face any side effects like no middleware or no routers, when you use handler factories, servers, handler factory factories, and other services that are a part of Golang testing.

4. Separate _test package

Even though you develop files in pkg_test.go, they are stored under one domain — package pkg.

 However, you can create a new test package within a package and name it foo_test.go. The test will be saved in the foo/ library and declared as package foo_test. If you want to download some dependencies, you can visit to import them.

 We recommend you to use this method for cyclic dependencies and make the package easy to use. You no more need to perform brittle tests.

Benefits of using Golang Testing

Golang has made a lot of news in last couple of years because it makes the process of software development easy and more enjoyable. Here are four reasons why you need to start using Golang testing:

1. Tried and tested

Some of the best companies across the world use Golang testing. These companies include Dropbox, Apple, Google, The Economist, Twitter, IBM, YouTube, Facebook, The New York Times, Docker, and BBC. This indicates that Golang is a programming language fit for fulfilling the needs of the future.

2. Open source

Golang is just one of the things that Google offers for free to everyone who would like to use them. Since it is an open-source programming language, it is clean and more efficient compared to other languages.

3. Simple and fast

Thanks to its simple syntax and structure, Golang. It is also easy to learn as the whole language is based on functions. Golang offers a short processing time, which means you can release your product faster in the market. It not only saves time, but also gives you more time to capture the market.

4. Special features

Golang has an automatic memory management that keeps up the speed of the performance. It is easy to keep bugs away with the language because it is a compilation of several others. Developers need to stay more attentive while coding for the code to be accurate and neat.

A Comprehensive Blog about Apex Testing

What is Apex?

Apex is a robust OOPs (Object Oriented Programming) language which is developed by and used to develop Salesforce platforms. Developers can execute the flow and transaction control statements on the Salesforce servers in integration with calls to APIs.

Apex enables developers to add business logic to system events, like button clicks, by using syntax which is easy to understand for people with prior knowledge of Java. The Apex application programing interface allows developers to use data present on It also permits developers to access the backend databases and client-server interfaces of and create Software as a Service (SaaS) applications.

The applications created using Apex are hosted on the servers and do not require any installations on the user’s PC.

Why do you need to test Apex?

Like any other language and software development process, testing plays an important part in Apex application development as well. It is very essential to test software to ensure that it executes successfully and generates the expected output. This helps you deliver the best software to your customer’s increases your credibility.

Apex applications can be tested in 2 ways: first is by testing the user interface, the second is by testing its bulk functionality. You need to keep testing the Apex application after adding new functionality or upgrading the features of the application to ensure that no regressions are generated after the upgradation.

You must ensure these things before you deploy your code for the Salesforce AppExchange server:

  • 75% of your Apex code must be covered by unit testing and the tests must be executed successfully
  • The tests you perform must cover all the triggers
  • The classes and triggers used in your Apex code must compile successfully

Remember the following things:

  • All the unit tests in your organization namespace are executed by default when you deploy the Apex code
  • The test methods and test classes are not a part of the Apex code
  • You need to ensure that all the use cases of your application are covered when you perform unit testing. This way you will be able to test 75% of the Apex code efficiently.
  • Salesforce makes sure to run all Apex tests before any upgrades on behalf of the developer through a process called Apex Hammer. It does so in order to make verify that the functionality or the results do not get altered due to any upgradations. During the Apex Hammer process the issues found are fixed immediately and perfected before the upgrade id released.

What to test in Apex Testing?

There are few factors that you need to test your Apex code for:

  • Single action

You need to test and verify that every single record generates the expected output which is correct. This can be done by performing unit tests to check specific actions.

  • Bulk Functionality

Another thing you need to test during Apex testing is the bulk functionality of the code. Bulk actions may include trigger, class or an extension.

  • Positive behavior tests

Positive behavior tests need to be performed in order to ensure that the code generate expected output corresponding to very expected input. In this test the input values are kept within some limits and the code is tested for known values to check for expected behavior.

  • Negative behavior tests

Every application has a certain limitation to the inputs that it can take. In negative behavior tests the Apex code is tested for input values which are out of the limits to check the error messages that will be displayed in such cases.

  • Restricted test

You also need to test the code under restricted environment to check how it will perform when a user with limited access to application resources uses the application. The restrictions can include a limited access to objects or methods.


Apex Testing

Apex testing process is quite similar to any other testing methods for web based applications. Testes need to have clear knowledge of the system under test so that they can focus on testing the core functionality of the application in detail by using different techniques instead of sticking to the features offered by Salesforce.

The apex code can only be written in a Sandbox environment and it needs to be deployed into a production environment in order to be tested. All the tests in Apex testing are performed in a production.

