26 Vital Test Scenario For Android and iOS Apps

test scenario

The smartphone scene is quickly developing, so are the mobile apps. As new devices and OS forms are being launched within months so programmers are endeavoring to stay aware of the pace of this revolution by delivering new apps to the public within the weeks.
As a result, mobile application testing turns out to be more complex and challenging. Phone applications are centered around a particular functionality and are needed to give a superior user experience. Any errors with quality will be distinguished by the end client and could lead to an immense loss to the success of the app.
In case that you need to check the stability of iOS and Android applications, at that point, you should utilize following 26 brisk test scenarios.
1. Functional Testing Scenarios

  • Ensure the required fields are not shown on the screen as discretionary.
  • Ensure the mobile works in multitask mode when needed.
  • Confirm the correctness of the page scrolling over scenarios.
  • Check the best navigation presence between vital application modules.
  • Guarantee the introduced application does not stop the ordinary activity of different applications and does not use their memory.
  • Check that the amount of adjusting errors is minimal.
  • Check the app’s automatic startup is right.

2. UI Related Scenarios

  • Check the right images sizes are shown in a good manner with Orientation.
  • Confirm that all Spell check is right on alert, error messages, error popup, and so on.
  • Check that Spinner (Size, Types) ought to be flexible according to the screen.
  • Confirm that app Logo ought not to be blurred and title of the App ought not to be incorrectly spelled.
  • Check that On Taping (Single Tap) Application Logo, Application Splash must show and it must not show up more than four seconds.
  • Confirm that any sort of text ought not to cut off.
  • Confirm that app should not perform wrong activities while rendering or considering by making user input while the handset or app is busy with rendering or processing. There should be no wrong response by the Application.
  • Check that each screen ought to be visible for the time relevant to easily read all its data by moving between screens of an app.
  • Check that error messages should clearly reveal to a user the characteristics of the issue and show what development should be made (where suitable).
  • In case that the screen takes over 5 seconds to show the page or result, it ought to contain a progress bar so the user comprehends the process is proceeding.
  • When the screen permits the changing of information without saving, it must incite users to save in case that they move to another screen or record.
  • If the user removes an item, it’s a smart approach to confirm the user with the delete confirmation alert.
  • Guarantee the test cases search for spelling or grammar errors.

3. Compatibility Testing Scenarios

  • Incoming calls, text messages, or notifications are your common examples of interrupt conditions. You need to check how the app’s behavior when the interruption ends.
  • Verify that the app goes out in the background during an incoming call. You will require one more mobile to do this.
  • Check that the alarm function is activated whenever the application is running.
  • Check if the mobile can store, get and send messages while the app is running. To check this also you will require another mobile.
  • Check what happens when the interruptions happen, and you must report these problems to the business teams to make sure that a precise action is taken to prevent users from getting irritated.

4. Carriers Testing & Network Connectivity Testing

  • One added test scenario needed to be taken into account is the performance of features may vary from one carrier to the other. So, check how the application is working at all the devices of the 2G, 3G, and 4G networks.
  • Verify error messages, for instance, “Network Error” if there is an occurrence of an inaccurate network error.
  • You must try to test application on a few of the big carriers, like Verizon, ATT, TMobile, and Sprint.
  • Check that how the application behaves when connectivity is failed or suddenly switches from 4G to 1G.

5. Security Testing Scenarios

  • Do an agile QA test on flows which incorporate personally identifiable data and information input needed from the user.
  • Double check the information is sent over reliable channels and is encrypted every time. Also, verify that it doesn’t get saved on the user’s side at any point.
  • Check that data is not leaked through the log files.
  • Ensure that all web data transferring to and coming from the application to the server side is secured.

6. In-app Purchase Workflow Test Scenarios

  • Features or services must be available after successful purchase.
  • Time of billing period and information about your subscription must be designated as per terms.
  • Check that the app will deduct a subsidized price while purchasing the subscription.
  • Guarantee the app supports payment exchanges through the payment methods Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, and so on.
  • Pricing information must be presented as per area-specific currency and requires to confirm whether the specified price has tax excluded or included.

7. Recoverability Testing Scenarios

  • Approval of the viable application recovery condition post accidental crash/interference situations.
  • Verify how the app handles a transaction amid a power failure (i.e. Battery dies or a sudden manual shutdown)
  • Check the procedure where the connection is suspended, the system has to be restored for recovering the information.

8. Usability Testing Scenarios

  • Make sure that the buttons ought to have the requisite size and be reasonable for big fingers.
  • Verify that the app gives a technique to undoing or returning an activity, on tapping the wrong item, in an acceptable time period.
  • Verify that all strings are changed over into proper languages at whatever point a language translation feature is accessible.
  • Check the app prompts the client while downloading a lot of data which might not be favorable for the performance of an app.
  • Ensure to not display menu options that are not accessible for the setting users are as of now using.
  • Check that Font size ought to be compatible.
  • Check the accessibility of the user manual.

