Enjoy endless testing support for your software – only with Testbytes

endless testing support with Testbytes

Testing is an integral part of any software development process. It is by testing that developers find out the wrinkles that need to be ironed out to provide a great user experience. But how long do you need testing support? Is it enough to have support until your application is launched?
Software testing is a never ending process as there would be changes happening all the time that would inevitably cause your application to misbehave or fail. It might be a small aspect that hardly affects most of your users, or it might be a glaring issue. One thing is clear, though. Without continuous testing support, your application will probably aggravate a lot of defects over time.

When is testing stopped under normal situations?
Under normal conditions, testing is stopped when:

  • There are not any more high priority defects
  • The rate of finding defects have fallen dramatically
  • The budget for testing reaches its limit
  • The risk factor seems to be under the acceptable limit

How does Testbytes differ?
At Testbytes, our clients are our foremost concern. When we test an application, we ensure that a thorough job is done. However, as mentioned earlier, testing is a never ending process. The testers discover defects, developers fix them and again it comes back to testers and it goes on as a cyclical process.
From a quality perspective, when your application is defect-free, it is a testimony to our testing process. In other words, we own the quality aspect of your application and therefore it is our responsibility to ensure the quality of your application before the release. Therefore we would continue to monitor it for years to come, providing full fledged support system to ensure that your application is running seamlessly. If we identify a risk, we alert the stakeholders as soon as possible and avert any forthcoming issues.
We help build frequent sanity tests that are automated to run at specific times of the day, week or month as required. Sanity testing is performed on the application in order to check whether we need to perform further testing. It is conducted very often to confirm that the application is stable.
With our endless testing support, it becomes easy for you to maintain the quality of your application. A better quality application can get more positive reviews from your end users.