Unit Testing in Apex

Unit testing is performed on every single action to make sure that each unit of code performs efficiently and produces expected results. The most astounding feature of the Apex testing framework is that it will enable you to create and execute tests on all the classes as well as triggers on the Lightning platform. This confirms that the code is of high quality and meets customer requirement and specifications.

Benefits of Apex unit testing:

  • It ensures that 75% of the apex code is tested and executed
  • It verifies that all the classes and triggers work as expected and produce the desired output
  • Allows the creation of quality applications that meet all the customer expectations
  • Unit tests help in meeting code coverage requirements for deploying the code to production

The apex unit testing you need to develop separate test classes for each test case.

What are test classes?

In Apex unit testing, code coverage is performed with the help of test classes. The test classes are sections or units of code that test each unit for its correct and efficient functioning.

This is how you can create test classes:

1. Create the data

You first need to create the data for the test class. You need to provide this test class access to the organization data as it cannot access this data by default. If you set @isTest(seeAllData= True) the test class will be able to access the organization data.

2. Use @is Test

You need to the @isTest annotation to specify that the test class will not be considered against the total code limit of the organization.

3. the methods with ‘testMethod’ keyword

The test methods in apex unit testing do not take arguments, commit data to the database, do not send any emails and are declared with the testMethod keyword. They can also be declared with the isTest annotation in the method definition.

4. Starting and stopping the tests

The test classes can be controlled by using the Test.startTest() and Test.stopTest() classes. These classes contain the event or action which can invoke test classes and stop them as well.

5. .assert()

This method is used to compare the expected output with the actual output that is produced.

Challenges faced while performing Apex testing

Creating apex applications is not a simple task and testing the apex code is even more complicated. Here are some of the challenges that you may face while performing Apex testing:

  • Through apex programming advanced applications are created for Salesforce or server cloud console, and testing them is not an easy task.
  • For Lightning framework user interface all the classic tests need to be recreated.
  • As mentioned earlier, there are two ways of testing Apex code: GUI test and bulk functionality test. The GUI test does not work when the code is shifted to a test environment.
  • The standard functionalities cannot be removed even if they are not in use.
  • The automated test should work in all the test environment
  • Creating field locators for the Salesforce screen can prove to be a difficult task as the field IDs differ from organization to organization.

Best Practices for Apex testing

  • The best way to conduct apex test is by using real user profiles. This way you can find all the faults from the user’s perspective
  • You should prepare the test data to verify the reports functionality
  • You should test the apex code using all the testing methods including: unit tests, GUI test, regression testing, system testing, function testing and integration testing.
  • You should pay special attention to the visual force pages which are dynamic in nature to make sure that all the elements are able to load asynchronously
  • You need to perform automation testing by using tools like Selenium and HP unified functional testing
  • You must determine the limitations to the input in order to perform positive and negative testing
  • If the code includes conditions and ternary operations you must test each possibility and condition separately to ensure that the application deliver the most efficient output in every situation
  • You must ensure that apart from the apex code being error free it should also not generate any exception.
  • Always compare the actual output with the expected output by using the System.assert method
  • You must always perform the bulk functionality test by using at least 20 records in the test.
  • Create the required test data for your test classes
  • Always test all the classes in you apex code separately. It is a bad practice to test the entire application in a single test as detecting errors becomes very difficult once the system is complete.

This was a guide to Apex testing. You need to have knowledge about the Apex language in order to be able to test apex code efficiently and resolve the errors that are encountered.


Software Testing Process – What Happens in Software Testing?

Understanding the Software Testing Process can be difficult even for the best of us. Discussed below is the basic template of the software testing process that is adapted by testers based on their particular requirements.
What is Software Testing?
Software Testing refers to the process of evaluating software and its components to identify any errors, bugs or errors that might potentially disrupt the functionality of the software.
It is essential to undertake a Software Testing Process as it bridges the gap between the existing and the required system software through the detection of the defects prior to the launch of the Software so that they can be corrected in time.

What are the Different Types of Software Testing Process?