9. Device Testing Scenarios

Must Read : 20 Open Source Mobile Application Performance Testing Tools

  • As mobile devices come in many sizes and forms, so determining which devices and what screen sizes an app ought to be optimized for is important to the overall success of the app.
  • The screen look, configuration, and feel must coordinate alternate screens in your application. (App must coordinate with the Wireframe or configuration archive presented).
  • Check every single button, picture Pixels according to screen blueprint or page schematic/wireframe. Supposed outcome: Dimensions must be the same as described in the wireframe.
  • Confirmation has to be done beginning from the least to the highest resolution.
  • A lot of testing, particularly for iOS versions, less-popular devices, and screen sizes must be done by an emulator to save time and money.

10. Load Testing Scenarios

  • Check whether the application functions according to the requirement under various load conditions.
  • Verify how many parallel users will make it unresponsive or will crash your application.
  • Check what it would take before the application starts to slow down (when it is able to be utilized but a performance lag is evident). For instance, a few e-commerce apps become very challenging to control after adding some items to a cart, a tester should document the situation under which an application will slow down gradually.

11. Performance Testing Scenarios

  • Check battery life, product and/or hardware to decide whether it can control projected load volumes.
  • Verify the application longevity at whatever time the user load is severe.
  • Verify the network performance during moving around with the mobile.
  • Verify every required CPU cycle is optimized.
  • Check that there is visual feedback as the response to any action which is taking over three seconds.
  • Check whether the new feature has any effect on the device and its battery performance.

12. Regression Testing Scenarios

  • Check that when even a small code change is done, the comprehensive flow yet operates as required after the development of the feature is finished.
  • Make sure that the end-to-end flow touched by a developer works even after a transition has been made.

13. Monkey Test Scenarios

  • Verify whether the app is delayed while continuously dragging the screen to the top or bottom end.
  • Verify if continuous tapping on the create or save button leads to creating duplicate records.
  • Check if continuously tapping on Load More button results in an application crash.
  • Check if the app is crashing, while rigorously scrolling the list up and down.

14. Testing Integration with Apple App & Google Play Store

  • Check app deployment on Apple App store or/and Google Play and accessible to end users for installation.
  • Verify app information represented on the store like App description, version, screenshots etc.

15. Installation/ Uninstallation ProcessTesting

  • In this test scenario, check for crashes or any other issues that might happen during installation.
  • Check the device storage after the app is uninstalled to ensure that the application data has fully removed.
  • Check that after an automatic update the app is working successfully.

16. Testing Accelerometer, GPS Functionality

  • Verify that the accelerometer readings are being recorded correctly and used appropriately in the apps.
  • Check how will your Navigation apps respond in case the GPS has turned off abruptly during the process.
  • If your app is dependent on additional sensors that implement extra functionality like luminosity, temperature etc. then make sure to test for situations when they aren’t available or do not work correctly.

17. Battery and Data Consumption Testing

  • Check how the app is running under various battery levels and how it is functioning.
  • Ensure that application is not consuming more battery usage.
  • Check the data used by the app when in use. It’s a great strategy to verify that when your app under test that is running in the background takes less than 10MB data usage.

18. Localization and Time zone Testing

  • In case that your app is multilingual, it should be tested in different languages to guarantee that there is no data truncation issue, character encoding problem, or any UI issues because of fluctuating character lengths.
  • Check apps to guarantee that they can handle timezone settings.
  • Check how do apps handle date and time sections which are in succession yet not in a sequential need.

19. Test hardware connectivity

  • Check the Bluetooth, USB, Wi-Fi, NFC connectivity options to ensure they share files and work as expected.
  • You ought to likewise test to perceive how they manage errors when the connection is lost during the transferring.

20. Social Networking Integration Testing

  • Check how the fundamental options function with the social network platforms.
  • Check whether the app can prompt the users prior to publishing the post on their account.
  • Check if they’re being permitted to share the status message being shared.

21. Laboratory Testing
Check that there is no glitch while an application uses voice and/or data connection when having voice chat with the customer support members.
22. Syncing Issue Testing
Make sure to check that the application either continues to run offline or at least show a suitable error message(404) to the user.
23. Certification Testing
Verify that the app adheres to the guidelines of the Android or iOS phones platforms when installed.
24. Check All Log Files and Restrict Permission Testing

  • Connect the mobile to a computer to verify the log files, looking for errors, warnings, stack traces, and any sort of data that is not permitted to be there.
  • Verify the log level before presenting the app to the app store.
  • Verify that the app is utilizing only the permissions that the application needs.

25. Compatibility with Browser Testing Scenario

  • Ensure that the browser you prefer support app like yours. In case there are problems with the browser, the app’s performance would also be affected.
  • Make sure that app can support a browser that isn’t presently a part of the metrics although can be added if a need arises.

26. Multi-touch or Single Touch testing
Thoroughly test the multi-touch features such as pinch to zoom or pinch to shrink etc. and create a plenty of test cases for this for every applicable screen.

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