Robot Framework: A Boon To Software Testing

Robot Framework: A Boon To Software Testing

Robot Framework is a marvel in the testing industry. The framework is open source and above all, it understands test and HTML!

It has simple to-utilize, unthinkable test information language structure and it uses the keyword-driven testing approach.
The framework can reach its full potential with the help of test libraries executed either with Programming languages such as Python or Java, and clients can make new higher level keywords from existing ones utilizing a similar syntax structure that is utilized for making test cases.
Robot Framework
Released under Apache license 2.0, Robot Framework is a testing framework that has been put to use widely by testers.
The framework has got standard test libraries and can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java.
Key Features of Robot Framework

  • Business Keyword Driven, forbidden and straightforward punctuation for experiment advancement
  • Allows making of reusable larger amount catchphrases from the current watchwords
  • Allows making of custom catchphrases
  • Platform and application autonomy
  • Support for standard and outside libraries for test mechanization
  • Tagging to order and choose test cases to be executed
  • Easy-to-peruse reports and logs in HTML arrange

Have a look at the Video Representation by Raghav Pal about Robotics Framework
Composing Test Cases
Association of Test Cases
As far as the physical organization is concerned, Robot Framework underpins HTML and a custom plain content arrangement. It likewise underpins restructuredText, however, it’s extremely the plain content organization in RST code squares.

Also Read: 10 Best Android App Testing Frameworks

A gathering of experiments is known as a test suite. Normally, a test suite is spoken to by a document. Test suites can likewise be gathered together in an index. Gatherings of test suites can likewise be assembled into a larger amount registry. This gathering can go on the same number of levels as wanted.
Test Setup
There is some process to set up before you can run test cases. As a matter of first importance, the Appium Library should be stacked with the goal that we can utilize its keywords.
Additionally, we have to interface with the Appium server process and give data about the gadget and the application that are being tried.
The Robot Framework document is separated into areas. This sort of setup can go to the Settings segment of the document, though the experiments go to the Test Cases area.
Running Tests
Coming up next is a rundown of ventures for running a test.

  • Manufacture the application. (Watch that APK exists.)
  • Ensure Appium is running.
  • Interface the objective gadget to the machine where Appium is running.
  • Run the robot order with the test suite record and design factors as contentions.
  • Beginning Up Appium

Running Appium is basic. Simply run the appium direction in a different terminal with no contentions, and you can keep it running out of sight.
Appium has to know where the Android SDK is introduced. Guarantee that the ANDROID_HOME condition variable is set.
Running the Robot Command
The robot direction is a piece of the Robot Framework and it’s in charge of executing the information test records.

In an instructional exercise, we introduced the Robot Framework utilizing Virtualenv. In this way, try to initiate the environment in the present shell before running the robot direction.
Something else, the shell won’t have the capacity to discover the robot order.
Final verdict
Robot Framework robotizes portable application tests. It gives you a chance to compose tests in a coherent, table arrangement that can likewise work as prerequisite documentation. It produces pleasant reports with screen captures to share among the colleagues. You can robotize the QA procedure steadily by including Robot Framework test cases for the existing application.
Whenever wanted, you can pursue the ATDD style to compose necessities as Robot Framework test cases.
Inside, Robot Framework uses Appium as a computerization operator. The Appium Library is an interface between Robot Framework and Appium.
On the Robot Framework side, it gives catchphrases to controlling versatile applications and gadgets. It changes over the catchphrases into directions comprehended by Appium.

Also Read: Test Automation Frameworks: Future of Software Testing