Depending on the project requirements, budget associations and expertise of the team, Software Testing Process can be conducted in two ways
Software Testing Process
Manual Testing and Automation Testing.
1) Manual Testing
Manual Testing is the Software Testing Process that allows the tester to locate bugs or defects in the Software Program being tested.
The role of the tester is to use the software like the end user would, and then identify problems and mitigate them to ensure optimum functionality of the Software.
The tester is solely responsible for executing all test cases manually without turning to any automation tools.
The execution is undertaken by the tester preparing a test plan document detailing the systematic approach to Software Testing.
2) Automation Testing
Automation Testing is a technique that uses an application to undertake the implementation of the Software Testing Cycle in its entirety.
It uses scripted sequences executed by Testing Tools. It is a process that validates software functionality prior to the release of the Software into Production.
It is a way of simplifying manual efforts into a set of scripts that can be accessed and worked upon by the system. Automation Testing considerably reduces the time involved in the whole process of Software Testing while simultaneously enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the process.
Depending on the Software Testing Process that is followed, there are two major types of Software Testing.
These are discussed below.
1) Structured Software Testing
This is the kind of Software Testing wherein the tests and test cases are derived from a thorough knowledge of the structural code of the Software and its Internal Implementation.
Since it directly deals with the knowledge of the code, it is mostly undertaken by a trained team of developers.
2) Unstructured Software Testing
This is the kind of Software Testing that is performed without prior planning or documentation.
It is considered to be the least formal testing method and is only intended to run once unless of course an error is detected.
In that case, it is run repeatedly until the error is mitigated. Also known as Ad Hoc Testing, it is performed by Improvisation, as the sole aim is to detect a bug by taking up whatever means needed.
The following of the sequential steps that comprise the Structured Software Testing Life Cycle, ensure that standards are met with respect to the quality of the Software in question.
What are the Different Phases in the Structured Software Testing Life Cycle?
Requirement Analysis
The first step in the Software Testing Life Cycle is to identify which are the features of the Software that can be tested and how.
Any requirement of the Software that is revealed to be un-testable is identified at this stage, and subsequent mitigation strategies are planned. The Requirements that are arrived at here can either be Functional (related to the basic functions the software is supposed to do) in nature or Non-Functional (related to system performance or security availability).

  • RTM – Requirement Traceability Matrix.
  • Automation Feasibility Report

Test Planning
Now that the testing team has a list of requirements that are to be tested, the next step for them is to devise activities and resources, which are crucial to the practicality of the testing process. This is where the metrics are also identified, which will facilitate the supervision of the testing process. A senior Quality Assurance Manager will be involved at this stage to determine the cost estimates for the project. It is only after running the plan by the QA manager that the Test Plan will be finalized.

  • Test Plan or Strategy Document
  • Effort Estimation Document

Test Analysis
This stage answers to the ‘What are we testing question?’. The test conditions are understood and accessed not just through the requirements that have been identified at the first stage, but also another related test basis like the product’s risks. Other factors that are taken into account while arriving at suitable test conditions are –

  • Different levels and depth of testing
  • Complexity levels of the product
  • Risks associated with the product and the project
  • The involvement of the Software Development Life Cycle
  • Skillset, knowledge, expertise, and experience of the team
  • Availability of the different stakeholders.

Test Design
If the Software Testing Process were answers to a series of questions (which it is), this stage would answer the question – ‘How to go about testing the Software?’
The answer, however, depends on a lot of tasks that need to be completed at this point in the process.
These are –

  • Working on with the predefined test conditions. This requires breaking down of the test conditions into multiple sub-conditions so that all areas can get their due coverage.
  • Identifying and collecting all data related to the test, and using it to set up a test environment conducive to the software.
  • Developing metrics to track the requirements and test coverage.

Test Implementation
Now that all the basic structuring work has been done, the next step is to plan how the test structure that has been devised will be implemented.
This means that all test cases are to be arranged according to their priority and a preliminary review is in order to ensure that all test cases are accurate in themselves and in relation to other test cases.
If needed the test cases and test scripts will undergo an additional reworking to work with the larger picture.

  • Environment ready with test data set up
  • Smoke Test results

Test Execution
When all is said and done, this is where the real action begins. All the planning and management culminates into this – the Execution of the Software Test. This involves a thorough testing of the Software, yes, but also a recording of the test results at every point of the execution process.
So, not only will you be keeping a record of the defects or errors as and when they arise, but you will also be simultaneously tracking your progress with the traceability metrics that have been identified in the earlier stages.
Test Conclusion
This is where the Exit criteria begin by ensuring that all results of the Software Testing Process are duly reported to the concerned stakeholders.
There are different ways of making regular reports, weekly or daily. A consensus is to be arrived at between the stakeholders and the testers, to ensure that parties are up-to-date with which stage is the Software Testing Process at.
Depending on the Project Managers and their awareness of the Software Testing Process, the reports can be intensely technical or written in easily understandable non-technical language for a layman.

  • Competed RTM with the execution status
  • Test cases updated with results
  • Defect Reports

Test Cycle Closure
This last stage is more of seeing off of the Software Testing Process. It is where you tick off the checklist and make sure all actions that were started during the process have reached their completion.
This involves making concluding remarks on all actions of the testing process with respect to their execution and/or mitigation.
Also, a revisiting of the entire Software Testing Process as it concludes, will help the team in understanding and reviewing their activities so that lessons can be learned from the testing process and similar mistakes (if any) be avoided in the next Software Testing Cycle the team undertakes.

  • Test Closure Report
  • Test Metrics

This is a complete guide to the Software Testing Process. While the particulars of the process might vary depending on the specific type of Software Testing Technique that is being used by the team, the process, in general, undergoes all these steps.
Though, the end goal remains the same, i.e., to ensure that the Software has been perfected before it is passed on to the Production Team.
There is no point to having a Software that is fueled with bugs that make it impossible for the end users to use it productively. Therefore, irrespective of how it is undertaken, Software Testing is an important process in the Development of the Software.

Ideas to improve your Software Testing Process

1. Double confirm the requirements from the client. Make sure there are no ambiguities. If there are any get them sorted out at the onset. The entire quality is based on the user requirements; you cannot afford to go wrong in this area.
2. Get involved from the beginning of the development process to get a comprehensive understanding of the AUT which would, in turn, help you identify areas needing more intensive testing
3. During the design phase, you can start working on test cases based on design documents and with the help of the developers. This will mean less time for creating and updating test cases during the actual testing phase.
4. The test plan should be written by a Manager or QA lead. The good test plan will cover deadlines, scope, schedule, risk identifications among other things. Make sure to have it reviewed by the project manager as well for concurrence.
5. Ensure that the quality is maintained right from the beginning irrespective of whether it is development, testing or network support. QA’s are like the gatekeepers of quality, they should not let anything pass which is not as per the expected quality.
6. Testing as early as possible and as frequently as possible also helps get more detailed testing done. Do not worry about the number of modules delivered, if you have the bandwidth get the testing done for even a single module.
7. User training should be provided to the QA team for a better understanding of the way the product is actually used by the clients or end users. This will also help them in testing the product better.
8. While creating test cases make sure that all the permutation and combination of different types of data input are covered. Use the well-known principles like boundary value analysis (BVA), Equivalence Partitioning (EP), Decision Table This ensures that the code is tested thoroughly.
9. Always ensure that testing goes in parallel with development. Make sure to test individual modules as and when they are ready for testing instead of waiting for the completion of the entire module.
10. Make use of stubs and drivers to testing smaller modules which requiring input from other modules or are pushing data to other subsystems.
11. Make a distinction between testable and non-testable items in the requirement document and include it as part of the test plan. This will be helpful in having confusion later on.
12. Always ensure that one test case covers only 1 validation point. Though in some cases it may lead to duplication and extra effort for writing the test cases, this is needed for better traceability of the bugs.
13. Test Coverage is an important aspect of ensuring a quality product. Use a traceability matrix to make sure each requirement is mapped to at least one or more test cases. This ensures complete coverage of the system.
14. Ensure that the test case documents are completed, reviewed and signed off by the stakeholders before the actual testing starts. Also, make sure that the test cases document is made available to the rest of the team for understanding and doubt clearance if any.
15. Identify and group test cases based on their importance or priority. This is helpful at the time when only limited test cases can be run during a particular testing cycle. This grouping is also needed when you aim to run or re-run only a particular set based on their priority.
16. You can also have test cases grouped based on functionality. This is useful at the time of regression testing done after a bug fix in any particular module. For example, if there has been a bug fix related to functionality in module A, then you can pick all test cases grouped as module A for the next regression test.
17. Reviews are important to ensure correctness, following of guidelines etc. Ensure that all test cases are reviewed internally within the team (peer review) and once externally also to ensure correctness of the expected results and any other discrepancies.
18. Involve tools to make your life simpler. Tools like Quality Centre, Test Complete, Rally etc. make your life much easier by taking care of a lot of metrics generation and data collection. These tools help you manage your testing projects in a much better and more professional manner.
19. Automation is very important. It reduces manual effort on repetitive tasks. So it is always a good choice to go in for automation of modules or features which are stable and repetitive.
20. Encourage team members to come up with innovative thoughts to make the testing process less time consuming but at the same time more fruitful. Many minds at work is always better than a single one.
21. Always have clear precise and achievable deliverables. Keep a 10% buffer for retesting and other risks. Keeps you and your plan safe and viable.
22. Version control all your artefacts. This is especially important if you are using automation. Make sure the code is version controlled so you are able to create multiple branches and each one should be easy to revert back to in the worst cases if needed.
23. If feasible implement CI/CD. This ensures that each time a build is created the automation suite is run automatically to check if the basic build and its functionalities are in place or not. This helps save a lot of time as well as human error in forgetting to test a particular build.
24. Delegate responsibility to team members for modules or smaller sections. This makes them work harder for ensuring the quality
25. Always look at the software from the eyes of the user as a product and not as a project. The product is most important, think like a consumer when you use the product.
Test Environment and Teams
26. Has the environment set up in such a way that it replicates the production environment as closely as possible?
27. Ensure that all API’s, backend systems, user access, admin roles, test data and any other input needed are set up well ahead of the testing cycle. This is to ensure a loss of time in setting up when the testing window in open.
28.  Always have a healthy relationship with the development team. This will help in a quick turnaround in case of clarifications.
29. Always ensure to have constant communication with the developer at every stage of the testing process so that everyone is aware of the testing activity in the process.
30. Have at least one person from the testing team join the daily project meetings, so that the testing is aware of the modules coming up for testing in the next release and hence can start preparing for it.
31. During the testing phase, have a daily meeting within the team, to clear any doubts and get additional information where ever needed. This is also helpful in tracking the testing progress.
32. Each team has a role to play in the delivery of a good quality software product. Ensure that each team is assigned clear cut guidelines and areas, avoiding a conflict of interest.
33. Establish a clear and precise communication plan along with SPOC (Single point of contact) list and escalation matrix which will contain a list people or contacts to be used in case of any escalations or in cases where information is needed immediately.
34. It is always advisable to have the team members test a different module each time. The reason is twofold. For one the tester get a better understanding of the complete project instead of a single module and also new bugs can be found if the module is tested by fresh testers each time.
35. Always be prepared for changes and contingencies this also includes the risks. Planning such situations help you avoid panic and face the scenario more gracefully too.
36. Always maintain a risk register and review it frequently. You can also have a time slot set aside with all the stakeholders to review this risk register say weekly. Also, make sure that all risks and mitigation plans are captured accurately.
37. Maintain and update simple metrics as defect found, defects fixed and percentage completion, quality level etc. Send out these metrics to all stakeholders and people involved preferably in a pictorial format, along with the comparison with previous week’s data. This will have a much greater impact and visibility than you can imagine. Give it a try.
38. Monitor your production app. And yes for the unfortunate bugs that do find their way to production, make sure they are included as part of the regression test suite with a high priority.
Overall Issues and Reporting
All the information regarding bugs and product development should be maintained in a common Share Point or repository for everyone to access and derive reports when needed.
40. Always have a fresh and open mind when testing software. Have no assumptions. And always refer to the requirements document for doubts and clarifications.
41. The entire product module should be divided into smaller parts to ensure each and every part is tested thoroughly
42. Always ensure to have included the maximum details in the bug report which should include the user credentials, navigations or step to reproduce, expected and actual results, environment, version, logs and screenshots of the error.
43. Always give clear instructions to reproduce an issue. Do not assume that the reader will know the application. Mention each object (button, link, edit box etc.) and action to be performed (click, enter, double click etc.) along with the pages navigated.
44. Discuss and reach a consensus before the starting of the testing on the number of high priority and medium priority bugs can remain open or deferred at the time of movement to production
45. Metrics are important criteria proving the effectiveness of any testing process. Choose appropriate metrics based on the project you are working on. Defect Density, Defect Removal Rate, Testing Efficiency, Test Case Execution Rate etc. are some commonly used software testing metrics.
46. Verbal communications should be topped up by documenting the same in email and shared with relevant stakeholders. This not only creates better visibility but is also helpful in having a chronological record of communications.
47. TDD – Test Driven Development is a newer form of development which takes the base from the test cases. This can also be employed for a better quality of code development.
48. Have a UAT testing at least once before the product is released into production. This will be useful in identifying issues which are related to actual client usage. UAT testing is best performed by the users themselves.
49. Always keep a check on the time taken by the development to fix the bugs. This data is part of an important metrics which is used to calculate the overall efficiency of the development team.
50. Last but not least, trust your instincts. Yes, the QA people sense issues. So just follow your instincts, if you feel a certain area can have issues, mark my words there more chances that issues will be found in that part of the code.

As important as testing and quality assurance is, we should give it the time and resources it needs. This pays off in the long run. These tips will be helpful to you for implementing a good test strategy as well as a quality product.

Happy testing…!!!

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How does Use Case Testing Inspect User-Software Interaction?

What is use case testing? To begin with, use case is a tool which helps in defining the user interaction. Imagine a case where you are trying to create a new user registration or make changes to existing user application.

Several interactions in this step are possible and in this process, you need to think how to represent the requirements for the solution. Business developing experts here has understanding about requirement. In order to reduce miscommunications in the process and structure the communication, use case comes into the scenario.
This article will help to understand the concept of use case testing through getting to know the aspects involved in the process.
Use Case Testing
In the phases and life cycle of software development, use case plays an important role. The entire process depends on the actions of the user and response by the system to the actions. Hence it can be seen as documentation of the actions which is performed by the user or actor and then the corresponding interaction by the system to those actions. Not all the use cases are result in achieving the goal by user to the interactions with system.
In use case, the system responds to the situation or behavior. It is user-oriented rather than system oriented. That is, they are actions which are done by the actor/user and not the output produced by the system. Hence the development team writes the ‘use cases’ as this phase depends on them. The writer of use cases, team of development, customers, all of them together contribute towards the creation of use cases and testing.
The development team will assemble the cases as they are aware and highly are knowledgeable about the concepts. Once the case is implemented and document is tested, the behavior of the system is checked as required.
‘Use Case’ documents: What are they?
Use case documentation helps to gather complete overview of all the several ways in which the user interacts with system to achieve the desired objective. The documentation will help to check the requirements for the software system and what are lacking in this process.

Also Read: Agile Testing – An effective Software Testing Methodology

Who uses ‘Use Case’ documents?
As the documentation helps to get an overview of ways in which user can interact with the system, a better documentation is always required for easier results. This documentation will be useful to the software developers and software testers along with the stakeholders.
There are several types of uses to these documents. It helps developers to implement the code and design the same. Further, testers use them to create test cases. Business stake holders, on other hand, use the documentation in order to understand how the software works and their respective requirements.
Types of Use Cases
There are two types of use cases, namely, sunny day and rainy day.
Sunny day use cases: They are cases which happen when everything goes well. They are high priority use cases than others and once these are completed, we can give these to the team for undertaking a review in order to ensure that all that is required is covered in these cases.

Rainy day use cases: These can be defined as edge cases. These cases are next to important after sunny use cases. Stakeholders and product manages can help at later stage to prioritize these cases
Elements in Use Cases
The major elements of the use cases are
Brief Introduction which helps to explain the case
Actor, that is, the users which are involved in use case actions
Precondition, which is the conditions need to be satisfied before the case begins
Basic Flow, or the main scenario which is normal workflow in the system. In other words, this is flow of transactions done by actors to accomplish their goals.
Alternate flow, which is less common interaction done by actor with system
Exception flow, which prevents a user from achieving the goal
Post conditions which are required to be checked after the case is finished.
Use case testing: What is it?
The use case testing comes under functional black box testing technique. Since it is black box testing, there won’t be inspection of codes. The testing ensures that the path of user is working as required and if it can accomplish the task successfully.
Use case testing is not a type of testing which is performed to understand or assess the quality of a software. It won’t ensure that the entire application is covered. Further, based on the test result, we cannot decide the production environment.
Use case testing helps finding out defects in integration testing. It is a technique in which we can identify the test cases on basis of transactions from start to finish.
Imagine a situation where a user is buying something from online shopping website. User is first required to log in to the system and perform a search action. The user then selects items in results and will add the required in the cart.

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After this process, user is supposed to check out. This is an example how the steps are connected in the series logically where the user is performing a task in the system to accomplish his goal. These are the flow of transactions in the system from end to end is tested in the use case testing. This testing is generally a path which users are likely to use for achieving a task.
Hence the first step in testing is to review the use case documents and make sure that the functional requirements are correct and finished. Second step is to make sure that the use cases are atomic. It is further required to inspect the workflow in the system and if it is continuous. Based on knowledge of the system or domain, once the workflow is inspected and ensured right, missing steps are to be found in the work flow.
After this step, it is required to ensure again that the alternate workflow of system is complete. Testing team should make sure that the each step of use case is testable. Test cases should be written in all the situations for normal and alternate flow.
Writing Use Case Testing
It is best if the test cases for main scenario is written first and then write the second for alternate steps. These steps in test cases are from use case documents. Cases are supposed to be required as steps and user or actor must be able to enter the same. Test design techniques can be used and developed to help reducing the number of test cases which can help reducing the time taken for testing.
Writing test cases and testing is iterative process. Practice and knowledge of domain and system is required in this case. Use case testing in application can be used to find missing links and incomplete requirements. Finding and modifying the same will bring in efficiency and accuracy in to the system domain.

11 Important Software Testing Techniques (Tips Included)

2019 has already arrived with a bang; bringing us the most unique technological solutions to rule over the out-dated ones. One sector which is sure to see new techniques is that of software testing!
New approaches for testing are being introduced in the IT industry due to the emergence of development technologies like DevOps and Agile. Therefore, the need to keep up and transform your own testing techniques according to the new ones is very important.
For this reason, we have created a list of the top 11 software testing techniques that you must look forward to this year!

1. IoT Testing
The ‘Internet of Things’ is a technology that has brought with it a radical change in the way communication between multiple devices took place traditionally. This has facilitated more and more devices to be connected together.
Therefore, IoT testing is a technique that is used to test the devices based on IoT technology. This testing process is conducted with:

A few examples of how the test cases for IoT testing should be created are:

  • Check whether the required IoT devices are successful in data connections and able to get registered to the network.
  • Check whether IoT devices are capable of transmitting large amounts of user data.
  • Check that only authorized devices are able to connect to the IoT network.
  • Check whether the device automatically disconnects or not when the SIM is removed from it.

2. Integrating Manual And Automation Testing Techniques
Since automation testing is not capable of conducting tasks from every area of testing. This is why software testers always benefit most by combining the efforts of both- manual as well as automation testing techniques.
By integrating automation testing while conducting manual tests, your productivity and efficiency can increase by 10 folds! This is why it is important to recognize and segregate the test case that can be automated.
Examples of such test cases may include:

  • Test cases that are most often needed
  • Test cases which are the most time consuming
  • Test cases that have a critical need for accuracy but have scope for human errors

For example, these test cases make up around 25% of your test plan. This will mean a 25% reduction of manual efforts and time consumption!
3. Equivalence Class Testing
This type of testing allows testers to segregate test conditions into partitions. This in turn allows test cases to be designed according to the different input domains created.
The logic behind Equivalence Class Testing is that test case for any input value from one domain is equivalent to tests for every other value from that domain.
A simple example:
Consider that the input values are valid between- 5 to 15 and 55 to 65
Therefore the test conditions created will have 3 equivalence classes-
— to 4 (invalid)
5 to 15 (valid)
16 to 54 (invalid)
55 to 65 (valid)
66 to — (invalid)
Therefore, you can now select test cases according to one value from each class, i.e., 1, 6, 38, 61 and 90
5. Agile Methodology in Digital Transformation
Organizations are going big on digital transformations in the last few years. This is because it helps in building new strategies as technology as their core to improve customer value and business.
Agile helps in defining business objectives, challenges and its use cases. Therefore, adapting this methodology in digital transformation ensures the rapid generation of quality business solutions. The best practices for Agile Methodology include:

  • Creating Work Environment

It is important to create the right type of work environment for different ‘Agile teams’. Such environments must facilitate more efficient information sharing between teams. For example, the presence of the ‘burn down chart’, which tracks the amount of work completed by one team, where everyone can see it is very important.

  • Scale Agile Initiatives with Frameworks

The most common way an organization integrates Agile is by implementing it into a particular part of their business. This, however, creates a challenge if you aim to implement Agile for bringing about end-to-end changes in your organization.
This is why it is a best practice in Agile to use frameworks to make such activities easier. Examples of such frameworks include- Nexus, LeSS, and Large Scale Scrum.
6. Decision Table Based Testing
This testing technique comes into use mostly for functions that respond to different combinations of inputs. This includes identifying the functionalities where output depends on inputs.
For example, this technique can be used to check whether a ‘submit’ button becomes available to the user when all required fields are filled.
Guidelines to create the decision table are:

  • List all inputs in rows
  • Determine all the rules in columns
  • Create all feasible input combinations in the table
  • Note the outputs against each input combination at the last row of the table

7. Cloud-Based Testing Technique
Cloud based testing includes the use of cloud-based tools for testing web, installed applications and web. These tools are used to match the environments and user traffic with the real-world.
A few tips to effectively implement the cloud-based testing techniques are:

  • Set Objectives- This testing proves to be advantageous only if you have a clear objective set for your business needs. It requires cooperation between testers and developers for conducting all tests throughout the SDLC.
  • Creating Test Strategy- Before transporting your project onto the cloud, determine the tests you need to perform, the time they will take and the risks involved in them. This will help you get an estimated idea of the testing budget.
  • Plan the Infrastructure- Create test strategies that align with the infrastructure requirements needed for building the test environment.
  • Selecting a Provider- To select the best provider, compare the quality, reliability and security being offered by them.
  • Determine Level of Access- To conduct cloud-based testing many testers must have access to the cloud. Therefore, determine how many and who all can have access to it, so as to prevent the generation of additional costs from service overuse.

8. DevOps Testing
Development and Operations’ is a development methodology that integrates all development functions including development and operations in the same cycle.

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This methodology when used in software testing facilitates the testers to combine test cases, test automation and test designs so as to verify changes within the code while avoiding the product from crashing during the development phase.
A few DevOps testing technique tips include:

  • Test execution must be lean
  • Test cases required for particular builds need to be developed
  • Standardize all the environment requirements for testing and automate the deployments
  • Set exit criteria for every run to facilitate the go/no-go decision for production
  • The testers must have the ability to use different types of automation techniques over different cross-platform environments.

9. Big Data Testing
Big Data testing helps in ensuring that the quality of data is uncompromising. It’s going to be widely used testing technique this year because of the decreasing costs of data storage. In this type of testing, testers verify whether the terabytes of data have been successfully processed using supportive components like commodity cluster or not.
A few examples of the test cases in big data testing are:

  • Determine if the correct alter mechanisms, such as Mail on alert, are executed.
  • Check whether errors and exceptions are properly displayed with appropriate error messages so that error/exception handling becomes easy.
  • Implementing integration testing for complete workflow, from data ingestion till its storage or visualization.
  • Performance testing for different parameters of processing random data and monitoring parameters like time taken in execution of particular metrics.

10. Error Guessing
This is a technique where the tester bases of his test cases primarily by guessing the error which can occur in the code. The tester use their past experience to identify the problematic areas in the application.
A few guidelines for this type of testing are:

  • Test cases should be made using past experience with similar type of applications
  • Keep track of previous error areas
  • It is necessary to have an understanding of the application under test
  • The tester must have knowledge of common implementation errors
  • It is necessary to evaluate historical data and the test results obtained.

11. Risk-Based Testing Technique
This type of testing is implemented with the aim of finding out the critical errors as soon as possible with least cost. Here, functionalities are prioritized and tested according to the level to which they are error prone.
The steps to follow for effective risk-based testing include:

  • Identify and prioritize risks
  • Create test plans accordingly
  • Eliminate or add risks according to results obtained

This 2019 will be a bumpy ride for those who do not stay at par with the latest software testing techniques. Therefore, if you wish to stay ahead in the IT industry, make sure you follow the mentioned software trends to help your testers get more effective QA solutions and tools!

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Top 10 Manual Testing Tools For 2019

Software testing has both methods of manual testing and automation testing. The technique of manual testing is a process where software testers manually operate test cases and check the same without using automation tools.

Although it requires more effort than the automation, it successfully checks for bugs, if any, in the software system.
This helps to first manually check for bugs in the software before reaching the automation process. This assures the application or the software free from several types of errors and defects.
This hence helps to fix defects and at a later stage, another round of re-testing can be conducted on those defective issues by the developer. It helps to give bug-free output to the customer.
Given are the top 10 manual testing tools to look out for in 2019.
1. Selenium

Being one of the popular open source web-based testing tool, selenium provides a portable software testing framework for web applications.
One does not need to learn test scripting language but rather selenium provides playback tool for authoring the tests. It is simple, quick and easy to use because of the feature.
It also provides a test domain specific language. Any web developers can download and use this since it is an open source software without charge.
2. JMeter

JMeter is a popular and one of the most preferred open source software.
This is designed as a pure Java application to measure and assess the performance as well as functions.
Initially designed for web-based applications, it has now extended to other test functions as well. JMeter can be used with both static and dynamic resources and applications.
Wish to know about the best network scanning tool in the market? Read here
3. Loadrunner

Loadrunner is a software testing tool from Micro Focus. One can test performance, system behavior and applications under load through Loadrunner.
It is now acquired by HP and can stimulate user activities by interactions between user interfaces. It also records and analyses the key components of the application.
Because of its ability to stimulate user activities between interfaces, many still prefer this tool for their software testing.
4. Test Link

This is a web-based software testing management system which is developed by Team test.
Test Link facilitates software quality assurance and offers several support services for test suites, test cases, user management, test reports and plans along with reports and statistics.
Since it is a web-based browser, one needs to have access to a web browser and database for installing and running the same.
5. QTP

Also known as UFT software testing, it provides regression and functional test for software applications.

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QTP is used for quality assurance and has graphical user interface along with supporting keyboard and scripting interfaces.
This mechanism uses the scripting language to come up with test procedure, manipulate it and controls application.
6. Quality Center (ALM)

Formerly known as HP quality center, Quality Center offers software quality assurance including test management and business processes for IT and applications.
It is a division of HP and is acquired from Mercury Interactive Corporation. It is quite convenient and user-friendly as far as user statistics are concerned.
7. Bugzilla

Bugzilla is one of the leading bug tracking tools for several years. Having a web-based interface, it is quite simple and easy to use. It provides quality assurance and is convenient to use.
This is an open source platform and anyone is free to download and use the tool.
8. Mantis

Mantis has been quite well known in terms of its simple interface and ease in using.
It comes up with platforms to catch up with changing times. It not only has a web-based application but also later came up with its mobile version.
It is free to download and convenient to use. However in case you want it to be hosted, then they charge an affordable price which is totally worth for the features it delivers.
9. Trac
Trac is a web-based application and written using Python. It is not a specialized bug tracking system but it is one of the best manual testing tools available.
Once you integrate Trac with SCM system, it is possible to browse through the code, view history and changes made and so on.
All the issues are referred to as tickets in Trac and it comes up with ticket management system which can be used to understand defects. Hence ticket resolving can be done in later stages.
10. FogBugz

FogBugz is a web-based bug tracking system.
It refers to defects as cases and hence allows you to list, work and assign on cases created.
All the project information can be seen in terms of milestones and hence the progress of these cases can be easily tracked and evaluated in terms of milestones.
It has a simple interface and easy to use. It is not free, but rather is a commercial product, however, is reasonably priced.

Above mentioned are the top ten manual testing tools one can approach to in 2019.
With the rise of demand for software testing tools and look out for manual testing due to its ability to trace bugs and defects efficiently, one needs to look out for the tool which is not only simple and has a useful interface, but also has a test management system, test planning, and execution ability and bug trackers.

Also Read: Top 10 Automation Testing Tools 2019